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We consider the problem of detecting a ‘bump’ in the intensity of a Poisson process or in a density. We analyze two types of likelihood ratio‐based statistics, which allow for exact finite sample inference and asymptotically optimal detection: The maximum of the penalized square root of log likelihood ratios (‘penalized scan’) evaluated over a certain sparse set of intervals and a certain average of log likelihood ratios (‘condensed average likelihood ratio’). We show that penalizing the square root of the log likelihood ratio — rather than the log likelihood ratio itself — leads to a simple penalty term that yields optimal power. The thus derived penalty may prove useful for other problems that involve a Brownian bridge in the limit. The second key tool is an approximating set of intervals that is rich enough to allow for optimal detection, but which is also sparse enough to allow justifying the validity of the penalization scheme simply via the union bound. This results in a considerable simplification in the theoretical treatment compared with the usual approach for this type of penalization technique, which requires establishing an exponential inequality for the variation of the test statistic. Another advantage of using the sparse approximating set is that it allows fast computation in nearly linear time. We present a simulation study that illustrates the superior performance of the penalized scan and of the condensed average likelihood ratio compared with the standard scan statistic.  相似文献   

In hypotheses testing, such as other statistical problems, we may confront imprecise concepts. One case is a situation in which hypotheses are imprecise. In this paper, we recall and redefine some concepts about fuzzy hypotheses testing, and then we introduce the likelihood ratio test for fuzzy hypotheses testing. Finally, we give some applied examples.  相似文献   

The class of inflated beta regression models generalizes that of beta regressions [S.L.P. Ferrari and F. Cribari-Neto, Beta regression for modelling rates and proportions, J. Appl. Stat. 31 (2004), pp. 799–815] by incorporating a discrete component that allows practitioners to model data on rates and proportions with observations that equal an interval limit. For instance, one can model responses that assume values in (0, 1]. The likelihood ratio test tends to be quite oversized (liberal, anticonservative) in inflated beta regressions estimated with a small number of observations. Indeed, our numerical results show that its null rejection rate can be almost twice the nominal level. It is thus important to develop alternative testing strategies. This paper develops small-sample adjustments to the likelihood ratio and signed likelihood ratio test statistics in inflated beta regression models. The adjustments do not require orthogonality between the parameters of interest and the nuisance parameters and are fairly simple since they only require first- and second-order log-likelihood cumulants. Simulation results show that the modified likelihood ratio tests deliver much accurate inference in small samples. An empirical application is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Strong approximation of the maximum-likelihood-ratio statistic by a diffusion process is given. This allows one to develop statistics using different weight functions. Sequential tests obtained include the ones earlier defined by Barbour (1979). The precision of the approximations is examined.  相似文献   

A more accurate Bartlett correction factor is proposed for a likelihood ratio statistic in multivariate bioassay.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose to use the weighted expected sample size (WESS) to evaluate the overall performance of sequential test plans on a finite set of parameters. Motivated by minimizing the WESS to control the expected sample sizes, we develop the method of double sequential mixture likelihood ratio test (2-SMLRT) for one-sided composite hypotheses. It is proved that the 2-SMLRT is asymptotically optimal on and its stopping time is finite under some conditions. The 2-SMLRT is general and includes the sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) and the double sequential probability ratio test (2-SPRT) as special cases. Simulation studies show that compared with the SPRT and 2-SPRT, the 2-SMLRT has smaller WESS and relative mean index with less or comparable expected sample sizes when the null hypothesis or alternative hypothesis holds.  相似文献   

This paper gives an exposition of the use of the posterior likelihood ratio for testing point null hypotheses in a fully Bayesian framework. Connections between the frequentist P-value and the posterior distribution of the likelihood ratio are used to interpret and calibrate P-values in a Bayesian context, and examples are given to show the use of simple posterior simulation methods to provide Bayesian tests of common hypotheses.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive Bartlett and Bartlett-type corrections [G.M. Cordeiro and S.L.P. Ferrari 1991, A modified score test statistic having chi-squared distribution to order n ?1 , Biometrika 78 (1991), pp. 573–582] to improve the likelihood ratio and Rao's score statistics for testing the mean parameter and the concentration parameter in the von Mises distribution. Simple formulae are suggested for the corrections valid for small and large values of the concentration parameter that do not depend on the modified Bessel functions and can be useful in practical applications.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of Bartlett adjustment, using one of several methods of deriving a Bartlett factor, in improving the chi-squared approximation to the distribution of the log likelihood ratio statistic is investigated by computer simulation in three situations of practical interest:tests of equality of exponential distributions, equality of normal distributions and equality of coefficients of variation of normal distributions.  相似文献   

For a specified decision rule, a general class of likelihood ratio based repeated significance tests is considered. An invariance principle for the likelihood ratio statistics is established and incorporated in the study of the asymptotic theory of the proposed tests. For comparing these tests with the conventional likelihood ratio tests, based solely on the target sample size, some Bahadur efficiency results are presented. The theory is then adapted in the study of some multiple comparison procedures  相似文献   

When an I×J contingency table has many cells having very small frequencies, the usual chi-square approximation to the upper tail of the likelihood ratio goodness-of-fit statistic, G2 and Pearson chi-square statistic, X2, for testing independence, are not satisfactory. In this paper we consider the problem of adjusting G2 and X2. Suitable adjustments are suggested on the basis of analytical investigation of asymptotic bias terms for G2 and X2. A Monte Carlo simulation is performed for several tables to assess the adjustments of G2 and X2 in order to obtain a closer approximation to the nominal level of significance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop modified versions of the likelihood ratio test for multivariate heteroskedastic errors-in-variables regression models. The error terms are allowed to follow a multivariate distribution in the elliptical class of distributions, which has the normal distribution as a special case. We derive the Skovgaard-adjusted likelihood ratio statistics, which follow a chi-squared distribution with a high degree of accuracy. We conduct a simulation study and show that the proposed tests display superior finite sample behaviour as compared to the standard likelihood ratio test. We illustrate the usefulness of our results in applied settings using a data set from the WHO MONICA Project on cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

The authors propose pseudo‐likelihood ratio tests for selecting semiparametric multivariate copula models in which the marginal distributions are unspecified, but the copula function is parameterized and can be misspecified. For the comparison of two models, the tests differ depending on whether the two copulas are generalized nonnested or generalized nested. For more than two models, the procedure is built on the reality check test of White (2000). Unlike White (2000), however, the test statistic is automatically standardized for generalized nonnested models (with the benchmark) and ignores generalized nested models asymptotically. The authors illustrate their approach with American insurance claim data.  相似文献   

Bayes methodology provides posterior distribution functions based on parametric likelihoods adjusted for prior distributions. A distribution-free alternative to the parametric likelihood is use of empirical likelihood (EL) techniques, well known in the context of nonparametric testing of statistical hypotheses. Empirical likelihoods have been shown to exhibit many of the properties of conventional parametric likelihoods. In this paper, we propose and examine Bayes factors (BF) methods that are derived via the EL ratio approach. Following Kass and Wasserman (1995), we consider Bayes factors type decision rules in the context of standard statistical testing techniques. We show that the asymptotic properties of the proposed procedure are similar to the classical BF's asymptotic operating characteristics. Although we focus on hypothesis testing, the proposed approach also yields confidence interval estimators of unknown parameters. Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to evaluate the theoretical results as well as to demonstrate the power of the proposed test.  相似文献   

In the situation of a multi-sample experiment consisting of differently equipped sequential k-out-of-n systems, scale parameters of underlying distributions from a general location-scale family of distributions are estimated under an order restriction. In each sample, the case of missing the smallest observations is included. Moreover, based on a profile likelihood a homogeneity test against an ordered alternative is proposed and analyzed. This work extends an approach of Bhattacharya [2007. Testing for ordered failure rates under general progressive censoring. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 137, 1775–1786] in the progressive Type-II censoring framework.  相似文献   

Summary.  Penalized regression spline models afford a simple mixed model representation in which variance components control the degree of non-linearity in the smooth function estimates. This motivates the study of lack-of-fit tests based on the restricted maximum likelihood ratio statistic which tests whether variance components are 0 against the alternative of taking on positive values. For this one-sided testing problem a further complication is that the variance component belongs to the boundary of the parameter space under the null hypothesis. Conditions are obtained on the design of the regression spline models under which asymptotic distribution theory applies, and finite sample approximations to the asymptotic distribution are provided. Test statistics are studied for simple as well as multiple-regression models.  相似文献   

We introduce a multi-step variance minimization algorithm for numerical estimation of Type I and Type II error probabilities in sequential tests. The algorithm can be applied to general test statistics and easily built into general design algorithms for sequential tests. Our simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm is particularly useful for estimating tail probabilities, and may lead to significant computational efficiency gains over the crude Monte Carlo method.  相似文献   

In an affected‐sib‐pair genetic linkage analysis, identical by descent data for affected sib pairs are routinely collected at a large number of markers along chromosomes. Under very general genetic assumptions, the IBD distribution at each marker satisfies the possible triangle constraint. Statistical analysis of IBD data should thus utilize this information to improve efficiency. At the same time, this constraint renders the usual regularity conditions for likelihood‐based statistical methods unsatisfied. In this paper, the authors study the asymptotic properties of the likelihood ratio test (LRT) under the possible triangle constraint. They derive the limiting distribution of the LRT statistic based on data from a single locus. They investigate the precision of the asymptotic distribution and the power of the test by simulation. They also study the test based on the supremum of the LRT statistics over the markers distributed throughout a chromosome. Instead of deriving a limiting distribution for this test, they use a mixture of chi‐squared distributions to approximate its true distribution. Their simulation results show that this approach has desirable simplicity and satisfactory precision.  相似文献   

The Birnbaum-Saunders regression model is becoming increasingly popular in lifetime analyses and reliability studies. In this model, the signed likelihood ratio statistic provides the basis for testing inference and construction of confidence limits for a single parameter of interest. We focus on the small sample case, where the standard normal distribution gives a poor approximation to the true distribution of the statistic. We derive three adjusted signed likelihood ratio statistics that lead to very accurate inference even for very small samples. Two empirical applications are presented.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of hypothesis-testing under a logistic model with two dichotomous independent variables. In particular, we consider the case in which the coefficients β1, and β2 of these variables are known on an a priori basis to not be of opposite sign. For this situation we show that there exists a simple nonparametric altenative to the likelihood ratio test for testing H0: β1 = β2 = 0 VS.H1 at least one β1 = 0. We find the asympotic relative efficiency of this test and show that it exceeds 0.90 under a wide range of conditions. We also given an example.  相似文献   

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