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1.怀旧.不是因为那个时代多么好,而是那个时候,你年轻。 2两个人之间的惑隋就像织毛衣,建立的时候一针一线,小心而漫长,拆除的时候却只需轻轻一拉。  相似文献   

现代人也是喜欢怀旧的,因为怀旧是他们现实生活之一种型态,既不是对现实的反拔,也不是试图将过去复辟为未来,只是给自身的想象提供又一种可能,让躁动的心灵因此得到一块暂时栖息的地方,让某种看似明确,实际模糊的,莫名其妙的情绪有一个渲泄的载体。 然而怀旧必须有可感的具象,这样,所有的怀旧才不致于像海市蜃楼一样虚无缥缈,而是有可能落到坚实的土地上,生根开花。显然,王安忆与陈丹燕等适时  相似文献   

在江苏省新沂市瓦窑镇,葡萄不是长在土里,而是长在水里;温度和湿度的控制,不是凭农民的经验,而是依靠设备;葡萄藤披上了“防护衣”,再也不用担心鸟儿来啄食……这是怎么回事呢?  相似文献   

林饶 《老年世界》2011,(23):22-22
老年人喜欢怀旧。如果一味沉湎于往事,会使人情绪忧郁;而我则顺其自然,以积极心态面对怀旧,不仅充分享受了对岁月的眷恋之情,而且从怀旧中获得暮年的欢乐。  相似文献   

宋荚杰 《中外书摘》2011,(12):87-88
最容易混淆的首都瑞士首都伯尔尼,不是Et内瓦;澳大利亚首都堪培拉,不是悉尼;新西兰首都惠灵顿,不是奥克兰;土耳其首都安卡拉,不是伊斯坦布尔;巴西首都巴西利亚,不是里约热内卢;尼日利亚首都阿布贾,不是拉各斯;摩洛哥首都拉巴特,不是卡萨布兰卡……因为容易把该国旧都或最著名城市误认为首都。还有一些国家有好几个首都,比如荷兰、南非、沙特阿拉伯。  相似文献   

顺庆 《女性天地》2010,(6):8-10
真正的善良不是眼泪,而是伸出一双充满爱心的手;真正的帮扶不是施舍。而是创造希望、点燃梦想!在玉树地震中,香港义工黄福荣以生命演绎了爱心的真谛。  相似文献   

漫漫人生路,千回百折,崎岖坎坷。在人生的海洋上航行,难免会遇上暴风骤雨,碰上急流险滩,有时甚至身处绝境。此时此刻,千万不要惊慌失措,自暴自弃,应以坚定的信念和顽强的斗志与之抗争,凭借坚定信念就能把准航船的方向,任何惊涛骇浪都不能阻止它驶向光明的彼岸。须知:在沙漠中行走的骆驼.最可怕的不是漫长的路程,而是心无绿洲;与惊浪骇浪搏斗的船夫,最可怕的不是无边的风浪,  相似文献   

在南凤枚和老伴不到10平方米的租住屋里,对她来讲最珍贵的、藏得最严实的。不是金银首饰,而是一个黑色的小账本。 小黑本记载的不是自家店里的收入,而是一笔笔支出。本子的封面上写着几个字:储户取款数。南凤枚交给自己的“任务”。就是要偿还曾经经手的一笔“公家债”。  相似文献   

郑桂初 《老年人》2010,(6):17-17
人的一生中,最光辉的一天并不是功成名就的那一天,而是从悲叹和绝望中奋起、勇往直前的那一天。  相似文献   

刚到德国时,自己最不能适应的不是香肠、沙拉,也不是猪脚与酸菜,而是最简单的“水”,尤其是所谓的“矿泉水”。  相似文献   

《Sociological inquiry》1994,64(2):238-254
Book reviewed in this article:
The People in the Playground . Iona Opie. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993, 240 pages. Cloth, $60.00.
Gender Play . Barrie Thorne. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1993, 237 pages. Cloth, $30.00; paper, $12.95.
Ideal Citizens: The Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement . James Max Fendrich. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1993, 202 pages. Cloth, $49.50; paper, $16.95.
The Shadow of Dionysus: A Contribution to the Sociology of the Orgy . Michel Maffesoli. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993, 167 pages. Cloth, $49.50; paper, $16.50.
Jones's Minimal: Low-Wage Labor in the United States . David Griffith. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993, xvii, 266 pages. Cloth, $44.50; paper, $14.95.
The Politics of Pensions: A Comparative Analysis of Britain, Canada, and the United States, 1880–1940 . Ann Shola Orloff. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1993, 381 pages. Cloth, $60.00; paper, $19.95.
Masculinity and Male Codes of Honor in Modern France . Robert A. Nye. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, 316 pages.
Adolescence: An Anthropological Inquiry . Alice Schlegel and Herbert Barry III. New York: Free Press, 1991, 263 pages. Cloth, $29.95.  相似文献   

As no other time in U.S. history, policing involves a wide variety of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, with a unified mission of patrolling the 2,000‐mile U.S.‐Mexico border in the name of national security. As a culturally and socially diverse geographic setting, the U.S.‐Mexico border has intertwined notions of ethnicity, race, and skin color with citizenship, community safety, and national security. Invariably, this geographic, economic, political, and social boundary has the power to shape the experience of not only law enforcement officers, but also border communities. The multiple issues that exist along the U.S.‐Mexico border provide a more nuanced view of the challenges involved in patrolling the border and policing communities, while seeking to respect privacy and honor international treaties and human rights. Subsequently, with pressing shifts in demographics, police tactics, border security, and social control profitability, in the midst of globalization, the central objective of this article is to further delineate, through analysis of existing data, the dynamics of border policing in the twenty‐first century.  相似文献   

Chessick, R. D. The sad soul of the psychiatrist. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic , 1978, 42 , 1–9.
Greenberg, G. S. The family international perspective: A study and examination of the work of Don D. Jackson. Family Process , 1977, 16 , 385–112.
Hines, P. M. & Hare-Mustin, R. T. Ethical concerns in family therapy. Professional Psychology , 1978, 9 , 165–171.
Keshet, H. F. & Rosenthal, K. M. Fathering after marital separation. Social Work , 1978, 23 , 11–18.
Loewenstein, S. An overview of some aspects of female sexuality. Social Casework , 1978, 59 , 106–115.
Mace, D. R. & Mace, V. C. Measure your marriage potential: A simple test that tells couples where they are. The Family Coordinator , 1978, 27 , 63–67.
Wexler, J. & Steidl, J. Marriage and the capacity to be alone. Psychiatry , 1978, 41 , 72–82.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
H. PALMER, Land of the Second Chance, A History of Ethnic Groups in Southern Alberta.
I.C. JARVIE, Concepts and Society. International Library of Sociology
DAVID KWAVNICK, Organized Labour and Pressure Politics: Canadian Labour Congress 1956–1968.
S.M. GOLANT, The Residential Location and Spatial Behaviour of the Elderly.
Violence et Sociétés. Revue Choix.
EDGAR J. DOSMAN, Indians: The Urban Dilemma.
DAVIS MORRIS and JOSEPH F. KRAUTER, The Other Canadians: Profiles of Six Minorities.
PARZIVAL COPES, The Resettlement of Fishing Communities in Newfoundland.
National Museum of Man, Ethnology Division Papers
1 JUDY THOMPSON, Preliminary Study of Traditional Kutchin Clothing in Museums.
2 EUNG-DO COOK, Sarcee Verb Paradigms.
3 WENDY BROSS STUART, Gambling Music of the Coast Salish Indians.
DENIS P. FORCESE and STEPHEN RICHER, Social Research Methods.
WALTER A. KOCH, Strukturelle textanalyse-analyse du récit-discourse analysis.
SERGE MOSCOVICI, La société contre nature.  相似文献   

Relations of domination and subjugation in work manifest as class differentiation, but, more crucially, become intensified along lines of gender, sexual and racial difference. This circumstance, I suggest, is neither accidental nor incidental. It is a historical effect of colonial logic that postulates gender, sexual and racial Others as ontologically, and hence ethically, different. The articulation of difference as such legitimizes gender, sexual and racial Others as sites of domination and exploitation, and thereby naturalizes them as objects of subordination in work. This circumstance may be described through the analytic of coloniality. The aim of this paper, then, is to explicate the coloniality of work as a means to comprehend the persistence of inequality and subjugation in its global organization. Specifically, it underscores the imperative of confronting the ontological production of gender, sexual and racial difference in the creation of relations of domination and subjugation, and thus, in the institution and operation of work qua work. I demonstrate the political urgency of such engagements through a discussion of commercial surrogacy in India.  相似文献   

This study examines issues related to the life satisfaction of young adults reared in white, low-income Appalachian families. Data from 38 female and 29 male subjects who participated in a longitudinal study are analyzed qualitatively. Level of global life satisfaction is found to be comparable to that of the general population with the salient domains being: personal, marriage and family, work, and financial concerns. Frames of reference are found to be important in subjective assessments of life satisfaction.This study (NCARS 11171) was supported by the Cooperative State Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Paper No. 10804 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC 27695-7601. The authors would like to acknowledge the assistance and support of Judith H. Fulbright, NCARS Social Science Research Assistant, University of North Carolina-Greensboro.Elizabeth B. Robertson is a postdoctoral fellow with the Consortium on Human Development, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599. She received her Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro. Her research interests include parent-child relations and social development.Sarah M. Shoffner is Assistant Professor and Assistant to the Dean, External Relations, School of Human Environmental Sciences, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC 27412-5001. Her research interests include adolescent occupational socialization, especially the effects of employment, lower income rural youth life plans, qualitative methodology, and marital/family communication.  相似文献   

The growth of foreign direct investments (FDI) in the world has been significant in recent years. Between 1990 and 2000 worldwide FDI inflows increased more than five times, and since 2000 they have declined. During the period of FDI expansion, growth was especially strong from 1997 onward. However, most of the FDI transactions were between the developed countries. The distribution of FDI is unequal and less-developing countries face difficulties in attracting FDI. Despite the fact that FDI is increasingly important to developing countries, over the past few years the share of the developing countries in worldwide FDI inflows has been declining. The paper analyses geographical and sector distribution of FDI in the Southeast European countries (SEEC) and compares its amount with that in Central East European countries. According to economic theory, FDI towards developing countries flows for labor-intensive and low-technology production, while towards developed states, it flows for high-technology production. Identification of determining factors of FDI is a complex problem which depends on several characteristics specific for each country, sectors, and companies. All those factors could be grouped in three broad categories: economic policy of host country, economic performance, and attractiveness of national economy. On the desegregated level, FDI depends on size and growth potential of a national economy, natural resources endowments and quality of workforce, openness to international trade and access to international markets, and quality of physical, financial, and technological infrastructure. An important question is how SEEC can attract more foreign investment. To find the answer, this paper uses data on FDI inflows to SEEC to determine the main host country determinants of FDI and provides regression-based estimation of determinants of FDI. Using a sample of SEEC and panel data techniques, the determinants of FDI in this part of Europe are investigated. The paper researches the relationship between FDI, GDP, GDP per capita, number of inhabitants, trade openness, inflation, external debt, and information and communication technology sectors. For SEEC, FDI inflows are largely dependent on the completion of the privatization process and in this paper we include the level of private sector and privatization as explanatory variables. Our findings suggest that certain variables such as privatization and trade regime, as well as the density of infrastructure, appear to be robust under different specifications. A positive significance of the agglomeration factor is also observed, confirming the relevant theoretical propositions. However, certain differential variables, such as the privatization, could not be fully captured due to the statistical homogeneity of the sample.  相似文献   

This article reviews the literature on crowding in non-family and family settings, identifies flaws in past research, presents a model for the study of crowding, and outlines a theory of crowding. Although the focus of this analysis is on crowding within the family, the model and theory are applicable, in principle, to any context in which too many people live in too little space.Leonard Beeghley is Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Riverside. His research interest focuses on issues in stratification and theory development. The research reported here is the initial stage of an attempt at understanding the effect of crowding on families.Denise Donnelly is a Ph.D. candidate, Department of Sociology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611. Her current area of interest focuses on cross-cultural perspectives on women's status.  相似文献   

Each new stage of private property creates a new axis of class conflict. If there are two axes of class conflict, two kinds of ruling class, two kinds of labor, why not a third? The new ruling class I call the vectoralist class. As private property advances from land to capital to information, property itself becomes more abstract. The property question, the basis of class, becomes the question asked everywhere, of everything. The hacker class arises out of the transformation of information into property, in the form of intellectual property, including patents, trademarks, copyright, publicity rights, and the moral right of authors. There is an essential difference between the hacker class and the vectoralist class. The vectoralist class produces nothing new. The hacker class includes anyone who creates new information, in any media.  相似文献   

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