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基于价值网的企业集群供应链竞合关系管理探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
整个企业集群中的供应链网络在向更为高级和有序的网络结构发展的过程中,竞合关系不仅是推动企业发展的潜在动力和源泉,在横向和纵向上也都是整个集群网络发展的关键因素.根据竞合理论的分析框架,影响集群供应链形成竞争优势的因素包括:合作伙伴的选择、合作价值的创造、合作规则、合作策略和合作范围五个方面,通过改变这些要素中的一个或几个就可以改变商业活动,进而形成相应战略.运用价值网理论,可以将这五个要素进行整合.基于价值网的企业集群供应链管理模式,它强调价值网成员资源的优化整合,发挥成员之间的协同效应,进而更有效地实现客户价值.价值网模式在一定程度上克服了传统供应链价值流存在的缺陷,是对供应链形态的重新塑造.  相似文献   

在竞争日益全球化的今天,企业间的竞争逐步变为供应链之间的竞争,企业在竞争中获胜很大程度上取决于整个供应链的水平.供应链合作伙伴关系的构建及管理作为供应链管理的重要组成部分,也就愈发重要.如何有效地协调处在供应链节点上的各个企业,增强供应链的稳定性,提升供应链的整体竞争力,并使各个节点企业从供应链合作关系中获益,达到共赢的局面,是建立稳固长期的供应链合作伙伴关系的重要内容.  相似文献   

市县关系是省直管县改革的核心与关键.省直管县改革进程中,市县关系将从纵向隶属走向横向分治,其间合作不可或缺.回顾省直管县改革过程中的市县合作困境,发现除受制于阻力外,与压力孱弱、 动力不足及引力疲软等因素不无关联.实际上,主导省直管县改革中市县合作关系变迁的是一个包括引力、 阻力、 压力与动力等在内的"力场"系统.为此,可以构建起一个"力场"分析框架,洞悉省直管县改革中市县关系背后的多元复杂因素、 力场博弈及作用绩效,解析市县关系变迁的历程及形式,从而有针对性地形塑市县合作关系进化的路径选择与策略建议.  相似文献   

供应商选择评价指标体系研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在当前多变的环境下,众多企业抛弃了那种以采购、设计、制造到销售全面自行负责的纵向一体化的经营管理模式,构成了从供应商、制造商、分销商到最终用户的物流和信息网络,即为供应链。供应商和制造商的关系开始转变为合作伙伴关系。在全球化竞争的条件下,传统的基于供需的质量、价格、交货期的评选标准已不能满足日趋激烈的竞争要求。制造商应从企业能力(市场敏捷性、生产柔性、信息化水平和生产规模),合作程度(信息共享程度、其他合作者的评价、准时交货率和平均订单完成率)及服务水平(价格比率、交货期和交货质量合格率)三个层面来对供应商进行评价和选择,构建新的评价指标体系。  相似文献   

供应链:企业管理中的合作伙伴选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈彤  于翰 《学术交流》2003,(11):94-96
面临经济全球一体化,企业管理中的传统方法已很难适应新的竞争形势的发展,取而代之的是在全球范围内与供应商、销售商建立一种长期的合作伙伴关系。因此,要在供应链的背景下选择合作伙伴,以期建立理想的合作关系。供应链上各企业之间应建立信任机制。其管理的关键在于供应链各节点企业之间的连接与合作以及相互之间在设计、生产、竞争策略等方面良好的协调。  相似文献   

交叉上市是指同一公司的股票同时在两个或两个以上证券交易所挂牌交易的行为.本文在文献回顾的基础上,选取了1993年1月1日至2010年12月31日期间在境外证券交易所主板以及内地证券交易所主板交叉上市的非金融企业样本作为检验样本,根据行业匹配和规模匹配的原则建立配对样本,通过基于单变量的横向比较分析与纵向比较分析,以及基于综合财务绩效评价的横向比较分析与纵向比较分析,较为稳健地证明了:交叉上市对企业绩效产生负面的影响,交叉上市实际上向投资者传递了有关企业绩效的消极信号.  相似文献   

中国IT外包企业普遍规模小、实力弱,在同国际对手的竞争中始终处于下风,无法承接到大的订单.在短期内,可以通过接包方式的创新实现企业竞争力和绩效的提升,从而带动中国IT外包产业的发展.接包方式创新可以从三个层面进行:接包商数量、外包业务关系以及任务模块数量,这三个层面的转变对企业接包合作绩效的提高有积极的影响.  相似文献   

府际关系,亦称政府间关系,既指国内不同层级政府之间以及政府部门之间的权力分工关系,也指国家间各级政府之间的交往合作关系。府际关系实际上是政府之间的权力配置和利益分配的关系,它对于一国的经济发展、社会管理有着重要作用。长期以来,中国的府际关系以纵向关系和条块关系为主导,横向关系并不显著,但近年来由于经济社会发展与政府职能转变,中国的府际关系正处于深刻的变动之中,呈现出复杂化和多样化特征:一方面是府际关系在迅速发展的过程中呈现出迫切的调整与变革诉求;另一方面则是府际关系在竞争日益激烈的态势下表现出强烈的合作意愿。但总体而言,其特征并没有发生根本性变化,块块相隔、条块交错的联系形式仍是府际关系的主要特征,中央—地方间的纵向府际关系仍然是府际关系的主体,以层层节制为特征的单向权力运行模式在府际关系的实践中发挥着主要作用。随着经济社会一体化全面推进和跨域公共事务不断增加,中国传统的府际关系已经不能适应当前区域合作深入发展的需求,因而面临着调整和变革的压力。为适应这一客观发展的需要,中国的府际关系必然会呈现出纵向府际关系法治化、横向府际关系制度化、府际关系网络化的发展趋势。为了推进府际关系的良性健康发展,政府及其官员应该进一步发挥自身的主体作用,积极主动地深化行政管理体制改革。  相似文献   

基于数据挖掘方法的供应链合作伙伴选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用数据挖掘技术从潜在供应链合作伙伴的大量数据信息中发现隐藏的知识、关系和趋势,有助于供应链企业利用获得的知识提高供应链管理的决策质量.本文提出了供应链合作伙伴选择的二阶段模型:筛选阶段与评价阶段.并应用数据挖掘方法对潜在的合作伙伴进行聚类和分类分析,使供应链的合作伙伴选择过程更为高效.  相似文献   

根据装备制造业企业的发展现状及其现有管理模式,以动态联盟为理论基础,整合供应链管理、虚拟研发、客户关系管理、各部门绩效评估等有效管理手段,构建装备制造业企业动态联盟管理模式,并对其组织结构和运行特点进行分析,使装备制造业企业在动态联盟管理模式下实现资源有效整合,获得持续的竞争优势.  相似文献   

Reliable supply chains are crucial to the productivity and economic growth of nations. Despite the recognition of its importance, especially brought to the forefront by the challenges of the coronavirus crises, formal research on the contribution of supply chain logistics is less forthcoming. This paper uses data on 130 nations to examine the relative effects of different aspects of supply chain logistics, including overall logistics performance, and the performance of the input and output dimensions of logistics, on economic growth. The results show that improvements in the supply chain logistics performance yield positive growth dividends. Further, the input and output dimensions of logistics performance have positive growth effects, with some quantitative differences. Significantly, the growth impact of logistics performance varies across nations with different growth rates. Implications for public policy and spillovers for COVID-19 initiatives are discussed.  相似文献   

Popularity among peers might be related to behavior in gradual or non‐gradual ways. In this research, a popularity subgroups approach was used to examine whether some behaviors were associated with only specific levels of popularity. Moreover, observational data in popularity research is valuable yet scarce. This research, therefore, also examined the association between popularity and observed behavior in a cooperative and competitive setting. In total, 182 early adolescents (58.2% girls, Mage = 10.7 years) completed peer nominations and were observed during a cooperative and a competitive task in groups of four. Results show that affective ties increased gradually with increasing popularity, but that relational aggression, bullying and attention‐attracting qualities distinguished popular adolescents from other early adolescents, and victimization distinguished unpopular adolescents from the other early adolescents. Observations showed that high popularity was defined by high levels of negative behavior, prosocial resource control, skillful leadership, and influence, with the effect of popularity on influence being stronger in the cooperative than the competitive setting. Using multiple methods, and taking context into account, a more complete behavioral profile of different levels of popularity is provided.  相似文献   

This article identifies organizational structures and practices in schools that influence the frequency of interracial interactions, the likelihood ofcross-race friendships, and students' attitudes and behaviors toward members of different racial and ethnic groups. These formal and informal organizational practices include curriculum tracking, assignment to classes, attendance at school level functions, and extracurricular activities. The article discusses how the quality of interracial interactions and the resultingrelationships among students is influenced by the contexts of these different organizational practices, including students' status expectations, cooperative versus competitive modes of academic and extracurricular interactions, and educators' views on racial/ethnic issues and their preferences for instructional methods. By taking these effects into account, schools can make significant advances in promoting positive race relations.  相似文献   

福利经济学主流观点认为社会公共服务作为公共物品只能由政府供给。事实上,在众多市场经济国家,非政府组织在社会公共服务的供给中发挥着重要作用,其成长和壮大有其现实和理论背景。相较于对立的、漠视和依赖,政府与非政府组织在提供公共物品和服务领域中更呈现一种互相合作的伙伴关系。  相似文献   

Objective. This study investigates whether variations in democratic institutions influence foreign policy outcomes. Specifically, it examines whether democracies differ systematically in their inclination to join international organizations. Methods. The study performs negative binomial estimation analysis of the relationship between IGO membership and variations in democratic structure. Results. It finds that a more competitive party system and multiple legislative chambers, especially for wealthy and stable Western democracies, contribute to more IGO memberships. Conclusions. From our findings we infer that consensus democracies adopt a kinder, gentler foreign policy that includes more willingness to participate in multilateral, cooperative international institutions, relying on negotiation and compromise to reach mutually acceptable arrangements for dealing with common problems. This assertion fits with a fundamental Kantian thesis: that the more representative and accountable a society's political institutions are, the more peaceful that society is likely to be.  相似文献   

The debate on the relationship between internationalization and performance is still open and is a hot topic for policymakers, but they ignore the impacts for most of the firms supported. The paper is based on a large database of seven years that considers quantitative-qualitative and control variables. To reduce industry and country heterogeneity we focused on the Italian automotive supply chain. We tested 5 modes of internationalization on firms’ profitability so to support the design of policies. Our results are partially in contrast with literature; therefore we identify specific environments where policies, namely for exporting, could be more effective.  相似文献   

黑龙江省农村专业合作经济组织虽然得到了一定的发展 ,但总体上仍是规模小 ,水平低 ,难以满足农业产业化发展的需要。应根据我国加入WTO后农产品市场及国际市场竞争规则的变化 ,借鉴国际农业合作社的发展经验 ,依托黑龙江省资源优势和特色优势 ,充分利用现代经营方式 ,在总结供销社改革和专业合作社发展经验的基础上 ,加强政策支持和引导 ,加快黑龙江省农村专业合作经济组织发展。  相似文献   

试论现代企业竞争中的服务质量管理策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
服务质量是现代企业竞争的着力点,也是影响企业竞争优势的主要因素所在。要完善服务质量管理体系,不断提高服务质量,必须深刻把握和实际权衡顾客预期服务质量与实际服务质量的四个制衡点;通过提供人性化服务、实行服务承诺制、及时进行服务补救等情感投资来培育服务质量的竞争优势;通过完善服务质量的内部管理体系,即建立服务质量信息系统、提升内部服务质量、培养企业的团队精神,从而为企业在市场竞争中始终立于不败之地而蓄积竞争优势。  相似文献   

供应链中第三方物流协调研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
完成物流配送任务的第三方物流公司的协作集成保证了供应链的成功。为了降低系统总成本,全球第三方物流可以应用各种运输整合政策来大幅度降低运输成本。应用第三方物流来协调供应链,可以提高供应链的绩效,并获得有参加者多赢的解决方案。  相似文献   

This paper examines residential childcare workers’ perceptions of quality and how they relate to the growing performance measurement culture within social work over the last 10 years. In particular, it is concerned with examining how workers define quality services and what this means for the government's standards approach with its emphasis on tangible activities around process rather than outcomes. In addition this paper considers the prospects for developing quality in residential care and what frontline workers assess as adding to and/or subtracting from that activity. The growing performance measurement and standards culture being propagated by central government is considered in the context of workers’ perceptions and influence, particularly as it relates to the potential to maximize the quality of the service provided. In this context staff perceptions are obtained from nine children's units in two local authorities with the intention of providing research evidence to a debate very often centred on belief rather than fact.  相似文献   

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