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王锋 《管理科学文摘》2014,(4):177-177,179
计算机软件行业在其发展同时产生的种种问题使得在遭遇被复制侵权行为的屡屡发生之后,软件作者无可奈何的被动接受,导致真正的创造者利益不能够得到充分保护,最终会严重挫伤作者的创造热情,进而抑止了行业的发展。因此,本文首先通过分析计算机软件自身的特点,再结合计算机软件著作权和计算机软件商业秘密复合保护,最终完成对于计算机软件的专利的保护的研究。  相似文献   

论我国计算机软件的综合保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
计算机软件的盗版问题日益严重 ,已经成为阻碍我国软件产业健康发展的绊脚石。探讨世界各国计算机软件法律保护方式的优点和不足 ,吸取其中的经验和教训 ,并针对我国的实际情况 ,立足于我国国情 ,提出完善我国计算机软件法律保护的立法对策 ,具有重要的现实意义  相似文献   

计算机技术的飞速发展给人们的社会生活带来了翻天覆地的变化,计算机软件技术的作用也正如日中天,计算机软件由于其具有无形性、作品性与工具性、高成本性、可复制性和流通性等特点,极容易被他人盗版。本文主要介绍三种计算机软件知识产权保护的保护模式:商标法保护模式、专利法保护模式、版权法保护模式。  相似文献   

计算机软件反向工程的版权问题,一直是计算机软件知识产权保护中争议较大的问题。从国际版权保护的基本原则来讲,只有计算机软件思想、概念的表达形式 (Expression of idea)受著作权法的保护,而不是思想、概念本身。从他人的计算机软件产品中还原出的思想、概念,再以该思想、概念为基础进行新的表达,原则上应当不构成对他人计算机软件著作权的侵犯。问题在于这两种表达之间往往存在不同程度的相同或相似。事实上,还原工程较难做到只利用原软件的思想和概念,而不利用思想和概念的表达,这就是导致争议的关键所在。  相似文献   

本文就《湖南省高级人民法院关于审理涉及网络著作权案件若干问题的指导意见》的相关规定以及对未经行政审查合法引进的境外影视作品是否应当进行保护的问题作出一些探讨。  相似文献   

念华明 《办公室业务》2012,(17):116-117
鉴于目前国内外对药物临床试验研究项目伦理审查重视程度日益提高,结合医院伦理审查工作实际,从伦理审查档案的重视程度、档案管理人员素质、制度建设、工作条件等方面,探讨医院临床试验研究项目伦理审查档案管理过程中存在的问题,提出伦理审查档案管理的对策:提高伦理审查档案管理工作的重视程度;加强档案管理相关工作人员培训;健全档案管理制度;创新档案管理手段,从而提高伦理审查档案管理的规范性。  相似文献   

随着现代工程项目建设的不断复杂化和大型化,工程项目的预结算工作对于建设项目的造价控制的重要性已日益凸显,而对于预结算的审查工作则是对相关工作正确性和合理性的总体审查与判断。本文在分析了工程项目预结算审查内容的基础上,从不同的角度对不同的预结算审查方式进行了分析,对于提高工程项目的预结算审查工作效率有重要意义。  相似文献   

计算机软件资产的会计处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机软件指计算机程序及其文档。计算机软件分为系统软件和应用软件两大类。系统软件是指为管理、控制和维护计算机及外部设备,以及提供计算机与用户界面等的软件,如操作系统、各种语言处理程序、数据库管理系统等。应用软件主要用于解决一些实际的应用问题,如自动化生产线控制程序、管理软件、财务软件等。可见,计算机软件有助于产品的形成,有助于提高生产和管理的效率。随着计算机及互联网技术应用范围的扩大及应用程度的加深,企业的计算机软件资源有进一步增多的趋势。一、计算机软件的会计处理由于会计准则对计算机软件的会计处理没有…  相似文献   

我国反垄断审查制度实施以来,存在申报率低、处罚力度小等多种问题,未达到预期的实施效果。建立多方参与的反垄断审查制度、加大审查力度、提高申报标准、增加对企业相关负责人的追究可有助于提升反垄断审查效果。随着全面深化改革的推进,《反垄断法》作为调节竞争的重要法律也将发挥其应有的作用。  相似文献   

虽然赔礼道歉是法律明确规定的承担侵权责任的方式之一,但是法律并未规定其适用条件,因此司法实践中标准不一,在早期,特别是2000年以前的知识产权诉讼中只要构成侵权,法院一般是会支持赔礼道歉请求的,但是近年来,这一成例已经有所突破.鉴于其计算机软件的普及和广泛应用,非常有必要对侵犯软件知识产权的民事责任问题作深入研究,本文将围绕计算机软件侵权责任中赔礼道歉方式之适用的法律依据和相关案例进行阐述,并提出一些司法建议.  相似文献   

As the era of knowledge economics rose, the patent became one kind of knowledge outcome. This study aimed at the basis of the patent law and proposed an integrated evaluator for patent management. The damage award of a patent infringement lawsuit was deemed to be the legal value of the patent. 65 effective samples were extracted from 4289 patent infringement lawsuits retrieved from the U.S. district courts. 17 indicators were summarized to quantitatively describe the dimensions of the patents. Back-Propagation Neural Network was applied to build the patent valuation model, wherein the 17 indicators were the inputs and the damage award was the output. The patent valuation model was validated to be feasible by error analysis. The integrated evaluator for patents was then established by transforming the output of the patent valuation model via the Z-score. The proposed integrated evaluator accommodated to the patent management effectively.  相似文献   

The paper summarises the results of several years research into the patent system at the Department of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge. Case studies of a number of large firms were carried out in four industries—chemicals (including pharmaceuticals), electrical engineering (including electronics), mechanical engineering and man-made fibres. In the light of these, the impact of the patent system on research and development, innovation, and the diffusion of new technology is considered. The patent system is found to be of marginal importance only, with the principal exception of the pharmaceutical industry. It is nevertheless found to have positive advantages for advanced industrial economies, as compared with a hypothetical weaker system.  相似文献   

专利联盟的专利交叉许可机制使专利具有了公共品属性,在无有效机制引导下,部分企业搭便车行为必然会影响其他成员持续研发的积极性,不利于联盟稳定发展。本文在公平偏好视角下,构建了专利联盟企业公共品博弈模型,通过利用费米规则在MATLAB上模拟专利联盟企业创新行为演化过程,分析了联盟企业创新行为内在动机,并进一步引入惩罚机制,探究其对联盟企业创新行为演化过程的影响。结果表明:当嫉妒参数与羞愧参数之比低于某一阈值时,整个联盟才能呈现出稳定的高研发水平。在利己倾向的公平偏好情景下,在公共品回报乘数越高,却越会刺激搭便车;而在利他倾向的公平偏好情景下,当专利公共品回报乘数增加并超过阈值时,会促使整个联盟企业努力研发,此时许可收益增加也更有利于提高企业努力研发积极性,而且当存在联合惩罚机制时,惩罚也更有效果,但惩罚系数与惩罚成本之比必须大于某一阈值,才能抑制企业搭便车行为。最后提出了在专利联盟管理实践中促进企业积极创新的建议。  相似文献   

吴洁  桂亮  刘鹏  盛永祥 《中国管理科学》2022,30(12):185-197
专利审查周期缩短政策的提出与专利申请数量急剧增加的现状给实现专利技术领域识别的专利分类工作带来巨大挑战,如何引入专利自动分类技术提高专利分类工作效率、缩短专利审查周期成为重要研究主题。本文提出基于多维特征和图卷积网络的专利技术领域自动识别方法。该方法根据文献计量学与图表示学习理论从专利摘要、引证专利、专利发明人维度提取专利特征;其次利用专利摘要维度特征生成表征专利文本特征的专利-核心词汇异构网络,并将引证专利、专利发明人维度特征作为专利数字特征嵌入专利-核心词汇异构网络;通过图卷积网络进行半监督学习,确定专利-核心词汇异构网络中专利节点的类别标签,完成专利自动分类任务。为验证本文所提方法的识别效果,采用Incopat全球专利数据库中专利数据进行实验;实验结果表明专利文本特征与专利数字特征共同作为专利特征可以提高专利分类准确率,引证专利信息的引入可以提高专利分类准确率。同时,本文所提方法也给专利技术领域自动识别问题提供新解答思路,为缩短专利审查周期政策的实施提供支撑。  相似文献   

基于SWOT分析的企业专利战略制定研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
刘平  鲁卿 《管理学报》2006,3(4):464-467
将SWOT分析运用到企业的专利战略制定中,通过对与企业制定专利战略相关联因素的分析,从中选择关键因素,确定S、W、O、T,进而进行专利战略匹配,实现以SWOT分析指导企业专利战略实践,提升企业专利战略工作管理品质的目的。  相似文献   

Countries enact various mechanisms, such as patent protection, to encourage, protect, and reward firm innovation. The degree to which these mechanisms afford firms protection over their intellectual property influences the innovation strategy that firms pursue and innovation investments they make. To date, empirical evidence on the relationship between patent protections and firm innovation is lacking, despite the relationship being the subject of intense theoretical and policy debate. To further consider the influences on firm innovation, we test the influence of a country's patent rights and changes in them on firm-level investment in innovation. Data for 706 firms competing in ten manufacturing industries across 29 countries were gathered and analyzed. Even after controlling for various firm, industry, and national factors, there is a strong positive influence of patent rights and changes in patent rights on a firm's propensity to invest in innovation. In addition, we consider the sensitivity of this result to alternative measures of patent and other intellectual property protection. We also find that the influence of patent rights on firm-level innovation varies across industries for example, the impact appears greatest in the scientific instruments and industrial chemicals industries.  相似文献   

本文研究了主动性技术泄露战略对专利竞赛中处于落后企业所起的作用.该战略的实施可以延长专利竞赛时间、降低企业的研发成本、进而增加竞赛中研发进度落后企业专利竞赛获胜的概率以及企业在专利竞赛失败时的收益.根据竞争对手的技术创新速度确定、不确定以及专利价值可变等三种情况,分别研究了主动性技术泄露均衡数量的决定以及企业及其竞争对手掌握的技术秘密数量、研发创新的速度以及获取专利的"创新性"要求等因素对企业技术泄露均衡的影响.提出在我国企业主动性技术泄露的福利意义以及专利管理部门在该战略的实施中的作用.  相似文献   

Patent litigation has attracted scholarly attention to reconcile multiple views for new research. Accordingly, this paper addresses patent litigation strategy and its effect on the firm. Based on 106 papers and articles, six books, the author's logic and practice impressions, it first defines patent litigation strategy and differentiates similar concepts. Second, based on the process, the author fine‐tunes patent litigation strategy into three tactics: threat, filing and verdict. Then, she categorizes and examines the impact of patent litigation on market value, monetary gain/loss and strategic collaboration. The findings show that the effect on the market value is more complex and ambiguous than anticipated, and sometimes contradictory. The analysis shows the consistency of monetary effect in practice, that firms tend to have higher monetary gains from private settlement than from legal awards. It also demonstrates that existing studies lag behind reality in investigating the detailed role of patent litigation on strategic collaboration from partnership (e.g. licensing and strategic alliance) to takeover (i.e. merger and acquisition). Finally, the author reflects on the findings, and maps out critical paths toward new research. This process also reveals that stakeholders, industrial settings and country environments moderate the studied relationship. This paper contributes to knowledge and practice: appreciates the interdisciplinary endeavors to draw the findings; categorizes patent litigation and its effect; and critiques prior studies on the relationship to integrate knowledge for future research.  相似文献   

Empirical research has found a discrepancy between the perceived importance and the actual level of information on competitor's R&D strategies. It has been argued in the literature that patent information might be used to overcome this information deficit. However, empirical research further reveals that patent information is rarely used in strategic R&D planning. The present paper explores this issue and introduces two types of patent portfolios for strategic R&D planning. In patent portfolios on the company level, patenting strategies are identified and the quality of overall technological positions is benchmarked against relevant competitors. In addition, we present a patent portfolio on the technological level, which, as it is known from various technology portfolios, helps companies to manage the allocation of R&D resources effectively. Based on patent data from 21 German, European and Japanese mechanical engineering companies we show the application of both patent portfolios for strategic R&D planning purposes. The patent portfolios prove to be a very valuable tool for R&D decision makers in companies. Based on the experiences made in the case study, recommendation for the effective use of patent portfolios are formulated.  相似文献   

专利保护下闭环供应链的再制造策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在专利完善市场,受专利保护的原制造商享有产品再制造的专有权利,只有获得原制造商的专利许可,第三方再制造商才能进行旧产品的回收再制造。本文分析了受专利保护下原制造商所采取的不同再制造策略:阻止旧产品再制造(N策略)、原制造商自己再制造(O策略)和许可第三方再制造商进行再制造(A策略),并建立了由零售商负责旧产品回收的闭环供应链模型。通过比较发现,只有在第三方再制造商处理旧产品的节省成本足够低时,受专利保护的原制造商才会选择许可第三方再制造商进行旧产品再制造。  相似文献   

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