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刘伟 《创新》2017,11(4)
城市流动儿童是城市一个特殊的弱势群体,专业社工机构在城市流动儿童教育服务中大有作为.南宁市X机构运用专业的社工理论与方法,从家庭、学校、社区和政府四个层面介入南宁市万秀村流动儿童阅读教育,取得了一定的成效.但是,在实践中发现专业社工机构介入城市流动儿童教育还存在诸多问题,主要表现在政策不完善、经费不足、专业社工人才缺乏、专业社工机构发展缓慢、社会认同偏低等.为此,要促进专业社工机构介入城市流动儿童教育服务,在政策上要让社工机构有更广阔的舞台,在经费上要不断完善以政府购买社会工作服务为主体、多种筹资方式并存的筹资模式,在社区层面应坚持扎根社区、依托社区、回归社区的工作理念,在人才方面应培养职业化、专业化的社会工作人才,在机构方面应发展专一化的社会工作机构.  相似文献   

唐斌 《社会工作》2008,(17):54-59
2003年8月,上海在全市范围内开始招聘从事禁毒、社区矫正、青少年事务的社工,同年11月,经过岗前系统培训的首批社工正式入驻社区,并为社会层面上的吸戒毒人员、刑释解教人员、“三失青少年”等特殊群体提供服务。2004年2月,上海市Z社会工作机构(以下简称Z机构)及另外两家社会工作组织一起正式举办了揭牌仪式。  相似文献   

地震灾害改变了老人群体的生存环境,包括自然环境和社会环境,这其中许多老人失去家人,成为孤老,他们面临经济来源、生活照料、精神陪伴等一系列问题,需要多方面的救助。社会工作“人在情境中”的系统视角、兼顾宏观与微观、利他主义的价值观等使得社工在介入灾后孤老群体方面具有多方面的专业优势,有利于保障救助工作的有效实施。  相似文献   

[核心提示]为了应对“白发浪潮”引发的日益凸显的社会问题。当前,全国各地正在推进社区居家养老,养老工作的重心从原先的机构转移到社区和家庭。于是,一个社工如何介入社区居家养老的问题便提到了我们面前。南开大学陈钟林教授的回答是,社会工作者的专业价值观和专业技能决定了他们在居家养老的实务中将发挥重要作用。社工介入的方式有:生活照料、精神慰藉、组织活动,政策咨询、协调社会资源,发展老年社会工作理论。深圳市鹏星社会工作服务社的杨婷婷、徐晗则以自身在“德福中心”做实务的感悟,分析了居家养老工作中的社会工作如何介入问题。值得读者重视。  相似文献   

正安徽省铜陵市儿童福利院,自2010年起就积极探索社工介入儿童福利机构的新途径,先后开展了"给孩子一片蓝天"——社工引领义工、"雏鹰展翅"——社工实训基地督导、"牵手家园"——合作共建、资源共享等社工服务项目。根据儿童全面发展的需要,利用社工介入,以儿童福利机构标准化建设为抓手,建立了"以儿童为中心、以生活为基础、以整合为原则、以发展为目标"的服务体系,开展抚育、社工、康复、医疗、特殊教育、国内外送养、家庭寄养等多元化服务。2013年被中国儿童福利和收养中心确立为社工试点基地,2014年又被安徽社工协  相似文献   

在浙江省湖州市德清县,德清县晨曦社会工作服务中心(以下简称晨曦社工中心)是一家知名度颇高的社工机构.晨曦社工中心是全市首家社工机构,曾获评"全国百强社工机构". 晨曦社工中心现拥有专职社工100余人,服务领域涵盖党建、社区服务、老年人、青少年等12个领域.  相似文献   

纪珊珊 《社会工作》2010,(13):48-49
青少年期在人的生命历程中是一段特殊又富有转折意义的时期,处于此阶段的青少年往往需要经历一个心理的过渡期,独立意识与自我意思逐渐增强,在外人看来,这个阶段的孩子比较难相处,他们敏感、易激动。而作为一名青少年社工,遇到比较叛逆的孩子的几率更大,部分还可能是偏差青少年,他们经常会做出一些试探性行为来挑战社工,  相似文献   

刘发全 《社会工作》2009,(22):18-20
新市民群体是城市中一类特殊人群,他们由于自身知识技能的不足和城市人的社会排斥而难以融入城市社会,因而有强烈的自卑感。以助人自助为理念的社会工作对新市民群体的介入对他们提高自身技能和认知,消除市民和新市民之间的隔阂,以更好的融人城市生活十分有益。本文以天津市妇联城乡部新市民社区学习中心的社工服务为例,阐述嵌入式社会工作在促进新市民群体融入城市过程中的角色定位,以期探索行之有效的社工介入模式。  相似文献   

作为一家民办非营利性机构,上海市阳光青少年事务中心成立于2004年2月18日,现已发展成拥有450余名青少年社工的专业社团。阳光承担政府委托的社区青少年事务,由社工为社区青少年提供面对面的专业化服务。他们关注全市16~25周岁未进一步就学、就业的近六万名社区青少年的就业、就学和生活现状,协助他们舒缓或解决面临的困难与问题,  相似文献   

作为一家民办非营利性机构,上海市阳光青少年事务中心成立于2004年2月18日,现已发展成拥有450余名青少年社工的专业社团。阳光承担政府委托的社区青少年事务,由社工为社区青少年提供面对面的专业化服务。他们关注全市16~25周岁未进一步就学、就业的近六万名社区青少年的就业、就学和生活现状,协助他们舒缓或解决面临的困难与问题,并为社区青少年的进一步发展拓展空间。  相似文献   

辽金时期,渤海人长期受异民族统治,与汉、契丹、女真诸族人杂居相处,社会风俗发生显著变异,形成了本族习俗与他族习俗杂揉共存的特征,一方面衣食住等物质习俗的变异十分活跃;另一方面恋爱婚嫁等习俗,却长期按照本族传统习俗发展变化,表现了独特的民俗风情.辽朝和金前期渤海人的经济、社会、信仰、游艺等习俗还保留某些本民族的传统特征,到了金朝后期其习俗多已汉化,本族习俗所剩无几.  相似文献   

Social representations research has tended to focus upon the representations that groups have in relation to some object. The present article elaborates the concept of social representations by pointing to the existence of “alternative representations” as sub‐components within social representations. Alternative representations are the ideas and images the group has about how other groups represent the given object. Alternative representations are thus representations of other people's representations. The present article uses data from Moscovici's (1976/2008 ) analysis of the diffusion of psychoanalysis to examine how people engage with alternative representations. It is demonstrated that there can be more or less dialogical relations with alternative representations. The analysis concludes by considering seven “semiotic barriers” which work to neutralise the dialogical potential of alternative representations, thus on the one hand enabling groups to talk about the views of others, while, on the other hand, remaining unchallenged by those views.  相似文献   

现代东北文学中出现了众多的俄罗斯人形象,东北作家们对俄罗斯人形象的描摹,一方面显示了近代以来由于种种历史政治等方面的原因俄罗斯文化对现代东北文学的深刻影响,为现代东北文学增添了几许异国风味,另一方面也折射出生活在东北这块黑土地上的人们所演绎的独特的社会人生景观.现代东北文学中的俄罗斯人形象反映了近代以来东北地区战乱频仍的历史现实和多元文化杂糅、儒家文化传统薄弱的文化状态.  相似文献   

Patterns of social assistance receipt in Sweden   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This article analyses the situation of Swedish-born people who became first-time receivers of social assistance in 1987 and 1992. The macroeconomic situation at the time of entry was rather different for the two cohorts and the number of new entrances increased by almost 50%. Much of the increase consisted of young adults and experience of social assistance has been shown to be fairly widespread among persons under the age of 25. Bridging the period when individuals are supported by their parents to their becoming established as wage earners has become an important function of social assistance in Sweden. The pattern of social assistance receipt is rather heterogeneous across new recipients. The complex pattern of receipt means that the duration of social assistance can appear to vary depending on one's choice of perspective. On the one hand, the median duration of social assistance receipt is as low as two years when an eleven-year follow-up period is applied. On the other hand, among people who receive social assistance during a given year, as many as half had entered receipt more than four years earlier.  相似文献   

Societies seem to have emotional climates that affect how people feel and act in public situations. Unlike the emotions experienced in an individual's personal life, these modal feelings reflect a collective response to the socio-economic-political situation of the society and influence how most people behave toward one another and their government. A government may foster a climate of fear to ensure social control, or it may encourage the formation of heterogeneous social groups to facilitate a climate of trust between people from different groups. On one hand, emotional climates may be viewed as reflecting the relative peacefulness or violence of a society. Thus, an assessment of emotional climate may provide a subjective index of human security to complement objective measures of democracy, human rights, equality, and other factors that we presume are beneficial to human welfare. On the other hand, we may view emotional climates as influences that act to further or to impede the development of the culture of peace advocated by the General Assembly of the United Nations. Thus, their assessment may have predictive power, and measuring a society's emotional climate may help us to create desirable policy. In this article we show that it is possible to measure some important aspects of the emotional climates of three nations that have different degrees of a culture of peace: Norway, the United States, and India. We show that estimates of the collective emotions that constitute climate can be distinguished from reports of personal emotions in that the former are more influenced by nation and the latter by social class. It is the subjective experience of national emotional climate, rather than personal emotional experience, that appears most related to objective indices for the culture of peace in the different nations.  相似文献   

伏漫戈 《唐都学刊》2006,22(2):69-72
人情小说是中国古代小说中的重要流派,《红楼梦》代表了人情小说的最高成就,因此脂评的骂世、醒世主要围绕人情世态借题发挥。脂评发扬了前人借评点小说伤时骂世的批判精神,从多方面对人性的弱点、丑恶的社会现象,给予嘲讽和鞭挞;同时,作者又怀着救世的良苦用心,结合自己的亲身体验,告诫世人应该弃恶从善。  相似文献   

Recent policy has emphasized the need for advocacy services for children and young people, developments that have gone hand‐in‐hand with greater levels of participation of young people in decision‐making. Advocacy for disabled young people is especially important, as they are a particular vulnerable group and have, traditionally, been even more excluded from decisions about matters affecting their lives. This paper reports the findings, as they relate to disabled young people, from a study that investigated the role of advocacy for looked‐after children and children in need. The paper highlights some of the benefits of advocacy for disabled children, the dilemmas facing advocates between advocating and acting in someone's ‘best interests’, identifying the client and the boundaries between advocacy and social work. It argues that time given to establish a close relationship with a disabled child or young person is crucial if advocacy is to be effective and participation in decisions affecting their lives a reality.  相似文献   

The position of children in the social order can be seen as an ambiguous one. On the one hand, they are highly valued, at a rhetorical level at least, as the basis of the future generation. On the other hand, however, they can be seen to be marginalized and disenfranchised, protected from more aspects of social life than is strictly necessary. This paper explores some of the important issues relating to children's disenfranchised social position, with specific reference to issues relating to death, dying and bereavement.  相似文献   

目前,社会需要大量的社工专业人才,但社工人才流失却很严重。社工教育对学生社工实务能力的培养有限,学生对专业的认同也不够,是导致社工人才流失的部分原因。在社工教学中融入社工元素有助于改变这一现状。文章分享了将社工元素融入社工教学的一些经验,并尝试提出相应的社工教学改革建议,以促进教学质量。  相似文献   

启程2008年11月4日,我带着一个红白蓝胶袋、一个皮夹,背着一部手提电脑,一个人来到了江门,一个全新的城市,开始了我的社工生涯.来到这个城市,主要是因为被健玲师姐那份浓浓的家乡情怀深深吸引,当时从报道中看到她那种投入和不断将社工理念和方法融入到医院工作中的热情,我的心里有一股热潮:这就是我要去的地方!从我开始接触社工...  相似文献   

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