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中国的男孩偏好和婚姻挤压——初婚与再婚市场的综合分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
中国强烈的男孩偏好和对女性的歧视导致了婚姻市场上严重的男性婚姻挤压。本文使用中国2000年普查数据和所预测的2001~2050年人口数据,结合初婚和再婚市场设计了度量婚姻挤压的指标,测度了2001~2050年中国的婚姻挤压程度,考察了男孩偏好和再婚因素对中国未来婚姻挤压的影响。结果表明未来中国婚姻市场每年有10%~15%男性过剩人口,达到120万人。男孩偏好导致的高出生性别比显著影响未来婚姻市场,而再婚人口对婚姻市场上过剩人口也有显著影响。  相似文献   

中国离婚丧偶人口再婚差异性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
石人炳 《南方人口》2005,20(3):31-35
根据对再婚率指标的考察,我国不同可再婚人口群体的再婚可能性存在一定差异性。总体而言,女性再婚可能性大于男性,低文化程度女性再婚可能高于高文化程度女性,高文化程度男性有相对较高的再婚可能。上述差异性可能与初婚市场上的婚姻挤压、再婚市场上的婚姻梯度以及高文化程度男性参与初婚市场上婚姻资源的分配有关。  相似文献   

文章基于中国台湾1970 ~2014年的人口数据,运用理论男婴富余比与婚配性别比法,测算台湾地区婚姻挤压的变化趋势.研究发现,1970 ~2014年台湾地区的婚配性别比MR值逐年增大,同时,理论男婴富余比呈小幅度上升的走势,表明未来台湾地区的男性婚姻挤压也呈上升趋势.中国台湾与大陆的比较分析表明,1987~2013年台湾地区的理论男婴富余比小于大陆值,但婚配性别比MR值高于大陆值.文章利用台湾地区和大陆历年的出生性别比,检验宏观人口因素对未来初婚市场婚姻挤压的影响,发现婚姻匹配是个体主观偏好和客观婚姻市场共同作用的结果;宏观的性别和年龄结构是影响婚姻挤压的前置因素,个体的家庭与社会文化背景、经济基础、工作情况等社会资本才是影响婚姻挤压的根本原因.  相似文献   

周兴  刘鑫 《人口学刊》2022,(5):48-59
彩礼和嫁妆是我国传统的婚姻习俗,日渐高涨的彩礼和嫁妆推动了婚姻支付的不断攀升,也对我国居民的婚姻和生育产生了重要影响。本文基于CHARLS 2018的微观数据实证研究婚姻支付对我国居民初婚年龄和生育的影响。通过运用工具变量并进行2SLS回归,发现在考虑内生性问题后,婚姻支付对初婚年龄有显著的负向影响,对生育决策有显著的正向影响。这可能是因为家庭能够负担得起更高婚姻支付的个体在婚姻市场的竞争力更高,更容易完成婚姻的缔结,在做出生育决策时也会更多地考虑代际支持以及父代“多子多福”期望的影响;而无法承担高额支付的个体则要面对初婚年龄推迟的风险,在做出生育决策时则会面临更多的生育成本的压力。辅助因变量回归结果表明婚姻支付会显著降低晚婚的概率,同时会显著增加生育多孩的概率,与2SLS回归的结果基本一致;将工具变量加入Heckman两步法中的Heck-IV估计结果也证明了模型的稳健性。分城乡回归发现婚姻支付对城乡居民初婚年龄和生育的影响具有异质性,相较于城市居民,婚姻支付对农村样本的婚育影响更大。未来应从促进区域经济协调发展、大力推动移风易俗的建设、降低家庭的婚育成本等方面入手,控制婚姻支付的合理区间,从而积极应对婚姻支付对初婚年龄和生育决策的影响。  相似文献   

郭显超 《西北人口》2008,29(1):72-76
通过对检索文献的分析,从婚姻挤压的现状、原因、测度和影响等几个方面对我国学者就婚姻挤压研究取得的成果进行了综述,回顾了主要的研究成果,指出了研究的不足之处,并对未来研究做出展望,笔者最后建议从人口安全与和谐社会这两个角度研究婚姻挤压问题。  相似文献   

中国婚姻挤压研究与前景展望   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
针对建国以来婚姻挤压情况及其发展趋势进行全面的考察与分析 ,讨论各人口学因素对婚姻市场均衡的影响情况。研究表明 :受 70年代以来生育率下降与 80年代以来出生性别比持续升高的双重挤压 ,使原本就存在的男性婚姻挤压矛盾趋于激化 ,预计在 2 0 1 0年后将经历几十年严重的男性婚姻挤压。因社会经济发展方面所存在的巨大差异而引发的婚姻挤压矛盾的地区间转移将不可避免 ,并对社会稳定等构成严重的威胁。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来我国女性的初婚模式发生了显著的变化。本文使用人口普查资料、全国1%人口抽样调查数据、人口变动情况抽样调查数据以及IPUMS数据,通过女性平均初婚年龄、曾婚比例、年龄别初婚概率、终身结婚期待率和预期单身寿命等指标探究我国女性自20世纪80年代以来的初婚模式变动情况。研究发现30多年来我国女性平均初婚年龄在波动中上升,到2017年女性平均初婚年龄已经达到25.60岁,而教育程度的提高会推迟女性进入婚姻的时间,接受过高等教育的女性平均初婚年龄明显高于未受过高等教育的女性;另外,通过对各教育程度平均初婚年龄标准化与分解看到随着时间的推移,教育对女性的平均初婚年龄影响作用增大;20-30岁年龄段女性婚姻推迟明显,曾婚比例不断降低,但女性终身未婚比例很低,其中受过高等教育的女性婚姻推迟现象最为明显,但其自身的结婚意愿并未降低,大部分女性只是推迟结婚时间,并不是不结婚。对净婚姻表各指标进行计算发现1982-2010年女性的年龄别初婚概率下降,尤其在20-30岁年龄段下降明显,初婚峰值年龄推迟,结婚年龄集中现象减弱。终身结婚期待率下降速度趋缓,随着女性初婚年龄的推迟,2010年27岁之后的终身结婚期待率要高于1990年与2000年,29-35岁女性的预期单身寿命也较前30年低,较大年龄未婚女性结婚等待时间缩短。  相似文献   

基于第七次全国人口普查数据并结合第四、五、六次全国人口普查数据,全面分析近年来中国男性婚姻挤压的态势与特征。研究表明,男性婚姻挤压现象及其后果已全面显现:2010~2020年全国婚龄人口性别比急剧升高,预计2036年将升至峰值116.13;与以往主要集中在社会经济发展较为落后的地区不同,当前经济发达且城镇化率较高地区的未婚男性过剩现象也逐步显现;男性婚姻挤压导致男女两性间初婚水平和模式的差异巨大,男性初婚概率较女性明显偏低,未婚男性成婚期望年数大幅增加;农村大龄未婚男性的规模始终较大、比例始终较高,城镇大龄未婚男性群体也日益凸显,2010~2020年45岁及以上城镇未婚男性由176.04万人增至387.77万人;大龄未婚男性的经济资源相对匮乏,对最低生活保障金的依赖加重,在老年阶段处于不健康状态的比例上升且独居比例较高。  相似文献   

社会网络与农民工初婚:性别视角的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用2005年深圳农民工专项调查数据,从性别视角系统分析社会网络对农民工初婚观念和行为的影响。在理想初婚年龄方面,婚姻讨论网络成员的数量、质量,尤其是网络成员的平均理想初婚年龄对农民工理想初婚年龄的延长有显著影响;在初婚行为方面,婚姻讨论网络成员的数量可以降低男性农民工早婚的风险。个人因素和流动因素对农民工理想初婚年龄的延长和降低早婚风险也有一定影响。  相似文献   

本文建立两时期婚姻搜寻模型,用以解释在性别间存在可生育年龄生理差异的基础上生育意愿对男性与女性婚姻搜寻行为以及婚姻匹配模式产生的影响。在此基础上,采用CHNS(1993)抽样调查的微观家庭数据,通过构建两个计量模型从微观和宏观两个层面来分析生育率对婚姻匹配模式的影响。首先运用CHNS微观家庭数据对家庭层面中孩子数量与夫妻年龄差距之间的联系进行实证研究,对农村家庭的回归结果显示孩子数量与夫妻的年龄差距具有显著的关系,具体而言,家庭中每多1个孩子,夫妻间的年龄差距也随之扩大0.27年。其次从宏观的角度运用Difference in Difference(DID)的方法来分析生育政策对婚姻匹配模式产生的冲击效应,实证分析计划生育政策实施后生育率的变化对我国城乡地区婚姻匹配产生的影响。实证结果显示计划生育政策实施以后生育率出现了下降,家庭的生育需求受到抑制,造成了政策实施后夫妻初婚年龄差距的下降。在生育需求受到计划生育政策影响更大的农村地区中夫妻初婚年龄差距随着生育率的快速下降出现了更为显著的缩小。研究结果表明生育需求是影响婚姻匹配模式的一个重要因素,计划生育政策实施后生育率的变化对我国城乡地区夫妻初婚年龄差距产生了显著的影响。  相似文献   

The paper investigates whether past declines in mortality could have created a huge deficit of eligible men in the marriage market, and whether the ensuing competition for mates could be responsible for the coercive character the dowry system of marriage has assumed in India. New indices have been developed to measure the trends in bridegroom availability that aid in the inquiry into the demographic origins of marriage squeeze. It is contended that the marriage squeeze against women was particularly intense in India because mortality decline, in addition to age structural changes, drastically reduced the number of widowers in the population who once accounted for about one-fifth of the annual supply of bridegrooms. Our projections indicate that, as a result of recent declines in fertility, the marriage squeeze against females will ease substantially by the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century, and that marriages of men will begin to be delayed more than those of women.  相似文献   

农村大龄未婚男性的代际经济支持研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
出生性别比持续偏高带来的女性缺失正日益加剧农村男性的婚姻挤压,而农村大龄男性不能结婚有可能对家庭养老功能产生重要影响。本文基于代际支持的投资回报理论,对2008年安徽乙县农村调查数据进行了定量分析。研究发现,儿子的婚姻状态与父母经济支持的获得有密切关系,投资回报理论能较好解释农村大龄未婚男性对父母经济支持较弱的现象;儿子的经济状况、父母的需求和父母对儿子的经济投资都会显著影响父母所获得的经济支持。研究有利于理解男性婚姻挤压对社会养老保障的影响,对及早制定有针对性的社会养老政策具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Guilmoto CZ 《Demography》2012,49(1):77-100
I examine the potential impact of the anticipated future marriage squeeze on nuptiality patterns in China and India during the twenty-first century. I use population projections from 2005 to 2100 based on three different scenarios for the sex ratio at birth (SRB). To counteract the limitations of cross-sectional methods commonly used to assess the severity of marriage squeezes, I use a two-sex cohort-based procedure to simulate marriage patterns over the twenty-first century based on the female dominance model. I also examine two more-flexible marriage functions to illustrate the potential impact of changes in marriage schedules as a response to the marriage squeeze. Longitudinal indicators of marriage squeeze indicate that the number of prospective grooms in both countries will exceed that of prospective brides by more 50% for three decades in the most favorable scenario. Rates of male bachelorhood will not peak before 2050, and the squeeze conditions will be felt several decades thereafter, even among cohorts unaffected by adverse SRB. If the SRB is allowed to return to normalcy by 2020, the proportion of men unmarried at age 50 is expected to rise to 15% in China by 2055 and to 10% in India by 2065. India suffers from the additional impact of a delayed fertility transition on its age structures.  相似文献   

中国的出生性别比偏高持续了三十年,婚姻挤压问题日益凸现,大规模的城乡人口流动则加剧了婚姻挤压问题及其社会影响的严重性与复杂性。受制度与非制度因素影响,农村流动人口在城市处于社会底层,易遭遇成婚困难、诱发相对剥夺感,可能对生育偏好产生重要影响。本文基于相对剥夺感视角,对2009年福建省X市外来农村流动人口调查数据的分析发现,婚姻挤压对农村流动人口的生育性别偏好的观念与行为均无显著影响,但相对剥夺感对生育性别偏好行为有显著影响。本研究有助于理解婚姻挤压与相对剥夺感对农村流动人口生育性别偏好演化的特殊作用,对国家调整生育政策、提高流动人口计生服务与管理、促进性别平等有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

African-American marriage in 1910: Beneath the surface of census data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the quality of information about marital status, marital duration, and marriage order among African-American women in the U.S. Census of 1910. It compares the reported prevalence of widowhood to estimates of widowhood based on the mortality of black men and on the ages of women at first marriage. It also compares the reported distributions of duration of first marriage to estimates based on mortality and on age at first marriage. It concludes that census reports are subject to serious error. Widowhood is overreported, and marital turnover appears to have been faster than implied by census reports. The prevalance of "own children" is used to confirm these conclusions and to suggest motivations for misreporting.  相似文献   

The sequencing of marriage and first birth was expected to play an important role in the stability of marriage among adolescent mothers. We hypothesized that adolescent women who married prior to conception would have the lowest rates of marital disruption, followed by those who married between conception and birth. Adolescent women who gave birth prior to marriage were expected to suffer the highest rates of marital dissolution. The results provide partial support for our hypotheses. There is little difference in the probability of separation between adolescent mothers who had a postmarital conception and those who had a premarital conception but married before the birth. Having a premarital birth, however, significantly increases the probability of marital dissolution. We also hypothesized that marital status at first birth would have less effect on the probability of marital dissolution for blacks than for whites. This, too, is generally supported by our findings. Among black females, those with a premarital birth are the first to suffer a marital disruption, but by the end of ten years there is little difference in the probability of separation among the three marital status groups. In contrast, among white females, those with a premarital birth are the first to experience a disruption, and this differential persists over all subsequent marriage duration intervals. Thus, the sequencing of marriage relative to birth has similar short term effects for whites and blacks, but the effect for blacks is evident only in the short term. Ten years after the marriage, black adolescent mothers have similar rates of marital stability regardless of the sequencing of marriage. This is consistent with the findings of previous research and with our hypothesis; with the black family pattern of lower rates of marriage, higher rates of illegitimacy and higher divorce rates, the sequencing of marriage has no long lasting consequences on marital stability. Finally, our predicted decline in the effect of marital status at first birth over historical time also finds partial support. For white females there has been a change in the effect of marriage-first birth sequencing on separation over time. In the period encompassed by the women in our study, white adolescent mothers who married subsequent to the birth have been the most likely to experience a separation at all marriage duration intervals, but this differential narrows as age at interview declines. Among black females there has been no change in the effect of a premarital birth over time.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The two-sex problem in the analysis of nuptiality can be reduced to the problem of separating factors that determine the opportunity to choose a certain category of marriage partner from factors representing preference for the same type of partner. A theory that enables opportunity factors to be separated from preference factors is presented in this paper, in the context of analysing the phenomenon of intermarriage. An index called ‘the marital index of social distance’ is derived and its properties discussed. The index, representing preference factors free of opportunity factors, can be calculated easily from marriage statistics detailing group affiliations of brides and grooms. The theory is applied to data on in-marriage of Australian sub-populations defined by birthplace, for the period 1954–83. It is shown that marital indices of social distance have remained relatively constant over time compared with in-marriage rates which have fluctuated according to representation in the marriage market.  相似文献   

本文在"六普"汇总数据的基础上,定量分析中国人口的生育水平、生育模式的变化和生育变化的影响因素。研究发现,在生育水平持续下降的情况下,结构性因素逐渐成为左右未来中国生育水平走向的决定性因素;生育模式正在向初婚初育间隔扩大,生育孩次向低孩次集中的方向发展;尽管年龄别已婚生育率的变化使得中国一般生育率上升9.613%,在导致生育水平下降的各因素中,育龄妇女年龄结构、婚姻状态等人口因素的影响显得越来越重要。研究结果对于正确理解我国的人口形势,科学地规划和调整人口政策具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

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