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法律体系是衡量文明社会的重要标志.巴林作为中东民族国家建构体系中地缘、社会与文明实体的重要一环,尽管面积不大,人口较少,但其法律体系却在海湾地区具有历史悠久、体系完备以及内容丰富等特点.巴林法律体系历经四个时期:教法学家主导下的伊斯兰法时期、酋长管理下的部族法时期、英国控制下的混合法时期以及世俗和伊斯兰共生下的二元法时期.巴林法律体系的现代化呈现出多元化的理论形态与文化取向.  相似文献   

伊斯兰法与中东伊斯兰国家法律现代化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中东伊斯兰国家法律的发展过程,是习惯法、伊斯兰法及西方法三种法律文化互相排斥、融合的过程。由于许多现实性较强的习惯法已逐渐纳入伊斯兰法,习惯法的作用已逐渐淡化。近代以来,中东伊斯兰国家法律的现代化主要表现为伊斯兰法与西方法的两重变奏。中东伊斯兰国家法律的现代化中充满了激烈的冲突,伊斯兰法的复兴集中反映了本土法与外来法、宗教法与世俗法、传统法与现代法间的尖锐矛盾。中东伊斯兰国家法律的现代化方向是朝着混合法类型演进。  相似文献   

伊斯兰法与中东伊斯兰国家法律现代化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中东伊斯兰国家法律的发展过程,是习惯法、伊斯兰法及西方法三种法律文化互相排斥、融合的过程.由于许多现实性较强的习惯法已逐渐纳入伊斯兰法,习惯法的作用已逐渐淡化.近代以来,中东伊斯兰国家法律的现代化主要表现为伊斯兰法与西方法的两重变奏.中东伊斯兰国家法律的现代化中充满了激烈的冲突,伊斯兰法的复兴集中反映了本土法与外来法、宗教法与世俗法、传统法与现代法间的尖锐矛盾.中东伊斯兰国家法律的现代化方向是朝着混合法类型演进.  相似文献   

本文在阐释伊斯兰文化语境中的"现代化"概念的基础上,论述了伊斯兰法现代化的法理依据与现实需要,认为十四个世纪以来伊斯兰法能够不断衍新、发展和完善,能够适应不断发展变迁的社会生活,并能够满足不同社会环境和条件的穆斯林民族的法律需求,完全是由其蕴含的现代化机制发挥作用的结果。  相似文献   

本文在阐释伊斯兰文化语境中的"现代化"概念的基础上,论述了伊斯兰法现代化的法理依据与现实需要,认为十四个世纪以来伊斯兰法能够不断衍新、发展和完善,能够适应不断发展变迁的社会生活,并能够满足不同社会环境和条件的穆斯林民族的法律需求,完全是由其蕴含的现代化机制发挥作用的结果。  相似文献   

20世纪世界变革的冲击波,已使堡垒最为坚固的伊斯兰法迈向了自身改革的道路,西方化、现代化、世俗化与复兴伊斯兰法的趋向构成当代伊斯兰法发展的主要特点。在改革中,大多数伊斯兰国家选择一条中间道路,使现实的伊斯兰法既不与西方世俗法体系完全挂钩,也不与旧的宗教法制度彻底决裂,而是在跟随物质文明与维护信仰不变方面达成了妥协和统一。  相似文献   

作为多维运动,全球化的内容是极为丰富的,其中包括法律的全球化。伊斯兰法作为世界重要法系,在全球化浪潮中不可能独处一隅,而是深受其影响。本文着重论述了全球化背景下伊斯兰法的发展趋势。  相似文献   

作为多维运动,全球化的内容是极为丰富的,其中包括法律的全球化.伊斯兰法作为世界重要法系,在全球化浪潮中不可能独处一隅,而是深受其影响.本文着重论述了全球化背景下伊斯兰法的发展趋势.  相似文献   

20世纪世界变革的冲击波,已使堡垒最为坚固的伊斯兰法迈向了自身改革的道路,西方化、现代化、世俗化与复兴伊斯兰法的趋向构成当代伊斯兰法发展的主要特点.在改革中,大多数伊斯兰国家选择一条中间道路,使现实的伊斯兰法既不与西方世俗法体系完全挂钩,也不与旧的宗教法制度彻底决裂,而是在跟随物质文明与维护信仰不变方面达成了妥协和统一.  相似文献   

近代以来,伊斯兰文明遭遇复杂多样的内忧外患,在诸多方面出现失衡,陷入了严重的思想危机。重建适应时代发展的当代伊斯兰文明体系,是当前伊斯兰世界面临的时代重任。伊斯兰"中间主义"思潮的兴起表明,伊斯兰世界已开始反思伊斯兰文明的危机,通过文化创新推动社会变革,探索适合自身传统与现实的发展道路,进而实现伊斯兰文明体系的理论重建。尽管当代伊斯兰文明的发展面临诸多挑战和困境,但其倡导对话包容、崇尚和平中道的核心价值理念依然具有重要的思想价值和时代意义。在未来世界文明交流互鉴与构建人类命运共同体的进程中,伊斯兰文明做出新的建树和贡献依然可期。  相似文献   

The article considers the position of customs law in the legal system. It starts with changes concerning the phenomenon known as customs policy. The customs policy of the European Union is a foundation of the Union and an essential element in the functioning of the single market. All these changes have to be regulated by law; one of the branches is financial law. It represents a system of legal rules regulating the social and economic relationships that emerge in the process of generating, distributing, and using the centralised and decentralised monetary funds (financial resources) in the environment of the state and of self-governing administrative units, in the interest of providing for financial coverage of the fulfilment of their respective functions. The Slovak legal system and its individual branches including financial law can be characterised on the basis of certain principles. These represent basic goals, rules, and requirements expressing the substance and main focus of a particular branch of law. These principles are described. The second part of the article concerns the position of customs law, which here represents a system of legal rules regulating the social and economic relationships emerging in the process of movement of goods over the customs border. Customs law has its own development and is given a new dimension and dynamics by the common European area in the form of the European Union. The article concludes with the position of customs law, defining it as a subsection of financial law.  相似文献   

谢静  俞金香 《职业时空》2013,(2):67-68,71
21世纪是法商结合的时代,商业行为离不开法律的应用和规范,法律也寸步不离地在影响着商业行为。基于现代社会对人才的这种需求,高等院校所培养的法律人才必须是法商结合的人才。为实现“法律为市场经济服务,法律人为市场经济建设服务”的法学专业人才培养目标.以社会需求为导向,法学本科专业《商法学》课程必然要进行教学改革,关注学生综合性素质的提高,强化过程性质量评价,充分发挥考试的多方面功能,以考试改革引领教学改革,将考试改革的研究贯穿于整个教学改革研究中,探索考试改革对于教学改革的推动和促进作用。  相似文献   


Historically, the frail elderly, as well as other vulnerable populations who are unable to care for themselves, have been subject to legal proceedings known as guardianships. Despite changes and reforms, adult guardianship law has survived as a fundamental legal institution aimed at protecting the frail elderly as well as other incompetent adults. However, very little is known on the reality of adult guardianship under Israeli law, and the experience of the adult population under guardianship was never empirically studied in Israel. The empirical void regarding the workings of the Israeli law in this area served as the impetus for this study. The study investigated the issue of adult and elder guardianship in Israel as revealed in Family Law Courts' rulings, while focusing in particular on the profile of the wards, the reasons and motives, the legal procedure, and the outcome of the guardianship process.

The study was a quantitative analysis, based on a random sample that included523 court cases requesting legal guardianship for adults due to impaired legal competence. Rulings on these cases were provided in Family Courts from Haifa, Nazareth, and the Krayot areas in the period of the years 2000-2002.

A clear but somber picture emerges from the findings of this study: Every year thousands of elderly individuals are subjected to the plenary legal authority of guardians appointed by law. This severe legal outcome takes place without providing these elderly the right to express their positions, without the provision of legal representation, and without their being seen or heard by the courts. These findings lead to the conclusion that there is urgent need in Israel to carry out extensive reform in the realm of civil legislation on the issue of guardianship foradults and the elderly.  相似文献   


This article reviews the long battle to reform Australia’s custody and access laws between 1995 and 2011. The result is a law which strongly encourages courts to consider the option of shared physical custody, while also emphasizing the need to protect children from harm, not least from being exposed to family violence. The trench warfare over the text of the legislation between advocacy groups has now largely ceased. Good empirical research on the outcomes of reforms to the family law system assisted in clarifying the issues. However, the role of law in shaping parenting arrangements after separation should not be exaggerated. We can believe too much in law; and therefore, believe too much in law reform.  相似文献   

陈艳 《职业时空》2012,(2):52-55
将学生培养成应用型的高技能专业人才,是高职院校一直研究的课题和高职教育不断追求的目标。高职院校法律专业教育应该在准确把握学生实践能力的内涵,明确实践能力培养现实意义的基础上,深入分析我国目前高职院校法律专业学生实践能力培养存在的问题及原因,并提出可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

顾华详 《科学发展》2011,(8):97-111
法治化是维护国家信息安全的重要措施。为提高中国信息安全的法治保障能力,应尽快制定《中华人民共和国保障信息安全法》,健全国家信息法制建设的框架基础;制定《未成年人信息安全保护法》、《网络游戏管理法》,保障未成年人身心健康成长权益不受侵害;重视提高法律对公民隐私通讯数据保护的能力;健全国家信息安全领域的法律制度与司法机制,强化政府建设与管理信息化的法律责任;严厉打击危害国家信息安全的犯罪行为,构建统筹规范信息网络的高效运营体制;推进信息技术自主创新和系统可控的安全运行模式,依法推进和规范信息网络实名制,严厉打击黑客行为,积极开展保障国家信息安全的国际合作。  相似文献   

法律与道德的关系是法学问题研究不可回避的一个重要方面。通过对比探讨中国与西方在法律与道德关系研究上所持的不同的理论观点,提出应从制度层面上将人类的道德理想与原则外化为法律规范。同时,强调程序的重要性和公开性,从而为实现中国司法实践中真正意义上的程序正义提供良好的法制现代化环境。  相似文献   


The introduction of the “best interests of the child” standard as a legal presumption in family law in the 1970s signaled an important transition away from a maternal preference standard in child custody disputes, toward a recognition of the centrality and importance of both parents in the lives of children after parental separation. Paradoxically, this reform resulted in an increase rather than decrease in court-determined maternal sole custody. Despite robust empirical evidence in support of shared parenting, a gender convergence in child care roles, and increasing public support for shared parenting, the idea of shared parenting as a legal presumption has been met with skepticism and resistance among some legal and mental health professionals. This article traces the evolution of arguments against shared parenting since the concept was first introduced, from the early 1970s until the present day.  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国残疾人保障法》(以下简称《残疾人保障法》)实施三十年来,为促进残疾人事业发展和维护残疾人权益发挥了至关重要的作用.本文简要回顾了《残疾人保障法》起草和修改时的背景情况、主要争议和创新内容以及法律通过后产生的深远影响,从全国人大常委会执法检查和司法机关法律适用角度分析了《残疾人保障法》的贯彻实施情况,提出了全面依法治国背景下促进《残疾人保障法》进一步完善和实施的具体建议,期冀能够对我国残疾人事业法治建设有所裨益.  相似文献   

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