Traction Role of Comprehensively Deepening Reforms in Service Industry Development ——Preliminary Thinking in Studying “Decision on Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reforms Issued by Central Committee of Communist Party of China”
中文关键词:  全面深化改革  生产者服务业  消费者服务业  社会公共服务业
英文关键词:comprehensively deepening reforms  producer services  consumer services  social public services
刘志彪 江苏省社会科学院,江苏 南京 210013 
摘要点击次数: 607
全文下载次数: 515
      The decision concerning comprehensively deepening reforms issued in the 3rd Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has no special discussion on the reform of service industry, but it will determine the development of China’s service industry in its basic characteristics, path choice and economic performance. It is the fundamental principle to guide, plan and predict the industrial development, especially service industry development. Based on the classification of service industry, according to different factors to determine producer services, consumer services and social public services, this paper academically combs the clues in the Decision issued by plenary session, which will influence the reform, innovation and development of China’s service industry. On that basis, it makes a strategic thinking and further analysis and proposes the concrete policy and suggestion to speed up the healthy development of China’s modern service industry. 
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