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对于人口质量的评定,人们迄今还仍然按照理论界以往的共识以所谓的"综合指标"为其依据.其实,真正的依据则是人的思想言行之社会力能对社会生活所产生的实际作用.可见,人力才是人口质量的本质内容.人力是一种极其特殊的力量,通常都以体力、智力、心力三大要素构成.尽管它因人而异,但却从来都是以一种合力形态发挥其特定的社会功能.  相似文献   

我国的职业人力利用安全性差,损害性利用问题突出,应研究从业人的职业人力及其利用限度,探讨职业人力的合理利用与科学管理问题,当事人、用人单位和政府部门等社会的各个方面应分别做好自己的管理,多方面努力解决存在的问题。  相似文献   

中国文化以其强有力的辐射功能对东方社会的各个方面产生了深刻影响。具体到人口的发展,她又起到什么作用呢?1991年新年伊始(1月5~7日)。来自美国、法国、葡萄牙、日本、中国海峡两岸和港澳地区的50余名专家学者,聚首东西方文化的交汇地——澳门,对上述问题进行了探讨。 这次题为“中国文化与人口发展的国际(亚太地区)学术研讨会”由中国国际文化交流中心、中  相似文献   

中心《中国人口》栏目是传播人口知识窗口,始终呼吁尊重生命、关爱女孩,实现人与社会协调发展。栏目紧贴百姓生活,记录五味人生。  相似文献   

江苏省无锡市南长区人口计生局始终坚持以提高人民群众的幸福感、满意度为主旨,提高人民群众的生活质量和生命质量为主线,提高全区各类家庭幸福指数为主导,积极作为,特色创新,幸福家庭创建活动取得了阶段性成效。以关注重点家庭为突破铺就幸福之路家庭是社会的基本单位,家庭幸福是人口发展、社会和谐的重要基础。  相似文献   

和谐社会理念要求人与自然,人与人,人与社会的多重融合,也必然表现为两性间的和谐。在已被广泛讨论的人口计生与和谐社会背后,始终渗透着一个性别平等、尊重与发展的主题。从女性在出生时获得平等的生命权,到成长中拥有营养、治疗与教育的同等机会,以及健康的性生活、自主选择生育模式、男性分担计划生育责任,并在发展中努力摆脱贫困、实现赋权的过程,始终体现着人口计生的社会性别问题。而以上人口计划生育每一环节的社会进步,都印证着和谐社会的理念。  相似文献   

钟逢干 《南方人口》2007,22(4):1-12
论文从"社会发展史一定程度上是人与生物圈关系史"和"文化是人实现人同自然之间双向适应关系的方式"的认识出发,论证了中国人口理论研究是高层次的文化活动;继而,以追求人与生物圈关系和谐的理论为工具,透视生育文明从古到今的发展.生育文明的本质,就是人通过在婚育方面的文化创造,既增进人自己生命素质又促进人与生物圈关系的和谐,而这也属于中国人口理论的文化内涵.  相似文献   

人力资源开发浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
任何一个国家的社会和经济的发展过程中,人力资源的开发利用对经济和社会的促进作用是十分明显的。随着科学技术的进步,人力要素越来越受到人们的普遍重视。这不仅是因为人作为生产的终极目的得到强调,更重要的是,对于人作为生产劳动的主体在生产力要素中起决定性作用的认识比以往任何时候都透彻深刻。当代发展经济学已从规范和实证两个方面  相似文献   

随着四化建设的推进和社会经济的发展,中国的城市化正呈现出前所未有的新形势,而大城市地区的城市化,又以其独特的发展过程和明显的先导作用,更加引起人们的重视和研究。本文以上海地区为例,从人  相似文献   

以县(区、县级市、自治县)为单元的人口发展功能区划是对国家、省级、地市级人口发展功能区划的必要补充。本文以成都市龙泉驿区为研究区域(涵盖所辖的12街道、乡镇),采用因子分析方法,通过经济发展水平、社会服务与消费、自然环境适宜度、居民收入水平四项主因子评价,具体划分出了该区域各街道、乡镇所对应的人口限制区、人口疏散(收缩)区、人口稳定区和人口集聚区四类人口发展功能区,解析了不同功能区的特点、功能,探讨了不同功能区培育途径和政策方向。  相似文献   

柯燕 《西北人口》2007,28(3):79-83
科学发展观是指导发展的科学理论,其核心是提高人民的生活质量。本文以科学发展观为指导,从宏观层面构建了澳门居民客观生活质量指标体系。该体系涵盖了经济、社会、环境三大系统,包括物质福利、教育、健康等11个与生活质量直接相关的领域,反映了澳门经济、社会、环境的整体发展面貌和居民生活质量状况,体现了全面、协调、可持续发展的科学发展观内涵。  相似文献   

现行农村社会保障制度评价与剖析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
我国农村社会保障主要是医疗保障、养老保障和计划生育保障 ,它本质上是一种社区保障 ,尚未具备法制性、强制性及普遍性等社会保障的基本特征。目前在农村建立社会保障制度还受多方面的制约 ,实行社区保障也是权宜之策 ,有其可行性 ,但又有历史局限性  相似文献   

“三关爱”理念是一项意义深远的理论创新成果,是对以人为本、大人口观、服务型政府等重要概念的具体解读,在理论上具有创新性,在内容上具有科学性,在操作上具有可行性。这一理念体现了执政为民、与时俱进的时代精神,体现了稳定低生育水平和提高人口健康水平的双重要求,具有重要的导向作用,昭示了我国未来人口计生工作文明的发展方向。“三关爱”密切了干群关系、党群关系,和谐了群众关系、家庭关系,不仅对我国人口计生工作具有重要的导向作用,而且在更广阔的政府公共管理与社会服务领域的改革方面也具有重要的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

张蕾  常媛媛 《西北人口》2014,(5):102-106
近年来一些社会突发事件如富士康骇人听闻的十几连跳自杀事件和外来务工青年(多为新生代农民工)的犯罪问题等,使新生代农民工的精神健康问题备受关注。本研究对广东省新生代农民工最为集中的六个城市进行实证调研后发现,新生代农民工的总体精神健康状况良好,但是他们对当前生活的满意度较低,在自我价值预期和现实生活需求中存在着明显的心理落差。此外,在将社会支持分解为教育支持、经济支持、社会网络支持、媒体舆论支持和政策性支持五个指标对新生代农民工的精神健康状况进行检验分析后发现,不同的社会支持方式对他们的精神健康影响程度、影响效果存在一定差异。  相似文献   

Latest developments in modern societies have altered living circumstances. Upcoming insecurities concerning employment and family relationships make life more and more incalculable. Especially young adults throughout the modern world are forced to rethink their life concepts and to desist from the lives of former generations. As difficulties to achieve a successful life increase, one could assume that the young are confronted with the impossibility of feeling happy and satisfied with their lives anymore. Yet, latest social surveys prove wrong. Although increasing unemployment, lower net income and single parenthood make life more difficult for the young, they still enjoy very high subjective quality of life in comparison to the older population. Throughout the paper I argue that it is not the objective conditions that make young adults (15–29 years old) feel overwhelmingly happy. Looking for other sources of explanation of high quality of life among people aged 29 or below, I argue for indicators of social embeddedness as being influential on their assessment of life. But again, the proportion of explained variance is smaller compared to older people. With the help of empirical data taken from the European Social Survey I highlight the differences in life circumstances between the young and the total population. Concerning occupation, habitation (kind of inhabited household) and financial situation, most of the young live under different situations compared to the adult world. But surprisingly, the rates of perceived high quality of life among the young do not vary to such a large extent as among the adults. I show that young adults, often damned to fail social demands because of their withdrawal from social life, are still the most happy in modern (more and more individualizing?) societies. But it gets more difficult to account for the reasons of their happiness.  相似文献   

The report by the Stiglitz Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress highlighted the idea that sustainability in essence is about quality of life. This paper discusses and elaborates this notion. It argues that sustainable development should be seen as a process which does not focus on economic development alone, but which also includes well-balanced ecological and social development. Social aspects of sustainability deserve attention because of their instrumental and intrinsic relevance. A society needs a sense of community and commitment. The presence of social capital is very important for the liveability of a society. It is argued that the amount of social capital may fluctuate over time. This means that in the long term, future societies may be better in a social respect (more trust, more participation, less inequality) than today’s. Ensuring social sustainability is thus not only a matter of ensuring that present social cohesion is preserved, but also ensuring that this cohesion will increase or improve. The paper ends by addressing lines of research on social sustainability. The following research themes are mentioned: (1) Quality of life, social capital and social cohesion in a longitudinal perspective. (2) ‘Sustainability of what, why and for whom?’ Sustainability as an issue of choice: trade-offs. (3) Civil society and governance aspects of sustainability. (4) Public perceptions, values and opinions with regard to sustainability issues and (5) Fairness and inequality in relation to sustainability policy, both nationally and internationally.  相似文献   

提升人力资本的制度瓶颈及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人力资本的形成和积累不仅是社会科技和经济体系演进的产物,而且更受相应制度的激励和影响,这已被不断贴近现实的人力资本理论所证实。成功的激励就是人力资本充分发挥的必要条件,但我国现存的制度却制约着人力资本的提升。因此,强化对人力资本提升的制度研究和建设,对于加快促进我国人力资本的形成和积累,实现经济的可持续增长,均具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Life satisfaction is quite heterogeneously distributed across countries of the enlarged European Union. Previous research has shown how living conditions within individual countries, such as access to material and emotional resources, are important for personal well-being, but it has been less successful in explaining differences between countries. This article investigates whether it matters in which political and economic circumstances people live, as well as whether their particular perception of the quality of their societal environment plays a role. People are well aware that the institutional and cultural settings in which their lives are embedded create opportunities and limitations: within individual countries, perceptions of society influence life satisfaction outcomes irrespective of access to resources. However, their importance for well-being differs across Europe: perceptions of societies are highly decisive in countries that provide only a minimum of social security and in which the reliability of political institutions is poor. In rich and stable countries, the impact is weaker and private social support becomes more important. In addition to these country-specific weights of life satisfaction determinants, life satisfaction variations between countries can be explained to a large extent by taking into consideration the economic performance, the social security level, and the political culture in a country—all in all, general conditions that enable people to live a respectable life.  相似文献   

In a study on informal or unpaid care, it is difficult to identify the consequences and effects of care provision on the caregiver’s daily life. Thus, it is important to analyze the perceptions of the individual caregiver. This study describes the perceptions of health, well-being, support networks, and quality of life of 13 women aged between 45 and 70 years after completing an intervention program. The data indicate that caregivers’ health and quality of life worsen with the intervention, and their well-being and social relations (through new technologies) improve.  相似文献   

老年人口生活质量与社会支持的关系研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
李建新 《人口研究》2007,31(3):50-60
国外不少研究表明社会支持(social support)与老年人的生活质量状态有着较强的相关性。本文基于2002年的中国健康长寿调查数据,在考虑人口社会特征和身体健康变量的情况下,应用Stereotype Ordinal Logit模型,从不同的维度分析考察了社会支持对中国老年人口生活质量的影响。结果表明,社会支持对老年人口生活质量的不同方面都有着积极的影响,而不同来源的社会支持对老年人生活质量产生不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

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