收入不平等、需求有限性与经济增长效应研究 ——基于30个国家面板数据的分析
引用本文:陈昆亭,侯博文.收入不平等、需求有限性与经济增长效应研究 ——基于30个国家面板数据的分析[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2022,(4):45-55
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陈昆亭,侯博文 (云南财经大学 经济学院云南 昆明 650221) 
中文关键词:收入不平等  结构性参数  需求有限性  经济增长
Research on Income Inequality,Limited Demand and Economic Growth Effect ——An Analysis Based on the Panel Data of 30 Countries
Abstract:From the perspective of income inequality, this paper explores the causes of insufficient demand and the internal impact mechanism. The study finds that the overall effective demand level plays a mediating role in the impact of income inequality on economic growth. The value of structural parameters of household income in the theoretical model is used to indicate the degree of income inequality, which is different from the traditional use of the Gini coefficient method to measure the level of income disparity. Based on the panel data of 30 countries from 2000 to 2019, the structural parameters of household income were simulated and set as core explanatory variables, and the relationship between structural parameters of household income, the overall effective demand level and the growth rate of per capita GDP was analyzed. The empirical results revealed that the increase in structural parameters of household income will lead to a decline in the overall effective demand level and thus limit sustainable economic growth. The structural parameters of household income have a significant negative relationship with the growth rate of per capita GDP. The continuous expansion of increasing income inequality has restricted the continuous growth of overall effective demand, and the formation of insufficient overall effective demand further restricts the continuous growth of the overall economy. The research in this area provides a new perspective for understanding the current insufficient domestic and foreign demand and the growth phenomenon in the post-industrialization stage.
keywords:income inequality  structural parameters  limited demand  economic growth
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