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张原 《民族学刊》2010,1(2):157-158
2010年7月27日,“西南地区多民族和谐共生关系研究”国际学术会议的开幕式与《民族学刊》首发式在贵州大学举行。参与此次学术活动的专家学者分别来自美国耶鲁大学、加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC)、美国威斯康星大学、台湾“中研院”、台湾清华大学、香港科技大学、中国社会科学院、中国人民大学、中央民族大学、中国农业大学、北京师范大学、复旦大学、上海大学、中山大学、厦门大学、新疆大学、西南大学、三峡大学、云南大学、四川大学、四川师范大学、吉首大学、广西民族大学、广西师范大学、贵州民族学院、西南民族大学、贵州大学等高校或学术研究机构。在开幕式上,民族学和人类学著名学者、贵州大学纳日碧力戈教授作了“生存与生  相似文献   

2009年9月7日至11日,第七届国际亚洲传统医学大会在不丹国首都廷布市举行.来自美国、中国、不丹、印度、尼泊尔、英国、德国、韩国、日本、瑞士、奥地利、法国、澳大利亚、泰国、古巴、新加坡、意大利、加拿大、荷兰、柬埔寨等30个国家和地区的240位从事亚洲传统医学研究的学者参加了此次会议,其中中国学者15位.  相似文献   

本刊主要发表有关人类学、民族学、历史学、宗教学、藏学等方面的研究论文和调查报告,特别注重对青藏高原诸世居民族历史和现状的研究。1.来稿请用纸稿和电子稿(可通过电子邮件投送),并单另附作者简介,注明作者姓名、出生年、性别、民族、籍贯、职称、学位、单位(所在省市、邮政编码)、研究方向、联系电话、电子邮件等。  相似文献   

武陵山区位于湖南(湘西土家族苗族自治州、张家界市、怀化市)、湖北(恩施土家族苗族自治州、长阳土家族自治县、五峰土家族自治县)、贵州(铜仁地区)、重庆(黔江区、秀山土家族自治县、酉阳土家族自治县、石柱土家族自治县、彭水县、武隆县)四省市的结合部,  相似文献   

正许家桥回族维吾尔族乡是常德市鼎城区唯一的民族乡,1984年12月经湖南省人民政府批准成立。位于区境西南部,距区府14.5公里。319国道、常吉高速公路贯穿而过,东接常德桃花源机场、常张高速公路,西临沅水。许家桥回族维吾尔族乡辖16个自然行政村、2个社区居委会。16个村委会分别为许家桥、三德桥、八叶桥、三元桥、五宝山、药王溪、金牛山、广成、麻家巷、兴旺、中堰、永寺山、民族、兴费山、双堰岗、距马。全乡总人口21580人,其中回  相似文献   

本刊主要发表有关民族学、人类学、宗教学、历史学、藏学等方面的研究论文和调查报告,特别注重对青藏高原诸世居民族历史和现状的研究。1.来稿请用纸稿和电子稿(可通过电子邮件投送),并单另附作者简介,注明作者姓名(出生年—)、性别、民族、籍贯、职称、学位、单位(所在省市、邮政编码)、研究方向、联系电话、电子邮件等。  相似文献   

遗产发现地:湘西土家族苗族自治州永顺县、保靖县湘西土家族苗族自治州地处亚热带,海拔800米至2000米,丘陵起伏,沟谷纵横,气候湿润,植被茂密,是竹类生长繁殖的好地方。山竹、桂竹、水竹、楠竹、绵竹……各类竹资源十分丰富,对于竹编制品萌生与繁衍有良好基础。生活在这里的土家、苗、汉各族人民多善竹编,筛、箩、簸、箕、篮、篓、筐、架、床、  相似文献   

20个 近日,国务院扶贫办发布《国家扶贫开发工作重点县名单》,湖南20个县位列其中,它们分别是邵阳县、隆回县、城步县、平江县、桑植县、安化县、汝域县、桂东县、新田县、江华县、沅陵县、  相似文献   

《西藏研究》(汉文版 )是以藏学研究为特色的综合性学术刊物 ,设有政治、经济、文化、历史、宗教、哲学、文学、社会学、教育、语言、法律、道德、文物、考古、民俗、文献、医学、天文历算、格萨尔、人物、人口、建筑、灾异、地理、西部大开发、学术争鸣、藏学动态、国外藏学、书评、藏学常识等栏目。为进一步提高办刊质量 ,强化本刊的规范性 ,现请投稿人注意以下事项 :1、本刊是具有民族特色和地方特色的探索性藏学学术刊物 ,注重刊发以第一手调研资料为立论基础的有鲜明时代精神的藏学论文、学术评论、学术动态 ,不接受新闻报道、文学作品…  相似文献   

凉镇 《民族论坛》2008,(12):54-55
<正>凉伞镇位于新晃侗族自治县西南部,距县城63公里,东西两面与本县黄雷、天堂、新寨、凳寨、茶坪五乡毗邻,南北两面与贵州省天柱、三穗、镇远、玉屏四县的坪地、雪洞、羊坪、新店四镇接  相似文献   

A weaver, seamstress, laundress and artist, in this essay I shall spin a yarn, tangle a web, and construct a text(ile) of the inter-weave of narrative and identity that I define as my intellectual, textual, somatic and material/visual practice obsessions. My work explores ‘the places in-between’ in the entanglements of Irish and Northern Irish gender and identity, and in the abject fabrics of death and of desire. As an Irish feminist, sense-making of the complexities, conundrums, challenges and contradictions of my land, my cloth, my body and my culture owes much to Irish women before me who fought for female suffrage, and Irish women now – north and south of the border that divides the island of Ireland – who still struggle for equality of citizenship, social justice, human rights, and full reproductive autonomy. My contention is that when we accept that Ireland herself is a many-layered cloth, a stained and bloodied cloth, a cloth marked irreversibly by history, conflict, denial and abuse, stained by its own repression, marked through denial of all its people’s rights and needs, and bloodied by its greatest export, the haemorrhage of its people, then – polemical, didactic or reflective, with more compassion, empathy, humility and heart – we just might make peace with our past.  相似文献   

Referring to the philosophical reflection on interculturality as presented by Raúl Fornet-Betancourt, I confront the process of globalization, which is based on a single economy, homogenization of culture, and equalization of differences, with the interculturality that is based on a dialogue and movement toward a union of nations and cultures economically, politically, socially, and spiritually. The starting point of Fornet-Betancourt’s philosophy of interculturality is culture, understood as the realm of freedom, creativity, and realization of each human being. A right to material necessities and economic development represents the precondition for free development, liberation, and realization of every culture, especially the poor. Interculturality is always rooted in a specific context of philosophical thought. Contextualization of the thought does not prevent us from communication and the search for universality, but it teaches us that our search for universality cannot be based on some abstract and formal principles. True universality is based on a historical contextualization of human life in a given culture. Each culture is a micro-universe, which, together with other universes, through interaction creates a macro-universe. By creating conditions of social justice and equality, we guarantee a free interaction of cultures on the one side, and on the other, a mutual transformation of their lifestyles, work, community organization, education, and so forth. The philosophy of interculturality promulgates a debordering process for the cultures to go beyond the borders of globalization homogeneity with its unilateral future based on consumerism and profit, towards a humanity of different and mutually enriching futures.  相似文献   

史诗是世界文化遗产中的宝中之宝,它不仅用特殊的形式保存着各民族的重大史实、传说、神话和语言,而且是民族文化、民族传统,民族精神的多面晶体,是世界多极化、多元化、多样化的体现或证明.本文通过对东西方两大史诗<伊利亚特><格萨尔王传>的比较,从流传方式、历史真实性、英雄颂歌、社会历史条件、战争观念、谋篇布局几个方面进一步探索东西方史诗的异中有同、同中有异的血缘关系.从而使我们能够从世界文学的视角,用全新的眼光来审视东方的藏民族史诗,使藏民族史诗的研究更进一步,更具有整体性和全面性,更具有学术价值.  相似文献   


This special issue showcases work that theorises and critiques the political, economic, legal, and socio-historical (‘ethnic’ or ‘cultural’) subordination of the European Roma (so-called ‘Gypsies’), from the specific critical vantage point of Roma migrants living and working within and across the space of the European Union (EU). Enabled primarily through ethnographic research with diverse Roma communities across the heterogeneous geography of ‘Europe’, the contributions to this collection are likewise concerned with the larger politics of mobility as a constitutive feature of the sociopolitical formation of the EU. Foregrounding the experiences and perspectives of Roma living and working outside of their nation-states of ‘origin’ or ostensible citizenship, we seek to elucidate wider inequalities and hierarchies at stake in the ongoing (re-)racialisation of Roma migrants, in particular, and imposed upon migrants, generally. Thus, this special issue situates Roma mobility as a critical vantage point for migration studies in Europe. Furthermore, this volume shifts the focus conventionally directed at the academic objectification of ‘the Roma’ as such, and instead seeks to foreground and underscore questions about ‘Europe’, ‘European’-ness, and EU-ropean citizenship that come into sharper focus through the critical lens of Roma racialisation, marginalisation, securitisation, and criminalisation, and the dynamics of Roma mobility within and across the space of ‘Europe’. In this way, this collection contributes new research and expands critical interdisciplinary dialogue at the intersections of Romani studies, ethnic and racial studies, migration studies, political and urban geography, social anthropology, development studies, postcolonial studies, and European studies.  相似文献   


Using ethnographic research in Norway and in Poland, this article focuses on the dynamics of multiple belongings of Polish migrants. It explores their experiences of belonging in relation to social class, gendered identities, and their different strategies of transnational mobility between Poland and Norway. By approaching belonging ‘from below’, we posit that it is a dynamic, processual, and socially and culturally constructed attachment to places, times, and communities, which includes experiential, practical, and affective dimensions. Considering the importance of questions of belonging and home-making in migrants’ lives, always contextually produced and read through performative reiterations, we focus on migrants’ daily routines and migratory practices, and argue that belonging is a multifaceted process, which takes on diverse forms and meanings of ‘who’ belongs to ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘when’. Following intersectional perspective, the article aims at problematizing dependencies between mobility, gender, class, and migrants’ multiple belongings, and thereby, enhancing the understanding of the notion of belonging and its embeddedness in the inter-related social, cultural, economic, and political realms.  相似文献   

禅宗与中国的艺术精神   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
禅宗作为一种学说,一种关于物我、佛我关系的学说,是印度佛教与中国儒、道思想的杂糅,是一种"具有中国特色"的佛学理论.中华民族所独具的宏大博深的艺术,是一种既为广泛实践又最具备抽象性以及审美境界的中国艺术.自然它必然受着中国传统文化、思想,特别是禅宗文化的影响.  相似文献   

In Ethiopia, the study and issue of center–periphery relations is not an easy task. It has remained complex and dynamics as it has been dictated and shaped by ever changing socio-economic relations, state ideology and structure. A case in point is Metekel region, which had been characterized by under development, lowland, hot climate and traditional way of life. Until post-1991developments, Metekel was peripheral in relation to the central state. It was an area of confrontation and conflict. Owing to the structural weakness of the centre, successive rulers of the area did not command effective control over it. Focusing on Gumuz, a Nilo-Saharan family, on one hand, and highlanders and new settlers, on the other, this essay examined the main features and dynamics of center–periphery relations, governance and conflicts in Metekel area. The sources, both primary and secondary, have been carefully examined based on the objectives of the study.  相似文献   

"中华"一词出现在晋武帝时期,渐为国人普遍接受和使用.具有地域、民族、文化、政治等方面的涵义,并应用在宫门、天文、殿名、官职、郡名等方面.到了近代,随着西方的入侵、华夏中心主义的解体,传统的"中华"涵义消退,代之而起的是中华民族和国家的涵义.  相似文献   

近代以来,随着开埠通商与内外贸易的扩展,位处珠江上下游的广东与广西之间经济往来日益密切,双方依据自身经济的发展进程的特点和需求,围绕着人力、资金、技术、商品物资等方面,建立了长期而频繁的交流,通过双方的分工与互补,一定程度上弥补了自身发展过程中的不足,共同推动了近代珠江流域经济的整体发展.  相似文献   

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