农村环境治理 70 年:历史演变、转换逻辑与未来走向
The Change of China's Rural Environmental Governance from 1949 to 2019: Basic History, Transformation Logic and Future Trend
中文关键词: 农村环境  治理  政策文本  乡村振兴
英文关键词: Rural environment  Governance  Policy text  Rural revitalization
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“农村环境综合整治 PPP 项目绩效评价及影响机理研究” (41901263);教育部人文社科基金项目“农村环境治理 PPP 模式有效性研究”(19YJC630029)。
杜焱强 南京农业大学公共管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 2128
全文下载次数: 928
      农村环境治理既是农村农业发展的奋斗史,也是我国环境保护的显微镜。 新中国成立 70 年来,农村环境治理历经了政策空白、制度初创、领域开拓、全面加速和总体深化五个阶段。 贯穿始终的转换逻辑主线是,治理理念中价值取向从环保边缘转向美丽乡村、政策思路从碎片思维趋向系统工程;治理结构中制度设计从单一性到多样化、主体从政府主导到多元合作、供给从项目建设到长效持续;治理技术中技术逻辑从工程主义到适用技术、组织方式从粗放管理趋精细治理。 下一步,要客观面对我国农村环境治理的主要挑战,理清环境整治与乡村振兴、政府投入与群众动员、设施建设与长效管护、末端治标与源头治本等问题,再现山清水秀、天蓝地绿、村美人和的美丽乡村画卷。
      Based on the national-level policy texts from 1949 to 2019, this paper reviews the basic process of rural environ-mental governance in China, and then focuses on the three-dimensional analysis of its transformation logic from the perspective of theory, and finally looks forward to its future direction. The study found that in the past 70 years, China's rural environmental governance can be divided into five stages: policy gap, system initial creation, field development, overall acceleration and overall deepening. The main thread of transformation logic that runs through its governance policy changes is: the governance concept shifts from the edge of environmental protection to the beautiful countryside in terms of value orientation, and the policy ideas move from fragment thinking to system engineering; governance structure is institutionally from monolithic to diversified. The government leads the multi-cooperation, supply from project construction to long-term sustainability; governance technology in the technical logic from engineeringism to applicable technology, organizational methods from extensive management to fine governance. In the next step, we must objectively face the main challenges of rural environmental governance in China, and we must systematically clear out issues such as environmental remediation and rural revitalization, government investment and mass mobilization, construction and longterm management, end-of-war treatment and source-based treatment.
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