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略论我国慈善事业立法的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈煜 《现代交际》2010,(10):15-16
我国的慈善事业发展迅速,但是慈善立法还很。滞后,法律体系不健全,慈善税收立法的激励作用不充分,不利于慈善事业的发展。今后的慈善事业立法要健全法律体系,明确慈善组织的法律地位,完善与慈善事业有关的财税法律制度,加强对慈善组织的立法规制,提高慈善组织的公信力。  相似文献   

11月1日,民政部社会福利与慈善事业促进司司长王振耀做客深圳文化大讲堂阐述中国未来慈善事业发展的方向。他表示,中国的慈善事业面临的问题已不再是“不愿做”,而是“不会做”,这需要在社会理念、机构建设等方面做多方面努力。他透露,《慈善法》已通过民政部送达国务院,法律的起草工作进入重要阶段。  相似文献   

农村公益慈善事业的发展,有利于建立和补充城乡统筹的社会保障体系,有利于提高农村人口的综合素质和精神生活水平。从培育农村中小学生公益慈善意识入手,促进农村公益慈善事业的发展,推动社会主义新农村建设,是构建和谐社会的必然要求。  相似文献   

随着中国经济和信息科技的高速发展,慈善中"逼捐"问题越来越凸显,使得中国慈善事业的发展进入一种亚健康的状态。慈善原本是一种发自内心的道德行为,是自愿对需要帮助的人的一种援助。而"逼捐"带有强迫的成分,让慈善失去了原有的意义。而"逼捐"现象的出现包含众多原因,诸如经济水平、社会发展、文化传播等因素。解决"逼捐"问题是慈善事业健康发展的必要。通过法律的规定、慈善组织信息的公开、对国外优秀慈善文化的吸取来促进我国慈善事业的发展、解决"逼捐""索捐""强捐"等问题。  相似文献   

慈善事业唯有坚定且全面地推进现代化进程,才能完成新时代赋予的历史使命。在智能时代,数字技术得以充分利用既是慈善事业现代化的应有之义,也是慈善事业现代化得以实现的重要手段。数字技术能促进慈善资源分配更高效、更精准和更主动;促进慈善组织与社会成员的连接更便捷、更深入和更持久;促进慈善环境更文明、更包容和更开阔。但从实践来看,数字技术的应用与慈善事业现代化出现了结构性偏离:数字应用层次低;慈善环境愈加封闭;个体慈善和公益营销增势明显,但组织化慈善的活跃度和慈善组织的存在感均下降。为了避免出现方向性偏离,亟需从底层致因入手对结构性偏离进行矫治。追根溯源,偏离的背后由表及里依次是各类组织的乏力、相关制度的缺漏和对慈善事业现代化进程全景及数字技术局限的认知不足。相应地,矫治的思路应是升级认知,处理好多个方面的关系:处理好慈善事业与相关系统的关系,为慈善方式的成长提供空间和支撑;处理好技术与人文的关系,用“小数据”完善大数据,促进算法智能与慈善智慧相结合;处理好组织与技术的关系,增强慈善组织数字技术应用的自主权,提升互联网平台的“慈善”含量;处理好组织与制度的关系,明确各类组织在现代慈善事业运行体系...  相似文献   

希望工程实施八年多,在海内外产生了深远影响。有调查显示:在目前国内较有影响的公益项目中,希望工程是最具知名度的。希望工程该如何定性?具有哪些特色?有什么经验值得推广和借鉴?探讨上述问题对发展我国新时期的慈善事业、基础教育以及推动精神文明建设都有一定的积极意义。 一、希望工程是一项慈善教育事业 慈善事业是以社会捐献为基础的社会救助活动。慈善活动大致可以分为慈善救济与慈善教育两类。现代慈善事业,无论是慈善救济,还是慈善教育,它们都具有这样一些基本特征:首先是社会化,其次是规范化,再次是良好的社会效益与高度的社会信誉。 最近几年,向希望工程捐款已成为人们经常谈论的话题。希望工程的认识率已达到94.2%。希望工程的宗旨在于集社会之力,捐资助学,帮助贫困地区的失学儿童重返课堂,保障他们受教育的基本权利。希望工程是一项慈善教育事业。  相似文献   

从高校学生工作品牌的理论出发研究了高校教育品牌的理论基础和现实需要,并从高校学生工作品牌策略及方案促进教育品牌的不断提高和完善。高校学生工作品牌建设是目前各高校提升校本文化,加强学校特色的重中之重,也是促进教育事业蓬勃发展的不可或缺的一部分。  相似文献   

郭晓莉 《现代妇女》2013,(11):19-20
在我国慈善事业的发展过程中,政府在推动和促进慈善事业的发展中起到了重要的作用,但是政府的过度干预和指导也对慈善事业的发展产生了一些消极的影响。当前我国正处在由传统慈善向现代慈善转型的过程中。政府在慈善事业发展中的角色和责任都要进行相应的调整和改变。本文以荥阳创建“全面慈善”活动为个案,对政府在慈善事业发展中的责任进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

目前,新媒体环境下的高校廉洁文化建设发展面临着舆论环境复杂多变、监督管理机制不健全、廉洁文化建设队伍缺乏专业性、传统媒体与新媒体融合程度不高等挑战。针对这些问题,需要努力构建和谐、文明的校园网络环境,完善新媒体监督管理机制,不断提升建设队伍的专业性和综合素质,加强新媒体与传统媒体的有机融合,从而促进新媒体时代高校廉洁文化建设的新发展。  相似文献   

随着我国教育水平的持续提高,人才已经成为国家建设的中坚力量,其培育工作也成为促进国家发展的重要内容。教师是人才培养中的传道解惑者,其师德建设也逐渐受到关注和重视。师德高尚的教师能够在促进学生学业水平提升的同时,提高教师教学质量乃至整个高校的教育水准,有助于满足全方位人才培养的需要。加强师德建设,有助于提高素质教育水平,对我国教育事业的快速发展有着重要意义。本文分析了高校师德建设的现状与问题,说明师德建设的必要性,进而提出加强高校师德建设路径的研究。  相似文献   

According to Charity Intelligence Canada, in 2014, at least 21 Canadian non-profits published a gift catalogue featuring a range of “products”a that donors could “purchase” for people in need. These charity gift catalogues, along with other shopping-inspired fundraising initiatives, represent a significant shift in the philanthropic arena towards philanthrocapitalism. Using two World Vision Canada campaigns as exemplars, this article offers a critical analysis of what the author calls “consumption-oriented philanthropy”b—a class of charitable giving that is heavily guided by market principles without involving a consumer product. Unlike purchase-triggered donation campaigns (in which a charitable donation is made when a consumer product is purchased), consumption-oriented philanthropy does not require the purchase of a for-profit commodity; instead, consumption-oriented philanthropy reformulates aid recipients or charitable aid itself into symbolic commodities. By re-framing charitable aid as a pseudo-shopping experience, however, consumption-oriented philanthropy ushers in an entirely different set of values, expectations, and logic that shapes the way in which donors understand and engage in philanthropic giving.  相似文献   

Traditional fundraiser job titles are often institution centered, focusing on the benefits of fundraising as “institutional advancement” or “institutional development.” Such institution‐centered job titles may not be as effective with donors given the modern shift toward donor‐centered philanthropy. Alternative job titles can be gift centered (for example, “major gifts”) or donor centered (for example, “donor advising”). A survey of 3,188 respondents tested sixty‐three job titles in four charitable scenarios: a charitable bequest gift, a gift of stock, a gift of real estate, and a charitable gift annuity. Measured by which person donors would be more likely to contact to discuss each donation, the worst‐performing titles were the traditional institution‐focused fundraiser job titles, in particular those using “advancement,” “institutional advancement,” or “development.” This was also true when examining only respondents who had made large gifts ($500+) to a charity. Traditional institution‐focused job titles are both the most commonly used and the worst performing. Nonprofit managers may do well to consider the donor's perspective when selecting job titles for fundraisers rather than following traditional industry practices.  相似文献   

Research generally indicates that public employees "talk thetalk," but do they also "walk the walk" of the public servicemotive (PSM)? Are public service employees more likely thanothers to engage in public service activities? The behavioralimplications of PSM are addressed by studying the involvementin charitable activities of public, nonprofit, and private workers.Using data from the 2002 General Social Survey, multivariatelogistic regression models are estimated to examine self-reportedgifts of time, blood, and money to charitable organizations.It is found that government employees are more likely to volunteerfor charity and to donate blood than for-profit employees are.Additionally, nonprofit workers are also more likely than theirfor-profit counterparts to volunteer. However, no differenceis found among public service and private employees in termsof individual philanthropy. These findings generally lend supportfor the hypothesis that PSM is more prominent in public servicethan in private organizations, especially as it pertains togovernment personnel.  相似文献   

This article examines Jewish institutions for the care of orphans in an attempt to understand several aspects of Jewish life in Eastern Europe: (1) attitudes towards orphans on the part of communal leaders, intellectuals, and political activists; (2) the transition of Jewish charitable and (in the modern period) philanthropic institutions from the pre‐modern communal charity of the early nineteenth century to modern “scientific philanthropy” at the fin de siècle to national welfare in the interwar period; (3) and, to a lesser extent, the experiences of orphans themselves, as far as is possible to ascertain from documents relating to the institutions that cared for them. Marginal figures such as orphans were of growing concern to the organised Jewish community in its increasingly complex encounter with modernity in the Russian Empire, and traditional patterns of charity, family life, and relations between socioeconomic classes were cast into doubt by new government policies and modern scientific attitudes arriving from Western and Central Europe. The religiously mandated charity of the pre‐modern kehillah gave way to a paternalistic philanthropy that aimed to mould a generation of “productive” working‐class Jews. However, the upheavals of World War I and the mass politicisation of East European Jewry brought about a transformation in attitudes towards orphans and other marginal groups, whose care was made a centrepiece of national, and nationally minded, Jewish communal life in the interwar Polish Republic.  相似文献   

The influence of charity involvement on perceptions of the organization's communication of charitable activity was examined experimentally. Results suggest that the inclusion of charity statements on an organization's homepage leads to more positive evaluations of organizational credibility and higher purchase intention. In crisis scenarios, charitable involvement neither negatively nor positively influences perceptions of credibility.  相似文献   

In this paper charity is considered as a strategic selfish activity that increases the welfare of the contributors without altruism. The model supposes the interactive simultaneous utility maximization of two consumer groups, contributors and recipients, who share fhe same utility function but differ in their incomes. It is shown that such charity can act to promote economic efficiency up to the Pareto optimal level. Conditions under which charitable contributions will emerge and their scale are derived, and the limiting cases of the maximum joy of giving and the maximum benifit from receiving contributions are presented.  相似文献   


The concept of “charity care” is a fundamental principle in the practice of medicine. This paper examines the origins of the construct charity, the expansion of charitable care during the Middle Ages, and its gradual secularization throughout the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. The paper then highlights the transformation of Almshouses, Infirmaries and Dispensaries into charitable institutions of medical science in the nineteenth century with the birth of progressivism during the early twentieth century. A conceptual model is then presented that depicts the erosion and qualitative changes in charity care as a result ofthe corporatization of health care over the course of the last century. The construct of charity care is now in crisis. The medical profession has gradually disassociated from its obligation of charitable care as an ethical precept for the practice of medicine. The paper ends with a challenge to reclaim and renew the importance of charity in the provision of health services.  相似文献   


Public health and healthcare issues in China have historically attracted individuals and organizations to engage the health sector. The growth of health philanthropy in post-Mao China raises questions regarding the role of the state in the development of China’s health philanthropy. Through a historical overview of health philanthropy in China as well as an examination of the functions and effectiveness of health-related philanthropic actors in the contemporary era, this study has identified the state as a major factor in the development of China’s health philanthropy. Indeed, even though the post-Mao reform dynamics have expanded space for health-related charity organizations, the state continues to have commanding height in health philanthropy in terms of status, funding, services, and influence. The state dominance in turn negatively affects the registration, financing, and capacity building of private foundations and NGOs in this area. Whether the state will dominate health philanthropy in the future to a large extent hinges upon how much extra space it is willing to concede in order to accommodate the dynamics in China’s philanthropic sector.


This paper discusses development assistance on disability and education in southern Africa. Development assistance for people with disabilities has for a long time been based on the charity and medical models. It has not been perceived in the context of national development. Many development agencies and charitable organisations tend to emphasise their own agenda, which may not necessarily be that of the local people with disabilities. As a result, the anticipated impact of development assistance in the region for people with disabilities has not been realised. This paper challenges this position and advocates for a more participatory approach by the locals. Using Lesotho as an example, the paper shows how development assistance can be made to be more successful through community participation and change of attitudes across all sectors of the community.  相似文献   


The year 1947 saw the opening of Oxfam’s first permanent charity shop on Broad Street in Oxford. It was the prototype of what was soon to become a national franchise of Oxfam shops and it marked the genesis of widespread popular engagement with charity in the form of consumption. Donations and purchases of goods in this second-hand shop space were not simply a financial means to a humanitarian end, these shops offered active engagements with the charity; engagements that shaped donor and shopper knowledge of the organisation and that cemented a particular form of charity participation. This interdisciplinary analysis contributes to an emerging body of historical and geographical scholarship that is exploring the intersection between charitable action and consumption by beginning to fill a lacuna of research on the development of charity shopping as a key form of popular philanthropic action.


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