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中等职校"生态体验"德育主题教育活动的开展,目的是让学生进入体验之境,体悟自己的行为,在对话与反思中澄明思想,培养职校生健康的人格,自觉形成良好的道德品质.作为班主任,在中等职校开展"生态体验"德育情景活动时,应从以下三方面提升自己的能力.  相似文献   

汪波 《职业》2010,(24)
思想政治教育是职业学校教育工作的一个重要方面,是使职校生明确学习目的、激发学习动力、培养职业道德素质的主渠道.然而,由于思想政治教育的迟效性和复杂性,再加上职校生生源较差,有些教育者在履行思想政治教育职能时,稍不注意,便容易步入观念上的误区,其效果往往是事倍功半,有时甚至适得其反.  相似文献   

谢谟 《职业》2011,(23):79-80
《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》提出,要大力发展职业教育,以满足经济社会对高素质劳动者和技能型人才的需要。职业教育正在蓬勃发展,然而,工作在职业教育一线的教师也深刻体会到,职校学生不好教,职校生的整体素质亟待提高。笔者在多年的心理教育实践中领悟到,人文精神是提高职校心理健康教育内在质量的核心精神,是促进职校生全面发展的必然之选。  相似文献   

唐毓林 《职业》2011,(Z1):4-4
职业教育就是一种就业、创业教育,职业院校的培养目标就是为企业培养具有一定素质和专业技能的中高级应用型人才。语文教学必须结合职业学校固有的特点,进行重新定位和组织。将就业教育融入到语文教学之中,引导职校生树立自信心、形成良好的行为习惯,突出语文的实践性,帮助学生进行职业生涯设计,促进更多的职校生顺利就业和创业。  相似文献   

曹国标 《职业》2011,(30):21-22
当前,各中等职业学校纷纷实施生涯教育,积累了一些宝贵的经验。但总体来看,各中职校生涯教育起步较晚,可以借鉴的经验很少,在理念、模式、方式上还存在误区,不能达到预期的结果。因此,找出中职校生涯教育的误区并积极寻找对策,对于克服中职校教育体制缺陷,满足中职生自身发展要求,创新中职校德育模式,改进中职校毕业生就业指导工作,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

鲍向阳 《职业》2012,(21):108-109
职业教育与学生的职业生涯息息相关,对学生进行职业生涯规划教育,帮助他们提高职业选择的能力,这是当前职业教育的基本要求。长期以来,职技校学生因为在文化课学习上逊人一筹,饱受歧视与冷遇,成功的体验很少。这个特殊群体中的相当一部分学生在进入职校后,不求进取,悲观失望,职业目标不明、职业责任感不强。因此,在职校生中开展职业生涯规划教育,帮助学生在认识自我和工作世界的基础上提高职业生涯规划的能力,为学生终生发展奠定良好的基础显得尤为必要和迫切。职业学校的德育课教师,理应发挥德育课教师应有的引领作用,对中职学生进行必要的职业生涯规划教育,做好参谋,引导他们对未来的职业生涯作出合理的规划。在实践中,笔者借鉴多元智能理论,把指导职校生职业生涯  相似文献   

"生本教育"是新课改的理念,是以学生为根据、以促进学生全面健康发展为宗旨的教育方式和理念。经过几年来的试验,现对"生本教育"在教学中的两个误区谈谈自己的看法。一、生本不等于放任自流,生本表现在课堂上就是对学生主体地位的尊重,但尊重并不等于课堂上老师主导地位的引退。因此教师应把握好度,遵循以下二个原则:1、课堂上,学生出现的知识性错误一定要当堂指出。2、课堂上教师能不说就不说,能少说就少说。二、前置性学习不能流于形式,应遵循"简单、根本、开放"的原则,思想性要强,分层次设计,重视展评与奖励。  相似文献   

顾水芳 《职业》2011,(Z1):88-88
长期以来,人们普遍认为进职校就是学技术,这使不少职校对人文素质教育很不重视,学生普遍缺乏人文知识。在他们看来,拿到了专业等级证书就意味着自己具备了相应能力,而掌握不掌握人文知识关系不大。爱因斯坦说:"用专业知识教育人是不够的,通过  相似文献   

陈娟 《职业》2010,(11)
身为职校教师,笔者深深体会到职校生管理的酸甜苦辣.如何让职校生能在新时代成为一个对社会有用的人才,需要相关职业教育的教育专家和教师们探讨.笔者认为"输出"职校生的质量优劣程度,在很大程度上取决于职校生管理的成效.  相似文献   

马善国  杨静  方谋龙 《职业》2012,(32):4-6
自己掏钱宴请学生,让孩子感受家的温暖;面对五次金钱诱惑,心却丝毫不为之所动;身患多种疾病,仍坚持办学,20年矢志不渝……他就是安徽省桐城中华职业学校理事长、80高龄的徐智明老先生.60岁前,他是市教育部门的领导,为人民教育事业献计出力,60岁后,他白手起家创办桐城中华职校,续写情系教育、心系学生的华美篇章,成就了自己的传奇人生.退而不休,躬耕教海,矢志育人,爱洒学子,2010年,徐智明理事长获得"全国第二届黄炎培职业教育杰出校长奖",2011年荣获"安徽省十大教育新闻人物"称号,2012年荣获首届"感动桐城十大人物(道德模范)"称号.  相似文献   

李萌 《职业时空》2012,(4):119-121
在当前严峻的就业形势下,高职院校要帮助学生学会分析自己、分析职业,有针对性地提高自身各方面的能力,从而提高高职学生就业率和就业质量,因此职业生涯规划教育成为高职教育的迫切需求。通过职业生涯规划使高职学生尽早确定自己的职业目标,把握自己的职业定位,采取必要行动,最终实现职业生涯目标。  相似文献   

职业教育是以传授或培养与社会生产和社会生活服务直接相关的职业中的技术技能岗位所要求的职业知识、职业技术技能和职业道德为主要内容的教育活动。在职业教育中的素质教育至关重要,为此,教师要努力提高自己的师德修养和职业素质;学生要注重适应性从业能力的培养,学校要健全学生素质评价机制。  相似文献   

亓婧 《职业时空》2013,(2):74-75
高等职业技术教育是一种以培养生产、服务、管理一线技术应用型人才为主的教育,它不仅要培养学生对未来工作岗位的胜任能力,而且要培养其适应科技经济快速发展、社会不断变化的职业核心能力。只有深入研究职业能力内涵,有针对性地采取与之相适应的教育教学方法,才能全面提高高职人才培养质量。  相似文献   

This study explored the postsecondary financial planning of graduating 12th graders as a barrier to educational and career decision making and success. Seniors planning on pursuing postsecondary education (N = 744) from 16 high schools completed an online survey measuring their plans for financing their postsecondary education. They also provided information regarding their academic achievement, motivation, certainty, and postsecondary goals and plans. Students clustered into 4 distinct financial planning strategy groups. These financial planning clusters were evident across a diverse sample of high schools. Almost half of all graduating 12th graders had limited financial planning strategies. Groupings and strategies employed by students were significantly related to career development theory and research. The critical role for career development services in promoting student success is discussed.  相似文献   

Youth need help with planning their future, developing positive life trajectories, and coping with socioeconomic conditions. Using a life design approach, we analyzed the relationship between career adaptability, resilience, and life satisfaction among Belgian (N = 158) and Italian (N = 158) middle school students. We hypothesized that career adaptability, directly and indirectly via resilience, would predict life satisfaction. Furthermore, we predicted that the conceptual model would be comparable between countries. Each participant completed self-report measures to assess career adaptability, resilience, and life satisfaction. The results obtained using a two-step approach to structural equation modeling suggest that career adaptability is directly and indirectly, through resilience, related to students' life satisfaction in both Italian and Belgian students. These results have important implications for supporting middle school students in their life design process.  相似文献   

The procedures developed by Gati and colleagues to interpret scores in the Career Decision Difficulties Questionnaire were implemented to examine difficulties’ profiles among self-identified decided college students who reported being either comfortable or uncomfortable with their career choice. Of the 583 participants, 92.5% were career decided and 7.5% were undecided. Close to half (47.2%) of the career-decided students self-identified as uncomfortable with their career choice and reported similar career decision-making difficulties as their undecided peers. The most salient difficulties among decided uncomfortable students were general indecisiveness and lack of knowledge regarding occupations and the decision-making process. Greater difficulties related to lack of knowledge about oneself, and internal conflicts predicted membership in the decided uncomfortable group versus the decided comfortable group. Results indicated that career-decided students are not a homogenous group. Implications of the findings for career counseling with decided uncomfortable college students are discussed.  相似文献   

数学是自然科学的基础,是建构自然科学的根本。高职数学是高职教育的重要基础课程,提高高职数学的教育质量不仅是学生学习专业课的需要,也是未来职业生涯的需要。提高高职数学教育质量的重要途径有两条:数学实验、数学建模。就数学实验与数学建模的意义,如何在高职数学课堂实施数学实验与数学建模,以及数学实验与数学建模的区别和联系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

赵荣 《职业时空》2013,(2):110-112
市场经济条件下,中职生面临激烈的就业竞争,如何帮助和引导他们做出科学、合理的职业生涯规划,成为中职学校教学的重点。学生在老师的引导下通过自身评估和对环境因素的分析,结合职业理想,规划在校学习生活,可以提高综合素质和就业竞争力,为顺利就业和个人实现终身可持续发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between commitment of club activities and the vocational readiness among juniors at university. In this study, organizational commitment questionnaire (Mowday, 1979) and vocational readiness scale (Wakabayashi, Goto, and Shinkai, 1983) were tested with 178 (120 men, 58 women) juniors at one physical education university in the metropolitan area. According to correlation analysis, the relation between commitment of club activities and the vocational readiness was positive significant correlation (r = .303, p < .01). Moreover, we executed t-test. As the combined results, this study provided the following three conclusions; 1) Vocational readiness score of students who belonged to the club were higher than that of other students. 2) Vocational readiness score of students who were committed to club activities were higher than that of students with low commitment to club activities. 3) Students who were committed to club activities tended to increase the score of vocational readiness. It was not able to be declared that there were positive influences of the club activities in university education from the viewpoint of vocational readiness acquisition. Therefore, it is necessary to consider what the club activities should be from the viewpoint of university student's career education.  相似文献   

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