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正这对另类、不羁的95后小夫妻,也许会让许多人明白:无论什么年代、什么年龄,爱都是相同的模样。懂得爱,懂得担当,才是最酷的事情。文身、扎耳洞、爱朋克,这样的画风会让人想到另类和不羁,可有这样一对95后小夫妻,却走了传统路线,早早进入围城生宝宝。也许会有人悄悄问:他们是过日子的人吗?别急,你脑洞再大,也抵不过现实,人家的小日子不仅过得很幸福,而且当爹当妈,远比你想象得  相似文献   

正一个老四合院里,原住着四户人家。可自从一对因工作关系昼伏夜出的90后小夫妻加入,四合院里每天深夜三四点钟就发出令人无法忍受的声音扰民。而与这对小夫妻一墙之隔的是一对正常作息的传统夫妇,并且妻子有孕在身。这两家邻居之间,会闹腾出多大的动静?一起深夜突发的命案给出了回答……  相似文献   

三年这个时间段在黄加庆、乔秀伟夫妇的生活中有着某种神奇的魅力,它总会悄悄地给这对朴实善良的小夫妻带来变化和惊喜:从拜师学艺、喜结连理、独立开店,到为人父母、生意兴隆,小两口共同品味着人生的酸甜苦辣。生活本身就是奇迹,也许再过三年他们又会遇到什么新的惊喜。  相似文献   

80、90后没赶上工作包分配、单位分房子的好年头,曾经有过苦逼的小夫妻为了攒钱买房,上菜场捡剩菜,一个月花不到一百块的生活费;也有洒脱的小夫妻,4万元走遍千山万水。  相似文献   

正有一对小夫妻,刚搬进装修好的新家,原本以为会过得更幸福,没想到,反而经常吵架,都是些鸡毛蒜皮的小事,也不知道为啥就会吵起来。长辈以为是这套房子的风水有问题,闻听我看过几本风水方面的闲书,便求我上门去看看。我装模作样地看完了全部的房间,大惊小呼地给他们指出:风水煞在卧室的窗户设计上,  相似文献   

目前,全国60岁及以上老年人口已超过1.49亿,如何孝养父母,成为困扰越来越多子女的大问题。孝顺父母是中华民族传承千年的美德,但孝有其道,若方法不当,不但孝心落空,还会惹出麻烦。近日,在贵阳,一对小夫妻将农村的父母接在身边,丈夫念及父母养育恩情,让尚有劳动能力的他们整日待在家里享清福。处于封闭状态的父母很想找点事做,既能贴补家用,也能充实老年生活。于是,他们在儿  相似文献   

正小夫妻欣喜搬进新买的婚房,却被邻居告知,这里曾发生过跳楼事件。当他们气急败坏地找到卖家,对方却说自己并不知情。房屋是否为"凶宅"?法律上到底如何界定?这对小夫妻的赔偿请求,到底能否被支持?/案件回放/婚房变"凶宅",心理上的压力谁埋单今年27岁的王超是一家汽车4S店的销售员,老家在宿州砀山县农村。2016年,经人介绍,他认  相似文献   

有一对小夫妻,吵嘴了。女的一生气,把他们结婚照片撕成了两半儿,男的更气,夺过来接着撕,哧,哧。结婚照立刻成了碎片!  相似文献   

俊歌 《老人天地》2014,(7):28-29
<正>一场意外的车祸吞噬了江苏省一对小夫妻年轻的生命,留下4位悲痛欲绝的老人,4支被冷冻在医院的受精胚胎成为他们延续血脉的希望,也引来一场尴尬官司……"老头子,我终于要当外婆了!"家住江苏省宜兴市的沈杰和刘曦是一对80后小夫妻,两人都是家中的独子,结婚后亲家们经常聚在一起吃饭、唱歌,充满了欢声笑语。可这种幸福的氛围仅仅维持了一年,盼着抱孙子的四位老人开始暗自着急。照顾全家饮食起居的婆婆买来各种食材  相似文献   

新婚蜜月,小夫妻恩恩爱爱,如胶似漆。由于性生活频繁,体能消耗也随之增加,加上操办婚事的劳累,身体自然会衰弱,这对男女双方、甚至日后将要诞生的小生命来说,都是十分不利的。因此,这时更应该重视营养问题。  相似文献   

Relatively few studies have focused on the effects of working late and rotating shifts on marital dynamics. This study addressed the limitations of prior studies by sampling from a sector of the economy (i.e., grocery and drug store workers) where shift work and rotating schedules were common, and by controlling for numerous accompanying disruptive effects of shift work on marital quality. Results show that working late shifts reduces marital quality among men, whereas among women, job-family spillover explained away marital quality effects of working rotating schedules. These results suggest that more than men, women remain largely responsible for family life irrespective of work schedules, yet further research on how family lives are affected by work schedules is needed.  相似文献   

Abstract : There is good evidence that shift work has negative effects on workers health, safety and performance. It is quite appropriate that attention is paid to this very important feature of socio-technical systems, which may adversely affect mental and physical health, social life and safety of shift workers. Research into the impact of shift work on professionals has consistently identified a range of negative outcomes in physical, psychological, and social domains (Akerstedt, 1988; Costa, Lievore, Casaletti, Gaffuri, & Folkard, 1989; Kogi, 2005; Paley & Tepas, 1994). Hospitals, the biggest employer in the health care field, employ more night shift workers than any other industry. It can therefore be inferred that in medical domain high percentage of workforce may be affected by problems related to shift work. Thus the present study will provide knowledge base for the problems faced by the female nurses. The present study was undertaken with an objective of getting an insight into the problems faced by female nurses in shift work. . It was found that the female nurses in India worked on roaster pattern of change in shift every seven days. They did not have a say in the change of duties, it could only be done on mutual grounds. Partners of younger group did not much adjust to their shift pattern this created stress among the nurses.The results showed that the female nurses in both the age groups i.e. 30-45 years and 45-60 years faced many problems related to health and well being, fatigue, social and domestic situations. They could not give much time to their children in particular. Travelling in nights was risky for them. Common problem was the insufficient sleep during night shifts. The nurses had to cater to the needs of the family, children in particular along with the adjustments to be made due to shift work. They had to sometimes do the night duties and attend social functions as a part of their duty. Children and husband in some cases did not cooperate this lead to frustration. When asked as to whether they would could shift job if they get regular one more than 50 % said yes this means that there need to be come training and intervention for the shift workers and their family so that the problems faced and their impact on personal health of the female nurses could be reduced.  相似文献   

Many Western European countries, and especially the larger cities within these countries, are making a transition towards super-diversity. This shift towards super-diversity is also characterised by a growth of the phenomenon of transmigration, whereby people frequently move back and forth across borders. The social life of transmigrants is not only oriented towards their country of residence, but also consists of complex networks beyond boundaries. Transmigrants constantly shift between different modus operandi and between different visible and invisible, local and global networks. Many transmigrants face a high risk of social vulnerability and are overrepresented in the client population of urban social services. Although much research has been done on transmigration on the one hand, and on international social work on the other hand, the effect of transmigration on social workers and on social work practice is still under-investigated. Based on social work research in Brussels and Antwerp, the authors research the challenges transmigration poses to social work. They demonstrate that there is a difference in perspective between the translocal and transnational lives of transmigrants on the one hand versus the locally rooted practices of social workers on the other hand. Using this analysis as a springboard, they identify a number of avenues for additional inquiry in this field.  相似文献   

The present study investigates whether the effect of fathers’ positive engagement on young children’s cognitive development is accentuated when one or both dual-earner parents is employed during nonstandard hours. Longitudinal regression models are fitted to three waves of nationally representative data from the Early Child Longitudinal Study-Birth Cohort. Father engagement when children are nine months old has an especially positive effect on children’s cognitive ability at age two when the father works during the day and the mother has a fixed evening or night shift. There are no interactions between shift work and engagement at age two in the whole sample, but subgroup analyses show that engagement has an especially strong effect on children who have a non-parent caregiver if both parents are shift workers. The results highlight the important role fathers play in couples with a shift worker, and provide a rationale for efforts to encourage and support their involvement.  相似文献   

Longevity is one of the great achievements of the 20th century and its implications for the new century will be profound. The unprecedented demographic shift to an increasingly older society will have a dramatic impact on individual choices over the life course, the structure of the family, and multiple social institutions. Social work can make unique professional contributions to older persons and the late-life family. This article asserts, however, that social work is not adequately prepared to practice in the aging society. The authors document the challenges to social work and recommend addressing these challenges through educational innovations.  相似文献   

In their conception of the “third shift,” Dworkin and Wachs argue that working mothers engage in fitness and bodywork in addition to the first shift of professional work and the second shift of household labor and childcare. Within this third shift, the goal for women is to “erase physical evidence of motherhood” and return to the pre-pregnancy self. The cultivation of a body socially defined as “good” and “attractive” thus serves as a visible illustration of an embodied subjectivity anchored in morality and neoliberal personal responsibility, signifying a strong woman who has her body and her life under control. Utilizing thematic analysis to examine dominant constructions of embodied motherhood in popular texts and products, this article offers five conceptual categories to explore why and how women in engage in bodywork. Understanding how women operationalize the third shift of fitness and bodywork is important because it helps to unpack the struggles of contemporary motherhood and the competing realities of home, work, and self-care.  相似文献   

This article presents a study on the impact of shiftwork and chronotype on the perception of the work conditions, workload and adjustment to shiftwork by the workers of two sectors of a flexible packaging manufacturer, which operates in three fixed shifts. The workers are allocated in one of the shifts (morning, evening and night shifts) without evaluation of their chronotype and/or social needs. The workers' evaluation of the shift system and their work show that they prefer a fixed shift and to work in a shift compatible with their chronotype. The workers with chonotype uncompatible with the shift time tend to be less satisfied with the work conditions and content and feel more discomfort/pain.  相似文献   

Based on an in‐depth study with 56 informants (25 women and 31 men), across the ICT (information and communication technology), creative and academic sectors in one city/regional hub in Ireland, this article investigates the so‐called revolution in work/life practices associated with the post‐Fordist labour processes of the Knowledge Economy from the perspectives of workers themselves. Recent theorizations of post‐Fordist work patterns emphasize a rearranging of work and life place boundaries; a reconfiguring of work and life time boundaries; and a dissolving of the gendered boundaries of work and life (production and social reproduction) (Adkins and Dever 2014 ; Morini and Fumagalli 2010 ; Gill and Pratt 2008 ; Weeks 2007 ; Hardt and Negri 2004 ). Our findings suggest that, instead of dissolving boundaries, workers constantly struggle to draw boundaries between what counts as work and as life, and that this varies primarily in relation to gender and stage in a gendered life trajectory. Work extensification is compensated for via a perceived freedom to shape one's own life, which is articulated in terms of individualized boundary‐drawing. While younger men embraced ‘always on’ work, they also articulated anxieties about how these work habits might interfere with family aspirations. This was also true for younger women who also struggled to make time for life in the present. For mothers, boundary drawing was articulated as a necessity but was framed more in terms of personal choice by fathers. Although all participants distinguished between paid work and life as distinct sites of value, boundaries were individually drawn and resist any easy mapping of masculinity and femininity onto the domains of work and life. Instead, we argue that it is the process of boundary drawing that reveals gendered patterns. The personalized struggles of these relatively privileged middle‐class workers centre on improving the quality of their lives, but raise important questions about the political possibilities within and beyond the world of post‐Fordist labour.  相似文献   

This study investigates how flexibility in working hours affects retirement timing. It tests the assumption that decreasing weekly working hours delays retirement and extends working life. Using data from four waves of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) and of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA), we analyze whether a shift from full-time to part-time work delays retirement. Results show that older workers who reduce their working hours retire earlier than those who stay in full-time employment. The effect is stronger in Central and Eastern Europe than in Scandinavian countries. No interaction effects for gender and work strain are found. We conclude that part-time work at the end of the career, as a means to extend working life, should be reevaluated.  相似文献   

This article provides a rationale and interdisciplinary framework for integrating work and other dimensions of life by (a) reviewing relevant changes in society and the career development and counseling profession, (b) describing one holistic career‐planning model called Integrative Life Planning (ILP), based on 6 interactive critical life tasks, and (c) discussing questions and issues surrounding narrow versus broad approaches to life planning. ILP includes a strong emphasis on career counselors as advocates and change agents. It focuses on several kinds of wholeness, integrative thinking, democratic values, and helping clients make career decisions not only for self‐satisfaction but also for the common good.  相似文献   

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