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治理水域污染是一项复杂的系统工程,世界各国采用的技术方法主要有三类:①化学方法,加入化学药剂杀藻,加入铁盐促进磷的沉淀,加入石灰脱氮等,见效虽快,但易造成二次污染;②物理方法,疏挖底泥,机械除藻,引水冲淤等,也只能起到短期治表的作用;③生物方法,如放养控藻型生物,构建人工湿地和水生植被,特别是培育驯化适应各地水土的有益菌种,构筑河床河岸整个水体生物链,开发水体生态修复技术,是近期水环境技术研究开发的热点。  相似文献   

介绍3种主要有毒藻类,即:鞭毛膝沟藻、念珠藻和鱼类毒藻,对比几种藻类毒性,并提出3点看法。  相似文献   

正如果说今年火爆的产品有什么,那高品质天然盐藻肯定是其中之一了,消费者只需拨打400-691-7211就可以参与特惠活动。盐藻诞生于38亿年前,是地球上古老的单细胞生物之一,被誉为"死海中绽放的生命奇迹",积蓄了人体必需的很多营养元素。地理位置造就高品质盐藻该高品质天然盐藻利用美国的先进研发技术加上中国台湾地区优越的地理位置共同创建。台湾岛洁净的天空、清洁的水源、长年稳定的光照、相对温和的气候都是天然盐藻理想的天然培育厂。美国领先技术和中国台湾地区特有的自然环境相结合,这种环境下生产的纯天然盐藻,富含人体健康所需的微量元素天然类胡萝卜素及几十种矿物质。在服用过天然盐藻的消费者中,通过了几个月的尝试,盐藻得到了不少人的认可和欢迎。  相似文献   

盐藻是什么样的神奇生物?盐藻可以说是地球上最古老的单细胞生物之一,诞生于38亿年前,在+57℃酷暑中活、-27℃严寒中下繁衍,在96%的盐水中生生不息,历经五次生物大灭绝而不死,这就是盐藻的实力。值得一提的是,前苏联切尔诺贝利核事故发生后,709名受灾儿童和658名老年人被送入耶鲁撒冷医院,医生给他们服用3个月盐藻,然后间断三个月,如此反  相似文献   

正盐藻是什么样的神奇生物?盐藻可以说是地球上最古老的单细胞生物之一,诞生于38亿年前,在+57℃酷暑中活、-27℃严寒中下繁衍,在96%的盐水中生生不息,历经五次生物大灭绝而不死,这就是盐藻的实力。值得一提的是,前苏联切尔诺贝利核事故发生后,709名受灾儿童和658名老年人被送入耶路撒冷医院,医生给他们服用3个月盐藻,然后间断三个月,如此反复,两年后,帮助清除大部分孩子体内的放射性危害物质。2011年3月11日,日本福岛核泄漏事  相似文献   

《茫茫藻海》是英国女作家琼·里斯的代表作,人们以往对该作品的研究多围绕女性主义、后殖民主义、互文性展开,鲜少有研究者注意到女主人公的疯癫和复杂的权力运作之间的关系。本文以福柯的疯癫与权力理论为视角,分析《茫茫藻海》"权力与疯癫"这一主题,指出女主人公的疯癫是权力社会规训的结果。  相似文献   

太阳是把“双刃剑” 万物生长靠太阳,植物通过叶绿素和胡萝卜素吸收阳光中的能量茁壮生长.植物叶绿体色素主要有叶绿素、类胡萝卜素和藻胆素三类,高等植物叶绿体中含有前两类,藻胆素仅存在于藻类植物中. 叶绿体中的叶绿素是一类与光合作用有关的最重要的色素,实际上存在于所有能营造光合作用的绿色植物、原核的蓝绿藻(蓝菌)和真核的藻类等生物体中.光合作用是通过合成一些有机化合物将光能转变为化学能的过程,叶绿素从光中吸收能量,然后能量被用来将二氧化碳转变为碳水化合物.  相似文献   

踏莎行·偕老伴雨中散步 ●刘骏永 秋尾冬头.雨丝风片,百花稀少游人倦。青枝绿叶影婆娑,傲霜独绽芙蓉面。径曲园清,辞搞藻淡,并肩白发诗情酽。偷声减字咏桑榆,低低切切如初恋。  相似文献   

食物多样是均衡合理营养的一个重要内容,经常听朋友讲,食物多样太劳神,不知如何搭配才合理。记得一次讲座中,沈雁英老师讲提到“饭中有豆、菜中有叶、肉中有菇、汤中有藻”觉得非常有理,既美味又营养,既多样又易行。  相似文献   

正一名女士爆料说,她在某生鲜电商购买的紫菜,泡发后的水居然变红了。她担心是不是买了"假紫菜"。紫菜掉色,正常吗?紫菜紫菜,顾名思义,这种藻类活着的时候就是紫红色的,因为其中含有一种叫作藻红素  相似文献   

Stormwater Ponds (SPs) are common throughout urbanizing environments, yet their ecological role has not been well established. SPs are primarily designed for hydrological control of stormwater, but many are also designed to attenuate the quality of runoff prior to discharge. Thus, SPs likely serve as an important land-water linkage between terrestrial and aquatic systems in urban areas. In this study, we characterized 22 SPs and 3 natural reference ponds from Durham Region, Ontario, Canada representing a gradient in emergent plant cover. There was high variability and wide ranges in water quality parameters among SPs. The percentage of impervious surface served as a measure of urbanization intensity, and was a significant driver of conductivity, chloride and total suspended solids regardless of emergent vegetation cover. In fact, only water temperature (r?=??0.61) was found to significantly correlate with vegetation cover. This suggests a minimal role for emergent vegetation in mediating SP water quality. SPs had notably higher conductivity and runoff-metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cr) than reference ponds, but nutrients (Total P and Total N) and algal biomass did not significantly differ between SPs and reference ponds. Dominant phytoplankton groups included blue-green and euglenid algae, both of which are indicators of eutrophic and high organic systems, respectively. The blue-green genus Microcystis was detected in all ponds, and was the dominant taxon in most SPs. This raises concern that SPs may serve as reservoirs of toxin-producing algae. Multivariate analyses of metals, water quality variables and algal species composition showed considerable dissimilarity among SPs, yet comparably high similarity among reference ponds. This indicates that SPs are dynamic and diverse systems despite their engineered origins. Such broad gradients in water quality characteristics also imply variable impacts to receiving waters in the same region.  相似文献   


Elevated levels of different contaminants are typical to stormwater management ponds. Despite that, a number of works report stormwater ponds serving as habitats for a variety of biota. In this study we aimed to examine phytoplankton communities of urban ponds, as the basis of the aquatic food web, and compare them to those of natural shallow lakes. Stormwater ponds were selected from two distant geographic locations: three in Denmark and three in Canada. As a reference to natural systems, three Danish shallow lakes were sampled. The sampling was carried out in the spring, summer and fall of 2014. The phytoplankton communities in ponds were found to be at least as rich in taxa as natural shallow lakes. Their abundance and biovolume varied highly among the types of water bodies as well as in each pond or lake individually, depending on the sampling month. We did not find any significant differences among ponds and natural shallow lakes at the investigated taxonomic level, despite some distinction observed by multivariate DCA and CCA analyses. Little difference was found between Canadian and Danish ponds as well, even though they are separated by a large geographic distance. This study shows that stormwater ponds are habitats for diverse planktonic algae communities which have some similarities to those of natural shallow lakes. Also, the similarities observed between Danish and Canadian ponds indicate some consistence with the urban homogenization hypothesis, although this should be further looked into by future works examining a larger number and distinct types of ponds.


Lee  Jin-Min  Gan  Jing-Ye  Yule  Catherine Mary 《Urban Ecosystems》2019,22(1):149-159

Urbanization is increasingly compromising lakes in the rapidly developing countries of tropical Southeast Asia. Greater understanding of the ecology of tropical lakes is essential in order to determine the best ways to protect and manage them. A comparison was made of the species richness, abundance and diets of Chironomidae in two forest lakes (both created by damming rivers - one in an urban forest reserve, one adjacent to an urban area) and two urban park lakes (ex- tin mine lakes) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 19 species of chironomids were recorded (10 collector-gatherers, one collector-filterer, one shredder, 3 predators and 4 predators/grazers). The most abundant species were Polypedilum leei, Tanytarsus formosanus, Zavreliella marmorata and Procladius sp.. Conductivity was highest in the urban park lakes due to pollution. Temperature was also highest in the urban park lakes due to lower riparian canopy cover and lower macrophyte abundance. Larval abundance (mostly collector-gathering Chironominae) was significantly higher in the forest lakes compared to the urban park lakes, which could be related to cleaner water and higher vegetation cover which provided more food resources (leaf litter and periphyton) and more microhabitats. Predatory tanypods were most abundant in forest lakes which also had the highest numbers of their prey (Chironominae). Four predatory species of Tanypodinae supplemented their diet with blue-green algae in two of the urban lakes. Only one collector-filterer (Corynoneura sp.) was recorded (only in the forest lakes).


Relations of domination and subjugation in work manifest as class differentiation, but, more crucially, become intensified along lines of gender, sexual and racial difference. This circumstance, I suggest, is neither accidental nor incidental. It is a historical effect of colonial logic that postulates gender, sexual and racial Others as ontologically, and hence ethically, different. The articulation of difference as such legitimizes gender, sexual and racial Others as sites of domination and exploitation, and thereby naturalizes them as objects of subordination in work. This circumstance may be described through the analytic of coloniality. The aim of this paper, then, is to explicate the coloniality of work as a means to comprehend the persistence of inequality and subjugation in its global organization. Specifically, it underscores the imperative of confronting the ontological production of gender, sexual and racial difference in the creation of relations of domination and subjugation, and thus, in the institution and operation of work qua work. I demonstrate the political urgency of such engagements through a discussion of commercial surrogacy in India.  相似文献   

国际创新中心是指科技创新资源密集、科技创新实力雄厚、创新文化发达、创新氛围浓郁、科技辐射带动能力较强,具有良好科技发展潜力和人文自然环境、较强国际竞争力和影响力的城市或区域,是全球新知识、新技术和新产品的创新源地和产生中心之一。上海科技创新实力雄厚,稳居全国各地区前列,具备建设国际创新中心的先天优势。上海要实现创新驱动转型发展,必须在城市总体发展格局中进一步凸显科技创新功能,全面实施科教兴市战略、人才强市战略和文化强市战略,全力以赴抓好张江国家自主创新示范区建设,使科技创新功能成为城市功能的核心和关键,着力增强城市科技创新实力和国际综合竞争力,到2020年基本建设成为具有雄厚竞争力、强大辐射力和广泛影响力的国际创新中心城市,成为全球创新资源配置中枢、国际创新知识生产源地、世界创新经济战略高地和国际科技创新竞合平台。  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to demonstrate how women of color feminism predates and disrupts dominant dialogues in the field of White affect studies. I introduce the concept of White affect studies as an arena of inquiry that draws from Western-European theories and literatures and architects a sociopolitical structure of affect that positions White affects as universal. Scholars contributing to the field of White affect studies posit theories of affect, embodiment, subjectivity, phenomenology, violence, war, and more, while disregarding the theoretical contributions made by women of color feminism in thinking through these notions and social issues. This is done by engaging in a citational practice that results in an epistemic erasure of women of color feminist thought. The voices of women of color feminists are thus disqualified, and their theoretical contributions are not acknowledged as significant or relevant in conceptualizing affect, affective economies, and the social. By turning to the writings of women of color feminists, I demonstrate how their theories on embodiment, subjectivity, and social structures predate the institutionalization of White affect studies. Feminists of color from the past and present have and continue to theorize through a language of self their experiences as subjects embedded within matrices of violence, power, and pleasure. Lorde, Martinez, and Chinchilla write about the ways in which lesbian and queer women of color institute different affects that counter dominant structures of emotion, systems of power, and heterosexual modes of being. In developing conceptual methodologies, Lorde, Martinez, and Chinchilla are able to weave into the dominant discursive logic a language of self that both introduces new queer subjectivities, while reinterpreting existing forms of thought, thereby contesting mainstream economies of White affects and White affect studies. It is through a language of self that Lorde, Martinez, and Chinchilla develop an ethic of survival that countermobilizes against White hegemonic apparatuses.  相似文献   

Urban green spaces, such as forest fragments, vacant lots, and community gardens, are increasingly highlighted as biodiversity refuges and are of growing interest to conservation. At the same time, the burgeoning urban garden movement partially seeks to ameliorate problems of food security. Arthropods link these two issues (conservation and food security) given their abundance, diversity, and role as providers of ecosystem services like pollination and pest control. Many previous studies of urban arthropods focused on a single taxon (e.g. order or family), and examined either local habitat drivers or effects of landscape characteristics. In contrast, we examined both local and landscape drivers of community patterns, and examined differences in abundance, richness, and trophic structure of arthropod communities in urban forest fragments, vacant lots, and community gardens. We sampled ground-foraging arthropods, collected data on 24 local habitat features (e.g., vegetation, ground cover, concrete), and examined land-cover types within 2 km of 12 study sites in Toledo, Ohio. We found that abundance and richness of urban arthropods differed by habitat type and that richness of ants and spiders, in particular, varied among lots, gardens, and forests. Several local and landscape factors correlated with changes in abundance, richness, and trophic composition of arthropods, and different factors were important for specific arthropod groups. Overwhelmingly, local factors were the predominant (80 % of interactions) driver of arthropods in this urban environment. These results indicate that park managers and gardeners alike may be able to manage forests and gardens to promote biodiversity of desired organisms and potentially improve ecosystem services within the urban landscape.  相似文献   

The revolution in the method of production in industry and agriculture, likewise necessitated a revolution in the general conditions of the social process of production, that is to say in the means of communication and transport. In a society whose pivots ... were, first, small-scale àgriculture, with its subsidiary home industries, and, secondly, urban handicraft, the means of communication and transport were utterly inadequate to the requirements of the manufacturing period, with its extended division of social labor, its concentration of the means of labor and of the workers, and its colonial markets; communications and transport, therefore had to be revolutionized, and were in fact revolutionized.

The relations between everyday life and political participation are of interest for much contemporary social science. Yet studies of social movement protest still pay disproportionate attention to moments of mobilization, and to movements with clear organizational boundaries, tactics and goals. Exceptions have explored collective identity, ‘free spaces’ and prefigurative politics, but such processes are framed as important only in accounting for movements in abeyance, or in explaining movement persistence. This article focuses on the social practices taking place in and around social movement spaces, showing that political meanings, knowledge and alternative forms of social organization are continually being developed and cultivated. Social centres in Barcelona, Spain, autonomous political spaces hosting cultural and educational events, protest campaigns and alternative living arrangements, are used as empirical case studies. Daily practices of food provisioning, distributing space and dividing labour are politicized and politicizing as they unfold and develop over time and through diverse networks around social centres. Following Melucci, such latent processes set the conditions for social movements and mobilization to occur. However, they not only underpin mobilization, but are themselves politically expressive and prefigurative, with multiple layers of latency and visibility identifiable in performances of practices. The variety of political forms – adversarial, expressive, theoretical, and routinized everyday practices, allow diverse identities, materialities and meanings to overlap in movement spaces, and help explain networks of mutual support between loosely knit networks of activists and non‐activists. An approach which focuses on practices and networks rather than mobilization and collective actors, it is argued, helps show how everyday life and political protest are mutually constitutive.  相似文献   

Through ethnographic and archival research centered in Jaffa, this article analyzes how the image of the Jewish-Arab mixed city has been represented and (re)produced in the Zionist historical imagination since the establishment of the state of Israel to the present. Vacillating between romantic historicity and political violence, the image of Jaffa poses a political and hermeneutic challenge to the territorial project of urban Judaization, which ultimately failed to define and establish the national-cum-cultural identity of this “New-Old” city. This failure, I argue, results in a persistent pattern of semiotic ambivalence which, from the Jewish-Israeli point of view, positions Jaffa both as a source of identity and longing (in the distant past) as well as a symbol of alterity and enmity (in the recent past)— an object of desire and fear alike. As such, Jaffa and other ethnically mixed towns (including Ramle, Lydda, Haifa, and Acre) occupy a problematic place in Israeli and Palestinian political and cultural imagination. A bi-national borderland in which Arabs and Jews live de facto together, these cities bring to the fore, on the one hand, the paradox of Palestinian citizens in a fundamentally Jewish state, while simultaneously suggesting, by the very spatial and social realization of “mixed-ness,” the potential imaginary of its solution. Unfolding through four distinct historical modalities of urban Orientalism, this article historicizes the highly politicized image of the Jewish-Arab city and the discourse on its future. These discursive formations reconfigured the public space that enabled, paradoxically since the October 2000 events, new political claims for equal citizenship, bi-national cooperation, and Palestinian presence.  相似文献   

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