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<正>TOD(Transit Oriented Development)是以公共交通为导向的城市发展模式,TOD规划是国土空间规划体系中的专项规划,是对一定时期内公共交通站点周边用地开发利用的综合安排。在当前土地资源紧约束背景下,合理采用TOD模式进行规划建设,是优化国土空间布局、集约高效利用土地资源和改善城市人居环境的必要措施。本次研究充分借鉴国内外典型城市在TOD综合开发方面的实践经验,探索了TOD规划编制的内涵、重点和方法,以期为四川省TOD综合开发提供指引。  相似文献   

张秋萌  滕丽  陈信余  林仰乐  张佳宁 《城市观察》2023,(4):63-79+161-162
以公共交通为导向的TOD开发模式被视为推动城市可持续发展的有效规划策略。文章主要通过构建TOD站域空间功能指标体系,对广州市220个地铁站点TOD站域空间功能指数进行计算和分析。在站域空间功能分异的基础上,再根据空间功能指数数值大小将220个地铁TOD站域划分为Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型站域,并从这三种站域类型中分别选取三个典型站点进行特征分析。研究发现,绝大部分的TOD站域为Ⅰ型站域和Ⅱ型站域,在一定程度上反映出当前广州市轨道交通TOD开发仍然存在很大的发展空间,其建设需进一步紧密结合“站城一体化”和“高质量发展”的规划理念,同时应重点关注地铁TOD上盖开发引导城市结构的整体优化,以期适应城市公共轨道交通的发展新趋势。  相似文献   

TOD是减少交通拥堵、降低环境污染的有效方式之一,友好步行环境是TOD的关键内容。本文旨在探讨如何提高TOD站点周边步行环境质量,首先,对地铁站周边居民进行问卷调查和深入访谈,定性分析和讨论出行者的步行需求特征;其次,构建基于步行者需求的TOD站点周边步行环境友好性指标评价体系,并对北京地铁站地区步行环境设计进行定量评价;最后,提出改善地铁站地区步行环境的规划和设计建议。  相似文献   

近年来,在轨道交通持续高速建设、新型城镇化/城市高质量发展以及基础设施投融资改革这三大浪潮的复合推动下,我国TOD发展势头迅猛.本次新冠肺炎疫情过后,TOD更将伴随着新基建浪潮高速发展.回顾近期TOD开展情况,虽然各城市对TOD的了解越来越深、积极出台支持政策、不断推出各类TOD项目,但实际推进过程依然坎坷,多数项目无...  相似文献   

近年来,我国城市轨道交通进入快速发展阶段,城市轨道交通的快速发展需要巨大的资金支撑,传统城市轨道交通投融资方式已经难以为继。本文从城市轨道交通TOD发展模式出发,分析"BOT+TOD"投融资模式的特点及其总体方案,并且以佛山市地铁二号线为例,提出"BOT+TOD"的具体实施路径与操作方法,为市政公用基础设施投融资体制改革、创新轨道交通投融资模式、土地管理制度的改革提供借鉴。通过此创新投融资模式在我国城市轨道交通中的成功运用,改善融资困难局面,促进我国城市轨道交通持续快速发展。  相似文献   

合理有效的道路交通设施规划策略与需求作为综合体上盖开发必要条件提前纳入前期规划编制中,能够有效避免设计阶段存在条件受限的隐患.以《广州市城市轨道交通第三期建设规划(2017—2023年)》中地铁12号线槎头车辆段上盖开发综合体项目研究为例,以公共交通TOD(transit-oriented development)为导...  相似文献   

张尚武 《城市》2023,(5):80-83
推进中国式现代化离不开城乡空间治理能力建设,在当前国土空间规划体系改革背景下,规划研究需要加强对城乡转型过程中的空间治理重大议题的关注。本文在解读中国式现代化内涵的基础上,结合城乡转型和规划改革的实际,归纳了五个方面的议题:一个核心议题是中国式现代化与新型城镇化战略路径;三个空间议题分别是中国的乡村问题与城乡融合发展、高密度城市人居环境与可持续城市更新、国家主体功能区战略与区域协调发展;一个规划议题是提升全生命周期的空间规划治理能力。  相似文献   

孙雷 《科学发展》2011,(12):104-111
通过深入分析上海新农村建设面临的新情况和新问题,结合贯彻"十二五"规划,围绕创新驱动、转型发展,研究提出上海新农村建设目标和主要任务,明确当前上海推进新农村建设的主要工作。  相似文献   

王孟 《公关世界》2023,(4):112-114
高等师范学校综合化转型一直是我国教育界关注的热点话题,自民国“高师改大”运动拉开我国早期高等师范学校综合化转型序幕开始,高等师范学校便纷纷走上了改革实践的道路,然而,从民国高等师范学校综合化转型的历程看,高等师范学校在转型过程中还面临着诸多问题,通过民国初期改革实践的探索,以期为当前高等师范教育改革发展提供转型思考。  相似文献   

大学是职业生涯规划的黄金时期,近年来随着我国经济的转型发展,市场对于人才的需要呈现出高标准和新要求。英语(旅游)专业具有英语语言文化和旅游知识两大模块,当前对于本专业职业生涯规划呈现出专业认知模糊,职业生涯规划欠缺目标性和针对性,职业生涯规划与市场需求欠缺协调性等困境。通过对英语(旅游)专业特性和学生特征进行深入分析,笔者认为从三个方面来反思当前职业生涯规划的困境,即建设"专业课教师+辅导员+行业导师"为一体的职业规划队伍,构建"理论—初次实践—修订理论—再次实践"的职业生涯规划体系,推进专业实习实践课程的多元化发展,以期未来对英语(旅游)专业学生的职业生涯规划更具针对性和精细化。  相似文献   

Transit-oriented development (TOD) is an integration of transportation systems with land use and has been given priority in sustainability strategies. However, most of the existing studies on TOD emphasize the economic and environmental perspectives of sustainability, paying little attention to social equity. Moreover, despite governments worldwide are gradually trying to address unsustainable issues associated with dramatic urbanization through a framework of TOD development, the improvement of land use planning necessary to achieve variegated sustainability within a safe trajectory is not being targeted or achieved. This paper aims to establish a framework of TOD planning in China's context that could be applied beyond the concept to planning experts and policymakers on how to integrate land use planning with TOD to achieve sustainability. We further applied an empirical study of Jiaomei, China to demonstrate the application of the designed framework. The study provided a new framework for understanding sustainable transportation development with land use management as applied to the urban planning process and for exploring new paths in practice toward sustainability.  相似文献   

面对城市私人小汽车的行车难与停车难的严峻问题,文章提出在市区外围建立停车换乘中心的设想,并具体以广州车陂地区作为调查案例,论证了在城市外围地区建设停车换乘中心的必要性与可行性。最后提出可以通过制定有吸引力的停车换乘收费政策、设置停车诱导系统、采用联运车票以及推行TOD.土地开发模式等措施,吸引进入城市中心区的私人小汽车的停车换乘,从而有效地缓解城市中心区与日俱增的交通压力。  相似文献   

What can Western powers do today to ease an eventual global power shift resulting from the rise of superpowers such as China? This paper suggests that part of the answer lies in the same power-binding institutions that allowed the US to rise post WWII without threatening its allies. Continuity in the rules of the global system during a great power transition would promote stability by reducing uncertainty, as well as the extent to which material power can be used coercively. I argue that current superpowers, the EU among them, have an interest in ensuring an equitable distribution of the gains from cooperation. While distributional issues are usually treated in normative terms, they take on very real, material meaning in the context of a great power transition. With this in mind, I look at three aspects of the current global institutional framework that would benefit from reform: international trade and aid, institutional design, and institutional proliferation. In all three cases, a more equal distribution of the gains from institutions today increases the odds that those institutional arrangements will remain in the future.  相似文献   

Through a literature review, this paper explores current issues influencing the transition to meaningful adult work for youth living in Western contexts. Historical and contemporary perspectives of children's work are discussed. With the current emphasis on finding meaningful work, youth face greater challenges because the transition to adult work is more complex, offering additional options without structured pathways. Today's youth are required to invest more energy into developing the skills and self-knowledge needed to make meaningful decisions about future work. Given this challenge, a number of key factors associated with the successful transition to adult work are identified and discussed including social origin, time orientation, parental influence, work experience, and participation in structured leisure pursuits. For each key factor, implications for practice are offered to help parents, teachers, youth workers, and other significant adults foster interactions and experiences that may assist today's youth in successfully transitioning to meaningful adult work.  相似文献   

与以往依赖于小汽车的出行定位相比,珀斯对公共交通基础设施的投入不断增强。然而,为低密度城市设计一个能与小汽车抗衡的交通系统却面临着严峻挑战。珀斯最新的一条客运铁路的规划和线路设计主要以土地利用规划为基础,并积极寻求公交导向型开发的契机。它带来了不同的融合模式,包括吸引过往客流和舒缓剑拔弩张的机动车环境的公交导向型开发,以及通过西澳大利亚州的交通管理机构协调交通换乘站中的各种运输模式,从而使公交出行的吸引力最大化。本文旨在考察各种模型所带来的机遇和局限。  相似文献   

This study aims to examine housing typologies for older adults in the light of three qualitatively examined exogenous factors: policy, societal developments, and technology. The developments in inpatient and assisted ambulatory housing facilities for older adults have been mapped from 1945 to 2016 using quantitative data. Using these data, five transition periods can be distinguished. Within the first transition periods, policy factors were tremendously important, while within the later ones, societal influence empowered by technological change became the primarily driving factor. This research shows that the classification of inpatient, assisted ambulatory housing, and outpatient housing may no longer be applicable in its current form.  相似文献   

This article provides an in-depth examination of the emerging identity of a 5-year-old child during her international transition from Saudi Arabia to Malaysia. Observations of the child’s everyday life at home and school, alongside interviews with the child’s mother and teacher, enabled an understanding of the dynamic relation between past, current, and future events. The process of forming a new friendship foregrounded shared motives, emotions, and actions that ameliorated a transitional crisis and supported the child during this international transition.  相似文献   


While there is a slowly growing literature on lesbians with older children, the literature on the transition to parenthood for lesbian couples is scant. The current study examines aspects of the transition to parenthood experience for 29 lesbian couples. Specifically, this study explores aspects of couples' decision-making regarding alternative insemination (e.g., who would carry and bear the child, donor type), perceptions of social support across the transition to parenthood, and availability and use of legal safeguards (such as wills, powers of attorney, and coparent adoptions by nonbiological mothers). Future studies should explore how single lesbians manage the transition to parenthood. Research on lesbians and gay men who are pursuing parenthood through adoption is also needed.  相似文献   

As adolescents move into emerging adulthood, their social networks shift toward a focus on peers and romantic partners, yet parents and siblings remain important sources of support. The present review takes a family systems approach to integrate the growing body of literature examining longitudinal continuity and change in both positive (e.g., intimacy, support) and negative (e.g., conflict, rivalry) qualities of parent–child and sibling relationships as adolescents transition to emerging adulthood. In general, contact with family members decreases, yet the quality of family relationships appears to improve or, at the very least, stabilize across this transition. These pathways are interpreted within the lens of several prominent theories, and a discussion of the limitations of the current literature and ideas for future research are presented.  相似文献   

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