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萧灼基现任北京大学经济学院教授、博士生导师,全国政协常委,全国政协社会与法制委员会副主任,《经济界》杂志编委主任,《经济学家》杂志副主编,兼任中山大学、国防大学、对外经贸大学等十多所大学的名誉教授或客座教授,《中国改革》《管理世界》等数十家报刊的学术委员或顾问,北京市、武汉市、成都市、吉林省、云南省等政府顾问,还担任香港《南华早报》、新加坡《联合早报》等多家报刊的特约撰稿人和专栏作家,1992年至今享受政府有突出贡献专家特殊津贴.  相似文献   

随着国家能源力、公室的设立,原中国石油天然气总公司总经理马富才,走马上任国家能源办公室副主任。因重大事故问责制而引咎辞职的几位官员的复出,成为媒体和公众关注的焦点。在这份问责名单中,原卫生部部长张文康,现任宋庆龄基金会副主席,全国政协“教科文卫体委员会”副主任委员;  相似文献   

述职报告是指国家公务员实事求是地把自己在一定时期内履行职责的情况和称职与否表达出来的一种常用的事务文书.述职报告具有总结性、评估性和理论性的特点.述职者对任期内干了哪些工作,取得了哪些成绩,做出了什么贡献,都必须进行客观、中肯的叙述和分析.这里包括工作的数量、质量、效率、水准等,不仅要有定性分析,而且要有认真、准确的定量分析,实事求是地做出切合实际的自我总结和评价.  相似文献   

洪向华 《决策》2007,(5):54-55
某城市组织了由市领导为团长的赴法国商务考察团.当地华侨商会的王先生为表示对"父母官"和老乡的尊敬,请考察团吃法国大餐.他们来到巴黎一个著名的西餐馆.装修典雅豪华,古色古香,男侍者彬彬有礼,女侍者丰满艳丽.因这批中国客人希望集中就餐,因此,经与侍者沟通,把几个餐桌拼到一起就餐.当王先生询问点什么菜时,团长说有特色的尽管上.请客的王先生向大家推荐了鹅肝、生蚝等菜.  相似文献   

中学阶段是一个人成长的关键时期,也是一个人树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观的重要时期,青少年是否能健康茁壮成长关系到一个民族的盛衰.但在现实生活中,许多学生都有遇事爱拖延的毛病,老师和家长叹息,学生也身陷拖延怪圈,难以自拔.而这样的心理问题似乎没有引起老师和家长的足够重视,他们对学生的拖延习惯或无可奈何,或熟视无睹,致使这种现象有更加严重的趋势.  相似文献   

张占斌 《决策》2007,(6):28-29
2003年国家将体改委相关职能并入发展和改革委员会之后,各界对于恢复重建体改委的呼声一直没有间断过.2006年、2007年两会期间,代表不断提交提案、议案,为什么会有这样的呼声,关键在于,体改委在中国改革进程中曾经扮演过非常重要的角色,作为一个利益完全超脱的部门它承担着改革进程设计、协调等工作.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,作为农民命根子的土地逐渐被降格,农村农民90%的收入都不从土地中获得,撂荒、粗放经营土地在农村中时有发生,尤其在沿海和东部发达地区,这种现象大量存在.一家一户的土地经营模式与信息化高质量的发展方式时有冲突,如何解决这个矛盾呢?既不能强行兼并农民的土地,走人民公社时的老路子,又要未雨绸缪和谐地化解体制与发展中存在的问题.2002年10月以来,武陟县农业综合开发公司尝试从农民手中返租土地600亩,筹建了阳光农业园区.农民既可以从土地返租中获得稳定的地租收入,又可以腾出大量的时间去务工、经商增创收入,或者重新在公司的统一安排下工作,成为耕种园区土地的农民工.  相似文献   

罗伯特·西奥迪尼是美国著名的心理学家,他曾经在一家牛肉进出口公司做过一次营销实验.他要求公司的销售人员,以三种不同的方式分别给客户打电话,也就是给各个批发单位、超市和食品零售店的采购员打电话,向他们征求订货.  相似文献   

要做好办公室工作,必须做到"十见",即:政务见水平、会务见特色、事务见效率、勤务见保障、服务见态度、材料见深度、信息见角度、协调见大度、宣传见广度、督查见力度.几年来,围绕单位的中心任务和上述"十见"的工作目标,我们办公室人员在不同的工作阶段、不同的工作场合不断"变脸",努力扮好"参谋长"、"大老支"、"办事员"、"管家"、"服务生"、"笔杆子"、"通讯员"、"协调员"、"解说员"、"督查员"等不同的角色.  相似文献   

<正>四川恒大国际装饰建材城位于德阳市旌阳区工业集中发展区,扼守绵竹、什邡、广汉黄金通道。市场距商业中心2公里、汽车站1公里、火车货运站1公里,即将开建的“成-德-绵”城际特快和长江路西延线由此经过。  相似文献   

王巍  冯英浚  黄祎 《中国管理科学》2007,15(Z1):631-634
管理效益是管理工作的重中之重,管理的本质需要"以人为本'的管理效益.本文提出由人的有效努力程度来研究管理效益的思想,在当前的管理理论中充分反映"以人为本"的属性.将管理有效性作为研究工具,初步建立管理效益问题研究的一般理论框架及其度量方法,消除客观基础条件优劣的影响,真正体现由于管理者的有效努力所产生的管理效益.从有效努力的角度定量研究管理效益,为管理工作的开展营造有利条件,有助于调动人们的积极性和创造性.  相似文献   

为了研究在线交互对在线购物顾客信赖的内部影响机制,基于交互观点将社交存在作为媒介变量引入,构建交互信任模型。研究发现客户对于网络购物中空间临场感、社会临场感的搭建都基于互动机制来实现,而互动机制是由顾客、网站以及卖方组成的三方主体。其中,空间临场感和社会临场感对于客户与线上购物信任感的搭建机制有一定的影响作用,并且依据信任感类型的不同,可分为能力型信任、诚信型信任和善意型信任三类。空间临场感打造第一种类型的信任感,而社会临场感打造后两种信任感。为提升网络直播购物模式中的买卖双方互信水平,还根据课题调研结果给出了相应建议。  相似文献   

Eradication of wild poliovirus (WPV) types 1 and 3, prevention and cessation of circulating vaccine‐derived polioviruses, and achievement and maintenance of a world free of paralytic polio cases requires active risk management by focusing on population immunity and coordinated cessation of oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV). We suggest the need for a complementary and different conceptual approach to achieve eradication compared to the current case‐based approach using surveillance for acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) to identify symptomatic poliovirus infections. Specifically, we describe a modeling approach to characterize overall population immunity to poliovirus transmission. The approach deals with the realities that exposure to live polioviruses (e.g., WPV, OPV) and/or vaccination with inactivated poliovirus vaccine provides protection from paralytic polio (i.e., disease), but does not eliminate the potential for reinfection or asymptomatic participation in poliovirus transmission, which may increase with time because of waning immunity. The AFP surveillance system provides evidence of symptomatic poliovirus infections detected, which indicate immunity gaps after outbreaks occur, and this system represents an appropriate focus for controlling disease outbreaks. We describe a conceptual dynamic model to characterize population immunity to poliovirus transmission that helps identify risks created by immunity gaps before outbreaks occur, which provides an opportunity for national and global policymakers to manage the risk of poliovirus and prevent outbreaks before they occur. We suggest that dynamically modeling risk represents an essential tool as the number of cases approaches zero.  相似文献   

Since most poliovirus infections occur with no paralytic symptoms, the possibility of silent circulation complicates the confirmation of the end of poliovirus transmission. Based on empirical field experience and theoretical modeling results, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative identified three years without observing paralytic cases from wild polioviruses with good acute flaccid paralysis surveillance as an indication of sufficient confidence that poliovirus circulation stopped. The complexities of real populations and the imperfect nature of real surveillance systems subsequently demonstrated the importance of specific modeling for areas at high risk of undetected circulation, resulting in varying periods of time required to obtain the same level of confidence about no undetected circulation. Using a poliovirus transmission model that accounts for variability in transmissibility and neurovirulence for different poliovirus serotypes and characterizes country‐specific factors (e.g., vaccination and surveillance activities, demographics) related to wild and vaccine‐derived poliovirus transmission in Pakistan and Afghanistan, we consider the probability of undetected poliovirus circulation for those countries once apparent die‐out occurs (i.e., in the absence of any epidemiological signals). We find that gaps in poliovirus surveillance or reaching elimination with borderline sufficient population immunity could significantly increase the time to reach high confidence about interruption of live poliovirus transmission, such that the path taken to achieve and maintain poliovirus elimination matters. Pakistan and Afghanistan will need to sustain high‐quality surveillance for polioviruses after apparent interruption of transmission and recognize that as efforts to identify cases or circulating live polioviruses decrease, the risks of undetected circulation increase and significantly delay the global polio endgame.  相似文献   

在2010年第4期<管理学报>发表的<地方性知识:通往学术自主性的自由之路>基础上,该文采用对中国现实制度和思想脉络的分析途径,探讨具有"直面现实"价值的本土管理学知识的宏观情境及其影响.指出数千年形成的悠久的中国文化、80多年中国共产党独创的资源动员机制和30年的改革开放,复合成当下中国本土管理知识的本源,也是中国管理学者需要努力加以考察、关注和论述的最为重要的研究对象和内容.  相似文献   


Income as a relatively stable aspect of a job (e.g. annual salary, non-incentive wages, or weekly or hourly pay) has received relatively little consideration in organizational theorizing and research, despite its critical importance to workers, organizations, and society at large. Income inequality has similarly received scant attention, although it is a topic of great intellectual and practical importance. In this paper we describe the ways in which income and income inequality affect how people behave in both their professional and personal lives, and suggest ways in which organizations may influence, and be influenced by, these effects. We integrate research from a number of disciplines, highlight leading findings across them, and suggest ways in which organizational scholarship can inform research and practice in this domain. Our goal is to facilitate the development of income-related research programs in organizational science.  相似文献   

近年来,各级党组织普遍重视和加强了对干部的监督,并且取得了一定的成效,但对领导干部特别是一把手的监督仍然是一个薄弱环节.新形势下反腐败斗争的实践告诉我们,加强对领导干部权力的制约和监督,可以使领导干部少犯错误;领导干部自觉养成在监督下工作生活的习惯,可以使自己不犯错误.  相似文献   

Human H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) infection is associated with intimate exposure to live poultry. Perceptions of risk can modify behaviors, influencing actual exposure. However, greater hazard is not necessarily followed by perception of greater risk and more precautionary behavior because self-serving cognitive biases modulate precautionary and hazardous behaviors. We examined risk perception associated with avian influenza. A total of 1,550 face-to-face within-household interviews and 1,760 telephone interviews were derived to study avian influenza risk perception and live poultry use in Guangzhou and Hong Kong, respectively. Chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests assessed bivariate associations and risk distributions, respectively, and fully adjusted multivariate logistic models determined independent risk associations. Relative to Hong Kong, perceived "generalized" risk from buying live poultry (GZ, 58%, 95% confidence interval 55–60% vs. HK, 41%, 39–43%; χ2= 86.95, df  = 1, p < 0.001) and perceived self/family risk from buying ( z  =−2.092, p  = 0.036) were higher in Guangzhou. Higher perceived "generalized" risk was associated with not buying live poultry (OR = 0.65, 0.49–0.85), consistent with the pattern seen in Hong Kong, while perceived higher self/family risk was associated with buying ("likely/very likely/certain" OR = 1.74, 1.18–2.59); no such association was seen in Hong Kong. Multivariate adjustment indicated older age was associated with buying live poultry in Guangzhou (OR = 2.91, 1.36–6.25). Guangzhou respondents perceived greater risk relative to Hong Kong. Buying live poultry was associated with perceptions of less "generalized" risk but more self/family risk. Higher generalized risk was associated with fewer live poultry purchases, suggesting generalized risk may be a useful indicator of precautionary HPAI risk behavior.  相似文献   

罗兴武  宋晨青  项国鹏  陈帅 《管理评论》2021,33(11):259-274
本文基于事件系统理论,以淘宝直播跳跃式成长为纵向研究案例,深入探讨二次创业平台企业数字生态跳升能力塑造的过程机理,揭示战略性商业模式设计、生态开放度、平台领导力在该过程中的作用及影响机制.研究发现:主动型、被动型事件差异化地影响二次创业平台战略性商业模式的设计.具体地,二次创业平台在起步期受到被动型事件的挑战倾向于完善平台架构来整合资源,在成长期与扩展期能够通过创造主动型事件以场景化商业模式增强连接能力;平台开放度能够影响战略性商业模式设计的边界,平台领导力能够促进战略性商业模式设计对数字生态跳升能力的提升效果;二次创业平台发展过程中主动型事件和被动型事件之间的交互为数字生态跳升能力的提升带来正向反馈,巩固数字生态跳升能力.本研究对二次创业平台如何在动态环境中进行战略性商业模式设计、利用事件塑造数字生态跳升能力具有一定的理论与实践价值.  相似文献   

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