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全球营销战略模型的检验指标创建及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在继承国外学者有关全球营销战略的理论模型基础上,开发和创建了测度该模型的一整套指标体系,用以对60家全球型跨国公司(均为“财富全球500强”)在中国市场上实施的全球营销战略从内外部驱动力、战略表现和经营业绩方面进行相关性检验,对在华跨国公司全球营销战略的基本模式和运作特点作出评价,据此对中国企业参与全球竞争、发展跨国经营战略提出有针对性的管理建议  相似文献   

全球营销作为21世纪指导跨国公司在全球市场扩张的全新营销理论和战略构架,得到了管理理论界和企业界的普遍关注.随着WTO各项准入规则在中国的实施,中国市场将在更大的范围内和更深的程度上与国际市场并轨,中国企业融入国际市场、参与全球化竞争已经迫在眉睫.本文主要研究全球营销战略的主要观点、基本模式、整合的全球营销战略--IGMS模型及全球营销及其整合战略的结论及其对中国企业发展国际化战略的启示.  相似文献   

产品标准化战略作为跨国公司全球营销战略重要的经营模式,一直以来,在理论和实践方面都受到跨国公司的普遍关注,在全球营销战略领域表现出极强的实践性.但是,迄今为止,尚缺乏一个对理论和实践均具有指导意义的产品标准化战略的综合模型.本研究在继承、发展以往学者有关产品标准化战略的零散研究基础上,对产品标准化战略的内涵和影响该战略的内外部因素进行了深入、系统的梳理、归纳和提炼,构建了"产品标准化战略理论模型",并对60家"世界500强"在华跨国公司的调研数据进行了实证检验,丰富和发展了全球营销战略理论.  相似文献   

中国产业市场企业全球营销战略驱动因素实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴晓云  张峰 《管理学报》2007,4(5):636-643,673
以中国产业市场企业的跨国经营为背景,应用中国企业全球化营销战略模型,以宝钢、鞍钢、中石化、中海油等19家企业为例,对我国钢铁、石化和机械等重化工产业领域中企业的全球化营销战略与内外部关键驱动变量群组的关系进行实证检验,找出对战略产生关键影响的若干内部因素,据此进行深入分析并给出具有针对性的对策和建议.  相似文献   

吴晓云  张峰 《管理科学》2007,20(3):30-37
标准化作为全球营销战略的标志性立论,强调以全球整体化的视角看待各个国家市场,强调发掘并充分利用各国市场的趋同性特征,由于其规模经济和低成本优势,营销标准化战略成为当今跨国公司在全球市场迅速扩张的有力武器.在对以往文献梳理归纳的基础上,构建营销标准化战略的影响因素概念模型,利用81家中国制造型跨国企业的调研数据对模型进行了验证.实证分析表明,关于营销标准化的若干结论基本适用于中国跨国企业,标准化战略的影响因素可以聚合为外部标准化条件和组织管理特征两个变量,前者从外部产业和市场结构的角度解释了跨国企业实施标准化战略的潜力差异,后者揭示了组织文化、组织结构等管理特征对跨国企业标准化战略执行力度的影响,所获得的实证结论对中国制造型企业的跨国经营有借鉴和参考价值.  相似文献   

吴晓云  卓国雄  邓竹箐 《管理世界》2005,(10):139-146,167
在贯彻全球品牌战略的过程中,各跨国公司经常会在标准化与本土化之间处于模棱两可、进退两难的境地,有时可能陷入脱离东道国市场的盲目标准化的思路,有时又可能实行完全本土化的思路。这两种方式都不恰当。本文剖析了摩托罗拉中国电子有限公司的全球品牌战略案例,并对进入中国市场的60家跨国公司的品牌战略进行了实证分析,针对跨国经营全球品牌的形成条件、战略优势、经营模式、管理体系及跨国公司执行全球品牌战略时所遇到的一系列问题,辩证地阐述并创立了跨国公司“全球标准品牌战略与本土化运作管理模式”。  相似文献   

本文应用中国企业的全球营销战略模型(CGMS),选取在国内具有影响力和代表性的IT、生物制药等高科技企业为调查样本,对其全球营销战略与内外部关键影响力因素关系的机理进行探索性检验,找出制约高科技企业提升全球营销战略表现的瓶颈因素,并据此给出若干建议和对策,以期对我国高科技企业提升全球化战略有所裨益。  相似文献   

战略联盟日益成为跨国公司在全球竞争中所推行的主流战略。战略联盟的蓬勃兴起对世界经济发展产生了十分深刻的影响,对中国企业提出了严峻的挑战,同时也提供了一个良好的机遇。如何在实践中正确地吸收和借鉴国外跨国公司的发展战略,特别是未来的竞争战略,不断探索出一条适合我国企业自身特点的经营之路,成为我国企业进一步发展的关键。  相似文献   

跨国公司视世界市场为“经营平台”,它试图利用各国比较优势和地域社会经济文化的差异,来获得规模经济和利润的增长。但是.国际化经营又产生了两大压力,即降低成本的压力和顾及地域差异的压力。为满足各个地区顾客的多样化需求。跨国公司必须根据各个国家或地区的市场环境,设计、生产和销售适合当地需要的产品和服务,并能有效地协调不同国家和地区的生产经营活动,即奉行本土化策略。本文从以下4个方面展开论述:全球本土化国际市场营销策略的有关理论、跨国公司全球本土化战略类型的划分、实施全球本地化营销策略的理由、跨国公司营销本土化的战略选择。  相似文献   

随着商品经济的发展,企业营销形势逐渐形成。在经济全球化的促使下,企业间的竞争也是日益剧烈,企业市场营销战略水平直接对企业的发展和经济效益产生影响。良好的企业营销战略是根据市场的动向及时改变相应的营销策略,以此来保证企业营销战略的高度运行。但是目前许多企业为了迎合市场的需求,盲目的改变自己的营销战略,这对于企业的经济是存在极大威胁的。企业应该将自身作为重点,结合市场的导向,积极的改善营销战略,从而提高企业市场经营的效率。本文将对各企业的营销战略的误区进行分析,相对应的提出一些对策,希望可以再企业经营方面起到一定的作用。  相似文献   

Global economic corporations have global environmental responsibilities that include reporting that extends to their entire global operation. The 1999 Benchmark Survey of The State of Global Environmental Reporting surveys and compares the global reporting practices of the largest one hundred corporations in the world. Global environmental reporting is increasing and is now standard among firms in the electronics, automobile manufacturing, and chemicals sectors. From the 1998 survey to the present, the number of global environmental reporters rose from thiry-nine to forty-four firms. If one discounts the minimal reporting among financial services firms, sixty percent of the Global 100 produced a global environmental report (GER). The quality of reporting also increased dramatically in key areas as Global environmental management system (EMS) standards and specifications and global use of Design for Environment (DfE) and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) tools increased.  相似文献   

With the collapse of the bi-polar world, we live in an increasingly integrated global economy, which includes economic, political, and cultural dimensions. We argue that there is a need for a global ethic commensurate with a global economy, based upon the claims of interdependence, economic insecurity, multiculturalism, and shared problems. The need to identify some common cross-cultural ethical norms is asserted as an important component of a global ethic and various sources and means for such identification are proposed. Finally, we propose reasons why global corporations ought to embrace cross-cultural ethical norms within their own corporate ethics.A version of this paper was first delivered at a joint business faculty seminar co-sponsored by Anadolu University and Baldwin-Wallace College, held at Anadolu University, Eskischir, Turkey, in December 1992. I express deep gratitude to my losts from Aanadolu University and special thanks to Professor Selva Herekman, who painstakingly translated my English text into Turkish.  相似文献   

Setting up a corporate global strategy is only half the story. Implementing it successfully involves much skill and is a very challenging task. Lawrence Hrebiniak reviews both the general issues and specific needs of global strategy. Next, he categorizes four stages that companies go through in pursuit of their global destiny. In the last, and most important of these — co-ordinated global strategy — there are routes to success, used separately or together. These are: creating a cadre of effective global managers, forming strategic alliances, and employing lateral or matrix type structures. A final check-list itemizes implementation requirements by stage of global strategy.  相似文献   

The author, a well known consultant on planning for technology, argues cogently for planning on a global scale. The alternative to widespread recognition and acceptance of the need for global planning is, he says: “the choice of which of the weapons existing we, as a species, shall use to commit suigenicide.”  相似文献   

This paper reviews the extant literature on global strategy. We argue that the literature has developed along three major directions, namely: (1) the literature identifying the emergence of a global village; (2) the literature identifying the advantages to a firm following a global strategy; and (3) the literature addressing the management challenges and the implementation issues faced by an international firm. We find that the literature has arrived at a number of important conclusions, namely: (1) the global environment places conflicting demands on participating firms; (2) there is no one strategy called global strategy, firms adopt different strategies to compete in the global arena; (3) the benefits accruing from a global strategy are contingent on the industry environment; (4) it is imperative to have multidimensional capabilities in the global arena; (5) matrix structures are becoming increasingly vital in implementing global strategies; and, finally, (6) the actual benefits of adopting matrix structures are contingent on the adoption of appropriate management processes. We identify the trends in the literature and suggest some directions for further research on the topic.  相似文献   

A research model of the impact of a multinational corporations’ (MNC) global strategic orientation on global IT infrastructure was developed using global integration, or the degree to which a global strategy is actually implemented, as a mediator. A “matched pair” survey of 94 MNCs was conducted (two respondents per firm) in order to guard against common source bias. The results showed that the firms that pursue a globally oriented strategy actually enacted these strategies as indicated by a wide-variety of resource flows across national units. The role of the level of global integration as a mediator between global strategic orientation and global IT capabilities was empirically demonstrated. This confirms that a global strategy is not sufficient to ensure that an enabling IT infrastructure will be developed; rather it is the actual level of integration and interdependence that is achieved as a result of the strategy that drives IT infrastructure. The primary areas in which global integration was found to be closely linked to the global IT infrastructure were human resources, which significantly influenced the reach, range, support services and planning of the global IT infrastructure, and information resources which significantly influenced the planning dimension of the infrastructure. These results strongly suggest that the transfer of people among national units creates an information needs “pull” which leads to the development of better IT infrastructure and that the “push” of standardized information also contributes positively.  相似文献   

Thermal coal is used to produce energy; with changing emissions standards and advents in renewable technology, the thermal coal market has seen significant transformation over the past decade. We develop a mixed-integer optimization problem that seeks to minimize shipment costs while meeting demand for thermal coal, and which respects quality constraints, supply limits, and port capacity; we use this model to analyze the following scenarios: (i) a counterfactual setting in which we compare historical shipping patterns to model results using a 2012 base year; (ii) the explicit effect of Chinese mandates on coal shipments; (iii) the impact on our shipping patterns of reduced Chinese and Indian demand; (iv) the effects of the Baltic Dry Index and oil prices; and (v) a comparison of shipments prior and subsequent to Panama Canal expansion. Our work can be used to inform policy, study responses to variable price and demand scenarios, and provide insight to both coal producers and consumers about the international coal market. For example, removal of mandates set by the Chinese government to fill its own demand decreases coal flows from Northern to Southern China by 56%, which has a spill-over effect on European and American markets; and, expansion of the Panama Canal leads to only modest shipping increases through the canal (6.7%), with more coal originating from Colombia serving Asian demand.  相似文献   

Current debates in global strategy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Debates help drive research forward. This paper is unique in its review of four current debates in the global strategy arena: (1) cultural vs institutional distance; (2) global vs regional geographic diversification; (3) convergence vs divergence in corporate governance; and (4) domestic vs overseas corporate social responsibility. For each debate, the history is tracked and the emerging tension highlighted. By introducing both sides of four lively and timely debates, the paper provides an innovative way of reviewing the literature and helping to advance the field. It is argued that an underlying theme connecting these four diverse debates is the institution-based view of global strategy.  相似文献   

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