李 静,李 林.回归“人”的生命:幼儿教师专业伦理建设的本质应然[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2021,37(12):59-65
Returning to Life as “Human”: Nature Essence of Preschool Teachers’ Professional Ethics Construction
投稿时间:2021-10-21  修订日期:2021-11-08
DOI:doi:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2021. 12. 009
中文关键词: 教师  生命  专业伦理
英文关键词: teacher  life  professional ethics
李 静,李 林 (西南大学教育学部重庆 400700) 
摘要点击次数: 686
全文下载次数: 540
      In the context of teacher as “human”, the construction of teachers’ professional ethics should naturally point to the growth of “human” life: ethics starts from the needs of the objective existence of human life, develops in the connection between oneself and other’s life, and always pursues the meaning and value of life. However, the natural relationship between life and ethics has not been paid attention to in the construction orientation, cultivation content and development path of preschool teachers’ professional ethics, and cannot play its role. Therefore, the construction of preschool teachers’ professional ethics needs to return to the life of teacher as “human”, leading the orientation with the happiness of life, nourishing the relationship with the value of life, and supporting the development with the power of life.
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