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论海洋秩序演变视角下的南海海洋治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球海洋治理的理论与实践是海洋秩序从权力竞争的无序状态发展为以规则和机制为中心阶段后的产物。与此同时,作为海洋秩序的重要内容,海洋治理体系的架构也反映了秩序的权力与规则的安排结构。当前,国际和南海地区海洋秩序深度调整,海洋治理也随之进入新的发展阶段。中国与东盟国家应抓住当前南海海洋秩序调整的机遇,通过完善规则与规范、建立区域海洋治理合作机制网络,建立起基于规则的南海海洋治理体系。在这一过程中,中国应与东盟国家一道牢牢抓住主导权,并扮演与自身国力和地区影响力相匹配的角色。  相似文献   

在深度全球化时代,全球公域治理新议题兴起。全球公域治理之"新"不仅体现为治理领域的拓展,更体现为治理思路的变化。全球公域治理对现代国际体系的若干基本原则发起挑战,同时亦推动全球治理从国家主义范式、跨国主义范式转向全球主义范式,并对全球主义范式提出建立整合度更高的"硬治理"的新要求。在此新旧范式交替之际,全球公域治理内含诸多悖论。为有效消解这些悖论,中国应创新外交思维,树立新利益观、新安全观、新作为观和新发展观,为自身深度参与全球公域治理创造战略性机遇,为"全球公域命运共同体"的构建贡献力量。  相似文献   

冷战后,全球治理出现多元化、碎片化和风险化态势,由霸权国家主导设计的单中心全球治理制度存在价值、程序、结构和效率等方面的内在缺陷,难以有效应对全球治理的新挑战,导致全球治理失灵。全球化深刻改变了治理主体与客体,重塑了治理权力和治理思维,为全球治理制度变迁提供了持续动力,去中心化成为今后全球治理制度变迁的基本逻辑与发展趋势。全球治理制度变革应该要与时俱进,转变陈旧观念,倡导民主治理,限制霸权边界,培育全球市民社会,重塑全球治理网络,增强全球治理的效率与质量。  相似文献   

社会转型期的中国政府体系正面临着治理碎片化和社会一体化的双重困境:在整体性社会无法建立的时候,弥散的社会不信任潜在地支持每个成员进行自我权利保护、消费公共政策、透支社会资本,并维系着碎片化的公共治理;而目标一致的社会又会给传统的政府治理形态带来压力。如果中国的国家与社会难以形成一致的目标,那么整体性的治理体系就难以建立。因此,转型期的公共治理需要重新理解国家与社会的关系。具体而言,就是要在保护公民权利的前提下,以社会目标、社会价值和社会资本来完成对政府的重塑。  相似文献   

中国脱贫攻坚战的全面胜利不仅是我国减贫治理史上又一个彪炳史册的伟大功绩,也为全球减贫治理贡献了中国智慧和中国方案,增强了各国减贫治理的信心与决心.但现行贫困标准下的绝对贫困人口的完全消除并非意味着减贫治理工作的圆满收官.相反,相对贫困问题将会随之凸显并持续存在,减贫治理还有很长一段路要走,脱贫摘帽并不是终点,而是新生活、新奋斗的起点.纵观全球,我们可以发现各个国家都在不同程度上受到贫困问题的困扰,并积极运用各种手段加强贫困治理.通过对欧盟、美国相关减贫立法和实践的探究,针对当前我国减贫治理阶段存在的缺乏持续性法律制度保障、相对贫困治理难度大、非政府机构参与程度低、贫困地区金融反贫困功能缺失的现实困境,可以通过加快减贫立法体系构建、加强减贫治理与国家宏观层面政策的衔接、建立多维和差异化的相对贫困评价机制、发挥非政府组织的社会协同作用、构建差异化金融调控机制等几个方面的措施,完善我国减贫立法体系,促使其有效实施.通过构建长久有效的减贫机制,推进减贫治理的法治化建设,可以巩固脱贫攻坚成果、提升减贫治理体系和治理能力的现代化,并为人类减贫事业的发展献智助力.  相似文献   

目前,东南亚地区呈现出多种安全合作机制共存之局面,一方面各种安全机制越来越朝着多样化、板块化以及专业化方向发展,另一方面安全机制间的边界又越来越模糊,并呈现出交叠、竞争的趋势,形成了"安全合作机制碎片化"现象。该现象主要表现为机制多元化、机制复杂化和机制间的无序—竞争化,而权力失衡、利益分化以及认同削减是造成东南亚地区安全合作机制碎片化的主要原因。同时,碎片化降低了地区安全合作制度化水平,加剧了安全合作机制的复杂性,削弱了东盟在地区安全治理中的主导性,从而对东南亚地区安全治理造成了严峻的挑战。故此,中国应通过成为东南亚安全治理架构的"议程设置国",并积极推进亚信会议进程以促进地区现存安全合作机制间的协调,努力提高东南亚安全治理的制度化水平;支持以东盟为核心的综合安全合作机制,特别是积极参与并支持"东盟中心"的区域间主义动议与行动,坚持共同、综合、合作、可持续的"亚洲安全观",以确保东盟在东南亚地区安全治理中的主导地位。  相似文献   

全球化的发展不仅催生了全球治理,也推动了各类治理机制的发展。在此过程中,全球治理机制呈现出治理主体的多元化与不平衡性、治理对象的多样化与跨国性、治理规制的规范性与"柔"性、治理效果的有限性与滞后性等特点。就其未来发展来看,全球治理机制逐渐显现出治理议题广泛化、治理结构网络化、治理机制民主化等发展趋势,在一定程度上有利于引导治理机制走向完善。本文认为,中国在参与全球治理机制的过程中既要坚持民主平等、权责统一、合作共赢的原则,又要对自身的角色有明确的定位并适时转变,以更加积极、稳健、自信的大国姿态参与全球治理机制的发展与变革。  相似文献   

全球气候治理的京都模式以效果不彰为突出特点。在京都模式陷入困境的情况下,多边气候谈判的阵营开始分化重组,各方的规范认知开始逐渐变化,多边框架外气候治理机制也获得了长足的发展。在此背景下,2015年的全球气候谈判最终取得《巴黎协定》这一重大成果,打破了自本世纪初年以来气候治理京都模式的困境。《巴黎协定》形成了减排义务和分配原则的制度化新共识,从而使多边气候制度的减排义务分配体系从南北二分转变为在责任共担的精神下自愿减排。与此同时,《巴黎协定》赋予了多边框架外气候治理机制合法性,为全球经济的低碳转型注入新的政治动力,并将激起大国围绕低碳经济、低碳技术、低碳规则等议题的新一轮博弈。为了应对全球气候治理的新形势,中国应同时在"适应"和"塑造"两方面积极努力,既加快自身改革,又要积极参与《巴黎协定》后的气候治理进程。  相似文献   

2019年4月23日,习近平主席首次提出海洋命运共同体理念,为全球海洋生态环境治理体系的建构提供了全新的思路。全球海洋污染现状严峻,单边、双边或区域性海洋治理体系供给不足以及全球治理的宏观形势需求等决定了全球海洋治理体系建构的必要性。基于此,全球海洋生态环境治理体系的构建应遵循海洋命运共同体原则和可持续发展原则,在设计关键要素时需充分考虑体系内各主体的话语权诉求、利益分配诉求以及观念诉求,并确立相应的评估体系。中国在参与全球海洋生态环境治理体系构建过程中需把握话语主导权,提供中国方案、贡献中国智慧、体现中国印记,以期促进全球海洋生态环境的可持续性发展。  相似文献   

整体性治理理论作为对新公共管理造成的"碎片化"的回应,成为一种新的政府治理途径。本文基于这一理论,借鉴国际经验,针对京津冀大都市区地方政府协作的现状,尝试构建这一区域的整体性协作模式。  相似文献   

The outbreak of the financial crisis in Europe and America in 2008 was a landmark event in the history of global governance. It showed that the international system and governance mechanism was unable to adapt to the new global situation or solve the new challenges and problems caused by the rapid development of globalization. Global governance needs to explore new ideas, new paths and new strategies. However, to advance the transformation and development of global governance, in-depth cooperation by the great powers is not all that is involved; also inevitable are the redistribution of international power, interests and responsibilities, contradictory global concepts and fierce competition among the great powers. The next five to ten years are a key period both for the transformation and development of global governance and for China's full-scale rise. The latter is not only a process of China's integration into the global governance system but also a process whereby China influences global governance reform. China should seize the opportunity of the global governance crisis and changes to promote benign interaction between China and the world and should become an advocate, designer, shaper and leader in the improvement of the global governance system, focusing on the construction of national governance, the governance of East Asia, global governance and the governance of certain advantageous fields. Its active assumption of the historic mission of the new era of globalization has laid a solid foundation for China to grow into a great major country.  相似文献   

丁祥艳 《创新》2012,6(3):36-40,126
为构建和谐的乡镇治理体制,有关政府管理部门和学术界给出了一系列改革方案,要认真权衡分析其利弊得失。"乡派镇政"是当前众多乡镇治理体制改革方案中的可行性路径,是改革的理性走向。这是一条因地制宜,分类改革,逐步推行"乡派"和"镇政",同时构建面向"乡派镇政"的新型行政管理体制的改革路径。"乡派镇政"的乡镇治理体制有着明确的制度规范。  相似文献   

杨毅 《创新》2007,1(5):62-66
和谐世界的理念体现着人们在价值层面上对于建构世界新秩序的一种追求。它的实现不但需要国际关系民主化为其提供程序上的支持,更需要相应的制度保障来使之成为可能。而国际制度由于能够在特定范围内加速制度内的信息流动,促成了不同层次的国际合作的实现;并通过提供必要的公共物品以实现全球事务治理的有效途径,大大降低行为体国际交往的成本,保持了国际关系的连续性,从而能够从制度上为和谐世界的构建提供了保障。  相似文献   

The concept of global governance first appeared in research on international political governance in the early 1990s. At the time much of the theoretical research on global governance was to some extent isolated from the realities of world development, but since the beginning of the 21th century, global governance research has been turning to real world issues, We propose the construction, from a public management perspective, of a governance “i ssue-act or-mec ha ni sm” fram ework. T hi s sees postwar gl oba l governance practice as the old paradigm. The paper points out that the rapid global development after the end of the Cold War has had a crucial impact on the traditional governance paradigm, followed by the emergence of new global governance issues and changes in new governance actors resulting from the changing world of the last twenty or thirty years which have led to the failure of traditional governance mechanisms. These “issue-actor-mechanism” changes are closely interlocked, and hence require a new global governance paradigm that can reflect the complex interconnections of governance issues, actors and mechanisms. We thus need to reexamine and refresh our perceptions of the world and open up a new research agenda.  相似文献   

程保志 《创新》2012,6(1):96-100,128
全球治理理论的勃兴给现代国际法理论与实践既带来了新的挑战,也创造了前所未有的机遇。国际法作为调节国际社会行为主体之间关系的法律规范和制度,对全球治理的实现起着重要的规范作用;同时,国际法也应积极适应全球化的潮流,使其和全球治理理论在交流与互动过程中得到共同发展。尽管全球治理的理论范式还存在不尽合理与完善的地方,但它已经并将继续深刻影响未来国际社会的发展方向。  相似文献   

欧盟和中国注定要成为伙伴,努力争取全球气候变化管理的第二承诺期,打造能够迎接21世纪可预期挑战的后京都制度。支持这个论征的基本思路是,与其它主要国家(美国、俄罗斯、印度、日本和加拿大)相比,如果《京都议定书》升级失败的话,损失最大的将是欧盟和中国。反之,如果这一制度将以现代的形式继续生存,并且更为全面地应用具有国际约束力的承诺,那么欧盟和中国则将是最大的赢家。也就是说,欧盟和中国如果希望更有效、更低成本地实现各自有关全球气候变化问题的政治目标的话,它们别无选择,只能一起合作。  相似文献   

Objectives. Using an urban regime theory approach, the article aims to investigate the degree to which environmental policy in England is devolved to the local level of the state and integrates with local economic governance. Methods. Intensive case study research was undertaken in two local areas of the eastern region of England having divergent economic growth trajectories. Methods included analysis of local media and documentation from local and regional organizations, and 30 primary interviews with strategic local actors. Results. The Cambridge Subregion area is experiencing pressures of economic development, creating conflict around the Green Belt and contested meanings of sustainable development. In Waveney—a declining area in search of growth—local groups have struggled to manage local economic regeneration in an environmentally sustainable manner. Both areas have witnessed new territorial‐institutional developments in relation to environmental policy making, with limited evidence of policy integration at the subregional scale. Conclusion. Despite the emphasis on local policy integration through sustainable development, the relationship between the economy and the environment in England is a focus of conflict and new territorial‐institutional developments. Urban regime theory needs to broaden its focus to include the full variety of interests in local environmental policy and the mechanisms producing new territorial scales of economic and environmental governance.  相似文献   

应对气候变化是一项全球性的任务,中国承担着不可推卸的责任。从《伦理维度应对气候的变化》(EDCC)白皮书提出的八个伦理维度分析了中国应对全球气候变化需承担的伦理责任,指出了中国特例下履行责任所面临的赔偿责任、开发新技术与新能源、国际国内参与、程序公平与正义等重大挑战,构建了中国政府、国内其他参与者及境外参与机构组成的多层次气候治理框架,提供了决策参考和建议。  相似文献   

This paper argues that China and the EU are destined to be partners in fighting for a second period of commitments for global climate change governance and shaping the post-Kyoto regime to meet the anticipated challenges of the 21st century. The basic idea backing this argumentation is the assessment that, in comparison with other nations (the United States, Russia, India, Japan and Canada), Europe and China would have most to lose if the upgrading of the Kyoto Protocol fails; and conversely, they would have most to win if the regime survives in a modernized form and with a more comprehensive application of international binding commitments. This is to say, the EU and China have no choice but to work together if they want to achieve their respective political objectives relating to the issue of global climate change in a less costly and more effective way.  相似文献   

Based on the 1997-2007 panel data of 676 listed companies and in-depth interviews with the senior executives, independent directors, fund managers and securities analysts of these companies, this paper tries to analyze the relationship between corporate governance and firm performance from a sociological perspective. The results show that the relationship between corporate governance and firm performance in the Chinese institutional environment is sharply different from the predictions of the agency theory. The empirical findings from China lend strong support to the new institutional argument that “best” corporate governance practices are socially “constructed” by various social forces and interests groups in specific social, political and cultural contexts, and how “good” a corporate governance practice is depends to a large extent on whether it fits in with the institutional environment in which it is embedded. There exists no universally “best” model of corporate governance across the world. Our empirical sociological study based on Chinese experience offers new perspectives and evidence for deconstructing the global myth of corporate governance.  相似文献   

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