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田香兰 《社会工作》2011,(8):59-61,65
人口老龄化究竟是挑战还是机遇,关键在于如何充分利用老年人力资源,推动老有所为,实现积极老龄化。参与社会,扩大交流是中日韩三国老年人的共同要求。要充分认识到当前中日韩民间交流中的老年人的作用,切实推进老年人的文化交流与民间往来。中日韩三国积极老龄化的成功经验和有效做法具有相互学习和借鉴的价值,三国在应对人口老龄化领域有着广阔的合作空间和前景。中日韩三国应长期、积极地开展交流与合作。  相似文献   

宫占奎 《创新》2011,5(6):44-48,127
中日韩三国贸易往来密切,三国自21世纪开始都积极推进国际区域经济合作发展战略,都与其他国家和地区建立了具有特色的区域经济合作组织。中日韩自由贸易区民间可行性研究已经结束,目前进行官产学联合研究,分析中日韩各自的RTA状况及特点,分析中日韩FTA进程,有利于我国实施FTA战略和经济稳定发展。  相似文献   

崔燕 《青岛画报》2012,(6):70-73
第四届中日韩工商峰会上,温家宝总理在致辞中指出,三国决定年内启动中日韩自贸协定谈判。中方倡议利用中国山东毗邻日韩的区位优势,建设中日韩地方经济合作示范区,并积极考虑在日韩选择合作的区域,建立三国产业合作基地。在中国,中日韩之间展开合作,绕不开一座城市——青岛。  相似文献   

2007年7月28日,由中国社会科学院日本研究所和同院亚洲研究中心共同主办的"中日韩三国大众文化相互交流与影响"国际研讨会在北京召开。中国社科院日本研究所所长蒋立峰(图①)首先在开幕式上讲话。他指出:20世纪80年代以来,大众文化在中日韩三国跨国传播和融合的速度加快,中日韩大众文化呈现繁荣局面。进入21世纪.中日韩大众文化交流愈益频繁,出现了历史上空前的盛况。针对三国间大众文化现象而召开的此次研讨会,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

人口老龄化的趋势正在加速,实现积极老龄化成为全世界面临的挑战。家庭代际关系与老年人的身心健康、生活满意度、自尊感、孤独感等密切关联。进入21世纪后,越来越多的欧美心理学家开始在积极老龄化的视角下研究家庭代际关系问题。代际关系具有复杂性,团结与矛盾是代际关系的两种基本形态。围绕代际结构变化、家庭概念变化、人口老龄化冲击、社会规范变化等一系列主题,心理学家进行了大量实证研究,得出了一些既有趣又改变传统认知的结论。这些研究对中国推进积极老龄化的实践以及制定与老年人相关的政策均富有启发意义。  相似文献   

当今世界已进入全球化和区域化共同发展的时代,区域化经济合作蓬勃发展,作用也日益明显.欧盟和北美自由贸易区作为世界上最大的两个区域性合作组织愈发成熟且有不断扩大的趋势.反观亚洲,区域一体化的进程则比较缓慢.而作为东北亚最重要经济大国的中日韩三国之间却尚未开展任何形式的区域性合作,这阻碍着中日韩三国甚至整个东北亚地区的贸易增长和经济发展.本文主要从国际政治经济学的角度出发,对中日韩FTA当前所面临的问题和可行性从正反两面进行深入分析,并对加快中日韩FTA的进程提出几点政策性建议.  相似文献   

关于中国人口老龄化的理论思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人口老龄化是人类社会发展的历史必然,而中国人口老龄化进程的特殊性在于中国的加速老龄化是自觉的历史选择。对中国人口老龄化有诸多隐忧无可厚非,但中国应对老龄化也存在后发优势。社会经济的发展、科技的进步、平均寿命的延长使得中国可以克服应对老龄化的悲观思维。为此,我们需要更新发展观念,重新认识老年人价值,调动全社会的积极性,制定应对老龄化的战略。  相似文献   

徐梅 《日本学刊》2012,(5):109-124,160
2011年12月中日韩宣布完成三国FTA官产学共同研究,并就2012年内启动谈判达成一致。中日韩自由贸易区一旦建立,不仅会拉动三国的经济贸易增长,给三国各自的比较优势产业带来机遇,而且也将对东亚区域经济一体化乃至世界政治经济格局产生深远的影响。尽管在通往自贸区建设的道路上还存在一些困难和障碍,但我们应抓住当前形势发展变化中的契机,积极促进中日韩FTA进程。只要三国本着互利共赢的原则,务实地寻找共同点,灵活推进谈判,就有可能消除差异和障碍,最终建成自贸区。  相似文献   

“中日韩合作与地区秩序”国际学术研讨会在北京举行2005年8月6日,中国社会科学院日本研究所和亚洲研究中心在北京共同召开了“中日韩合作与地区秩序”国际学术研讨会。中国社会科学院日本研究所副所长孙新、环日本海经济研究所理事长兼所长吉田进、韩国仁荷大学教授崔翼晚、日本一桥大学驻北京事务所代表折敷濑及来自中日韩三国大学和研究机构的40多名专家学者出席了会议。与会代表围绕东北亚安全形势与合作前景、东北亚合作的现状与展望、东北亚合作的理论与实践三部分进行了热烈而深入的讨论。各国与会学者以世界眼光、亚洲意识审视并探…  相似文献   

二十一世纪是全球人口年龄结构进入老龄化时代,我国现有老年人口已达1.3亿,占全国人口的10.9%,是世界上人口老龄化速度最快的国家之一。本世纪上半叶,我国人口的老龄化将出现速度快、规模大、比重高的峰值期。人口老龄化的现状和发展形势,表明老龄化问题已成为重大的社会问题,如何解决老年人所面临的医疗保健、护理服务等问题,是全社会和国家都需要  相似文献   

Most Asian countries are regarded as Confucian countries although each has its own historical and cultural background. Little is known about how people in different Asian countries perceive their family boundaries. This study is an attempt to compare the perception of the family in China, Japan, and Korea. We examined the family perception and found substantial differences among the three. Chinese people showed the widest and paternally extended perception of family. Data from people in Korea nearly matched data from China, but family perception developed bilaterally. People in Japan, however, perceived only blood-tied, intimate relations as family members. In addition, the perception of the family was not substantially different between the genders in Japan and China, but in South Korea, men perceived family boundaries more widely than women, implying that women have a greater family burden than men in Korea. Considering the heterogeneity in family perceptions in these countries, this paper tries to explain how social institutions interact with individuals and impact the perception of family. Finally, this paper concludes that it is inappropriate to tie the three East Asian countries as ‘Confucian civilizations’ in terms of family perception.  相似文献   

中国—东盟合作框架下的区域经济合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亚洲区域经济一体化、区域经济合作的研究已经成为多方关注的焦点。其研究大都集中在与东盟密切联系的地区,例如东北亚(中国、日本和韩国)和"东盟+3"。通过加强中国—东盟区域经济合作,以实现利益最大化。从中国—东盟发展历程看,"中国+东盟"合作模式为区域经济合作带来诸多的契机和发展空间。  相似文献   

Responding to a rapidly aging population, Japan and South Korea introduced social insurance-based long-term care systems (LTCSs) in 2000 and 2008, respectively. Korea studied and took up key features of Japan's system while evolving along its own trajectory in line with its healthcare system. The aim of the present study is to unpack the broad category of ‘social insurance’ to explore how distinct system inputs and designs in Korea and Japan related to outcomes in performance measured in terms of coverage, quality of care, and sustainability. In doing so, the study serves as an important starting point for advancing a new stream of social policy research on the comparative performance of LTCSs. Our findings demonstrate that despite adopting a common system type, differences in implementation of the social insurance model (particularly in terms of financing and governance) contributed to divergent performance, with Japan outperforming Korea on most indicators during the observed period. This bears contrary implications for policymaking in the two countries: Whereas Japanese policymakers are faced with the challenge of promoting quality while containing spending, in Korea greater investment is required to strengthen the workforce and build up community care.  相似文献   

This paper asks why South Korea’s relations with Japan is so vulnerable to disputes over history in the post-Cold War period. It argues that South Korea’s identities vis-à-vis Japan and North Korea respectively conflict with each other and leads to inconsistent policy towards Japan that hovers between cooperation and discord. By analyzing South Korea’s relations with Japan as well as its policies and behavior in the post-Cold War period, this paper aims to show how identity factor affects a state’s foreign policy and behavior towards other states. In doing so, it questions the rationality assumption of state behavior in IR and offers alternative explanations on how to better understand “emotional” foreign policies.  相似文献   


 Although positive relationships among health, types of activities, and productive aging have been documented in Western industrial nations, little attention has been paid to rapidly developing countries. This study examined unique factors using national South Korean data. Community-dwelling adults aged 55 years and older (n = 6,688) were drawn from Wave II of the Korean Longitudinal Study on Aging. Binary logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify the main and interaction effects related to labor force participation (LFP) and lifelong-learning participation (LLP). Whereas one third (34.4%) of the respondents were involved in LFP, LLP was extremely low (6.8%). Health and socioeconomic status were significant in conducting LFP and LLP. Depression and cognition contributed to LFP but not LLP. Older men who reported higher levels of depression were less likely to engage in LLP than were their female peers. For female respondents, the social activities of exercise and alumni meetings contributed to the likelihood of LLP. Given the lower socioeconomic characteristics and low participation in lifelong learning, it is essential to establish financial incentives to encourage activity participation and develop programs to promote productive aging in South Korea. Future studies should consider the impact of environments and social policy on productive engagement.  相似文献   

The Republic of Korea (South Korea) and Japan are highly industrialized and modern nations which are both influenced by the Confucian tradition of respect for the elderly and family responsibility for the care of aging parents. In both countries the proportion of the elderly population is increasing. Japan, since the end of World War II, has utilized its government bureaucracy to help develop the social welfare system and to formulate social policies and programs for the elderly. Japan's tradition of samurai Confucianism is congruent with the commitment of the Japanese government to such social development as a matter of national policy. The Republic of Korea has not assigned a comprehensive planning role to its government bureaucracy. Lacking the mix of industrial/post-industrial infrastructure of Japan and not yet faced with the immediacy of a very large elderly population, the Republic of Korea's government has developed its social policies for the elderly in a more incremental manner, usually emphasizing small scale and piecemeal initiatives. With respect to social support, it has emphasized voluntary family efforts as congruent with the Korean (and Chinese) variant of Confucianism. This paper will compare and contrast these different approaches.  相似文献   

马孆 《创新》2008,2(2):48-52
"9·11"以来南海通道的安全形势不容乐观,海上袭击比以往更有组织性和协调性,东南亚水域的海盗、有组织犯罪和潜在的海上恐怖主义三股势力存在着合流的可能,南海周边地区存在的武装分离主义运动与恐怖组织的联系越来越密切。美、日、印等区外大国纷纷藉此插足南海,东南亚国家在南海及其周边水域的海上安全合作方面对中国存在着矛盾的心理。  相似文献   

在中国政府提出将与国际社会共同构建“人类命运共同体”之后,人们普遍感觉到中国正在积极推动东北亚地区的合作与和解,因而有关构建东北亚命运共同体的设想也格外引人注目。虽然官方并未公布构建东北亚地区命运共同体的政策目标,但呼吁构建周边命运共同体和亚洲命运共同体。与历史上日韩等提出的“东亚(东北亚)共同体”建设不同,中国政府分外重视命运共同体所体现的共享历史、平等、相互尊重和共同发展的含义,是一种超越反霸和同盟关系、推动新型伙伴关系建设的话语体系。在比较各方关于东北亚地区的定义后可以发现,“东北亚”是一个地缘政治概念,直至中美关系改善和中国推进改革开放后,这个术语才有了接近今天所表述的整体感。即便如此,域内国家对东北亚的边界仍有不同意见,经济学者和政治学者讨论东亚(东北亚)时对概念的范围也有分歧,因而仍难以形成一致的地区认同和地区发展愿景。未来,需要进一步研究东北亚作为一个整体的国际关系和地缘政治经济演变趋势,才能进一步推动东北亚命运共同体建设。  相似文献   

The evidence‐based policymaking relies on the use and robustness of the available data. Many conceptual and operational difficulties restrict this process, not least in making use of evidence to identify policy priorities. The Active Ageing Index (AAI), developed originally for the 28 European Union countries, offers a strong motivation in this respect. This paper reports on the development of the AAI for Korea, a country where speed and level of population aging is among the highest in the world. Drawing on the comparative analysis of the AAI results for Korea, China, and European countries, we find that Korea's AAI (35.3) is higher than the average of the AAI for all EU countries (33.9) but lower than China (37.3). Fitting Korea into the overall ranking with the EU countries and China (ranked 7), Korea is ranked 11, just behind Germany (10). The AAI results in Korea show that the employment domain performs extremely well compared with the EU countries, but other domains, especially “Social participation” and “Independent, healthy and secure living,” are achieving less favorable outcomes. High employment among the current cohorts of older workers in Korea can be attributed largely to the constraints of low pension income status.  相似文献   

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