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Liang  Zai 《Sociological Forum》2001,16(4):677-701
This paper examines the demographic trends of international migration from China, particularly from Fujian Province in the 1980s and 1990s, comparing the characteristics of emigrants with nonemigrants. This research yields two major findings. First, Fujian Province became a leading immigrant-sending province in the mid-1990s. Second, there have also been changes in socioeconomic status (SES) selectivity of emigration from Fujian from 1990 to 1995. In particular, this change in emigration selectivity is characterized by a significant shift from urbanites to rural peasants. The future prospects of emigration from Fujian and China are explored.  相似文献   

Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (N = 4,190), this study examined adolescents’ reports of primary confidants. Results showed that nearly 30% of adolescents aged 16 – 18 nominated mothers as primary confidants, 25% nominated romantic partners, and 20% nominated friends. Nominating romantic partners or friends was related to increased risk‐taking behaviors, supporting the attachment notion that shifting primary confidants to peers in adolescence may reflect premature autonomy from parents. Tendencies to prefer romantic partners over parents varied by gender and family structure, which were greater for those from single‐father families and girls from mother‐stepfather families, but less for those from single‐mother families and boys from mother‐stepfather families, compared with their counterparts from two‐biological‐parent families.  相似文献   


A meta-analysis of 61 studies was undertaken to determine the impact of parental remarriage on the academic achievement and psychological well-being of children, of which the vast majority were adolescents. Separate analyses were done on studies that did and did not use sophisticated controls in their analyses. Comparisons were made between children from remarried versus intact families as well as children from remarried and divorced or widowed single-parent families. Children from remarried family structures achieved academic levels that were generally more than two-tenths of a standard deviation lower than children from intact families. Children from remarried families also achieved somewhat lower levels than children from corresponding single-parent family structures. The difference between children from remarried families and children from intact families was nearly two- tenths of a standard deviation for measures of psychological well-being, for studies that did not use sophisticated controls and was somewhat less for studies that did use sophisticated controls. The significance of these results is discussed, doi: 10.1300/J002v40n04_05  相似文献   

Responses to measures of relationship quality and range of activity with their grandparents by young adult grandchil- dren from stepfamilies (n = 55) were different from responses of young adult grandchildren from single-parent (n = 70) and intact families (n = 266). Analysis of variance comparisons revealed sig- nificant differences with grandchildren from intact families having the lowest scores, grandchildren from single-parent families in the middle, and those from stepfamilies highest. While cross-sectional data cannot demonstrate cause and effect, a possible implication from the data is that with divorce the child's relationship becomes closer with at least one grandparent as manifest by higher scores for those from single-parent families. In tum, the even higher scores by grandchildren from stepfamilies suggest that following the child's " move from single-pareit family lifgto stepfamily life,jhe relation- ship with the grandparent takes on increasing importance. Descrip- tive insight cokemhg the distinctive charact&stbs of grandpare&/ grandchild relationships in different family forms is provided by the - grandchildren's rating of 29 reasons forclosenesiand 29 shred activities.  相似文献   

This study investigated the correlates of objective social isolation from extended family members and friends among a national sample of African Americans. The analysis is based upon the African American subsample (n = 3,570) of the National Survey of American Life. The dependent variable examines four categories of respondents: 1) socially isolated from both family and friends, 2) socially isolated from friends only, 3) socially isolated from family only, and 4) not socially isolated. Overall, 23% of respondents indicated some degree of objective social isolation from family, friends or both groups, while the complementary 77% of the sample were not isolated from family or friends. Only 4% of respondents indicated being isolated from both family and friends. Multinomial logistic regression analysis revealed several gender, education, marital status and region differences. In particular, African American women were less likely to be socially isolated from family members than African American men. This finding was sustained even when controlling for differences in subjective isolation from family members, underscoring the protective effect of female gender. Study findings are discussed in relation to previous research on social isolation, as well as prior research on African American social support networks.  相似文献   

This study examined whether residents' level of resilience mediated the relationship between social support for exercise from staff and resident satisfaction in assisted living. This was a secondary data analysis using baseline data from a function-focused care intervention study including 171 residents from four assisted living facilities. Using structural equation modeling, we found that mood and social support for exercise from staff were the only variables associated with resilience. Mood, gender, cognition, and social support for exercise from staff directly influenced resident satisfaction and explained 31% of the variance in the model. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

If the 1950s are remembered for conformity, the 1960s for rebellious individualism, and the 1970s for narcissistic individualism, images of the 1980s contain an ambiguous mixture of individualism and conformity, with similarities to the 1950s. But if the 1980s resemble the 1950s in some respects, are portraits of individualism and conformity in the later decade nevertheless different from their earlier incarnations? A comparative analysis of best-selling self-help books in the 1950s and the 1980s reveals the following changes: from “maturity” as a desirable end to an ever-changing self; from determinism about the self to antideterminism and constructionism; from institutional constraints and joys to interpersonal ones. These changes reflect the incorporation of ideas from the counterculture of the late 1960s and early 1970s, and may also stem from perceptions of a simultaneous increase in structural determinism and individual empowerment.  相似文献   

19世纪以来英国的工业化和城市化进程,既创造了巨大的物质财富,也给人类社会带来沉重的负面效应,其中空气污染就是代价之一,成为生态城市建设的重大障碍。伦敦首先对以烟雾型的空气污染成因进行分析与治理,接着对汽车尾气中的二氧化硫和铅污染进行治理。新世纪以来,则着重开展对二氧化氮和可吸入悬浮颗粒的监测与治理。从空气立法到大伦敦市长的空气质量策略,从拥堵费到低排放区,从以自行车为代表的绿色出行到对工地街道扬尘的治理,表明了伦敦市政府对空气污染的治理越来越深入全面,治理空气污染的手段也在推陈出新。  相似文献   

张济明 《职业时空》2013,(6):99-102
使用参数估计法、方差分析和假设检验法,分析国内外各10种著名的数学类期刊的时态、语态和人称,结果发现国外期刊更多使用主动语态和第一人称,而国内期刊则更多使用被动语态和第三人称;在时态方面,国外期刊更多使用一般现在时。  相似文献   

This aiticle 'examines the effects on intimate relation- ships, relational attitudes, and well-being of growing up in: stepfami- lies after divorce, single-parent families, instable intact families, and stable intact families. Data are used from the national panel study USAD (Utrecht Study of Adolescence Development), a study of de- velopments as they occur in the life course of young people during h e 1990s. Results are presented from 2,064 respondents between 15 and 25 years of age, about their well-being and their development in inti- mate relationships and their views on (marriage) relationships. On a number of topics their parents are interviewed as well. From the analysis, it is clear that young people who lived in single- parent families and in stepfamilies significantly differ from young people who lived in stable intact families. Young people from single- parent families are more likely to start their relational career sooner and reported more problems with intimate relations than youngsters from stable intact families. Youngsters from stepfamilies have more modem views on relations than people from intact families. Adolescents from instable intact families have moderate scores. Most of these effects re- main when the results are adjustdfor differences in social class, family income and the parental views on family life.  相似文献   

Now that most UK universities have increased their tuition fees to £9,000 a year and are implementing new Access Agreements as required by the Office for Fair Access, it has never been more important to examine the extent of fair access to UK higher education and to more prestigious UK universities in particular. This paper uses Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) data for the period 1996 to 2006 to explore the extent of fair access to prestigious Russell Group universities, where ‘fair’ is taken to mean equal rates of making applications to and receiving offers of admission from these universities on the part of those who are equally qualified to enter them. The empirical findings show that access to Russell Group universities is far from fair in this sense and that little changed following the introduction of tuition fees in 1998 and their initial increase to £3,000 a year in 2006. Throughout this period, UCAS applicants from lower class backgrounds and from state schools remained much less likely to apply to Russell Group universities than their comparably qualified counterparts from higher class backgrounds and private schools, while Russell Group applicants from state schools and from Black and Asian ethnic backgrounds remained much less likely to receive offers of admission from Russell Group universities in comparison with their equivalently qualified peers from private schools and the White ethnic group.  相似文献   

The current study theorized that adult children from noncontinuously intact family structures seek models of dyadic behaviors outside of their home because their family structure lacks the necessary context from which to learn how to behave in a romantic relationship. The present research tested this prediction in two studies. Study 1 surveyed 366 college students from a midwestern university, and Study 2 surveyed 729 college students from a diverse southeastern university. In both studies, participants from noncontinuously intact homes reported risky sexual behaviors, and sexual lyrical content in popular music was able to partially explain the sexual behaviors of participants from divorced, reconstituted families, and never married homes.  相似文献   

王守智 《城市观察》2013,(6):153-162
目前我国的城镇化还存在着发展质量不高的问题,有必要学习、借鉴、消化和吸收国内外城镇化发展中的经验和教训,以实现从传统城镇化向集约、智能、绿色、低碳的新型城镇化转变。  相似文献   


Justin Rosenberg’s proposal of ‘multiplicity’ as a new grounding concept for IR aims at liberating the international from the perceived constraints of its dominant framing by Realism. Viewed from within the singular political entity, the international can only appear as absence and negativity, traditionally thematised in IR as ‘anarchy’. Recasting it instead as ‘multiplicity’, through a move from politics to sociology, is intended to change the understanding of the international from negative to positive: from conflict, tragedy and repetition to interaction, combination and development. This move, however, does not succeed in grasping the negativity of the international, and so as a result it remains within the limits that Realism enunciates: multiplicity complements anarchy sociologically rather than transcending it theoretically. A new concept of the international would result not from rejecting the negative in favour of the positive but from recognizing them as dialectically contained within each other.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine adult grandchil- drens' views of relations with their grandparents by comparing the oerceotions of subiects from divorced and mtact families. Self-rewrt ~uestiomaires were administered to 327 college students, asking hem to evaluate the role behaviors and role meanings of their nrandvarents and other grandparent figures and the imporl&ce of each-relationship to the subject. Few significant differences were found between sub- jects from divorced and intact families, indicating parental divorce was not a strong determinant of the subjects' perceptions of relations with their grandparents. Several findings indicate (hat the subjects from divorced families perceived greater support from grandparent figures than subjects from intact families.  相似文献   

The occupational distributions of the native-born and foreign-born in the Australian labor market differ greatly. The disparity between the occupational distributions is greatest among the middle age-bracket, and among immigrants from Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean region. Analysis of occupational attainment using unit record data from the 1981 Census shows that as duration of residence in Australia lengthens, the occupational distribution of the overseas-born converges toward that of the Australian-born. Moreover, birthplace groups differ in the degree of upward mobility associated with length of residence in Australia: immigrants from non-English-speaking countries tend to make greater occupational advances than their counterpart from English-speaking countries. This suggests a higher degree of international transferability of human capital skills among immigrants from English-speaking countries. The analysis also highlights the concentration of immigrants from non-English speaking countries in low-ranked occupations, and the relatively minor influence of education on the occupational attainment of immigrants from these birth place regions.  相似文献   

进入新时期以来,在西方后现代主义思潮的浸染下,我国大学生的价值观发生了嬗变:由单一向多元转变、集体向个人位移、理想向世俗变动,甚至呈现出与我国社会主义核心价值观相背离的风险。后现代主义语境下的这一嬗变,因循于社会结构的变迁和大学生思维的非真实化变动,并深刻地受到大众传媒低俗化的影响。面对大学生价值观取向的变迁,引导大学生正确认识后现代主义思潮、强化大学生价值观再培育、发挥社会主义核心价值观的整合作用显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

Approximately 650 youth from a variety of ethnic and generational backgrounds participated in a longitudinal study of the postsecondary educational experiences of youth from immigrant families. Youth completed questionnaires and provided official school records in the 12th grade and participated in a phone interview 3 years later. Youth from immigrant families demonstrated the same level of postsecondary educational progress as their peers from American‐born families across a broad array of indicators. In addition, youth from immigrant families were more likely to support their families financially, and some were more likely to live with their parents as compared with those from American‐born families. Variability among those from immigrant families suggested that youth from families with higher incomes, higher levels of parental education, and East Asian backgrounds were more likely to enroll and persist in postsecondary schooling as compared with their peers.  相似文献   

Understanding is an essential clinical practice skill, one which draws upon cognitive and affective, conscious and unconscious abilities. This paper explores the challenges posed by cross-cultural understanding. Using concepts from anthropology and data from anthropological field work and clinical practice, it examines cultural differences in the experience and communication of affect. Clinical examples from Northern Thailand are used to illustrate the ways these subtle and complex differences in clients’ affective worlds challenge our capacity to understand those who are culturally different. Implications for cross-cultural social work practice are addressed.Catherine Nye received her MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University, and her PhD in psychology from The Committee on Human Development at the University of Chicago. She is currently Associate Professor at Smith College School for Social Work.  相似文献   

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