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吴仰湘  杨艳萍
湖南大学岳麓书院 湖南长沙410082 (吴仰湘)
,湖南大学岳麓书院 湖南长沙410082(杨艳萍)
基金项目:全国高校古籍整理研究工作委员会 (2 0 0 3) 0 35 1号
中文摘要:根据《师伏堂日记》可以窥探皮锡瑞经学观 ,归之为三 :通经致用的为学旨趣、“义理必兼考证”的治经方法和力戒门户的经学立场。皮氏以其治学主张与成就 ,使今文义例之学、典制之学和经世之学融为一体 ,堪称清代今文经学之集大成者。
Pi Xi-rui''''s Basic Concepts of Confucian Classics:A Study Based on His Unpublished Diary
WU Yang-xiang  YANG Yan-ping
Abstract:The unpublished diary of Pi Xirui, a master of Confucianism in Late Qing Dynasty, now becomes one of the most valuable firsthand materials for the study of Pi's career, thought and learning. Based on this diary, this article attempts to make a survey to P
keywords:Pi Xirui,the Diary of Shifu Tang,the New Text Confucianism in Late Qing Dynasty,
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