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"规训"式网络文化教育过于强调文化的意识形态建设和政治统治功能,导致青年网络主体生活教化理想被放弃,规范消解教化,经验消解理性,重复消解创新。培养"德才兼备"的新时代网络社会公民,促进其内化和谐网络文化价值观念和行动自觉,是新时代中国特色社会主义网络文化协同教化育人的本真意蕴和价值指向。建构协同教化育人机制,需加强党委、政府、社会、网络社会组织、高校等多元主体协同合作,创设协同教化育人的网络文明礼仪,优化网络传媒的宣传教化机制,建构"社会知识分子"的示范引领机制,培育、强化网络社会组织的育人功能,健全优化高校协同教化育人机制,共同助推新时代网络文化在网络社会中规范化、价值化、主流化,发挥其熏染、陶冶和教化育人功能,使其内化为青年网络主体的文化生活意识、精神存在和行为意志。  相似文献   

志愿服务是社会文明进步的重要标志,"奉献、友爱、互助、进步"的志愿精神是高校立德树人根本任务的生动体现,高校通过志愿服务践行实践育人、服务育人。高校通过加强志愿服务顶层设计,推进体制机制建设;拓展志愿服务领域,搭建平台,打造志愿服务项目;贯彻"学习—服务—创新"理念,建设规范青年志愿服务组织,培育专业志愿服务团队;加大志愿服务宣传,形成社会合力,全面提升大学生志愿服务能力和水平,实现志愿服务的育人功能。  相似文献   

韩飞 《职业时空》2010,(1):178-179
青年志愿者行动是“跨世纪青年文明工程”的重要组成部分,是以“奉献、友爱、互助、进步”为宗旨,以倡导青少年志愿无偿地参与扶贫帮困和社会公益事业为主要内容的一项社会服务活动。青年志愿者行动把服务社会与教育青年有机结合,契合时代发展的要求,合乎社会进步潮流,符合青年成长的特点,已经成为共青团组织在社会主义市场经济条件下动员青年的有效手段,成为新时期青年思想政治工作的重要载体。  相似文献   

青年志愿者工作是高校思想政治教育和共青团工作的重要内容,组织开展大学生专业特色志愿服务,将专业教育与社会实践有机结合,是高校实践育人的一种特色模式。本文阐释了开展专业特色志愿服务的意义,并以浙江大学城市学院法学院为典型案例,探讨了如何构建专业特色志愿服务长效机制,促进志愿服务持续开展,为高校人才培养作出贡献。  相似文献   

图书高校图书馆是学校的重要组成部分,是推动人才发展的基础保障之一。基于服务学习理念在高校图书馆育人中的理论与实践进行分析,提出服务学习理念在高校图书馆实践育人中应该以树立正确服务学习育人理念、增强服务学习实践育人意识和深入落实服务学习育人理念为指导。  相似文献   

孙庆仁 《职业时空》2008,4(3):132-132
高校是青年学生聚集的地方。是教书育人的场所。创设安全,文明,有序的育人环境和培养教育学生是学校保卫部门的神圣职责。高校保卫部门是学校的一个特殊职能部门,其性质和职能与学校其它部门有着明显不同,其集管理、服务和教育三大职能于一体,三者构成了统一的完整的高校保卫组织的职能体系.这三大职能相互联系。高校保卫部门应充分发挥其教育职能,以真正达到“预防为主,确保稳定”的目的。  相似文献   

文章通过分析高校图书馆以红色文化引领育人服务面临的困境、开展的举措、育人的要求,探索了新时代高校图书馆应如何用“立德树人”理念构建红色育人环境,提升育人效果。  相似文献   

党的第十九次全国代表大会提出推动社会主义文化繁荣兴盛。高校是文化传承和创新的主要场所,担任着文化育人的重要责任。高校文化有着引领大学生价值导向、提升大学生素质、提高大学生实践能力的育人功能。坚持社会主义核心价值观、增强文化自觉性和文化自信心、加强社会实践是实现文化育人功能的必然路径。  相似文献   

高校的团日活动,承载着对学生思想政治教育的重任,既应该强调服务社会,也决不能忽视育人功能。我们要努力将志愿服务建成高校团日活动的重要载体,作为团员青年第一课堂的重要补充,引导学生在志愿服务中提升社会责任感、传递爱心、传播文明、践行社会主义核心价值观,推动学生实现自我教育、自我管理、自我发展,进一步发挥青年团员的战斗堡垒作用。  相似文献   

企业管理理念在高校青年学生组织中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校青年学生组织,作为以服务于大学教育本身的相对独立的高校管理多元性组织体系中的一元,其势必要随着时代发展及管理理念的兴盛而与之相适应。本文通过研究高校青年学生组织管理与企业管理的关联.探索企业管理理念在高校青年学生组织中的应用,有效加强青年学生组织的战斗力和凝聚力,从而更好地发挥学生干部自身的积极性和主动性,实现高校青年学生自我服务、自我管理、自我发展,以符合当前人才市场化、高校人才培养社会化的要求。  相似文献   

温朝霞 《城市观察》2014,(3):164-172
西关文化是岭南文化的重要组成部分。西关文化包含物质文化和非物质文化两个层面,以西关小姐、西关名人、西关民俗为代表的西关人文,以西关大屋、骑楼街、"西关五宝"为代表的西关物品,以及记载包括十三行文化在内的大量历史文献典籍成为研究西关文化的三类重要载体。打好"人、物、志"三张牌,对于培育、宣传西关文化品牌具有重要的历史价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

张洪才 《职业时空》2012,(2):165-166
狭义体育文化观点认为,体育文化就是以身体活动为基本形式,以身体竞争为特殊手段,以身体完善为主要目标的体育活动过程和活动过程中人的精神生活。当代高校校园体育文化建设应该定位为重品行、催智力、助身心、促审美、推良习、造氛围等交汇一体的校园文化。  相似文献   

The abstract, multifaceted and multidisciplinary nature of the concept of culture has for long led to scholars researching aspects of culture in organisations in India and Indian organisations globally, but in the current context more is needed. Further, India being a diverse, complex and economically re-emerging nation, the aspects of studying culture in organisations in the Indian context becomes more significant and timely. In this editorial piece, we argue that there is a need to acknowledge and appreciate pluralist ideas and conceptualisations of culture, as it will be a good starting point in understanding and demystifying this important and much-less understood concept. We begin by highlighting the importance of studying culture in organisations and provide a historical background of the social and economic changes that have influenced culture in an Indian context. Based on the four contributions in this special issue, we argue that by revisiting some of the existing (and popular) conceptualisations of culture and considering alternate approaches and concepts will help guide future research and scholarship in this vital and highly researched topic. We conclude by stressing that alternate explanations are warranted for overcoming problems of simplistic understandings of this inherently complex concept.  相似文献   

在中西方不同的文化背景下.好母亲的标准也不尽相同。  相似文献   

This paper explores the impacts Wal‐Mart's operations have on community culture. However, through the application of the psychodynamics of mirroring and a thorough version of dialectical analysis, we can see that community culture turns on itself to mirror what Wal‐Mart wants that culture to be. As such, community culture has little or no power or even desire to counter Wal‐Mart's negative affects and the result is an unfinished dialectic. The unfinished dialectic parallels the rudimentary concept of dialectics as being only thesis, anti‐thesis and synthesis, where synthesis is assumed to be, generally, a positive outcome, for everyone involved. As the investigation into Wal‐Mart continues, we see that there are negative outcomes on community culture as well as on Wal‐Mart leadership that require negation but are not negated. With that which fulfils our desires, we allow ourselves to become enraptured by only positive images or the perceived ‘good’ of something or someone when it is too difficult to unravel ambivalence and ambiguity of the mutual causality of opposites inherent in relationships.  相似文献   

Cha-rye (tea etiquette), now considered representative of Korean tea culture, is a new tradition developed during the Park Chung-hee government (1961–1979) and subsequently promoted nationally and internationally. With Korea's rapid industrialization and modernization in the 1960s and 1970s, traditional culture began to disintegrate, which caused various social problems and resulted in ethical and moral confusion among the people. A tea culture revival was proposed by some tea masters as a solution for the chaos in society, and cha-rye was designated a “tradition” to be restored. Anti-Japanese nationalist ideology proved a good facilitator for the transformation of Korean traditional culture, but controversies based in practical limitations arose among tea masters in the process of establishing a Korean-style tea spirit and practice. The re-invention of cha-rye demonstrates how a tradition has been created through the complex and multi-layered dynamics of Korea's rapidly changing political and social environment in combination with nationalist ideology.  相似文献   

面试总是让人伤脑筋的,对于打算在中国找工作的外国人来说更是如此。因为他们还要面对身处不同文化中的不确定性。什么是在中国面试必杀技?充分的准备和正确的态度必不可少。  相似文献   

This ethnographic study shows the impact of the care system on clients' and staff's life experiences, with the clear distance between these two groups as one of the core issues. Together with a dominant care approach and a well established but subtile system of control, it makes them function in systems that are characterized by an oppressing care culture. Learned helplessness prevents both groups of acting upon quality of life outcomes. The idea of supporting a life of good quality through merely improving these traditional care systems should therefore be considered with caution, and real alternatives should be considered to open this barrier of the oppressing care culture.  相似文献   

学风建设是一个学校内涵建设特别是校园文化建设的重要方面,学生学习主动性的提升又是形成良好学风的基础。文章就如何提升学生的学习主动性,形成良好学风提出三点看法。一是帮学生完成一个转变,二是为学生树立一个目标,三是给学生以学习创业就业之渔。  相似文献   

上海制订街头艺人管理法规应注重:对街头艺人的管理方法体现社会对文化艺术的态度、对弱势群体的关注以及对公众利益的维护;对不同类型的街头艺人实施分类管理;通过教育和宣传,为艺术型街头艺人创造良好的社会氛围;应制订政府管理部门的服务规范;制订艺术型街头艺人认证标准应体现上海文化特色。  相似文献   

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