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纳麒 《回族研究》2004,(2):40-43
元代是云南由地方割据走向与中原接轨的全国大一统格局的关键时期 ,而在此关键时期 ,云南首任平章政事赛典赤·赡思丁又起了关键作用。赛典赤所采取的一系列政策措施 ,不仅迅速稳定了云南局势 ,而且对此后 70 0多年云南作为中国统一的多民族国家一部分的历史发展产生了深远的影响。重温赛典赤治滇的民族政策 ,对我们今天的民族工作仍具有启示意义  相似文献   

云南回族史研究的重点课题集中于杜文秀起义,即起义的历史背景、大理政权的建立和性质以及民族大联合与对外关系;赛典赤·赡思丁来华、历史功勋等及郑和家世、生平活动……。本文对云南回族历史人物杜文秀、赛典赤等人物的研究评价问题进行了较全面的概述。  相似文献   

洪武十四年至二十五年(1381—1392年),沐英留滇长达12年之久。平滇之后,在太祖力图逐渐消除蒙元梁王统治云南一个多世纪的影响并建立明朝在云南统治秩序的意图下,沐英奉旨留滇。留滇后,沐英采取一系列措施巩固明朝在云南的统治。沐英在滇的活动不仅促进了云南的安定与发展,还配合了明初统一战争,对明初政局的稳定产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

2011年12月31日上午,由云南省民族学会、云南省民族商会联合举办的纪念赛典赤诞辰800周年座谈会在昆明召开。云南省政协原主席刘树生,省人大常委会原常务副主任、省关工委主任张宝三,省政协原常务副主席赵廷光,省政协副主席、省伊斯兰教协会会长马开贤等领导出席了座谈会。来自部分高校、科研院所、社会团体的专家、学者共70多人参加了座谈会。座谈会由省民族学会副会长、省民族商会秘书长杨振主持。座谈会上,首先宣读了中共云南省委副书记、代省长李纪恒的贺信。与会专家、学者围绕举办座谈会的目的、意义及赛典赤的贡献、国内外赛典赤研究状况等作了热烈讨论,达成共识并一致建议,今后研究、宣传赛典赤应注重为现实服务,即全方位、多形式地利用赛典赤名人效应,打造赛典赤文化品牌,开发赛典赤文化产业;在赛典赤陵园内或其余适当地点建立纪念馆并为赛典赤塑像,使该处在成为爱国主义教育基地的同时,也成为一处重要的旅游文化景点,同时利用赛典赤研究成果到与其有历史渊源或文化联系的国家如伊朗、乌兹别克斯坦、沙特阿拉伯、泰国、缅甸等国家开展对外文化交流;在纪念赛典赤的忠爱坊旁以中、英、阿拉伯、波斯文镌刻赛典赤事迹、功绩。与会者一致表示,今后一定要继承和发扬先贤哲人的爱国主义精神,并按李代省长在贺信中指出的"继续在挖掘和发展民族文化事业上发挥积极作用,为把我省建设成为民族团结进步、边疆繁荣稳定的示范区作出新贡献"而努力奋斗。  相似文献   

赛典赤·赡思丁是元朝开国初期具有重大影响的政治家。先后出任陕西、云南等地,对治理陕西和开发云南作出了卓越的贡献,是值得纪念的回族历史人物。《元史·赛典赤赡思丁传》记载:“赛典赤赡思丁,一名乌马儿,回回人,别奄伯尔之裔。其国言赛典赤,犹华言贵族也。太祖西征,赡思丁率千骑以文豹白鹘迎降,命入宿卫,从征伐,以赛典赤呼之而不名”①。赡思丁是本名,乌马儿是别名,赛典赤意为大首领。别奄伯尔是波斯语Payam-bar的译音,意即“使者”,指伊斯兰教创始人穆罕默德。“别奄伯尔之裔”是说赛典赤出身于伊斯兰教的圣裔。赛典赤品德高尚…  相似文献   

秦汉时期在西南所设郡县所及范围便成为统一中国的一部分,奠定了中国疆域的格局,但这时云南地区还不存在"边疆"问题,因为没有境外政权作为边疆产生的相对参照.蒙元以前,云南边疆处于边疆要素的历史积累过程,积累的内容主要有民族文化归附力的历史作用,客观自然地理条件因素及其连带选择,等等.蒙元时,境外相对强大政权的建立使云南产生国家关系互动意义体系下的边疆.  相似文献   

论杜文秀义军的民族团结政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
咸同年间,杜文秀领导的云南各族人民反清大起义,坚持斗争18年,给清王朝在云南的统治以沉重打击。这次起义虽然以失败告终,但留给了各族人民许多宝贵的革命斗争经验教训。其中最为珍贵的是:民族团结政策。 在阶级社会中,阶级矛盾是社会的基本矛盾,它支配和决定着其它的矛盾。一个国家,往往由若干个民族组成。各民族之间既有一致,也有矛盾。在一定的条件下,民族矛盾会激化,暂时呈现为社会的主要矛盾,但各民族内部和各民族之间始终存在着不可调和的阶级矛盾,尖锐的民族矛盾终必为尖锐的阶级矛盾所代替。中国几千年阶级社会的历史表明,统治阶级为了维护和巩固其统治地位,既要压迫剥削本民族的人民,又要压迫剥削其它民族的人民。排挤、歧视被统治的民族和挑拨离间各民族之间的关系,以民族矛盾掩盖阶级矛盾,转  相似文献   

在民国时期,为了改变少数民族地区社会经济发展缓慢和文化落后的状况,云南各级地方政府采取了一系列政策和措施,以发展云南的民族教育.其主要政策和措施有,颁布发展民族教育的法令,建立各种民族教育管理机构,对从事民族教育的教职员工实行奖励政策,对少数民族学生在生活上给予其帮助.同时,在招生和升学等方面对少数民族学生实行倾斜政策,提高其升学率.这些政策和措施,都促进了云南民族教育的发展.  相似文献   

廷辩是元朝特殊的政治运作方式和决策形式。廷辩的举行、结果的认定和最后的处理,都由皇帝决定。故谓之廷辩。它采用当事人双方当面对质、对辩的形式,论争某一具体事件或人物的是非功罪。廷辩多发生在忽必烈朝。由此追溯至蒙元之际佛道(全真教)三次大辩论,可以认为,廷辩是蒙古民族性在统治理念和方式上的体现。此后,成宗、武宗朝间或有之,后即未见,可知蒙古贵族的统治方法也显出逐渐汉化的轨迹。  相似文献   

各位领导,各位来宾,女士们、先生们、朋友们:早上好!正值阳春三月,春暖花开之际,我校与伊朗伊斯兰共和国德黑兰大学、马什哈德菲尔多西大学、拉扎维大学等高校联合举办的“首届赛典赤研究国际学术研讨会”,今天在中国昆明开幕了!在此,我谨代表云南大学和本次国际学术研讨会组委会,向远道而来的各国专家学者,表示最热烈的欢迎!向光临我们会议的各位领导表示衷心感谢!赛典赤·赡思丁是中国元初著名的回回穆斯林政治家。根据中国《元史》本传和云南回族中流传下来的珍贵的古老家谱记载,赛典赤出生在古代波斯属地的中亚布哈拉,“赛典赤”的称谓…  相似文献   

少数民族非公有制经济是我国经济发展中一支新的充满活力的经济成份。它的发展,一方面得益于国家现行政策;另一方面,得益于少数民族经商理财的优秀传统。随着社会经济的发展,仅仅依靠传统的理财观是远远不能满足当前少数民族企业发展需要的。从经商到办企业,少数民族理财的观念也随之发生着质的飞跃。在吸收传统的理财精华的基础上,树立现代企业财务管理的观念,促进少数民族非公有制经济的发展,使新的理财观念渗透到企业发展的各个领域、各个环节中。  相似文献   

If as a collective society we desire to challenge oppression as it exists, we must individually commit to learning about race, in all its facets, and racism as an institution at an emotional level. Although there are many ways to accomplish these ends, antiracist pedagogy – as antioppressive education – is an effective method to do so through its focus on the intersections of race. This study shares how participants in a higher education classroom emotionally experienced studying race and racism. Using a narrative inquiry hybrid, results of this inquiry include how emotions are at the core of such learning, particularly because they can be racially segregated and relationally complex. The lack of research about the relationship between racism and emotions is felt acutely in higher education classrooms, so this study contributes to our understandings of antioppressive pedagogy in such classrooms. Since the overall goal of antiracist pedagogy is antiracist change and classroom emotions are an impending result, the dilemma of focusing on emotions persists. Subsequent implications for antiracist pedagogy specifically, and antioppressive pedagogies broadly, include explicitly addressing the emotionality of antiracism as an ongoing praxis.  相似文献   

This conceptual article outlines the current literature on immigrant integration, immigrant civic engagement practices, opportunities to include other civic engagement activities into existing concepts of immigrant integration, and suggestions for future research and practice. The authors support a framework of civic and political integration of immigrants that goes beyond voting, and purposefully delineates categories that are commonly used to distinguish immigrants based on their eligibility for citizenship and participation in elections. Civic community organizing activities for all immigrants, regardless of citizenship status, can help build individual and community identity and empowerment as well as help mitigate stressors associated with immigrant feelings of social isolation. Implications for theory and practice on the role noncitizen immigrants play in the policy-making process and how they are received (or systematically left out) of this civic engagement process are also discussed.  相似文献   

People living in developing countries want to migrate to developed countries because of increasing economic disparities. They are attracted to migrate because of material affluence, economic prosperity and political stability of the developed world. Canadian immigration laws restrict immigration for people of different social classes in developing countries like Bangladesh and, therefore, it becomes attractive for both Bangladeshi men and women to migrate to Canada through marriage. How restrictive is the Canadian immigration policy in limiting international migration? How does individuals’ immigration or citizenship status in Canada transform them into desirable brides or grooms? What are the expectations of immigrant brides and grooms? How is marriage used as a strategy to immigrate to Canada? I focus on Bangladeshi immigration to Canada and argue that both Bangladeshi men and women are interested to migrate to Canada through marriage due to restrictive Canadian immigration policies.  相似文献   

突破与超越--高校扩招与教学质量的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国高校扩招给中国高等教育带来了历史性的突破,并呼唤教学质量的提高.而坚持开放的理念,创新的理念,以教师为主导、学生为主体的理念,是实现教学质量超越的必经之路.  相似文献   

格珍 《西藏研究》2009,(3):11-18
新中国建立后,党和政府在全面执行民族区域自治制度,使其成为民族地区实行的一项基本国策.总结60多年来我国实行民族区域自治制度的经验和40多年来西藏实行民族区域自治制度的实践,我们有两条基本的经验启示:一是在我国解决民族问题必须坚持民族区域自治制度.使民族区域自治制度成为党和国家的一项长期的基本政策和制度;二是必须进一步发展和完善民族区域自治制度,不断对不适合当前实际的民族区域自治制度的具体做法进行调整、充实、发展.使我国民族区域自治制度的原则和精神作为不断解决国内民族问题的基本国策得以在很长的历史时期中发挥积极作用.  相似文献   

This paper uses the Wittgensteinian method of discourse analysis to analyze the narratives of Islamophobia in Donald Trump’s speeches and interviews. Theoretically, the analysis is informed by hegemonic neoliberal ideology. It argues that to sustain itself, hegemonic neoliberalism must contrast itself against other belief systems that it unilaterally denounces as inferior. After having done so, hegemonic neoliberalism then seeks to neoliberalize those belief systems. In this vein, this paper contends that hegemonic neoliberalism has an Islamophobic “face” because it “otherizes” Islam and Muslims in order to justify its neoliberalization of Islam and Muslims. Thus, this paper defines neoliberal Islamophobia as the conceptualization of Islam and Muslims as antithetical to neoliberal values. In all, Trump’s speeches and interviews contain five Islamophobic narratives: (1) radical Islam is the sole cause of terrorism; (2) radical Islamic terrorism is a global existential threat; (3) Muslim refugees and immigrants are a threat to American security; (4) the proposal to suspend entry of Muslim refugees and immigrants to the US; and (5) the faux humanitarian policy of establishing safe zones for Muslim refugees in Syria. The paper concludes with policy implications.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of high school racial composition, measured as percent of non-Hispanic white students, on trajectories of depressive symptoms from adolescence to early adulthood. We also explore whether the effect of school racial composition varies by respondent race/ethnicity and whether adult socioeconomic status mediates this relationship. We analyzed four waves of data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health using 3-level linear growth models. We restricted our sample to respondents enrolled in grades 9–12 in 1994/5 who were interviewed at a minimum in Waves I and IV. This resulted in 10,350 respondents enrolled in 80 high schools in 1994/5 (5,561 whites, 2,030 blacks, 1,834 Hispanics, 738 Asians, and 187 of other race). As the percentage of white students increased at the high school respondents attended in 1994/5, blacks reported more depressive symptoms. This effect did not vary by age. In comparison, Asian and Hispanic respondents who attended predominantly white high schools had lower levels of depressive symptoms than their counterparts who attended predominantly minority schools, but they also experienced a slower decline in depressive symptoms through early adulthood. Adult SES mediated the relationship between high school racial composition and depressive symptoms for black, but not for Asian or Hispanic respondents. Our results suggest that high school racial composition is associated with trajectories of depressive symptoms through early adulthood, but the effect differs by respondents’ race/ethnicity. Racial/ethnic disparities in depressive symptoms during early adulthood may have their origins in adolescence.  相似文献   

从疍民研究看中国民族史与族群研究的百年探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
疍民是历史上广泛分布于我国东南沿海地区的水居族群,疍民的源流及其与陆居族群的关系,历来是东南民族史、区域社会文化史与族群研究的重要内容.墨民研究不仅完整地体现了百年来不同时代的话语背景与不同的学术关怀,同时也是近代以来中国人文社会科学的学科发展历程、理论方法更新及学术视野拓展的一个缩影.  相似文献   

马福 《青海民族研究》2007,18(2):165-169
该实验主要分析网络自主学习模式下不同群体对这种学习模式的适应性,指出存在的问题,并认为欲解决这些问题必须采取不同模式,适当安排网络自主化学习时间和内容,保证英语教学成效。  相似文献   

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