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彭建刚,张倚胜,刘凡璠 (1.湖南大学 金融管理研究中心湖南 长沙4100792.平安银行 长沙分行湖南 长沙410011) 
中文关键词:宏观审慎监管  资产负债比例管理  RAROC  经济资本
Improvement of Asset Liability Ratio Management of Bank under the Coordination of Prudential Supervision
Abstract:The original asset liability ratio index system of commercial banks takes insufficient account of macro-prudential and micro-prudential aspects, and lacks adequate consideration of requirements in counter-cyclical, as well as dynamic management and function of economic capital. Through the introduction of economic capital constraints and macro-prudential idea, the linear programming model of asset liability ratio management of commercial banks gets improved. The improved management model adapts to the dynamic capital management, so that the asset liability ratio management could meet the new requirement of the coordination of macro-prudential supervision and micro-prudential supervision. Meanwhile, the improved model realizes the combination of asset liability ratio management of commercial banks and the concept of economic capital management under macro-prudential framework. Therefore, it improves the ability of risk management of commercial banks.
keywords:macro-prudential  asset liability ratio management  RAROC  economic capital
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