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高春燕 《南方人口》2007,22(1):30-36
本文基于五城市流动人口聚居社区的调查资料,采用描述性分析的方法,首先通过对五城市流动人口聚居社区流动人口与社区城市户籍居民的对比分析,考察城市流动人口聚居社区管理与服务的状况;然后在分析的基础上提出对于相关公共政策和社区服务问题的一些思考.  相似文献   

中国就业结构演变的SDA分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者利用投入产出技术中的结构分解(SDA)模型定量测度1997~2002年中国主要行业的就业变化.研究结果显示,总体来看消费使中国就业人数增加了1.93%,投资使就业人数增加了2.63%,出口使就业人数增加了3.95%,其他原因使就业人数增加了2.56%,进口使就业减少4.89%,技术进步使就业人数减少了6%,出口对就业增加作用最大,投资和消费都对就业增加有积极作用,但消费启动是扩大就业的根本途径.  相似文献   

婚姻的教育匹配:50年来的变迁   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章利用2000年人口普查资料,研究1949~2000年50年来婚姻教育配对程度变迁和模式的变化,发现20世纪80年代以后教育匹配的同质性上升迅速,其主要原因在于"跨层"婚配的难度的上升和对角线模式的强化.这暗示着在社会结构激烈变动分化的转型社会,在市场不确定性的压力下,择偶模式发生了同质性回潮.  相似文献   

February 26,2015General Outlook By the end of 2014,the total number of Chinese population at the mainland reached 1 367.82million,an increase of 7.10 million over that at the end of 2013.Of this total,urban permanent residents numbered 749.16million,accounting for 54.77 percent.The year 2014 saw 16.87 million births,a crude birth rate of 12.37 per thousand,and9.77 million deaths,or a crude death rate  相似文献   

Domino effect of the bond market has lasted to November2014.Hu Guanjin,securities industry leader,successive president of Guosen Securities,Huaxi Securities,China Galaxy stock was criminallydetained for bond market corruption.In March 2014,when Han Lifeng,former President and Party Committee Secretary of Pinggu Branch of Beijing  相似文献   

Since 1980 s,the SRB has been longlasting high in China,despite a 6-year continual drop from 2008.Moreover,high SRB is deteriorating with the broadening in geographic distribution,expansion in the cumulative difference between both sexes and the increasing difficulties in the combat againsfillegal fetal sex identification and sex-selective abortion".Given these challenging facts,the Central Government has been guiding all provinces to carry out comprehensive control and implement programs led by party and government leaders,such as advanced gender culture construction program,lady priority and preferential program,medical and health market purification program,appraisal & assessment system construction program,and full-course maternal service program,which have well contributed to the comprehensive control of high SRB.Still,these practices are faced with such problems as comprehensive control initiatives remaining in the transition stage from action level to institutional level and statistical data being inadequate to assess the objective situations.Experience shows that the comprehensive control of high SRB requires the development of a sophisticated institutional mechanism seeking both temporary and permanent solutions and the cardinal rules of ruling by law,resolving the current problems and eliminating the root causes,and carrying out scientific and prognostic control.By putting into implementation the organizational leadership,appraisal& assessment and family services,we would be able to put high SRB under control.  相似文献   

On May 30,2016,China Child Welfare Week was initiated in UNICEF China Office.China Philanthropy Research Institute announced the Child Welfare in China-Stocktaking Report 2016(Hereinafter referred to as"report"),which pointedout that there were numerous social problems related to children in China,so there was urgent need to strengthen the  相似文献   

Since the establishment of the new Chinese,family planning policy in our country has experienced the development course of wave type.We found that changes in fertility policy along with the continuous adjustment of social mechanism,from the 1950s mainly by administrative plan and control mode,gradually to the 1990s mainly by guide-service and security mode.The current fertility policy,leap the limitations of pure administrative orders,under the care of social mechanism,soften the institutional power single implied in the whole social framework,through the power system of multi level,reconcile the gap between national population awareness and individual reproductive behavior,provide the harmonious strength for population development.  相似文献   

Fan Jingma came to international attention as a prize winner at the Third Cardiff Singer of the World Competition in 1987,and then a silver medal at the Rosa Ponselle International Vocal Competition in1988 and the first prize at the Opera Index Vocal Competition in 1991 in New York.Win an awardAfter having graduated from the conservatory of music in his native  相似文献   

这学期刚开学.正当陕西省神木县尔林兔镇木独免村刚上初二的女孩刘燕在为新学期的学费发愁时传来了令她激动的好消息。根据县计生局和教育局联合制定的新政策.她拿着《独生子女父母光荣证》办理了入学手续.学校不仅减免了她的学杂费.并且连买课本的钱也给她免了。根据这项新政策.  相似文献   

黄石市黄石港区广场路小学在实施“关爱女孩行动”中,为了把“关爱女孩行动”落到实处,该校首批投入2万元建立“广小关爱女孩专项助学金”,专门用于资助在校的贫困女生完成小学学业。  相似文献   

2005年2月2日下午,区人口计生委领导一行再次前往外来女孩中的佼佼者——夏雪的家中,慰问她及其父母家人,并送上慰问金和学习用品,为来沪人员女孩及其家庭献上一份实实在在的新年礼物。  相似文献   

陶传红,一个普普通通的农村妇女,家住辽宁省丹东东港市新城区小寺村五组。六年前,丈夫因病去世,抛下了两个未成年的孩子和体弱多病的她,丈夫治病欠下的债压得她喘不过气来,不但生计难以维持,就连赖以遮风挡雨的三间草房也摇摇欲倒。一个姑娘一个小子的上学费用就只好凭她夜以继日地织网换来微薄收入解决。今年,计划生育与相关部门开展了“关爱女孩、救助贫困母亲”活动后,这股春风也给她送来了温暖和希望,新城区计生办和村委会看到她家确实困难,  相似文献   

一般而言,艾滋病毒感染的急性期症状持续二至四周左右。急性感染期意味着一定量的病毒进入体内,按照目前的研究所见,病毒可以进入体循环中的淋巴细胞,单核细胞以及周围淋巴结肿,病毒迅速复制和繁殖,因此在血清中可以发现相当高水平的艾滋病毒抗原,而机体方面在开始时还来不及产生相应的抗体对抗迅速生长的病毒,所以临床上有不适的表现,抗体也不能被测及,随着病毒的复制,机体的免疫系统迅速进入战斗状态,产生相应的抗体,因而,一般在症状出现后的一到二周即可测及抗体。基于这个规律凡是可疑有艾滋病毒接触史者有上述症状出现时即应去有关医院找传染医生进行下列检查,  相似文献   

Li Keqiang,Premier of the State Council of China,chaired an executive meeting of the State Council in Beijing on November 19,2014,to arrange promottion of child development in poor areas so as to make children in families with diffi culties have a bright future.The meeting emphasized that children were the hope  相似文献   

东村是一个计划生育工作已经基本达到制度化的村庄.文章考察了自发性控制力、诱导性控制力和强制性控制力在维持东村人口低生育水平的作用机制,并得出东村的低生育水平仍然不稳定的结论.  相似文献   

文章利用2006年的调查数据,研究了大学毕业生就业稳定性的现状和演变趋势,以及导致就业稳定性变迁的原因和问题.研究发现,20世纪90年代以来,大学毕业生的就业稳定性在不断下降,尤其是2003年以后.1999年开始的高等教育规模扩展改变了大学毕业生劳动力市场的供需状况,导致了工作转换概率的上升和就业稳定性的下降.另外,以就业率为导向的就业政策也是引致就业不稳定的一个因素.研究结果表明,追求就业率单一目标的就业政策可能会导致大学毕业生首份工作的"误配",频繁的工作转换可以认为是"误配"的纠正和自我价值再发现的过程.  相似文献   

亲爱的伙伴们,亲爱的同学们:我们是女孩,我们是希望和未来,世界因为我们而精彩:  相似文献   

农民工定居城市意愿影响因素——基于武汉市的实证分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
熊波  石人炳 《南方人口》2007,22(2):52-57
农民工定居城市意愿是影响农民工流动性的重要因素.农民工定居城市意愿受多方面因素的影响,因此在农业人口的转变过程中和制定对农民工的社会保障政策时应当考虑这些因素.本文首先对影响农民工定居城市意愿的因素进行交互分类分析和相关性检验,接着通过相关性检验的影响因素进行Logistic回归分析.通过Logistic回归检验,发现职业类别、收入状况和住房状况对农民工定居城市的意愿有显著的影响;性别、年龄和受教育程度的影响不显著.  相似文献   

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