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伴随着我国人口老龄化的日益加剧,老年人养老问题成为有关国计民生的重大社会问题之一。本文研究西方国家社区照顾的模式,结合国内的社区养老试点发展情况,从文化传统与经济发展水平等方面对中外社区养老模式的差异进行分析,对我国建立特色新型养老模式提供参考借鉴价值。  相似文献   

社会服务,作为西方社会的政策已有百余年的历史了。其中,英国的人身社会服务体制——在福利多元化思想指导下,由政府,支援组织和私人共同构建的由混合经济和准市场特色的英国社会照顾服务,对我国的养老服务模式,无疑是一个启示。当今英国有两种社会服务,一种是由中央政府负责的社会保障,另一种是由地方政府负责的社会照顾,这种社会照顾的模式对我国养老服务模式很有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

伴随人口老龄化所导致的老年人口抚养比例的日益扩大,我国养老保障和照顾需求日益增加.为更好应对人口老龄化带来的挑战,居家养老已成为许多国家养老模式的首选.本文首先引入居家养老概念,然后讨论了家庭养老、机构养老、社区照顾三种模式,为探讨完善和建立具有中国特色的居家养老照顾服务体系提供相应借鉴.  相似文献   

回顾西方社会服务,特别是老人的社区照顾护理服务的发展道路,它的理念原则和方法模式,对我们的社区老年照顾服务的发展,无疑具有哲学理论的启示以及实践运作的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

社区居家养老服务是指老年人居住在家中,以社区为中心,养老服务由以社区为依托的各种社会力量来提供的一种养老模式。它是介于老人家庭照顾和老人社会机构照顾之间的一种运用社区资源开展的老人照顾方式,由正规服务、社区志愿者及社会支持网络,为有需要的老人提供帮助和支援,使他们能在其熟悉的社区环境下维持自己的生活,避免不必要的住院或隔离。社区居家养老服务的对象主要是那些日常生活能够自理或部分能够自理的老年人。  相似文献   

社区居家养老已成为国内养老发展的一种模式。城市社区养老服务具有成本低、覆盖面广、服务方式灵活等诸多优点。目前我国社区养老服务还存在一些问题与缺陷,发展动力不足。因此,需要对社区养老服务模式进行创新。一些学者提出了新的养老服务模式,如"嵌入式"养老服务、"三位一体"养老服务、互助型养老模式、"时间储蓄"养老服务、网络化养老服务、智慧养老服务等。各地对社区养老模式发展进行不断的探索与实践,为养老服务模式的发展提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

“春风”区别于传统的养老机构的地方很多。在投资方式上,它依靠社区,自力更生;在照顾的价值观和地点、方式选择上,它创造了家庭氛围,符合老年人居家养老的需要;在服务对象选择上,它既强调重点又关注整个社区;在服务价格定位上,它根据老人支付能力制定标准,面向普通工薪阶层;在服务项目设计上,它灵活,宽泛,具有包容性;在照顾资源调动和使用上,它结合了个人照顾、家庭照顾和社全照顾的长处,形成了协调、综合  相似文献   

管兵  薛鹏 《现代交际》2011,(11):15-15
近些年来我国老龄化形势严峻。社区养老服务越来越成为应对我国人口老龄化的重要途径。本文总结了我国发展社区养老服务的必然性和必要性、我国社区养老服务存在的问题以及对策等。  相似文献   

董鑫 《现代妇女》2014,(4):206-206
老龄化速度加快是我国人口现状的一个突出特点,我国的老龄化问题较西方发达国家更为严峻。在老龄化的浪潮中,我国的养老方式日趋多元,传统的居家养老地位逐渐衰落,以房养老、社区养老、机构养老等方式逐渐兴起。在众多的养老方式中,社区养老优势明显。本文主要是以社区养老为切入点,对社区养老在国内的实践情况进行分析,以便获得更适合我国的社区养老模式。  相似文献   

残疾人社区照顾在我国的应用正处于初级起步阶段,在借鉴和引进社区照顾的模式与理念之后,通过实行机构式集中照顾对残疾人进行帮助,政府部门成为为残疾人提供各种服务和照顾的主体,能够使被照顾残疾人的生活需要在很大程度上得到满足。但是,同时也存在一些问题,仍然有许多地方需要改善。本论文主要通过结合服务对象的基本情况(身体情况、家庭情况、心理状况、社会资源等)设计服务方案,运用社区照顾的理论与模式,整合资源,帮助服务对象改善自身情况,满足需要,更好地适应社会。  相似文献   

Facing a rapidly aging population, China has recently started to formulate and implement policies with the aim to provide old-age care. While well-developed old-age care policies commonly include a built-in component that assesses eligibility based on vulnerability, no such process is established in the context of China. Here, based on data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study collected in both 2011 and 2013, we (a) developed a simple and effective strategy for identifying vulnerable Chinese elderly, which can serve as a basis for policy targeting, and (b) improved the policy relevance and targeting efficiency of this vulnerability measure by including additional health indicators. Our vulnerability measures identify 35% to 46% of Chinese elderly as vulnerable, covering up to 67% of elderly at high risk of death or functional decline. They can serve as an initial screening step for more comprehensive geriatric assessments and enable policy makers to effectively target vulnerable elderly persons in China.  相似文献   

The provision and arrangement of care for elderly people is one of the main challenges for the future of European welfare states. In both political and public discourses elderly people feature as the subjects who are associated with particular needs, wishes and desires and for whom care needs to be guaranteed and organised. Underlying the cultural construction of the care regime and culture is an ideal type model of the elderly person. This paper analyses the discursive construction of elderly people in the discourses on care in Austria. An understanding of how elderly people as subjects, their wishes and needs and their position within society are constructed enables us to analyse, question and challenge the current dominant care arrangements and its cultural embeddings. The paper demonstrates the processes of silencing, categorisation and passivation of elderly people and it is argued that the socio-discursive processes lead to a particular image of the elderly person which consequently serves as the basis on which the care regime is built.  相似文献   

王盛  白雨晨 《科学发展》2014,(3):101-112
我国已进入老龄化社会,老年人如何养老已成为我国社会生活中的一个突出问题。由于家庭结构和人口政策的变化,传统的家庭养老和社会养老己不能适应我国社会的现实需要,而社区养老模式以其独特的优势正引起广泛的关注,集中建设的专业化老年社区能更好地行使社区的养老职能,发挥出更大的社会和经济效益。构建和发展社区养老模式,须统筹协调,完善相关扶持政策;注重社区养老产品的差别化,拓宽养老目标群体的覆盖面;强化专业培训,实行养老服务人才资格认证制度;引用社会多种资源,完善社区助老服务设施;开发拓展,加快社区养老服务产业化进程;联合各方力量,加强对公众的宣传、引导。  相似文献   

With the introduction of economic reforms, families in China are challenged by a variety of family-related problems. Demographic and social changes are affecting both the capacity and willingness of the family to provide care for the elderly. The Chinese Government is aware of the importance of the family in the welfare of its citizens, and has promulgated a series of laws and regulations prescribing family obligations. Yet formal services supporting families are extremely underdeveloped, and it is urgent that the government formulate an effective policy to facilitate, support, and maximize family care.  相似文献   

This article analyzes and interprets empirical findings from studies carried out in Poland over the last years to identify changes in familial support networks for the elderly. In comparison with Western Countries, the Polish family is much closer to the traditional mode and plays a key role in the supportive networks of the elderly. This analysis points to considerable changes in the model of family help. Its shape has become more symmetrical: the help given by old parents to adult children has increased visibly whereas the children's help for parents has decreased. These changes have not seriously reduced the importance of the family as a primary support group. This fact is related to cultural factors and the economic and political situation in Poland. It is concluded that while various services need to be developed along Western lines, this development should be accompanied by a strengthening of various forms of family care.  相似文献   

While it is generally assumed that elderly people want to live alone, at least as long as they are physically able, this is not always the case. Not only has the rapid growth of communes of elderly people in the Netherlands attracted international attention, it has also become a social policy issue. The government and institutional care providers tend to see them as informal homes for the aged, whereas the elderly who are involved in this see the communes as positive alternatives to traditional ideas on aging. In a theoretical interpretation it is shown that both the communes and the different reactions to them represent in a nutshell important developments concerning aging and the position of the aged in Western society, as well as major trends in the modernization process.  相似文献   


With the introduction of economic reforms, families in China are challenged by a variety of family-related problems. Demographic and social changes are affecting both the capacity and willingness of the family to provide care for the elderly. The Chinese Government is aware of the importance of the family in the welfare of its citizens, and has promulgated a series of laws and regulations prescribing family obligations. Yet formal services supporting families are extremely underdeveloped, and it is urgent that the government formulate an effective policy to facilitate, support, and maximize family care.  相似文献   

伴随着失能风险的增加,老年人长期护理问题成为人口老龄化研究的新课题.基于CHARLS等相关数据,改进Markov模型,测算2020—2060年失能老年人长期护理需求规模及费用,并预测经济效应,结果表明:(1)老年人数量呈倒"U"形增长趋势,并于2048年左右达到顶峰,约为4.34亿人;失能老年人呈逐年上升趋势,于2060年达到1.84亿人.(2)失能老年人长期护理费用由2020年的3906.57亿元增长到2060年的44973.16亿元,增长11.51倍,其中轻度、中度和重度失能老年人长期护理费用分别增长8.92倍、15.55倍和21.17倍.(3)老年护理劳动力需求量预测显示,由90.33万人上升到228.98万人,增长2.54倍;机构养老护理型床位需求量预测显示,由241.03万张增长到553.11万张,增长2.29倍;老年护理市场直接经济增量预测显示,由3906.57亿元增长到44973.16亿元,增长11.51倍.基于此,本文提出包括坚持"以制度为基础、以服务为核心、以救助为兜底、以法律为准绳"的基本原则,建立失能动态监控机制,完善养老服务财政补贴制度等政策建议.  相似文献   

Do adult children affect the care elderly parents provide each other? We develop two models in which the anticipated behavior of adult children provides incentives for nondisabled elderly parents to increase care for their disabled spouses. The “demonstration effect” postulates that adult children learn from a parent’s example that family caregiving is appropriate behavior. The “punishment effect” postulates that adult children may punish parents who fail to provide spousal care by not providing future care for the nondisabled spouse if and when necessary. Thus, joint children act as a commitment mechanism, increasing the probability that elderly parents will provide care for their disabled spouses. We argue that stepchildren provide weaker incentives for spousal care because the attachment of a stepchild to a stepparent is likely to be weaker than the attachment of children to parents in a traditional nuclear family. Using data from the HRS, we find evidence consistent with the hypothesis that joint children provide stronger incentives than stepchildren for nondisabled elderly parents to provide care for their disabled spouse.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of reforms in Danish long-term care initiated in the early 1980s, describes the relationship between elder care in Denmark and the family, and considers implications for U.S. policy. The success of Denmark's community-based experimentation with new models of home care and housing for the elderly resulted in a national decision to eliminate new construction of nursing homes and increase access to publicly funded home care. Lingering concern that the provision of paid assistance for the elderly could undermine family structure is allayed by the findings of a recent survey: Three-fourths of the elderly report seeing their children on a weekly or more frequent basis. Findings from the Danish experience provide evidence that community-based services can aid family caregivers, enable the frail elderly to live in the setting of their choice, and be cost-effective from a public policy perspective.  相似文献   

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