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李素芳,徐钰楚,王定国 (中南财经政法大学 统计与数学学院湖北 武汉 430073) 
中文关键词:非对称效应  非线性  贝叶斯分析  高耗能  能源消费
The Bayesian Asymmetric Influence of Energy Consumption in Chinese Energy Intensive Industries
Abstract:This paper proposes two regime nonlinear FAVAR model, and from the perspective of Bayesian analysis, the influence of energy consumption to macroeconomics and environmental pollution variables are studied in Chinese energy intensive industries. Nationally, energy consumption and exhaust emissions data of Chinese energy intensive industries are collected. Nonlinear FAVAR model is used to examine the asymmetric influence of energy consumption. The results suggest that there exists asymmetric effects from energy consumption increase or decrease to GDP, FDI and the main environmental pollution variables. However, these effects are generally temporary.
keywords:asymmetry  nonlinear  Bayesian analysis  energy intensive  energy consumption
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