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窦春蕾 《唐都学刊》2004,20(4):119-121
马致远的《耍孩儿·借马》是元代代言体散曲的优秀之作 ,作者借助嬉笑怒骂的辛辣之笔 ,形象地揭示了元代文人的群体大悲剧。透过表面的诙谐幽默 ,骨子里蕴含着悲愤绝望的冷泪。从元代多重文化语境下重新解读其丰富的思想意蕴 ,具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

韩波 《学习与探索》2023,(2):172-177
元代音乐文学发达,少数民族音乐与中原音乐的结合促进了曲的发展,也必然影响到同属音乐文学的乐府诗。乐府于元代是内涵非常复杂的文体,元人将乐府作为歌辞一体的统称,散曲、词、乐府诗皆可称为乐府。从乐府诗的发展来看,又有古乐府、新乐府之分。从音乐性质来说,元代乐府诗是可歌的;从表现形式上来看,新乐府体裁众多,具有追求宗唐复古的思想倾向。  相似文献   

元代散曲,这株艺苑奇葩,曾在我国艺术园地上放过百年异彩。但由于散曲作家们的文艺思想比较灰颓,反映在作品中的思想比较消极,因此,遭受不少研究者和文学史家的指责,对其社会作用和意义,批判过多,肯定不足。毛泽东同志说:“作为观念形态的文艺作品,都是一定的社会生活在人类头脑中反映的产物。”鲁迅先生也说过:“文艺家的话,其实还是社会的话。”②以这种观点来看元代  相似文献   

丁淑梅 《唐都学刊》2001,17(3):94-97
通过对元代纪游怀古、摭史抒怀散曲精神意脉的分析,认为元散曲承接着传统诗文不绝如缕的怀古之叹和咏史之音,以尖锐凌厉、直露亢爽的否古之词,以疑古非圣、亵渎权威、嘲弄英雄、颠覆传统的谬史之音,为元散曲的精神意脉注入了大气、坚实、厚重的养料,造就了元散曲深刻的理性内涵和时代特色,引领了明清戏曲对历史进行艺术反思的浪漫潮流,成为古典文学近代化不可缺少的一环,其文学史意义是深远的。  相似文献   

萨兆沩 《北京社会科学》2001,(2):140-146,160
元代,文学经典之作是散曲和杂剧。王国维《宋元戏曲考》中云:“凡一代有一代之文学:楚之骚,汉之赋,六代之骈语,唐之诗,宋之词,元之曲,皆所谓一代之文学,而后世莫能继焉者也。”近人郑振铎在《中国文学史》一书中说,...  相似文献   

潘殊闲 《阅江学刊》2014,(4):105-111
元代陈草庵的散曲透露出浓浓的叹世伤感情怀,其中有他的社会梦想,更有他人生苦旅中的颖悟。他劝谕世人要退守雌让、淡泊功名、安分随缘、与人方便,也告诫世人及时行乐。这些劝谕看似矛盾,其实正是作者浮世中矛盾心态的真实反映。  相似文献   

张可久是元代后期著名的散曲作家,其风格一改前期"艳俗"、"豪放"的特点,呈现出"清丽雅正"、"蕴藏含蓄"的美学风格,而这一风格在其创作的写景作品中尤为突出。文章结合其散曲作品对其艺术风格进行了探讨。  相似文献   

关汉卿散曲美学价值重估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关汉卿创作的元曲中,杂剧和散曲各有侧重:杂剧面对社会生活,散曲面向心灵世界;杂剧以社会价值为主,散曲以审美价值为主;杂剧的创作主旨是惩恶扬善,散曲的创作主旨则是弘扬美质;杂剧以叙事为主,散曲以抒情为主.与此相应,研究散曲就应该以美丑为评判标准,重点透视其审美意蕴和美学价值.关汉卿的散曲注重自然意象的天然美和哲理品味,关注女性形象内外兼美的艺术价值,并注重发掘情感美的理想美质,显示了超凡脱俗的审美追求.  相似文献   

张养浩(1270—1329),字希孟,号云庄,别号“齐东野人”,山东历城(济南市)人,元代著名政治家和文学家。诗歌集有《归田类稿》二十四卷,先后被收入《永乐大典》、《四库全书》之中;散曲集有《云庄休居自适小乐府》,收录小令161首,套数2首。元代立国之后,有七十多年不开科举,堵塞了知识分子政治上的唯一出路,大量读书人的报国之心无以实现,“蒙古用人,以国族勋旧贵族子弟为先”①。经济上蒙古贵族、僧侣和地主富豪联合统治,又造成广大知识分子“九儒十丐”的困顿处境,他们既不甘愿沉沦于社会最底层,又没有形成强大的反叛力…  相似文献   

郑雅宁 《社科纵横》2005,20(6):145-16
元散曲和元杂剧统称元曲。元散曲的形成先于元杂剧,元杂剧在借用元散曲套数的音乐结构时,也接受了元散曲已有的戏剧性因素的影响。元散曲为元杂剧的成熟做了多方面的尝试和准备。  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of improvisation in the therapeutic setting as a complex construction when elaborated in the idiom of jazz music. A composite clinical case is offered that illustrates an impasse and how improvisational thinking offers a way forward. Improvisation has recently been conceptualized through the metaphor of theater improvisation, dance, and rhythm. The therapeutic hour is considered an improvisational dialogue with the main theme (melody) and counter melodies, and harmonic possibilities that underlie the rhythmic pulse of the hour. Improvisation requires a reflective/interpretive process that draws on patterns, structures, and experiences reformulated in the relational field of the participants. The client initiates the call and response pattern, from which improvisation emerges as a mutual process of discovery. A more relaxed, receptive, and reflective posture extends Winnicott’s 1971 notion of play to integrate classic understanding and relational interaction.  相似文献   

College English Test is an important national test for Chinese college students, this paper introduces the distribution of scores, time of examination, and analyses the four parts in CET ,such as listening comprehension, reading comprehension, integrated testing, and writing based on testing theories.  相似文献   

魏福林 《江右论坛》2007,8(3):38-40
objective test has only one correct answer, while subjective test has a range of possible answers. Because of this feature, reliability will not be difficult to achieve in the marking of the objective item, while the marking of the subjective items is reliable. On the whole, a good test must contain both subjective and objective test items.  相似文献   

With social security provisions in Kenya remaining under‐reported in the more recent literature, this overview covers recent reforms in key areas of the country's social security system. In the health sector and in old‐age pension provision social security is still mainly workerist (biased toward those in formal employment), and attempts to expand coverage have had limited effect only – cash transfer programmes, for instance, have been expanded but in practice they do not universally cover the entitled categories. Thus, although the Kenyan social security system now has a considerable pro‐poor social assistance component it remains biased toward those in formal employment, to the benefit of the highest income quintile.  相似文献   

Santiago,the main hero in the Old Man and the Sea is characterized as someone struggling against defeat. He has gone eighty-four days without catching a fish,the sail of his skiff resembles "the flag of permanent defeat." But the old man refuses defeat at every turn:he resolves to sail out beyond the other fishermen to where the biggest fish promise to be. He lands the marlin,tying his record of eighty-seven days after a brutal three-day fight,and he continues to ward off sharks from stealing his prey,even though he knows the battle is useless. He establishes a great hero:a man can be destroyed but not defeated.  相似文献   

The Scarlet Letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a great book. Through feminist criticism we can get how The Scarlet Letter may be read as dramatizing Hester Prynne's spiritual and physical struggle to survive as an individual in a society whose values authorize the privileged power of men.  相似文献   

万春花 《江右论坛》2007,8(2):56-58
发展循环经济已经成为当今世界的潮流和趋势,循环经济将经济活动组织成为"资源-产品-消费-再生资源"的物质反复循环的闭环式流程,从上世纪90年代确定可持续发展战略以来,发达国家正在把发展循环经济、建立循环型社会看作是实施可持续发展战略的重要途径和实现方式.循环经济是集经济、技术、社会于一体的系统工程,其启动和推广不仅需要政府、企业、科学界和公众等社会各界的不懈努力和共同参与,而且需要资金、技术以及法规、制度等软硬环境的强力支撑.  相似文献   


A survey of randomly selected elderly residents (N = 301) of a largely rural county in Northwest Ohio sought to explore the perception of the fear of crime victimization. Those who participated in the study were asked a series of questions about their community, actual experiences of crime victimization, perception of fear related to victimization, and social support. Logistic regression analyses were computed to explore perceptions of neighborhood safety. Most participants reported limited experiences of victimization. As expected, in this rural environment, there was more reliance on informal supports and limited use of existing formal services.  相似文献   


Many clients relate in ways that elicit emotional responses in practitioners and may also feel pressure to intervene when appropriate action is not yet clear. Practitioners must develop sufficient self-awareness so their own reactions do not interfere with the work they do with clients. Educators exhort their students to be self-aware, but locating methods that foster the capacity can be difficult. Infant observation is an elegant training model that helps to develop self-awareness. The method described here makes use of regular observation, supportive small groups, and repeated detailed examination of what is seen in training both generalist and specialized practitioners. It has become a prototype for the observational study of several kinds of specific populations. Because it attends to people in their own environments and demonstrates a flexible, reflective, multi-modal manner of information-gathering, infant observation is particularly useful in the education of social work practitioners.  相似文献   

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