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基于中国最大的民生态度调查——“中国经济生活大调查”,通过实证分析发现,绝对收入、相对收入以及收入不平等等相关变量是解释“收入—幸福之谜”的重要因素。但相比之下,幸福感作为一个主观变量,更关键的是其会受到个体对环境变化预期的影响,即预期收入(而非总体收入或绝对收入)是影响和决定中国居民幸福感的首要因素,预期收入越高,其减少“很不幸福”“不幸福”和“一般”概率的可能性就越大。无论对居民总体、还是不同异质性群体而言,该结论均较为稳健。机制分析发现,增强文化自信和道路自信、提升国民的预期收入,能有效克服“收入—幸福之谜”效应。为此,应提倡政府不断强化预期管理,弘扬和践行“中国梦”精神,增强国民自信和理想信念,提高社会预期和经济预期。  相似文献   

周泽鹏  肖索未 《社会》2022,42(4):104-133
通过对A青年空间的案例研究,本文力图呈现制度性个体化背景下中产阶层北漂青年所经历的双重生活。在高度竞争性的制度环境中,北漂青年一方面形成了适应功利型人生模式的奋斗自我,另一方面却对制度化的生活感到怀疑和失落,在制度依赖与自主需求之间挣扎。在青年空间中建构社会交往成为他们探寻“本真性自我”的方式。然而,青年空间中的社会交往以“反日常”为前提,本真性自我的建构往往成为一种悬置性体验,并且悖论式地遵循着制度化生活的逻辑。本文反思了现有文献对中国社会个体化的讨论中功利型取向的“奋斗个体”范式,丰富了对个体化进程中当代青年生活处境与主观世界的理解。  相似文献   

“摆烂文化”的形成与传播既有深层次的社会根源,也受到社会心理因素的显著影响。综合“摆烂文化”的社会心理表现,尤以萎靡心理、自嘲心理、从众心理、抗争心理最为突出,这些社会心理因素的综合作用,导致了“摆烂文化”的负面情绪和消极心态。从发展阶段上看,“摆烂文化”的社会心理经历了“酝酿与萌发”“初创与成型”“固化与完善”等阶段,并以“个体情绪反应的激生——群体心理的汇聚融合——亚文化心理的形成”呈现出来。我们需要形成事先防范、事中控制、事后处置的逻辑链条,做好“摆烂文化”的心理预防、心理干预和心理修复。  相似文献   

没有了“自我”没有了“自我”对德行提升后的幸福感、满足感、成就感 ,没有了“自我”从内向外 ,推己及人、推人及物的关怀和移情 ,德育将无法存在。德育对个体的意义 ,无不着眼于自我精神的完满 ,人生境界的升华 ;对社会整体来讲 ,其着眼点在于从意识形态的层面上 ,调整人与人、人与社会、人与自然之间的关系。  相似文献   

人类思维中“灵感”这种特殊形态是确实存在的。但对艺术创作来说,当作者在聚精会神思考中,因某事物的启迪而突然获得创造性思路后,还需要充分运用主观显象能力以获得对表现对象的灵视,作到“枢机方通,畅无隐貌”(刘勰《文心雕龙》),即不仅使朦胧的文情逐渐清晰,并要进一步使形象昭然可见,才能使笔下象趣横生。“灵感”和“灵机”虽然经常相伴而生,但“灵感”侧重于“感”,“灵视”侧重于“视”,二者属于艺术思维两个相互依存的阶段。 无论在抽象思维或形象思维过程中,都有一种思致勃发和高潮迭起的情况,经常使思索者在几秒钟内出现电火石光…  相似文献   

个体除了感性能力、理性能力之外,实际上还存在另一种能力即灵性能力。灵性即是指个体所具备的自我超越、潜能开发的能力,或者说是个体所具有的一种超越于物性、摆脱物性的束缚、而达于“自由”并至于“幸福”之境地的能力。个体的灵性能力经历着5个发展阶段。以此为基础开展灵性社会工作,并倡导一种灵性引导的生活,在当前的中国社会转型过程中具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

赵锦云 《社会福利》2002,(12):43-45
儿童福利事业转型经历三阶段 从20世纪50年代至今,中国儿童福利事业发展经历了三个阶段: 第一阶段从20世纪50年代初期至50年代末期,是体制改造阶段。中华人民共和国成立后,政府开始接管“育婴堂”、“孤儿院”等旧式民间儿童福利机构,并对之进行改造,构建起由政府统一管理、统一拨付资金、统一配置人力资源和固定资产的儿童福利管理模式。  相似文献   

儒学社会指的是这样一个社会,在这个社会中,国家的政治生活(其组织、运行)及个体的社会生活皆以儒学为范导,这个社会的总体生活皆以儒学的理念为依归。从形式上说,儒学社会的正式起始,则在儒学被确立为统治阶级的意识形态之时,即在汉武帝确立“罢黩百家独尊儒术”之时;而其正式结束即在于“儒家法”的被终止之际。传统中国社会的发展经历了前儒学社会和儒学社会两个阶段。儒学社会作为一个对中国传统社会进行分析的社会学概念,有其学理的根据和社会学意义。  相似文献   

对“有我之境”、“无我之境”的研究,以往主要是从王国维的美学接受出发,就理论描述的相似处判断其理论来源,结果是仁者见仁智者见智,以至迄今为止仍无定论.事实上,这些讨论均未触及王国维“有我之境”、“无我之境”概念形成的根源.王国维提出这对概念,根本在于他引入了西方的两“我”说;主观之我与客观之我.由于晚清是西学输入的早期阶段,为便于国人理解,西方的两“我”说在输入中土时被本土化,具体的做法是以佛教的义理“真我”(或径称为“我”)与“非我”(亦日“无我”)来对译或指称这两个概念.这样,“有我之境”自然就指的是有“真我”的主观之境;“无我之境”则指的是“非我”(或仅有物性之我)的客观之境.同时,王国维关于这两个概念的描述语言,如“以我观物”、“以物观物”等,也都采用的是这种“格义”的方法.通过这种梳理,王国维“有我之境”,“无我之境”概念形成的渊源不仅清晰可见,其理论内涵亦可得确解,而且学界一直争论不休的诸多疑难问题也大体可据以澄清.  相似文献   

钟兴菊  吴雨凤  王李源 《社会工作》2023,(6):66-81+104-106
社会工作是一种秉持利他主义价值观的职业化助人活动,本文根据“社会与个人”“能力与认同”两大维度将社会工作者价值观划分为个体认同型、个体能力型、社会认同型以及社会能力型的四种理想类型;通过对重庆市13名具有三年及以上专业服务实践经历的社会工作者进行深度访谈与编码分析发现,在中国特定社会文化背景下,社会工作者的本土化价值观呈现为“以家为本”的服务拓展、“认同与责任并重”的双重价值、“天时地利人和”的时代契机、“集体主义成全”的融合性发展等四个面向的特点,多元化本土价值观成为推动社会工作人才及职业可持续发展的核心动力。本研究创新在于从人才可持续发展视角反观社会工作价值观对社会工作服务实践可持续性的影响,同时立足中国社会文化背景探索社会工作本土化价值观内涵的多元化解读方案。  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to examine the additive and interactive effects of cumulative risk and child negative emotionality on children's social competence in the transition from preschool to school and to test whether these associations were mediated by child emotion regulation within a sample of 310 low‐income, ethnically diverse boys. Multiple informants and methods were used to measure contextual risk factors and negative emotionality at the ages of 1.5 and two, emotion dysregulation at the age of 3.5, and social competence in the home at the age of five and in school at the age of six. Results indicated that the relation between cumulative risk and emotion dysregulation was amplified for children with higher levels of negative emotionality. In turn, emotion dysregulation predicted lower social competence across both the home and the school contexts. This study represents an early effort to develop an integrative model of social competence by considering joint contributions of contextual risk, negative emotionality, and emotion regulation.  相似文献   


While several studies have highlighted the negative consequences of trauma exposure on rescuers’ health, the psychological factors promoting rescuers’ well-being have rarely been investigated. The present study aimed at analyzing the quality of rescuing experience among professionals and volunteers of the Italian Red Cross. The experiences of 14 professional and 11 volunteer ambulance rescuers were examined through the repeated assessment of their subjective evaluations of daily activities and contexts in real time. Their experience fluctuation pattern was analyzed based on the levels of environmental challenges and personal skills perceived during daily activities. Both professionals and volunteers reported frequent exposure to highly challenging situations while rescuing and associated this activity with high concentration, involvement, and control. Perceptions of anxiety were significantly more frequent among volunteers. For both groups, first-aid activities were reported to provide optimal experience, a complex and rewarding condition characterized by the perception of high challenges matched with adequate skills. Results suggested that working as rescuers can promote well-being through optimal experiences. The potential for skill refinement and individual development embedded in rescuing activities, together with individual characteristics, should be taken into account in designing training programs for professionals and volunteers.  相似文献   

《Social Development》2018,27(2):431-446
Early life stressors are associated with maladaptive social functioning in childhood and adolescence, but it is unclear whether and how the negative interpersonal effects of stress persist into adulthood. Daily diary surveys were used to examine young adults' social behavior and mood reactivity to social stressors as a function of experiences of early family adversity. Stressful early family environments predicted more daily reassurance seeking, but not aggression, withdrawal, or positive social behavior. Early family adversity also moderated the within‐person effects of social stressors on next‐day mood, such that individuals with high levels of adversity had elevated next‐day negative affect in response to higher than average social stress. Findings highlight the enduring impact of early adversity on social development, with implications for developing targeted policies and interventions.  相似文献   

Surveys have shown that one in four women in the United States experiences intimate partner violence in her lifetime. Interpersonal violence has demonstrated negative effects on a victim's health and well-being. Yet research on interventions aimed at treating the psychosocial effects of this experience is limited. The purpose of the research reported here is to deepen our understanding of the impact of group-based interventions for treating this population. Specifically, this study looks at two different group models to determine their effectiveness in treating two widely recognized effects of intimate partner violence: increased depression and lowered self-esteem.  相似文献   

There is evidence that grandchildren and grandparents in Chinese left-behind families (CLBF) suffer from immense life stressors. The well-being of both generations is of great concern. Guided by the family adjustment and adaptation response model and ecological model of well-being, the present study aimed to investigate the dyadic associations between family resilience and subjective well-being (SWB) of left-behind grandchildren and grandparents. Furthermore, we explored the extent to which relationship quality accounts for such reciprocal associations. A sample of 130 left-behind grandparent–grandchild (GP–GC) pairs completed self-reported questionnaires. Actor–partner interdependence model (APIM) revealed that both grandchildren's and grandparents' reported family resilience positively associated with their own SWB but not the other's SWB. Grandchildren's and grandparents' perceived relationship quality mediated the association between their perceived family resilience and their own SWB. Moreover, grandchildren-perceived relationship quality mediated the association between grandchildren-perceived family resilience and grandparents' SWB. Meanwhile, grandparent-perceived relationship quality mediated the association between grandparent-perceived family resilience and grandchildren's SWB. The findings highlighted the significance of family resilience and relationship quality in boosting the two generations' SWB in CLBF. The results also suggested that left-behind grandchildren and their grandparents depend on each other. Future intervention programs could be benefitted from integrating the enhancement of family resilience and improvement of grandparent–grandchild relationship quality to promote the well-being of left-behind family members.  相似文献   

主观幸福感的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵锦鹏  方宇惟 《创新》2009,3(9):11-14
对幸福的追求是一个古老而时尚的话题,现代主观幸福感的研究始于20世纪50年代。主观幸福感具有主观性、整体性和相对稳定性的特点。积极情感、消极情感和对生活满意度的体验构成了幸福的主要方面,财富、健康、婚姻家庭、教育等因素都是通过影响被试的情感体验和满意度评价从而影响人们的主观幸福感的。  相似文献   

《Social Sciences in China》2012,33(4):106-128
Internet use has become an indispensable part of people’s daily lives, and the relationship between Internet use and residents’ subjective well-being is receiving increasing attention from researchers. However, the existing literature on the relationship between Internet use and residents’ subjective well-being is still controversial and inconclusive, and there has been relatively little discussion of the mechanisms by which Internet use affects well-being. On the basis of data from the China General Social Survey 2015 (CGSS2015), this paper provides an empirical analysis of the impact of Internet usage on residents’ subjective well-being. The study finds that while Internet use had no significant impact on the well-being of residents compared to non-use, frequency of Internet usage did significantly improve subjective well-being. On this basis, we tested the mechanisms by which Internet use affects residents’ well-being through the three channels of the personal income effect, the human capital effect and the social capital effect. The findings partially verify the hypothesis of the mediating effect of social capital between Internet use and residents’ subjective well- being, but do not verify the hypothesis of the moderating effect of personal income and human capital. Compared with previous studies, this paper is innovative in the following three ways: it uses the latest available representative national microdata, which is better able to reflect recent Internet usage and its impact on residents’ subjective well-being; on the basis of existing research on the impact of Internet usage on residents’ well-being, it analyzes the specific mechanisms through which Internet use affects well-being, using the moderating effect model and the mediating effect model to make up for the shortcomings of existing research on the impact mechanism; and it applies the Bioprobit model to deal with the potential endogeneity of key explanatory variables, using a variety of model estimation methods to obtain more robust estimation results.  相似文献   

A paucity of research has examined the individual and cumulative effects of conventional and expanded adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on maternal functioning, especially among low-income Black mothers. Using self-report data from a subsample of Black mothers (N = 157) who participated in a larger study to evaluate the effectiveness of an urban public prekindergarten program in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States, we examined the prevalence of ACEs and the individual and cumulative effects of conventional (i.e., family trauma and dysfunction) and expanded (i.e., community stressors) ACEs on depression and health among low-income Black mothers. Findings indicated that Black mothers had more exposure to expanded than conventional ACEs. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that experience of physical neglect was significantly associated with depression and physical abuse with compromised health, and perceived experience of racism was a predictor of depression and compromised health. More conventional and expanded ACEs were associated with clinical levels of depression and compromised health. Findings highlight the need for more research related to the impact of ACEs, especially expanded ACEs, on mental and behavioural health outcomes. Additionally, our findings indicate the need for more trauma-informed care to reduce and address the impact of individual and community-level adversities on low-income Black mothers.  相似文献   

Children with behavioral inhibition, a temperamental style characterized by infant distress to novelty and childhood social reticence, exhibit both continuity and discontinuity of this behavioral trait over the course of development. However, few researchers have identified factors that might be responsible for these different patterns. In the current study, childcare history, maternal personality, and maternal behavior were examined as moderators of the relations between infant temperament, preschool social reticence, and childhood social wariness. Seventy-seven children participated in this longitudinal study that began in infancy and continued into middle childhood. Maternal negative personality moderated the relation between infant temperament and childhood social wariness. In addition, maternal behavior moderated the relation between preschool social reticence and childhood social wariness. The findings suggest that a complex interplay of within-child and maternal factors affect the development of internalizing behavior in the early school years.  相似文献   

闫伯汉 《社会》2017,37(4):59-89
本文利用2012年中国城镇化与劳动移民调查数据,以儿童的认知发展水平为研究对象,以阶层再生产为分析视角,基于认知发展理论探讨农民工流动对子女认知发展的影响。研究发现,流动儿童拥有比留守儿童更高的认知水平,流动儿童相对较好的家庭背景为其认知发展提供了实质性帮助,乡城迁移中流动儿童的认知发展主要通过"转校"等机制得到促进;对于留守儿童来说,其认知劣势与父母外出工作并无显著的统计关系,而主要归因于家庭贫乏的文化资本和经济资本、子女数较多的家庭结构、较低的学前教育接受率或就读学校质量的低下。但是,流动儿童的认知水平整体上仍低于城市儿童,其认知发展仍然受到自身社会阶层条件和境遇的深刻限制,"流动"所带来的各类"认知收益"是有限的。  相似文献   

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