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藏彝走廊区域的四川松潘羌寨守护神空间中存在两类文化建构,一类塑造村寨空间和社会关系,一类表达族群空间分布记忆。两类文化建构蕴含羌寨区分和联系的空间逻辑,呈现羌寨空间、信仰、社会和族群相互运作特征。羌寨守护神个案扩大藏彝走廊宗教空间研究范围,同时起到让人们反思和拓展人类学空间研究理论的重要作用。  相似文献   

藏彝走廊中藏文化的影响与辐射   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在文化分区的基础上,以宗教信仰为切入点,横向比较了藏文化在藏彝走廊各文化分区的具体表现和影响,并分析其影响藏彝走廊民族与文化格局的主要特点,指出藏文化在藏彝走廊具有跨民族或族群,乃至跨语支传播的总体趋向,存在着层次性和区域性的差异。不同民族或族群在将藏传佛教因素有机地融入本土宗教信仰中的同时,仍从宗教职业者构成、本土语言和宗教观念等层面坚守本土的宗教信仰。  相似文献   

文章试图结合考古发现和藏史相关资料并对其进行分析,旨在勾勒出史前藏文化的相状,并阐述其所具有的本土特质及其在文化传播和互动中所表现出的多元性。  相似文献   

本文以拉萨藏回为研究对象,首先对拉萨藏回的定义进行界定.拉萨藏回,是对拉萨回族的俗称,是指当前户籍在西藏自治区拉萨地区,接受部分藏族生活习惯,与藏族通婚,穿藏装,说藏语.但信仰伊斯兰教的法定回族.其次,本文从历史族源、宗教信仰和生活习俗三个方面陈述拉萨藏回的主要文化特点.最后,根据上文拉萨藏回的文化特点分析其引发的思考,即拉萨藏回是伊斯兰文化在西藏本土化的结果,体现了文化的适应性特征;拉萨藏回所反映的不仅仅是简单的回变藏的文化表象,而是不同民族、不同宗教和谐相处的良好范式.  相似文献   

文章以《喜马拉雅》、《盐程万里》、《色戒》、《旅行者与魔术师》等国外新近有关藏族文化的电影作品为研究对象,结合多元文化主义理论,分析了藏文化意象在这些电影作品中的“刻板印象”。文章认为,当代藏文化电影作品延续了过去西方白人文化的“香格里拉”印象,在现代文化的“他者”之维上,继续加强了藏文化作为文化另类的形象塑造。这种“刻板印象”的形成,在藏族文化认同方面有双重影响:促进了藏文化的传播,同时又形成了藏文化未来发展的障碍。  相似文献   

自古以来,甘肃就是一个多民族活动的区域,以汉文化、藏文化、伊斯兰文化为代表的多种文化同生共存,相互渗透,共同缔造了五彩斑斓的甘肃地域文化.由于各种因素的影响,历来对甘肃文化中的藏文化、伊斯兰文化的研究比较薄弱.而对其进行研究,堪当甘肃地域文化研究的基本内容和重要课题.对藏文化、伊斯兰文化精神特质的阐发揭示更是提升甘肃地域文化研究整体水平的根本要求.  相似文献   

周兴维  蔡晓萍 《民族学刊》2012,3(6):75-78,101
中国的文化发展和文化产业,正遭遇现代西方文化+中国传统文化+红色革命文化的"三重门"困惑。灾后重建,千方百计,抢救、恢复、保护和发展藏羌文化,乃其关键一端;而以发展文化产业来推动抢救、恢复、保护和发展藏羌文化,乃其关键一处。可以依循"文化差异-文化产业特色-市场区隔定位"的理路推进文化产品的开发。藏羌文化滋养于岷江,古蜀文化源于岷江,发展藏羌文化与产业,自然该抓住"岷江文化",不仅有利于保护母亲河岷江,而且也是阿坝州发展藏羌文化产业的一个战略切入点。发展藏羌文化产业,需要把藏文化元素、羌文化元素和藏羌文化元素同时代元素也就是市场需求结合起来。  相似文献   

藏文化的特点及其所蕴涵的中华母文化的共性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐国宝 《中国藏学》2002,(3):126-144
藏文化内涵包括两个方面的内容:一方面体现为藏文化的基本特点,另一方面体现为中华母文化母体的共性。前者可以从藏文化的自然地理条件、表现层面以及它和中华文化母体内的其他子文化的关系等不同角度加以阐述。后者中华母文化在其子系统藏文化中的表现,则可以从物质层面、观念层面、行为层面三个方面进行讨论。  相似文献   

本文从游艺文化视角切入,将游艺文化古朴的形态、艺术的语言与乐生的旨归特色与藏羌锅庄相结合,探讨藏羌锅庄作为高校公共艺术教育课程的可行性,以期起到丰富审美经验、提升审美趣味、促进身心和谐发展的美感教育目的.  相似文献   

采用问卷法、文献法及访谈法对青海省藏、回、汉族大学生的文化习性及文化适应能力进行分析,结果表明:藏、回、汉族大学生在多民族语境下生活学习,文化适应态势良好,但是存在显著的民族差异和文化习性差异.针对差异及特点,从教育学、心理学视角提出解决对策建议,促进大学生健康成长,为民族院校平安校园、和谐校园的构建提供实践模式.  相似文献   

浅谈城市民族问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市大多是一个地方或地区的政治、经济、文化的中心 ,人口流动性大 ,社会影响力强。加之现在流动到城市的少数民族越来越多 ,城市民族问题与其他社会问题掺杂在一起 ,具有敏感性、辐射性、连锁反应性等特点。城市民族关系已经成为反映我国民族关系好坏的晴雨表。因此 ,研究城市民族问题意义十分重大。本文将从城市少数民族的特点 ,城市民族问题及其主要内容、特点 ,城市民族问题与城市民族工作等五方面分析、论述城市民族问题。  相似文献   

城市中少数民族的民族文化与迁移就业   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过调查研究少数民族在民族文化村和具有民族特色私营企业中的就业状况 ,指出少数民族迁移者因为自身民族文化在城市就业中具有一定的优势。他们不但是城市中的“就业迁移者” ,而且是城市中的“民族文化携带者”。从进入城市的角色看 ,他们不但是“就业移民” ,而且是“文化移民。”  相似文献   

蒋彬 《民族学刊》2012,3(1):44-49,94
羌族地区的灾后文化重建是在国家的统筹下,在受灾地区民众的诉求基础上,在社会各界呼吁保护羌族传统文化的舆论中,通过援建省市的具体实施而实现的。作为援建方的山东,一方面根据国家的相关意见、条例、方案的文化保护、文化重建规定进行援建;另一方面,他们又根据自身对羌族文化的认识和理解以及当时、当地的实际情况,进行了文化的援建与重建工作。在承认羌族地区文化重建取得巨大成就的同时,还应当看到文化重建中政府意志与学者呼声的疏离,援建后的北川羌族传统文化呈现出同质化、一体化、文化符号泛化等问题。  相似文献   

试论城市民族关系的影响因素--以沈阳市为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
沈阳市是我国大城市中少数民族人口占总人口比例最高的城市,沈阳市民族工作值得关注.本文根据沈阳市民族关系的实际状况,分析归纳了影响城市民族关系的一些主要因素经济因素、政治因素、文化因素、社会因素、宗教因素、国际因素.  相似文献   

随着现代社会城市化进程的加快,城市少数民族流动人口在不断增加,即给城市发展带来了活力,有助于构建多元城市文化和实现民族团结与共同繁荣,同时,也为城市管理带来了困难,如何管理城市少数民族流动人口已成为城市民族工作面临的新课题。本次调查以长株潭地区少数民族流动人口作为研究个案,采取定性分析和定量分析的方法,对区域内少数民族流动人口的基本状况和所产生的影响进行了深入分析,指出了城市少数民族流动人口服务管理工作中存在的困难和问题,最后提出了完善城市少数民族流动人口服务管理工作的对策与建议。  相似文献   

南京是东南沿海城市中回族人口最为集中的城市,早在明代就形成了回族伊斯兰文化社区。然而,近年来随着南京最大、最典型的“七家湾回族社区”的拆迁,引起了人们对回族社区的消失与回族文化传承问题的思考。“七家湾回族社区”的消失,除外界因素外,其内部经济生活方式、社区组织形式、婚姻情况、受教育的形式和内容的变化也是其重要原因。实际上,回族社区的保存和回族伊斯兰文化的传承,一方面需要政府有意识地加以保护,另一方面,更需要回族自身的“文化自觉”,通过不断反思、不断总结、不断汲取优秀文化精华,并不断创新的方法来解决。而伊斯兰文化核心价值观和伊斯兰文化发展的历史,为我们提供了极其有用的思想工具和途径。  相似文献   

肖坤冰 《民族学刊》2016,7(6):55-60,111-112
Modernization and globalization have already become the central themes of contem-porary China. As the carriers of traditional ethnic culture, ethnic minority villages and families have inevitably been involved in this development trend. After school-aged children in ethnic minority fami-lies enter schools, they are separated from their o-riginal cultural environment; meanwhile, the school curriculum is entirely based on the modern western education system. As a result, traditional culture inheritance among contemporary China’s younger generations has been facing unprecedented challenges and crises. The project of ‘Ethnic Culture Entering School Activities’ , which has been implemented in some ethnic minority regions in recent years, can be considered as a beneficial effort to realize the live transmission of ethnic intangible culture by means of school education. ‘Ethnic Culture Ente-ring School Activities ’ , was first initiated in Guizhou province, and later was gradually expand-ed to Yunnan, Guangxi, Hunan, and other prov-inces that have a number of ethnic minorities. Al-though Sichuan province is home to many Tibetan, Qiang , and Yi peoples, this project was implemen-ted in Sichuan very late, thus there is little rele-vant research. Based on the investigations on the status of ‘Qiang Culture entering School Activi-ties’ at three schools in Sichuan’s Wenchuan coun-ty, this article summarizes the characteristics and existing problems in different schools for the trans-mission of ethnic culture so as to provide a reliable reference for related projects in the future. With a survey analysis, the author discovers that ‘Qiang Culture entering School Activities’ at these three schools show differences in terms of the richness of course design, the awareness of its im-portance, and implementation effect; meanwhile, those exiting problems not only reveal the perva-siveness of this project throughout southwest Chi-na, but also show the individual particularities caused by geographical location, school level, and main tasks. Moreover, when investigating these is-sues more deeply, four ‘hidden’ features can be summarized as follows:First, there are structural differences between ordinary elementary and middle schools and voca-tional schools. Vocational schools emphasize more on the transmission of ethnic cultures. Second, the traditional culture of local ethnic minorities has been inherited more naturally in the marginal regions than those more urbanized re-gions. Third, although they are all recognized as in-tangible heritage, different types of traditional cul-ture have an unequal development. The performing type such as singing and dancing shows the most superior transmission ability in ethnic culture; the second superior type is traditional handicraft while ethnic language is obviously the most difficult one in terms of the transmission of ethnic culture. Fourth, the ‘Ethnic Culture Entering School Activities ’ project in different ethnic minority groups has the unbalanced development even in the same region. In the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Auton-omous Prefecture, the Qiang elites generally com-plain that their minority groups have received far less favorable national preferential policies and are viewed with less importance than Tibetan people. The compiling of Tibetan textbooks, Tibetan lan-guage curriculum, and bilingual examination sys-tem are more conducive to the transmission of Ti-betan culture. Concerning the above mentioned problems, this article puts forward the following suggestions:first, the relevant administration should further in-crease the capital investment, and promote the training of teaching staff and school-based text-books;second, local education departments should set up an efficient assessment and incentive mecha-nism, and promote the formation of a social envi-ronment wherein ethnic cultural study has useful applications;finally, schools in ethnic minority re-gions should strengthen cooperation and exchanges among themselves, and build connections with rel-evant education administrations and research insti-tutions. The fundamental difficulty in implementing the ‘Ethnic Culture Entering School Activities ’ project lies in the fact that traditional culture has not been included in the examination content of the modern education system. Therefore, in the ele-mentary and middle school education, the primary goal is to increase the enrollment rate of students, while the transmission of traditional culture is noth-ing more than a slogan. In order to achieve the goal of integrating traditional ethnic culture into the modern education system, we must rely on the co-operation among education administrations, schools, families, and society as a whole, and constantly improve corresponding assessment and incentive mechanisms, thus jointly creating a so-cial environment that ethnic culture has useful ap-plications. Meanwhile, intangible cultural carri-ers, intellectuals who desire to disseminate their ethnic culture, and the parents of the students should all be encouraged to participate; by doing so, we can accelerate the spread of ethnic culture into local schools step by step.  相似文献   

陈春艳 《民族学刊》2022,13(10):1-6, 128
大量少数民族由农村迁移至城市,既为城市的发展注入了活力,也为民族工作和城市治理带来了挑战。铸牢城市少数民族中华民族共同体意识是做好民族工作的关键,能够帮助少数民族更好地适应并融入城市生活,并有助于在城市地区进一步做好民族团结进步示范创建工作,有效破解城市治理的难题。应从完善保障城市少数民族合法权益的机制和体制,努力提高城市少数民族贫困群众的生活质量与水平,关注并及时满足城市少数民族的精神需求,充分调动和发挥城市常住少数民族群众的积极性和带头作用四个方面去铸牢城市少数民族中华民族共同体意识。  相似文献   

新形势下湖南省城市民族工作问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谷峰 《民族论坛》2012,(2):69-72
根据全国第六次人口普查报告(2011)的数据显示,少数民族人口十年年均增长0.67%,高于汉族0.11个百分点。由此可见少数民族数量正在逐渐上升,且在一、二线城市中,少数民族流动人口在总人口中所占的比重也有很大提高。此外,城市化进程已经成为当今社会。发展的重要趋势。但是,事物都是一分为二的,正是城市化的快速发展,使当前城市民族工作也遇到了新的难题与困境,诸如少数民族人口流动性加快,教育程度较低,社会权益保障有待完善等,作为民族工作者,担负着维护民族团结的重任,更应该不断的研究新问题,从而为民族团结保驾护航。  相似文献   

和虎 《民族学刊》2016,7(6):41-49,107-108
Taking the Ritual of Sacrifice to Heaven of the Naxi at Lezhu village as a case stud-y, this article tries to explore how a typical Naxi village handles the relationship between its tradi-tional culture and modernity, and how it reshapes its unique culture in the process of cultural change, and preserves its cultural characteristics. The Ritual of Sacrifice to Heaven is a grand and complicated ceremony of the Naxi. The proce-dure of this ritual at Lezhu village generally in-cludes the following steps: 1 ) planting sacred trees;2 ) offering incense sticks and rices;3 ) offer-ing wine;4 ) cleaning impurities;5 ) offering un-cooked food; 6 ) offering cooked food; 7 ) atoning for the sins and praying for blessings; 8 ) feeding crows and eagles;9) sharing the food. According to the analysis of the author, the revitalization of the Ritual of Sacrifice to Heaven in Lezhu village is related to the following reasons:1 ) the formation of united-groups for sacrifice to heave;2 ) the power of the people’s belief in a small community; 3 ) the effort of folk “enthusi-asts” ;and 4 ) the geographical location of the vil-lage. Concerning the inheritance and change in the Ritual of Sacrifice to Heaven at Lezhu village, we should notice that some traditions have been inheri-ted while some have been changed. In the case of Lijiang , economic factor ( especially tourism indus-try) has played an important role in the ethnic cul-tural change. On one hand, it can accelerate the spreading of the Naxi traditional culture, enhance the Naxi’s ethnic confidence and identity, and cre-ate chances for local economic development, on the other hand, the traditional culture might lose its foundations during the process of spreading and exchanging. Social change can result in the lose of tradi-tional culture, and the Naxi’s Dongba culture in Lijiang plain is facing this problem. A slightly im-proper behavior can lead to the discontinuity, or e-ven disappearance of ethnic traditional culture. There is always a paradox of “center-margin”concerning the economic development and ethnic traditional culture inheritance. Ethnic traditional cultures normally have no enough survival space in the economically developed areas while they are preserved much better in the economically back-ward mountainous areas. To a certain degree, the revitalization of the Naxi’s Ritual of Sacrifice to Heaven at Lezhu village is due to the relatively backward of economics. Following the development of transportation, communication and internet, people’s concept of space and time has changed;modern civilization has strongly impacted the Naxi of Lijiang. The Naxi of Lijiang, like other ethnic minority people in southwest China,are also facing a problem of cultural discontinuity or reshaping of the tradition. We should aware that the society is develo-ping, and cultural change has its inevitability. As a social member, we should ,on one hand, inherit the culture, and on the other hand, understand its change and development.  相似文献   

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