Analysis of the Legal Status of the Village Committee
中文关键词: 村民委员会  村民自治  法人
英文关键词: Village committee  Village self-g overnance  Legal person
基金项目:中国-欧盟村务管理培训项目资助(项目合同 号:ALA/CHN/96/ 3-VG/ PMO/AR/2004 2 027)
任自力 京航空航天大学法学 院副教授, 法学博士 
摘要点击次数: 535
全文下载次数: 19
      《宪法》与《村民委员会组织法》中关于村民委员会性质与法律地位规定的疏漏, 是实践中人们对村民委 员会性质与法律地位认识存在混乱及实践中村民委员会诉讼地位存在争议的根本原因。重新设置《宪法》中的村 民自治条款、完善《村组法》的规定, 单一化村民委员会的含义, 并赋予村民自治体以独立法人资格, 是明晰村民委 员会法律地位、纠正相关错误认识的根本途径。
      The o versight in the prescriptions of the nature and legal status of the village committee in the Constitutio n and the Organizational Law for the Village Committee is the root causing the confusions of understanding of the nature and leg al status of the villag er committee and of the disputes on litigation status of the village committee.The fundamental approach to clarify the leg al status of the village committee and to cor rect the mistakes in understanding is to revise the relevant clauses in the Constitution and improve the provisions in the organizational law for the village committee , to singularise the implication of the village committee and to g rant the status of legal person to the village self-governance bo dy .
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