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2019年是我国成立70周年,值此之际,社会盛行"红色文化",并且深深影响到旅游业的发展,在诸多革命遗址和景区中都打造了特色鲜明的红色旅游,而革命类纪念馆、博物馆也成为红色旅游的重要组成部分,在游客参观和鉴赏革命文物的同时,可以让人们对革命历史有更加深入的了解,进而学习革命战士艰苦奋斗、顽强拼搏的作风,将这些精神用于现代化建设中大有裨益,因此,我们需要重视和挖掘革命文物的作用。本文对革命文物与红色旅游之间的关系进行了概述,讨论了红色旅游业发展存在的问题和红色旅游资源的优势,并分析了如何发挥红色革命文物在旅游文化中的作用,希望通过革命文物发挥出强大的社会教育功能。  相似文献   

红色文化是中国共产党领导中国人民在革命、建设和改革的伟大实践中创造、积累的先进文化,是不可再生的珍贵精神财富,是见证历史神具有重要意义。鄂西北是红色文化的沃土,有无数的革命烈士,在此书写着辉煌的革命历史,红色遗存数量众多,分布着上百家红色旅游资源点,研究鄂西北地区红色文化的保护和利用,系统的梳理和摸清红色文化家底,对于促进当地红色旅游高质量发展具有重要意义。本研究旨在深入探讨十堰市红色文化资源的保护与利用,并从六个方面进行深入探讨。第一部分重点探讨了红色文化资源的定义,包括其特征、分类、开发利用等,并给出了相应的理论指导。  相似文献   

甘娜  陈红利 《中国藏学》2020,(1):145-149
发展红色旅游是培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的重要载体,也是促进革命老区脱贫攻坚的主要途径。地处"老少边穷"深度贫困区的四川藏区,红色旅游资源丰富,传承弘扬红色文化、全面发展红色旅游是其脱贫攻坚的重要抓手。文章探讨红色旅游与反贫困工作的关系,分析四川藏区红色旅游扶贫的可行性,提出持续反贫困的对策与建议,加快实现藏区贫困群众的脱贫致富梦。  相似文献   

韦拔群一生的革命战斗史在东兰留下了壮烈的诗篇,不仅使东兰拥有丰富的红色旅游资源,也使"拔群精神"成为东兰红色文化的精髓.因此,论文提出以韦拔群及其精神引领东兰红色旅游开发的新思路,并在旅游开发条件及现状分析的基础上,提出以弘扬"拔群精神"为主体的东兰红色旅游整合开发构想.  相似文献   

谢芬  杜坤伦 《民族学刊》2023,14(3):60-67, 148
革命博物馆、纪念馆、党史馆、烈士陵园等是党和国家红色基因库,是具有鲜明政治导向、强大思想感召力和广泛教育意义的特色文化资源,籍此形成的红色旅游在我国的旅游发展格局以及当地经济社会发展中占据着重要地位。改革开放以来,我国取得的世界瞩目的发展成绩的客观事实、应对新冠疫情体现出的制度优势、实现中国梦愿景下攻坚克难的精神需求等共同催生了对红色旅游的发展期待。中国共产党选择的是农村包围城市的革命道路,红色旅游资源富集地也大多处于我国的老少边穷地区,红色旅游资源的开发利用和利益分享,关系到民族地区经济发展、社会安定和民生改善。本文以更好地发挥红色旅游在脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴衔接中的作用为旨向,运用共生理论,聚焦四川省这个特定区域,分析红色旅游共生体系的搭建历程、共生体系内各要素的内在关联、未来发展态势研判和应对举措等,以期为我国民族地区红色旅游高质量发展提供参考。  相似文献   

我国历史文化悠久且内涵丰富,革命文物作为历史文化的重要组成部分,在历史文化传承中具有无法取代的重要意义.而近些年来,随着经济的发展以及拉动内需的需要,我国旅游事业也在不断发展,红色旅游不仅能促进人们的旅游体验的提升,还能将其中具有的革命精神进行传承和弘扬,并推进革命文物的保护与开发.历史革命纪念馆,在进行文物展示和文物...  相似文献   

作为一种具有非常重要的教育意义和政治意义的旅游资源,红色旅游资源是我国一种重要的文化及经济财富。现在人们的生活条件和文化水平都变得越来越高,旅游成为人们放松解压与学习研究的一种重要途径,而红色旅游的教育意义决定了人们对其的关注度逐步提高。本文分析并介绍了红色旅游资源的特征,并且探讨了如何能够有效地开发红色旅游资源,从而将完善的红色旅游体系建立起来,最终能够有效地传承红色旅游中的革命精神。  相似文献   

作为一种具有非常重要的教育意义和政治意义的旅游资源,红色旅游资源是我国一种重要的文化及经济财富。现在人们的生活条件和文化水平都变得越来越高,旅游成为人们放松解压与学习研究的一种重要途径,而红色旅游的教育意义决定了人们对其的关注度逐步提高。本文分析并介绍了红色旅游资源的特征,并且探讨了如何能够有效地开发红色旅游资源,从而将完善的红色旅游体系建立起来,最终能够有效地传承红色旅游中的革命精神。  相似文献   

在红色文化与革命传统教育互溶互渗的今天,特别是在中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅《2004—2010年全国红色旅游发展规划纲要》印发之后,红色文化得到了空前的发展机遇。然而,全面铺开、快速发展的背后,仍潜藏着一些不容忽视的问题。本文结合革命纪念馆,以云南省昭通市彝良县罗炳辉将军纪念馆有关红色文化的开发、建设、宣传和庄严定位工作的开展情况,反观红色文化的传承与发展过程容易陷入的"四化"倾向的问题,号召全社会加强和重视红色文化的健康发展。  相似文献   

20世纪的革命战争年代,中国共产党带领全国人民抵抗外敌入侵,推翻了封建统治,在艰苦的岁月里中国优秀传统文化精神与革命精神不断地融合与发展,逐渐形成了宝贵的红色文化资源。红色文化具有独特的特色,代表了我国文化发展的方向,值得当代大学生深入学习。通过弘扬民族精神、培育学生历史素养、建设校园红色文化环境等可以促进红色文化与思想政治理论的融合。  相似文献   

日喀则地区旅游开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王德刚 《西藏研究》2008,(3):92-102
日喀则在西藏、在中国西部是具有代表性的地区,富有很多堪称极品的旅游资源,发展旅游业有着先天的资源优势.文章通过对日喀则地区旅游资源与产品、市场的对应研究出发,探索日喀则地区旅游业发展过程中的产品开发策略,试图为西藏及西部地区的旅游产业寻求一条有效的发展道路.  相似文献   

西藏民族传统体育资源的开发与利用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章认为西藏传统体育是西藏人文资源的组成部分,是在西藏高原地域环境和地域条件及藏民族文化背景下产生和发展的,并在西藏经济社会的进程中和文化资源、旅游资源开发的过程中得到认识。它和西藏历史、宗教、艺术等相互依赖、相互渗透,具有明显的时代性、民族性和艺术性。因此,我们要充分利用西藏地域特点和丰富多彩的藏民族文化,深入开发西藏民族传统体育资源,保存和发展具有藏民族特色的体育活动,传承和发扬民族文化,将西藏民族传统体育引入全民健身机制,使传统体育资源为促进全民健身活动、为构建和谐社会服务。  相似文献   

西藏以独特、丰富的自然、文化资源优势发展旅游业,创造了明显的经济效益,带动了文化产业的发展,但在旅游开发的持续推进中,也存在种种令人深思的问题.实施文化产业“外向型”发展的战略有助于克服旅游业为主导的文化产业发展对西藏生态的破坏,做到西藏社会经济可持续发展.西藏高校积极参与文化产业的打造,可以发挥其技术支持和人才培养的优势,同时还能创造高等学校毕业生就业岗位,缓解西藏高校毕业生就业压力,促进西藏高校教育质量的提高.  相似文献   

西藏新农村建设思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西藏自治区是青藏高原以藏民族为主体的民族地区。在建设社会主义新农村的社会背景下,文章结合西藏的具体情况,系统地提出了西藏新农村建设的四种发展思路:建设旅游资源开发型新农村;建设矿产资源开发型新农村;建设边境贸易发展型新农村;建设西藏特色农产品开发与加工型新农村,并分别对其进行了分析。  相似文献   

刘天 《民族学刊》2016,7(6):85-89,121-123
In 2012 , State Ethnic Affairs Com-mission of the People’ s Republic of China( hereaf-ter SEAC ) announced an outline concerning the protection and development of‘ethnic minority vil-lages with special characteristics ’ . The develop-ment of such villages is one of the important tasks of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission:this devel-opment aims to foster the conservation of ethnic culture and to accelerate the development of the ethnic areas in which these villages lie. On Sep-tember 23 , 2014 , the State Ethnic Affairs Com-mission announced guanyu minming shoupi zhong-guo shaoshu minzu tese chunzhai de tongzhi ( No-tice on the Naming of the First Group of China ’ s Ethnic Minority Villages with Special Characteris-tics):340 villages in total were inscribed into the list of this so-called ‘First Batch ’ , among which four villages of Sichuan province were included:( i) Jiefang village of Haqu in Leshan, ( ii) Mutuo Village of Maoxian in Aba, ( iii) Shangmo Village of Songfan in Aba, and ( iv) Guza Village of Seda in Ganzi. With the support of the so-called‘Poverty Al-leviation Policy’ , tourism in ethnic minority villa-ges has been booming; however, this has also re-sulted in a new series of related problems that need to be addressed. Tourism development obviously had reduced regional poverty. Since the 1980s, the promotion of economic development through tourism in the ethnic areas ( with a corresponding improvement of people ’ s living conditions ) has been widely accepted by society. Also in the prov-ince of Sichuan the ‘poverty alleviation through tourism’ policy has led to economic growth and has reduced the poverty of the people in the ethnic mi-nority areas. From 2011 to 2014, the SEAC has invested 57. 8 million Yuan in the development of ethnic minority villages in Sichuan province. This has led to the implementation of 73 projects and has benefited around 100,000 people, 7 indige-nous ethnic groups, and 11 prefectures and munic-ipalities in Sichuan. It seems that this‘poverty al-leviation through tourism ’ ( hereafter PATT ) has resulted in good economic and social effects. Ethnic minority villages in Sichuan share sim-ilar challenges: ( i) a low level of production and productivity,economic backwardness, simplistic e-conomic infrastructure, cultural narrow-minded-ness, a low level of education and personal devel-opment, and a fragile condition of local nature and cultural surroundings. Moreover, tourism has since deeply altered previous development models for these regions: this has also brought many new problems, like e. g. how to correctly distribute the newly acquired economic benefits and profits, as well as cultural and environmental protection is-sues. Many of these problems seem to be only tran-sitional;however, these challenges do ask for the necessary tweaks of the PATT policies. This article thus tries to review the model of PATT as imple-mented in the ethnic villages of Sichuan. The arti-cle explores its different stages/aspects:( i) adap-tation of goals, ( ii) the changing role of the gov-ernment, ( iii) an evolving profit model for local people, and ( iv ) evolving local talent discovery and activation. The first aspect of PATT is the change of the development goals. At first, the priority is to get rid of poverty through tourism. To initially boost local tourism, the government must make major in-vestments: enhancement of the basic infrastruc-ture, creation of a touristic brand and initial adver-tising for the ethnic villages. However, when the PATT has been effectively implemented, and reached a mature stage of development, i. e. the village has become relatively popular and annual numbers of tourists have reached a stable good lev-el, the goals must be adapted: economic develop-ment should change to sustainable development. The new goals would be a combination of local tourism and local related industries, such as handi-craft products, catering and other hospitality busi-nesses etc. When all of this takes place, the eth-nic villages and areas seem to be able to arrive at a green and sustainable development path. The second stage is the change of the role of government. As said, in the beginning large in-vestments in infrastructure, tourism marketing and publicity are needed. In this start-up stage, the village needs quite a lot of human and material re-sources. Without the financial and human aid of the government, it’ s very hard to change a local ethnic minority village into a tourist destination. Hence, the government should play a supportive role during the initial stages of tourism develop-ment, while taking the local villagers ’ will and ethnic culture into consideration: the government should consult with the villagers and encourage the villagers’ participation in the whole development process. When indeed the PATT reaches a mature phase, the local people can take over. By then the locals have gained much experience;their attitudes and business skills have sufficiently improved so the government can take a step back, leaving the villagers to further develop the villages by them-selves. The third aspect is an ‘evolving profit model for local people ’ . During the initial stages of PATT, it’ s all about developing basic tourism pro-jects: at this moment, the main profit models for businesses rely on ( a) ethnic culture projects with distinct characteristics, ( b ) establishing high quality modes of the tourists route, and ( c) pro-moting the unique name and fame of the villages. However, when PATT reaches a mature stage, the villagers themselves must further develop and maintain their unique brand and fame. As said, the government takes a step back while local peo-ple are to develop new related sustainable profit models. The fourth issue is the further evolution of‘local talent discovery and activation ’ or‘talent mechanisms’ . Before the initial stages of PATT in Sichuan, the local villagers of the ethnic minorities had been engaged in traditional agriculture for many years;hence it was difficult for them to tran-sition into modern industries such as tourism and hospitality. Moreover, there were very few locals who had any knowledge of this tourism/hospitality industry. E. g. only some elderly people conducted simplistic tour guide practices for tourists: they were unable to provide any in-depth explanations of the traditional ethnic customs and culture due to language barriers. Thus, outsiders ( including gov-ernment staff and tourism professionals ) had to come in and provide advanced concepts, methods, and training. More importantly, a new ‘local tal-ent team’ had to discover and activate local people with tourism talents/abilities. This allowed for a genuine local tourism industry to come into exist-ence and further evolve. However, when PATT reaches a mature stage, the government should re-turn the economic benefits back to the local people and give them the dominant right to further self-de-velopment. A newly developed professional middle class will then allow the local people to further de-cide on the future of the ethnic villages. After the initial ‘local talent discovery and activation ’ , a more mature ‘talent mechanism ’ should be formed. Led by the best local talents, people from all circles should be encouraged to take part in the further development of the local villages and areas:this allows for greater stability and continuity, while new talents can develop more. This article has analyzed the implementation and adaptation of PATT in the province of Si-chuan, including the ( i) adaptation of goals, ( ii) the changing role of the government, ( iii) an evol-ving profit model for local people, and ( iv) evol-ving local talent discovery and activation. Howev-er, the development of ethnic minority villages still seems to face many difficulties and challenges, and need to be studied and discussed more.  相似文献   

王永莉 《民族学刊》2017,8(1):22-31,98-100
Ecological civilization is a mode of civilization which is constructed on the concept of multiple-wins, such as economic benefit, social benefit and environmental benefit, etc. It requires that a harmonious relationship between man and nature permeate various aspects of civilization, such as material civilization, spiritual civilization, and political civilization, forming an ecological mode for production, living, consumption, and other behaviors. The theories and practices of eco ̄logical civilization both at home and abroad, as well as the strategic planning for the construction of ecological civilization in China, have constituted important theoretical and practical guidelines for the construction of ecological civilization in the western ethnic areas of China.
Constructing ecological civilization in the western ethnic areas has important theoretical and practical significance. Compared with the eastern part of China or the whole country, the level of e ̄conomic and social development in the western eth ̄nic areas still lags behind; energy consumption is generally high , and the number of national key ecologically functional areas is large. Furthermore, these areas face a daunting task for their environ ̄mental protection and energy saving. In addition, the most concentrated areas of desertification in China are found in the western ethnic areas, espe ̄cially Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Tibet and Qing ̄hai. Therefore, the construction of ecological civi ̄lization in the western ethnic areas has an impor ̄tant role for the sustainable development of the e ̄conomy and society, ecological security, energy saving and emission reduction, and the prevention of land desertification.
Generally speaking, the western ethnic areas actively participate in the national demonstration areas of the construction of ecological civilization, and constantly improve the level of ecological civi ̄lization construction. However, their overall level is low, and the differences between various prov ̄inces are considerable. Although the western eth ̄nic areas have rich forest resources, tourism re ̄sources, etc. for the construction of ecological civ ̄ilization, they still face many problems in the use of their ecological resources and the construction of ecological civilization.
As noted above, the western ethnic areas ac ̄tively take part in the construction of the key na ̄tional ecological civilization demonstration areas. At present, among the 55 ecological civilization demonstration areas of China, 22 are in the west ̄ern ethnic areas. These demonstration areas are actively exploring the construction of ecological civilization by taking the property rights of natural resources, ecological compensation and cadres as ̄sessment, etc. into consideration.
As just noted, although the level of the con ̄struction of an ecological civilization in western ethnic areas has been improving, the overall level is still low. The overall level of ecological civiliza ̄tion in western ethnic areas lags significantly be ̄hind the nation or eastern regions. In addition, the levels of every province are quite different. For in ̄stance, the level of Guangxi and Yunnan is rela ̄tively high. Therefore, the construction of ecologi ̄cal civilization must be adapted to the local condi ̄tions of the provinces.
There are a large number of key forestry en ̄terprises in the western ethnic areas, but the struc ̄ture of the forestry industry is not equitable. For ̄estry is an important force, and provides important content for the construction of ecological civiliza ̄tion. On the one hand, there are a large number of key national forestry enterprises in the western eth ̄nic areas, but their distribution is not balanced. At present, there are 295 key national forestry en ̄terprises , among which 48 are found in the western ethnic areas and are included in the list. Among them, the advantage held by Guangxi and Yunnan’s forest resources are obvious, while those in Tibet, Ningxia and Qinghai are not so obvious. On the other hand, the forestry resources in the western ethnic areas are unevenly distributed, and the structure of the forestry industry is not equita ̄ble;the proportion of the primary industry of for ̄estry is too high, and the proportion of the second ̄ary industry is relatively low. This means that the economic benefits of forestry resources are not fully transformed, something which has seriously affect ̄ed the promotion of ecological civilization.
Tourism resources in the western ethnic areas are rich, but the contradiction between tourism de ̄velopment and environmental protection is sharp. The tourism industry can effectively improve the level of ecological civilization construction. With rich tourism resources in the western ethnic areas, the tourism industry has become one of the impor ̄tant regional pillar industries, especially in Guizhou, Yunnan and Guangxi. However, the conditions of tourism infrastructure and the tourism environment are still relatively backward in western ethnic areas. This is seen especially in the tourist foreign exchange income ratio which is not high. In addition, theunique tourism resources have not strongly attracted more overseas visitors; and, as just said, there are contradictions between regional tourism development and ecological environment protection, which are still very sharp.
The construction of an ecological civilization is a complicated social system project. The con ̄struction of an ecological civilization in the western ethnic areas has just started, so we need to in ̄tegrate the idea of ecological civilization throughout political, economic, cultural, and social construc ̄tion. Furthermore, we need to promote the process of ecological civilization construction according to the local conditions by taking the central authorities’ construction plan of ecological civiliza ̄tion as guidance; consider the economic develop ̄ment level of each province; and the characteris ̄tics of ecological protection and resource environ ̄ment in ethnic areas.
First of all, we should change the concept of government at all levels and the entire society in western ethnic areas, and improve the system of ecological civilization construction. For this pur ̄pose, we must:( i) strengthen the top-level de ̄sign of the ecological civilization system; ( ii) im ̄prove relevant systems, such as the development of the national land space; and ( iii ) improve envi ̄ronmental protection and ecological compensation in the western ethnic areas and the whole country. Furthermore, through making use of both formal systems, such as political, economic and legal ones, and informal systems, such as ecological culture, we should jointly safeguard and promote the construction of ecological civilization. On the one hand, we must establish and improve various policies related to finance, tax, population and land to improve the level of ecological political civ ̄ilization in the western ethnic areas from the level of central government to local administrations. On the other hand, the central government and local administrations in the western ethnic areas must enhance the awareness of the construction of eco ̄logical civilization through various ways, including school education and the internet.
Secondly, we should vigorously develop the advantages of the ecological industry in western ethnic areas, such as ecological tourism, ecologi ̄cal agriculture and other ecological industries. The construction of ecological civilization should strive to find a balance between ecological environment and stable economic growth. Therefore, according to the characteristics of their ecological environ ̄ment, resources, climate and the capacity of the ecological carrying capacity, we should choose ec ̄ological industries suitable for regional develop ̄ment, such as ecological agriculture, ecological tourism;change the original model of industrial de ̄velopment to an ecological mode of production, and improve the level of ecological civilization while protecting the environment.
Thirdly, we should speed up the development of secondary and tertiary industries of forestry in the western ethnic areas, and further optimize the structure of the forestry industry. For this purpose we must further increase forestry investment and construction;and improve the total output value of forestry through afforestation, returning farmland to forest, and coordinating the relationship between the economic forest and ecological forest. Moreo ̄ver, we should actively participate in China’s forest food certification and forest certification program;improve the proportion of secondary and tertiary forestry industires; take the initiative to transform the advantage of forestry resources into economic advantages;and improve the level of civilization of the ecological environment.
Finally, it is necessary for the western ethnic areas to continue the practice of constructing an ec ̄ological civilization. Though adjustment to local conditions, and actively exploring the practice of ecological civilization construction, we should gradually accumulate experience in the construc ̄tion of ecological civilization for the western ethnic areas, and even the whole country. In particular, in Guizhou, Yunnan and Qinghai, we must active ̄ly promote the process of regional ecological civili ̄zation construction based on the scheme of their own ecological civilization demonstration area pro ̄grams. In addition, the western ethnic areas should fully play an important role in informal in ̄stitutions, such as national ecological culture.  相似文献   

17世纪的蒙藏关系发展到一个新的阶段,清朝政府采取种种措施加强对蒙藏地区的统治,被誉为“湟北诸寺之母”的青海佑宁寺,以高僧辈出、著作宏富而驰名蒙、藏、土等地区,在藏传佛教发展史上占有重要地位。佑宁寺在宗教方面的历史贡献前人已有著述,本文则试从其政治、文化等方面分析佑宁寺在密切蒙藏关系、清中央王朝对蒙藏地区的统治所起的桥梁与纽带作用进行探讨。  相似文献   

随着西藏经济社会的发展,西藏的新闻传播事业已进入全媒体时代。发展西藏新闻传播业应进一步整合资源、创新求变;加快传媒产业战略转型;加强实发公共事件新闻报道,提高主流媒体的权威性;坚持三贴近原则,走差异化宣传报道道路。  相似文献   

陈灿平  姜豪 《民族学刊》2016,7(5):71-75,120-122
Tourism is the pillar industry of Ganzi Prefecture, and it is of great practical signif-icance to the study of the competitiveness of county-level tourism industry in Ganzi Prefecture. This paper constructs an indicator system of evaluating competitiveness of the county tourism industry from four dimensions, including the development of the tourism industry, the development of related indus-tries, the economic environment and transport con-ditions. The paper studies the competitiveness of the county tourism industry of Ganzi prefecture in 2013 via the entropy method, and then analyzes the differences and shortcomings of the county’s ca-pability to alleviate poverty through tourism. The results show that, first of all, the various counties’ capability to alleviate poverty through tourism in Ganzi is obviously different from each other: the eastern counties are relatively strong in this area, the northern counties are somewhere in the middle, and the southern counties struggle. Secondly, the development of tourism and related industries has a great impact on the competitiveness of the county tourism industry, and that the counties generally have shortcomings in their transport conditions. Thirdly, the restricting factors on the competitive-ness of the county tourism industry are complicat-ed, and the strategy of tourism development should be formulated with regard to these issues. Based on this situation, this article proposes the following suggestions: 1 ) Various counties in Ganzi prefecture should strengthen their research into and promotion of poverty alleviation through tourism, accelerate the development of their basic infrastructure, and improve the transport condi-tions;2 ) the counties in the east of the prefecture should increase investment into transportation, op-timize their industrial structure, and promote the development of the tertiary service sector; 3 ) the counties in the north should develop their own po-tential, strengthen economic construction, improve GDP per capita, and promote the service industry, including restaurants and hotels; 4 ) The counties in the south should pay attention to the publicizing and construction of their own brand of tourism, im-proving their brand awareness and popularity. In summary, Ganzi prefecture should take poverty alleviation as a chance to innovate a meth-od for poverty alleviation, paying special attention to poverty alleviation through tourism, improving relevant policies, and promoting the tourism indus-try of its counties.  相似文献   

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