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中西社会信任结构之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高玉林  杨洲 《河北学刊》2006,26(4):43-48
一个社会的信任格局由信任链、信任圈和信任网三种结构组成。从信任结构视之,中西社会信任有着显著差异:中国社会信任呈现为链式和圈式结构,西方社会信任呈现为网式结构,这些差异是导致关于中西信任观点分歧的重要原因。中西信任结构背后的经济、社会、文化和法律基础的不同是引起中西信任认知差异更深层次的原因。中西社会信任结构是信任结构的两种历史形式,或者说,中西社会信任之间有着结构性不同,这种不同导致两者功能、作用的差别;中西信任结构在社会中各自发挥着独特的功能和作用,不能简单地以一种信任结构未评价另一种信任结构,亦不能轻易地设想用一种替代另一种。  相似文献   

Researchers have established that individual religiosity influences sexual behavior and that religious support can increase consistency between personal religiosity and behavior. Researchers are less certain, however, of the effect that religious friendship networks have on sexual behavior. In addition, the effects of network characteristics such as density and one’s position in a social network have not been established. This paper uses a network subsample of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) to examine the effect of friends’ religiosity on the probability of first sex. We find that friends’ religiosity has an independent influence on adolescent sexual behavior that is similar in magnitude to personal religiosity. We also find evidence that friends’ religiosity has the strongest influence on the sexual behavior of adolescents who are embedded in dense social networks, in which teens’ friends are also friends with one another. These results support the hypothesis that group influences depend on the degree of embeddedness within the network and highlight the importance of studying religion as a property of groups as well as individuals.  相似文献   

针对中国市场化进程中保持高速经济增长的同时,存在着较为普遍的信任缺失。运用制度内生演化的分析框架描述信任问题的共同知识基础,分别考察熟人交易和匿名交易两种场景下,个体间交往方式所引致的偏好关系、认知状态和行为反应,揭示不确定性条件下某些信息或知识不完备是出现消费公众受到严重损害事件的主要原因。分析认为:在面临稀缺资源配置等行为信号时,个体之间尚未形成与现代市场经济体制相适应的交往方式来加以应对;通过畅通信息交流渠道等方法促使个体形成并维系与他人合作的稳定预期,可以与实现较好的经济结果一道建立起相互信任。  相似文献   

实践性社群内社会资本对知识分享的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实践性社群(Communities of Practice,COP)已被发展为企业内以及企业间知识分享及创造的主要平台,其强调的是松散且非正式的社群架构,而当中的成员组成也是强调自愿加入,所以社群的维系来自于人际关系及社群意识的形塑,即人与人之间的互动也就格外的被重视.本研究以具备实践性社群特质的社群成员为研究对象,在问卷中以社会资本的三大方面为研究角度,企图了解在以创新及知识分享为目标的社群特质下,其社群内人际关系以及社群内知识互动对社群成员的个人知识分享的影响.研究结果发现,除了认知面社会资本外,关系面社会资本和结构面社会资本都对个人在社群中的知识分享有显着影响.  相似文献   

The radius of trust – the width of one's cooperation circle – has been widely cited by scholars from various disciplines as a key factor in the production and maintenance of public good. However, the vagueness in its conceptualization, measurement, and analysis obstructs efficient communication between empirical works, impeding the accumulation of scientific knowledge. This study develops a conceptualization of trust radius as the gradient in the level of trust in specific individuals across social ties of differing strengths. Along with this conceptualization, a new measurement scheme is constructed, which, relative to previous measures, is empirically easy-to-implement and theoretically valid in displaying individual-level variations in trust radius, highlighting trust radius' distinction from generalized trust and affinity with specific trust, and accommodating the differing tie strengths within one's trust network. Finally, this measurement scheme is well integrated in a multilevel modeling framework to study the determinants of trust radius, which is illustrated by two examples.  相似文献   

Sociological research on collective behavior provides strong evidence for the sources of collective action and shared attitudes based on overlapping experience. We know, for example, that members of social movement organizations are likely to share similar beliefs. However, a significant portion of the prior research on shared behaviors or attitudes analyzes individuals who do not know one another. This research using large surveys often infers overlapping experience based on generic connections: People in unions generally or church groups generally are likely to hold similar beliefs or engage in similar behaviors as if they were in the same unions or church groups. In this paper, I challenge this simple inference by arguing that the generic affiliations we hold contribute to our identity. Specifically, our identities can, in part, be seen as a network of overlapping roles based on generic affiliations. Findings indicate the importance of considering generic affiliation networks when modeling trust and political partisanship. Individuals who share multiple affiliations often appear to be similar to one another along a number of socio-demographic dimensions and report similar attitudes. Conclusions highlight the promise and challenge of relational approaches to social life.  相似文献   

While research on social capital and health typically focuses on generalized trust (trust in abstract others), questions about the conceptualization and measurement of generalized trust remain, including whether trust should even be considered a part of social capital. We present a new approach to studying trust in the context of health and argue that consideration of the mechanisms through which social capital influences health highlights the central theoretical role of particularized trust (trust in known others). Furthermore, we argue that the effects of trust and social networks on health are dependent on one another. Analyzing data from Waves 5 and 6 of the World Values Survey (WVS), we find that, net of control variables, particularized trust is more strongly associated with self-rated health than is generalized trust. In addition, we find that the predicted effects of particularized and generalized trust on self-rated health are conditioned by membership in voluntary associations and vice versa.  相似文献   

五四运动能够发生并发展成为全国规模并长时期持续,影响深远,与信息传递密切相关。信息媒介网络(报纸杂志)、学生组织网络以及交通与邮电网络在五四运动信息传递中起着重要的作用。五四运动既是新文化运动的结果,又是近代历史发展的产物。  相似文献   

基于财务、竞争和战略三大导向,运用系统动力学模型,分析了2G、3G和4G移动通信网络的协调建设问题.代入实证数据进行系统仿真,结果显示,财务导向倾向于投资2G网络,竞争导向倾向于投资3G网络,战略导向倾向于投资4G网络.此外,政策乘子的改变,亦会影响三代网络的投资占比.运营商可以根据自己的导向偏好来选择重点投资的网络类型,并可运用政策乘子进行投资比例的调节.  相似文献   

Existing trust research has often failed to account for the possibility that communication impairments brought on by language barriers could explain low levels of trust both within and between countries. To test whether this is the case, I construct an ‘index of communication potential’ for a sample of 359 cross-country dyads composed of 21 European countries. Although similar indexes have been used previously, this is the first one to include instances of ‘semi-communication’ between related languages when calculating communication potential. Multiple regression analysis indicated not only that greater communication potential was associated with greater cross-country trust, but that this relationship was monotonic: semi-communication was also associated with greater trust, but the link was weaker than for actually sharing a language.  相似文献   

中国大陆的台商企业深受"五缘"网络文化的影响,进而影响台商企业主管的选才用人态度。台商企业在选才用人时,运用"五缘"网络机制,可以获得的效益有促进有效沟通、强化信任机制、增进人员向心力、提高工作稳定性、易于形成共同工作价值观、激发工作热忱、提供工作上的支持帮助以及提升工作能力表现等。这些效益都和台商企业主管的选才用人态度有显著正相关,且提供的总解释能力至少有60%以上,甚至达到80%以上,说明"五缘"网络关系的效益对台商企业主管的选才用人态度不但确实发挥了显著影响力,同时还提供大部分的解释。台商企业在选才用人时,运用人缘管理和"五缘"网络机制,有利经营的效率和安全,若能让"五缘"网络关系不断衍生扩大以创造多赢局面,更有助台商企业成长壮大。  相似文献   

在互联网、社交网络快速发展的外部环境中,在提出建设学习型政党的内在要求下,高校基层党组织建设面临着新的机遇和挑战.运用社会学中的社会网络分析法,对高校基层党组织成员关系进行研究,通过问卷调查,收集基层党组织成员间的社会关系数据,并构建社会网络,对高校基层党组织的成员关系,分别从整体关系网络和信任关系网络角度进行可视化的定量剖析,最后,结合网络分析结构结果,对如何建设学习型基层党组织进行了思考,提出了有针对性的政策建议.  相似文献   

张康之 《齐鲁学刊》2005,(2):111-115
在人文社会科学研究中,合作和信任的问题引起人们越来越多的关注,在这背后,包含着人类走向后 工业社会伟大变革的内涵。在后工业社会的制度设计、生活方式建构和行为模式规范上,都需要基于合作和信任 来进行。而且,后工业社会的社会结构也将会证明合作和信任是共同体生活必要的基础。  相似文献   

社会支持是指一定社会网络运用一定的经济和精神手段对社会弱者和社会脆弱群体进行无偿帮助的一种选择性社会行为。社会支持网络在规范个人的态度和行为方面发挥着重要的作用,它是个人的一种重要社会资源。本文针对高校贫困大学生的社会支持网络进行研究,主要研究贫困大学生社会支持的渠道来源,社会支持的性质,揭示社会支持网络在贫困大学生就业中的效用机制。  相似文献   

网络平台包含着大众传播、群体传播、组织传播、人际传播等多种传播形式。网络交流沟通类应用形式的出现集中代表了“面对面”人际传播方式在网络世界中的移植和复制。网络人际传播应用是互联网介入真实生活的重要渠道.这种方式正深刻改变着现实中人的思维特征和行为模式,集中呈现出“思维碎片化”、“信息自我暴露”、“时间自由选择”、“关注议题公共性”等一系列新变化。  相似文献   

消费者参与度是影响社交网络营销的重要因素,立足于我国互联网变迁的时代背景,以部分拥有互联网购物经验的消费者作为研究对象,通过对消费者社交网络营销参与度的市场调查资料的分析,发现影响消费者参与社交网络营销活动的因素主要是:消费者的性格特征,风险因素,营销形式,营销内容以及营销环节。基于此,提高消费者对社交网络营销的参与度,应从几个方面着手:注重互动沟通,提升品牌形象;线上线下有效互动,进行整合营销传播;创新营销方式,凸显营销价值;聆听网络口碑,关注意见领袖。  相似文献   

经过三十多年的快速发展,我国家族企业正在进入传承的高峰时期,而家族传承是家族企业最显著的特征之一;网络战略是家族企业成长的重要方式和策略选择。采用对浙江和重庆家族企业的调查数据,实证检验家族传承意愿对家族企业网络战略选择的影响,并分析伙伴间信任关系在家族传承意愿与家族企业网络战略选择之间的中介作用,结果表明:(1)家族传承意愿正向影响家族企业网络中心度和密度,负向影响网络关系持久度和开放度;(2)伙伴间信任关系在家族传承意愿与家族企业网络中心度之间起完全中介作用,而在家族传承意愿与家族企业网络密度之间起部分中介作用。家族企业网络战略选择应与家族传承意愿相匹配,着力培育相互信任的伙伴关系,并加强对伙伴间关系的维护和管理。  相似文献   

非政府组织的非政府性、志愿性等特征决定了其成员行为的选择,在很大程度上取决于成员间的关系与互动。当环境和个人因素对消极行为扩散具有较弱的约束时,通过社会网络视角来分析成员消极行为的扩散最有预见性。基于社会网络理论,构建出非政府组织成员消极行为扩散综合模型。要预防消极行为的扩散,就应从非政府组织成员的社会网络入手。  相似文献   

网络传播渠道和经营平台的特殊性影响了网民网络购物消费行为特征。从使用与满足理论出发,网民网络购物行为满足了价格低廉、轻松娱乐、方便快捷、人际交往、安全及追求时尚的需要。网络信息的高度聚合、良好的连通性与交互性、内容的个性生产等是网络购物消费行为的渠道动力。  相似文献   

走出社会转型时期人际信任的困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李彬 《齐鲁学刊》2006,1(2):135-139
我国社会结构的转型构成了人们一切思想和行为重新调整的动力和背景。社会转型以来,人际交往在交往的空间、交往的方式、交往的内容和价值规范上发生了很大的变化,这种变化由于带有从传统到现代过渡的特征,造成了人们在人际交往中的道德困境,这种困境主要表现为传统交往中的诚信价值受到了前所未有的冲击。但新的社会关系和交往空间,也为走出困境建立新的信任道德和交往理念提供了新的机遇和历史条件。  相似文献   

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