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陈伟 (武汉大学 简帛研究中心,湖北 武汉430072) 
中文关键词:睡虎地秦简  日书  《马禖祝》
Proof of Ri Shu Ma Mei Zhu in Bamboo Slips of Shuihudi Tomb of the Qin Dynasty
Abstract:This paper is proof of the Bamboo Slips of Shuihudi Tomb of the Qin Dynasty. Pointed out the possibility of that “Ma Mei Zhu”is a chapter title;“Gou”is a keyword in the congratulatory speech; read as “Gou”,means justice; trimmer Interpreted as “Jiao”Interpretation should be changed into “Qu”,Refers to the flank.
keywords:proof of the Bamboo Slips of Shuihudi Tomb of the Qin Dynasty  Ri Shu  Ma Mei Zhu
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