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郝亚明  朱荟 《西北人口》2009,30(2):72-77,83
少数民族妇女外流已成为中国城市化进程中不可回避的社会问题之一.本文以彝族为例,通过文献资料与实地调查相结合的方式,力图阐述城市化背景之下少数民族妇女外流的相关问题,对彝族妇女外流的现状、原因等方面进行初步探究,并在凉山彝族地区实地调查的基础上,结合地方性知识提出解决彝族妇女外流的针对性对策.  相似文献   

凉山彝族妇女的生育状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1982年第三次人口普查,四川省凉山彝族自洽州彝族人口为1,336,675人,占四川省总人口的1.3%,居四川少数民族人口第一位。同1964年第二次凉山州彝族人口普查的798,449人相比,18年间共增加538,226人,增长67.4%,增长率在全国兄弟民族中居第24位。凉山彝族平均年增长率为2.9%,比全国彝族年平均增长率高0.2%。这说明18年来,凉山彝  相似文献   

地理分布及特点 彝族是我国少数民族中人口较多,分布较广的民族之一,是西南地区人口最多的少数民族。在国务院已正式公布的五十五个少数民族中,它的人口仅次于壮族、回族和维吾尔族,据国家民委截止1979年5月31日所公布的数字,彝族人口已达到480万人,约占我国总人口的4.9‰及少数民族总人口(5510.94万)的87‰。 就地理分布而言,彝族主要分布在我国云南、四川、贵州三省及广西壮族自治区境内面积约50余万平方公里的土地上,平均分布密度为每平方公里9.6人。 云南彝族,人口最多,分布最广,共约300余万,约占全省总人口的10%,全省境内85%以上的县(市)都有彝族居住,其中尤以楚雄、红河两自治州分布最多。四川彝族,人口虽不及云南彝族多,但分布最为集中,全省彝族近140万,几乎大部分都分布在大小凉山一带,从而形成全省乃至全国最大的聚居区。贵州彝族,人口约40余万,主要分布于与川滇接壤的毕节、安顺一带。广西彝族,约1万人左右,  相似文献   

云南少数民族传统文化对妇女社会地位的影响沈淑贞云南是一个少数民族多的省。不同的少数民族之间,传统文化有很大差异,妇女的社会地位也有不同的状况。考察少数民族传统文化对妇女社会地位的影响,认识改革开放过程中,彻底变革少数民族的传统文化,加速其向社会主义现...  相似文献   

中国社会已然进入老龄化社会,老龄问题成为中国未来经济社会发展的重大社会问题之一。新疆作为多民族地区和经济欠发达地区,其老龄化问题有其自身特征,进行区域性的老龄化结构问题研究能够了解新疆老龄化的现状和具体问题,为解决区域性的老龄化问题提供科学依据,促进新疆地方性社会的长治久安。基于新疆第四、五和六三次人口普查资料的统计分析,研究发现,新疆老年人口结构存在区域性不平衡、汉族老龄化进程快于少数民族、老龄人社会经济地位较低、老龄妇女问题较为突出和老年公共文化需求等方面的问题。文章提出推进区域老年经济产业发展、对汉族老龄化进行政策干预、推进地方产业结构升级、发展老龄妇女养老服务事业和老年社会公共文化建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

我国少数民族妇女占少数民族人口的一半。分析和研究少数民族妇女的文化素质和职业构成现状及其与人口发展的关系,对提高全民族的科学文化水平,使少数民族人口的发展适应经济体制改革的需要,更好地进行四化建设,有着十分重要的意义。现就此作一简要分析。 一、少数民族妇女的文化素质 解放前,我国大多数少数民族由于社会经济发展的不平衡以及历史原因,除个别民族的文化和汉族差不多外,大多数的文化水平都比较低,文盲率高。除内蒙古、新疆各有一所大  相似文献   

凉山彝族自治州少数民族人口变化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑长德 《西北人口》2008,29(4):49-54,58
本文根据凉山州历年人口资料和最近几年全国1%人口抽样调查数据,分析讨论了凉山彝族自治州少数民族人口的变化。文章发现,总体上,民主改革以来,特别是改革开放以来,凉山州少数民族人口发展取得了较大的进展,但少数民族人口还存在着人口增长较快,少数民族人口文化素质偏低,人口负担重等问题,影响了少数民族地区人口和经济的发展,文章认为当前凉山社会经济发展正处于“战略关键期”,人口问题特别是少数民族人口问题是重要的决定性因素之一,是实现各民族共同繁荣的重要保证,必须予以高度重视。文章提出,要通过稳定人口规模,提高人口素质,开发人力资源,有目标、分阶段地推进人口发展,实现民族地区人口、经济、资源环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   

广西是少数民族聚居地区,分析少数民族妇女的生育状况及其影响因素,对了解少数民族以及全体人口的发展趋势,完善生育政策,探讨人口与社会经济发展的途径,有重大意义。本文利用1982年广西第三次人口普查及1%人口生育率抽样调查等统计资料,对广西少数民族妇女生育状况作初步的分析。  相似文献   

国内已有的妇女就业的研究主要偏重一个国家和地区妇女在经济领域的问题.而以民族进行划分对妇女在经济发展中的相关问题的研究较少涉及。本文以甘肃第六次人口普查的数据为依据.分析了甘肃10个主要少数民族妇女就业状况的民族差异和地区差异,在对甘肃主要少数民族妇女的就业进行因素分析的基础上,提出了少数民族妇女就业的模型。  相似文献   

少数民族是中华民族的重要组成部分。少数民族地区人口发展状况,同社会经济发展状况密切相关,研究和分析少数民族地区妇女生育的变化情况及变化特点,对了解和掌握今后人口发展趋势,并通过哪些社会经济因素来调节育龄妇女生育率预期的方面发展等问题,具有重大的现实意义和长远意义。  相似文献   

M Xu 《人口研究》1985,(3):52-54
An attempt is made to determine the causes for the high fertility rate of the Yi women in Liangshan, China. The Yi are one of China's 54 ethnic groups, the largest group of which are the Hans (making up 95% of China's population). The area surveyed was Liangshan Yi County, having a population of 1.4 million. The survey included Yi women between the ages of 13-29 and compared them on the basis of previously gathered fertility statistics dealing with 1st and 2nd marriages and changes in household arrangements. According to a 1980 report, 16.37% of 36,302 infants of Yi women were the 1st child, 20.33% were the 2nd, 19.05% were the 3rd, 16.55% were the 4th, and 27.36% were the 5th child. These figures show that the Yi women's fertility is still extremely high (and has been for the last 15 years). Their fertility rate is 3.03 times higher than that of the Han women and 1.5 times higher than the national average for women. Possible causes for this rate may be early marriage (the average age for marriage being 19), divorce, and remarriage, and changes in household arrangements (where married women cohabit with men other than their husbands). These findings indicate a great need for family planning in order to prevent further adverse effects on economic growth, living standards, and public health (e.g., malnutrition has been found among some babies).  相似文献   

张燕 《西北人口》2016,(5):48-56
本文主要利用第六次人口普查资料,对彝族的人口规模和年龄结构、受教育程度、婚姻和生育状况以及职业行业情况,进行分性别、分民族的比较研究。研究发现彝族人口规模呈现阶段性增长,总抚养比比较高,人口负担重;受教育程度低,且呈现性别和民族上的差异;从婚姻家庭状况来看,彝族女性更倾向于与汉族通婚,在生育上重男轻女现象依然很严重;从职业上看,彝族主要从事第一产业,而第二和第三产业发展不足,远远落后汉族地区;在未工作人口中,女性料理家务的比例依然较高,传统的性别角色分工观念依然根深蒂固。  相似文献   

D Wang  G Zhang 《人口研究》1984,(1):34-37
In 1980, 95.35% of the 129,819 inhabitants of Meigu County in Faxin District of the Jinshan Yi autonomous district, Sichuan Province, were of Yi nationality. Agriculture is the primary mode of production and animal husbandry is an important secondary industry. Prior to Liberation, slavery was an integral part of Yi society. The standard of living was low, mortality high, and population growth slow. After Liberation from 1956-1980, the population grew 47.1%, 90% of which was a natural increase. The primary reason for the growth was a post-1960s annual average birth rate of 46/1000 and a mortality rate that fell from 35/1000 before Liberation to 13.3/1000 in 1976. The age structure also became younger. The average age in 1964 was 24 years, with a median age of 21.8 years, as compared to a 1980 average age of 23.8 years and a median age of 17 years. 47.2% of the population were aged from birth to 14 years; 2.9% were over 65 years. At the same time, 28% of the female population were of childbearing age. By 2000 Meigu County's population will reach 259,000. Although the primary reasons for the relatively rapid population increase are due to the destruction of the slave system and a higher standard of living, factors peculiar to Yi society are also significant: 1) the destruction of the slave system permitted the population to grow without the restraints of strict codes of class stratification; 2) the high value placed on having many offsprings, and of favoring male children still prevails; 3) the attitude of early marriage and the custom of widows marrying a relative of her deceased husband still prevail; 4) and infant mortality and the mortality rate of fertile women have declined. Elements which influence the population development of Meigu County include economic factors such as the need to support the old and the young, or the inability to produce enough food to keep up with the needs of an expanding population.  相似文献   

农村大龄未婚男性的代际经济支持研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
出生性别比持续偏高带来的女性缺失正日益加剧农村男性的婚姻挤压,而农村大龄男性不能结婚有可能对家庭养老功能产生重要影响。本文基于代际支持的投资回报理论,对2008年安徽乙县农村调查数据进行了定量分析。研究发现,儿子的婚姻状态与父母经济支持的获得有密切关系,投资回报理论能较好解释农村大龄未婚男性对父母经济支持较弱的现象;儿子的经济状况、父母的需求和父母对儿子的经济投资都会显著影响父母所获得的经济支持。研究有利于理解男性婚姻挤压对社会养老保障的影响,对及早制定有针对性的社会养老政策具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study examines sex differences in employees’ patterns of mobility between occupations of different sex proportions between 2002 and 2003 and how occupational sex segregation in Sweden is influenced by employees’ occupational shifts. The empirical analysis is based on large-scale and nationwide data sets with a panel design. The results show that employees’ occupational shifts strengthen sex segregation across occupations, especially female ones. Moreover, when we compare employees who in 2002 were in occupations with a given sex proportion, employees shift towards more sex-typical occupations relative to employees of the opposite sex, and this is particularly true for women and older employees. The analysis also shows that whereas the outflow from occupations of certain sex proportions is sex-biased, the sex composition of the inflow of other employees is mostly equal in magnitude to the outflow, partly explaining why the level of overall occupational sex segregation remains almost unchanged between these 2 years.  相似文献   

On May 7, 2011, Singapore held its 16th General Election. The ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) predictably secured a landslide victory, and yet the result was contextually historic, with the opposition winning six seats from a possible eighty-seven—the largest loss for the PAP since political independence in 1965. At the centre of the General Election was a persistent media buzz surrounding two young female candidates: Tin Pei Ling of the People’s Action Party and Nicole Seah of the National Solidarity Party. While the former suffered sustained criticism, the latter received sustained praise. This article seeks to analyze the manner in which these two women were positioned as inverse feminine subjects within the mediascape. The analysis emerges from data collected from 194 sources which appeared online between March 29, 2011 and May 8, 2011, comprising political blogs, discussion forums, articles, and reports from online news sites. It aims to reveal how the gendered media constructions of, and public responses to, both women interpolate a diametrically opposed positive and negative binary of womanhood which functions to: (1) reify national discourses of ideal femininity; and (2) corroborate regional conceptualizations of “good” and “bad” feminine subjectivities.  相似文献   

杨风  陶斯文 《西北人口》2010,31(3):68-72
本文以阿坝州、甘孜州、凉山州为例,分析了四川民族地区人口流动的成因、意义与困境;人口流动与城市化发展存在互动关系.积极推进民族地区城市化进程是缓解人口流动困境的有效路径。  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(3-4):119-136
Women over 65 bear high risk for developing cancer. The risk for developing most cancers grows'with increasing age. Of the 1.13 million people estimated to develop cancer in 1992,362,000 (32 percent) will be women over 65 years old (American Cancer Society, 1992). The few early detection and prevention programs that have focused on this age group have found that the women often have problems with utilization, misconceptions, and plain lack of correct information. Treatment for women over 65 with cancer may differ from that for younger women because of age bias, comorbidity, stage of disease at time of diagnosis, and a lack of research on women of this age. Even quality of life and survivorship for the woman over 65 become issues due to the lack of knowledge about how women over 65 view these concepts. The Healthy People 2000 Report has developed goals for a healthier society by the year 2000. The priority areas in relation to cancer include reduction in cigarette smoking, dietary changes, greater utilization of early detection mechanisms, and decreasing exposure to occupational and environmental carcinogens. Implementation of these goals should affect future generations in terms of healthy aging: however, specific programs do need to focus on the woman over 65 and her present needs which will impact current and future health status.  相似文献   

范东君  朱有志 《西北人口》2012,33(3):104-109
本文通过利用对湖南五个乡村2008—2010年连续跟踪的调查数据,分析和测定了湖南农村劳动力流出对其农业劳动力老龄化影响程度。同时,根据国家统计局人口和就业统计司2001-2009年的调查数据和2010年中国农村统计年鉴相关数据,实证分析了农村劳动力流出对农业劳动力老龄化影响。结果表明,农村劳动力流出是影响农业劳动力老龄化的一个重要因素,农村劳动力流出每增长1%,农业劳动力老龄化就会上升0.067%,农村劳动力流出增加会加剧农业劳动力老龄化。因此,政府应采取积极措施,改善目前农村劳动力流出方式。  相似文献   

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