Circular Economy and the Change of Enterprise Management
中文关键词: 循环经济  企业经营管理  绿色变革
英文关键词: Circular economy  Enterprise management  Green revolution
郭汉丁 天津大学管理学院博士后, 山西师范大学基建处高级工程师 
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      循环经济已经成为时代发展的必由之路。循环经济技术特征表现为资源消耗的减量化、再利用和资源 再生化, 其核心是提高生态环境的利用效率。在工业体系中实现循环经济的形式有三个层次, 即单个企业的清洁 生产、企业间共生形成的生态工业园区以及产品消费后的资源回收再生。清洁生产的实质是减量化, 生态工业园 区实现的途径是产业链间的资源充分利用, 企业协调发展, 资源回收再生的本质是废弃物的再生资源化。企业实 施循环经济必须实现企业经营管理战略、管理理念、经营目标、设计技术、管理体系、营销策略的绿色变革, 实现企 业可持续发展。
      I t is necessary for the age to develop circular economy .The traits of circular eco nomy in technolo gy are reduction in resource consumption , reusing resources, recycling .To raise efficiency of ecological environment is at the core .I n industry system , there are three fo rms to realize circular eco nomy :cleaner production , eco-industry and recy cling .Cleaner productio n in essence is reduction in quantity .Eco-industry is good use of resources between industry chains.Recycling in nature is to recycle waste pro ducts. So , it is urgent for enterprises to change in strategy , idea , target , desig n, market , and management system for realizing circular economy and their sustainable dev elo pment .
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