引用本文:李 琳,田彩红,廖 斌.外来劳动力技能多样性对城乡融合的影响——基于长江经济带县域的实证研究[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2024,(1):29-39
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李 琳,田彩红,廖 斌 (湖南大学 经济与贸易学院湖南 长沙 410079) 
中文关键词:外来劳动力技能多样性  城乡融合  农业技术创新  厚劳动力市场
Impacts of the Diversity of Migrant Labor Skills on Urban-Rural Integration:Empirical Evidence Based on the Counties in the Yangtze River Economic Belt
Abstract:This paper measures the level of urban-rural integration development in the counties of the Yangtze River Economic Belt by the entropy method, and uses the data from the National Monitoring of Mobility Survey to construct indicators of the diversity of migrant labor skills, then empirically tests the effects and mechanisms of the diversity of migrant labor skills on the development of urban-rural integration in the counties. The study found that: the level of urban-rural integration development in the counties in the Yangtze River Economic Belt shows a fluctuating upward trend and a spatially divergent pattern of downstream counties > upstream counties > midstream counties; the diversity of migrant labor skills can significantly contribute to urban-rural integration in the county, while there is regional heterogeneity in the impact and in the direction of inflow. The effect of the diversity of migrant labor skills in promoting urban-rural integration in counties is more pronounced in downstream counties and in urban cluster counties, and the effect of diversity of migrant labor skill diversity in rural areas is greater. Mechanistic tests reveal that the diversity of migrant labor skills accelerates the formation of a thick labor market, promotes agricultural technology innovation and in turn promotes urban-rural integration in the county.
keywords:diversity of migrant labor skills  urban-rural integration  agricultural technology innovation  thick labor market
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