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本文利用2008年中国老年人口健康长寿跟踪调查数据,对实际居住方式及居住方式意愿对老年人生活满意度的影响进行分析。研究结果表明,老年人的居住方式和居住方式意愿是否得到满足对老年人的生活满意度有显著的影响。而且,居住方式及居住方式意愿是否被满足对老年人生活满意度的影响因婚姻状况不同而有所不同。居住方式及居住方式意愿是否得到满足对于单身(丧偶、离异或者未婚)老年人的生活满意度有显著的影响,但对配偶健在的老年人的生活满意度并没有显著的影响。  相似文献   

文章运用2002年至2014年五期"中国老年健康长寿因素追踪调查"(CLHLS)数据,探讨中国老年人晚年丧偶和孤独感之间的因果关系以及家庭支持在老年人的丧偶和孤独感之间所发挥的调节作用。文章使用个体固定效应模型清除不随时间变化的不可观测因素,从而降低模型估计的遗漏变量偏误。研究结果表明:第一,无论对于老年男性还是老年女性,丧偶都会显著提高其孤独感水平,丧偶对于年纪更轻的老年人具有更严重的影响。随着时间的推移,丧偶对老年人孤独感的影响会相应减弱。第二,在丧偶之后,再婚有利于降低老年人的孤独感水平。在控制了其他因素后,再婚老年人的孤独感水平显著低于近期丧偶和长期丧偶的老年人,而与初婚老年人相比没有显著差异。第三,与子女、孙辈同住有利于抑制丧偶老年人的孤独感。从长期来看,"三代同堂"的居住格局最有利于降低丧偶老年人的孤独感。第四,向子女提供经济支持会提高近期丧偶老年女性的孤独感水平,而子女提供经济支持对于丧偶老年人孤独感的作用不显著。文章揭示了重建和改善家庭支持对于保护丧偶老年人精神健康的重要意义,指出再婚、与子女同住和减少子女的"啃老"行为等可能有助于降低丧偶老年人的孤独感。  相似文献   

文章利用2013年"中国健康与养老追踪调查"(CHARLS)数据,考察了居住偏好实现对农村老年人生活满意度的影响.研究发现,实现居住偏好的农村老年人对生活感到满意的可能性显著提高,而实际居住安排与居住偏好偏离程度越大,老年人对生活满意的可能性越低.但不同居住安排间的老年人生活满意度不存在显著差异.此外,性别、 年龄、 健康状况等人口学特征,以及子女的经济支持,个人纯收入和相对生活水平对老人的生活满意度亦有显著影响.尊重并满足老年人的居住偏好是提升农村老年人生活满意度的重要途径之一.  相似文献   

陈英姿  孙伟 《人口学刊》2020,42(1):85-98
随着我国老龄化程度的持续加深和疾病谱的转变,当前社会存在大量老年照料需求,尽管国家和社会在积极构建养老服务体系,但短期内与子女同住的家庭养老模式仍将发挥重要作用。与子女同住会对老年健康产生一定的影响,这种影响对于不同健康程度的老年人也存在差异。本文基于南加州大学经济与社会研究中心提供的Harmonized CHARLS 2013-2015年追踪数据,选取我国60岁及以上老年群体为研究对象,以虚弱指数表征健康结果,采用OLS回归和分位数回归的方法探讨与子女同住的居住模式对老年健康的影响及这一影响对不同虚弱程度的老年人是否匀质,通过滞后模型设计和倾向值匹配法控制可能存在的内生性问题。研究发现居住模式与虚弱指数存在显著的正向关系,表明居住模式会影响老年健康水平;与子女同住对老年人健康存在负面效应,而在父母附近分而不离的居住模式相较于与子女同住而言对老年人的健康更为有利;与子女同住对老年健康的这种负向影响对于不同虚弱程度的老年人而言是非线性、非匀质的,大致呈先增后降的倒U形分布,表明不同健康状况的老年人对子女的照料需求是不同的,这种影响在不同性别、城乡和年龄段的老年群体间各有差异。这就为与子女同住的居住模式提供了一些警示,与子女同住不能改变老年健康衰减的趋势,应尽量减少或规避可能增加老年人晚年健康负担的风险性因素,让"家"真正成为老年人安享晚年的港湾。  相似文献   

中国作为人口老龄化发展速度最快的国家之一,正在迎来规模日益庞大的晚年丧偶群体。预计2050年我国60岁及以上的丧偶人口规模将达到1.18亿左右。近年来老年丧偶者的生活质量受到政府和学界的广泛关注。本文利用六期“中国老年人健康影响因素跟踪调查(CLHLS)”数据分析丧偶对我国老年人多种健康指标的影响以及社会连结在其中发挥的调节作用。研究发现丧偶会影响老年人的健康后果和健康行为。在健康后果方面,丧偶对老年人认知功能的影响具有显著的性别差异。丧偶降低了老年男性的认知功能,但在一定时期内提高了老年女性的认知功能。同时,丧偶会对老年人的心理健康产生负面影响。在健康行为方面,丧偶提高了老年女性参与体育锻炼的可能性和老年男性抽烟的可能性。此外,丧偶效应因丧偶前社会连结的不同而存在差异。婚姻质量较低的老年男性在丧偶之后IADL能力反而提高;经常打牌/麻将有助于抑制丧偶对老年男性和女性IADL能力的不利影响,同时也可以抑制丧偶对老年女性慢性病数量的增加作用;子女支持有助于抑制丧偶对老年男性心理健康的负面影响。  相似文献   

老年人社区养老服务需求主要包括经济需求、健康医疗需求和休闲娱乐需求等方面,但是对于不同地区、不同老年人,影响需求的因素存在一定的差异。"我国老年人生活状况及养老公共服务需求调查"对长春市社区老年人生活状况及养老服务需求进行调查分析,结果显示,居住类型对老年人经济方面的需求有显著影响,性别和居住类型对老年人医疗健康方面的需求有显著影响,在影响老年人休闲娱乐的诸多因素中,代际关系和受教育程度的影响最为显著。  相似文献   

文章使用2012年中国家庭追踪调查数据( CFPS2012),分别从空间维度、人口学维度和社会学维度对我国老年人居住安排状况进行分析。结果显示,“只与配偶同住”是我国老年人最主要的居住方式;未与子女同住老年人与其子女的空间距离存在城乡差异;与年龄增长相对应的丧偶概率的提高是影响老年人居住安排的重要因素;与儿子同住的老年人比例远高于与女儿同住的比例;老年人受教育程度与居住安排存在相关性。  相似文献   

文化的同化对加拿大老年人居住方式的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于加拿大 1996年移民数据 ,利用单因素和多因素Logit模型分析方法 ,试图研究文化因素对老年人居住方式的影响。主要结论如下 :文化因素对老年人居住方式的选择有重要影响 ;文化的同化对移民居住方式的选择有显著作用 ,表现为移民时间越早的移民老年人独立居住的倾向越强 ;文化同化速度的快慢对不同种族来源的移民来说是不同的。该文认为 ,在未来相当长的时间内 ,与子女合住仍然是中国老年人居住方式的主流  相似文献   

基于"中国老人健康长寿影响因素研究数据"(1998~2008),利用Cox比例风险模型分析丧偶对老人死亡风险的影响及其健康因素的调节作用,并深入讨论此影响的年龄组差异。结果发现:老人丧偶与其死亡风险有非常显著的关系,在控制健康变量后,这种关系仍然显著存在,不过有很大程度的减弱。此外,长期丧偶对死亡风险的影响不存在显著的年龄组差异,而新丧偶对低龄老人死亡风险的影响要远大于对高龄老人的影响。  相似文献   

本文利用“四普”和“五普”资料,对我国20世纪90年代丧偶人口这一特殊群体进行分析。发现我国丧偶人口在年龄上出现一定程度的“老化”,在性别上呈现男性化的倾向。城乡丧偶率在不断扩大,农村丧偶老人较城市丧偶老人而言有更大的增长。女性丧偶人口的整体文化程度仍然低于男性,随着受教育水平的升高,女性和男性丧偶人口的差别越来越大,越来越多的女性丧偶人口处于文盲半文盲状态。不同职业的丧偶率差异较大,就业层次越低,丧偶率越高。随着社会的发展,不同职业人口的丧偶率差距渐渐缩小。不同年龄的丧偶人口在家庭规模分布上差异较大,丧偶人口居住的家庭在不断小型化。  相似文献   

Relatively little research has been conducted on caregiving or kin support patterns among residents of newer forms of senior housing. The current research investigates variation in reported current or potential supporters by gender, age, and marital status among 687 residents of four continuing care retirement communities. Women and men tended to identify different configurations of social support, with the gender difference partially attributable to marital status (i.e., higher rates of widowhood among women). Age 75–84 was nonlinearly associated with more reported supporters, suggesting a shift in types of supporters by age. Unmarried persons more often identified friends and “others” in terms of support, in lieu of spousal support.  相似文献   

While it is well known that the widowed suffer increased mortality risks, the mechanism of this survival disadvantage is still under investigation. In this article, we examine the quality of health care as a possible link between widowhood and mortality using a unique data set of 475,313 elderly couples who were followed up for up to nine years. We address whether the transition to widowhood affects the quality of care that individuals receive and explore the extent to which these changes mediate the elevated mortality hazard for the widowed. We analyze six established measures of quality of health care in a fixed-effect framework to account for unobserved heterogeneity. Caregiving and acute bereavement during the transition to widowhood appear to distract individuals from taking care of their own health care needs in the short run. However, being widowed does not have long-term detrimental effects on individuals’ ability to sustain contact with the formal medical system. Moreover, the short-run disruption does not mediate the widowhood effect on mortality. Nevertheless, long after spousal death, men suffer from a decline in the quality of informal care, coordination between formal and informal care, and the ability to advocate and communicate in formal medical settings. These findings illustrate women’s centrality in the household production of health and identify important points of intervention in optimizing men’s adjustment to widowhood.  相似文献   

Increased mortality following the death of a spouse (the “widowhood effect”) may be due to (1) causation, (2) bias from spousal similarity (homogamy), or (3) bias from shared environmental exposures. This article proposes new tests for bias in the widowhood effect by examining husbands, wives, and ex-wives in a longitudinal sample of over 1 million elderly Americans. If the death of an ex-wife has no causal effect on the mortality of her husband, then an observed association between the mortality of an ex-wife and her husband may indicate bias, while the absence of an effect of an ex-wife’s death on her husband’s mortality would discount the possibility of homogamy bias (and also of one type of shared-exposure bias). Results from three empirical tests provide strong evidence for an effect of a current wife’s death on her husband’s mortality yet no statistically signifi cant evidence for an effect of an ex-wife’s death on her husband’s mortality. These results strengthen the causal interpretation of the widowhood effect by suggesting that the widowhood effect is not due to homogamy bias to any substantial degree.  相似文献   

We examine how the passage of time since spousal loss varies by social and demographic characteristics, using data from the University of Alabama at Birmingham Study of Aging. In multivariate analyses, African American race, female sex, lower income, and higher risk of social isolation had significant and independent associations with variation in time since spousal loss. African American women were at highest risk for long-term widowhood. Accurate characterizations of widowhood among community-dwelling older adults must consider variation in the length of time individuals are living as widowed persons and socioeconomic concomitants of long-term widowhood.  相似文献   

文章基于中国老人健康长寿影响因素研究数据(1998~2005),利用Cox比例风险模型考察了中国老人丧偶对其死亡风险的影响机制,并深入分析了配偶照顾因素在降低老人死亡风险中的作用。结果发现:丧偶与死亡风险具有显著的关系,一般而言,长期丧偶老人的死亡风险显著地高于长期有偶的老人。而且,除了高龄女性老人之外,老人在丧偶初期,其死亡风险会大大增加。在解释丧偶是如何影响老人的死亡风险时,配偶的照顾是一个非常重要的因素,在控制配偶照顾的条件下,丧偶者与有偶者的死亡风险差异会大幅下降,这说明来自配偶的生活照顾对于老人的寿命发挥着重要影响。此外,本研究也发现配偶照顾的作用具有显著的性别差异和年龄组差异。  相似文献   

The purpose of the article is to analyze the aging experiences of elderly women in Estonia and the factors influencing them. The assessments of two groups using social services are compared—the elderly living in Tallinn’s social houses and the elderly receiving care at home. From February to August 2011, a total of 80 elderly women were interviewed. Inhabitants of social houses find that their old age is satisfying more often (65% of the inhabitants of social houses and 40% of the people in home care). Many home care clients were convinced that it is best to spend old age among loved ones and in a familiar environment. Those living at home have many difficulties, which is why 20% of them are on a waiting list to go to a social house. Home services should include services with which the inhabitants of social houses are very satisfied.  相似文献   

The elevated levels of protection, assistance, and care enjoyed by the elderly living in complex households has long been a key assumption of many family system theories. However, although this hypothesis has been demonstrated for contemporary contexts, quantitative evidence for past populations is particularly scarce, if not nonexistent. This article investigates the relationship between old-age mortality and living arrangements in a mid–nineteenth century Tuscan population, where the joint family system of sharecroppers coexisted alongside the nuclear system of day laborers. Our findings demonstrate that within complex households, the complexity of relationships, gender inequalities, and possible competition for care and resources among the most vulnerable household members—namely, the elderly and the young—weakens the assumption that the elderly benefitted from lower rates of old-age mortality.  相似文献   

One of the most dramatic changes in the life of the elderly in the United States in the twentieth century is the rise in the proportion of elderly widows living alone. This paper examines this transformation by comparing the determinants of elderly widows’ living alone at four points in time, in 1910, 1940, 1960, and 1990. Logistic regression models of the probability of living alone are estimated. The results of these models are used to calculate the expected proportion of elderly widows living alone in various hypothetical scenarios of social change. This analysis suggests that no single factor is responsible for the rise in living alone among the elderly. Value changes, as represented by a variable for time, are shown to have strong and direct effects on the increased probability of living alone in old age in the late twentieth century, independent of the effect of rising income levels. These results are discussed in light of previous research on living arrangements of the elderly, which articulates demographic, economic, and cultural explanations for change.  相似文献   

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