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朱志妙 《职业》2007,(22):26-27
一、TJ 公司人员流失状况及影响 TJ 公司是1983 年由某建设兵团集体转业的国有控股建筑施工企业.公司经过二十余年的发展,已成为一家以市政工程及建筑工程施工、房地产开发、项目投资为主导产业,并集工业、商贸、房屋租赁、物业管理、交通运输、建材生产及酒店经营为一体的综合性大型上市企业集团.公司总资产达28 亿元,净资产达12 亿元,拥有13 家下属独立法人企业.  相似文献   

背景青岛卷烟厂完成设备更新换代,扩展成为以烟草种植、卷烟生产和销售为主业、跨国界的大型烟草企业集团,更名为颐中烟草(集团)公司。1996年5月,高桦智业有限公司接受颐中烟草(集团)公司的调查委  相似文献   

王小林 《职业》2002,(2):47
福特:为了一个人才买下整个公司 1923年,美国的福特公司有一台马达坏了,公司所有的工程技术人员都未能修好,不得已请来流落到美国一家小工厂的德国工程技术人员思坦因曼斯.  相似文献   

尽管服务业的悄然兴起创造了无数的就业机会,但不可否认制造业依然以其不可替代性占据着国民经济的重要地位。如果你是工科出身,正在为施展自己的技术专长而跃跃欲试,那么家电业想必是你重点关注的领域之一。家电业的招聘需求如何?有哪些新的招聘形式?对人才有着哪些硬性要求?他们眼中的90后求职者是什么样的?记者专访美的集团校园招聘项目组负责人,揭示以家电业为主、综合性现代化企业集团的选才标准。  相似文献   

1985年,美国蒙大拿州立大学化学硕 士柯洛尔在从事教学工作时,曾有公司请他推荐一些化学专才。据此,他作了一些调查,发现市场上出租行业十分兴旺,有出租工厂的,有出租晚宴或舞会服装的,有出租名  相似文献   

黄珍  张显 《职业》2008,(1):14-14
激动集团股份有限公司是一家基于信息技术的新媒体娱乐公司,以“新媒体,新体验”为企业理念,“以新锐,创造价值”为企业文化,以“创新”为核心价值观。  相似文献   

大连富饶企业集团"豆豆豆"系列健康食品获"辽宁省著名商标".这事发生在2005年1月12日.稍早一天,即2005年1月11日,企业集团旗下富饶日化公司生产的化妆产品"艾肤琳美白祛斑霜"、"艾肤琳美白精华露"、'艾肤琳防晒隔离霜"又获"国家特殊用途化妆品卫生许可".这使大连富饶企业在营造"豆豆豆"品牌的基础上,又上了一个新台阶,进一步扩大了企业产品品种和产品格局.  相似文献   

黄益明:富阳市职业高级中学计算机教研组长,从事班主任工作13年。教学箴言:接受学生,站在他们的立场上思考问题,学生在潜移默化中,会理解、信任你,并被你感化。在我做班主任工作的十几年里,我坚信:如果能够站在学生的立场上思考问题,了解他们的特性,深入他们的内心,因材施教,进行有针对性的教育,那么,他们就会在潜移默化中理解并信任你,最终被你感化,从而改变自己的行为。笔者班里的小高,才读高中却已有7年的烟龄。  相似文献   

大连富饶企业集团“豆豆豆”系列健康食品获“辽宁省著名商标”。这事发生在2005年1月12日。稍早一天,即2005年1月11日,企业集团旗下富饶日化公司生产的化妆产品“艾肤琳美白祛斑霜”,“艾肤琳美白精华露”、”艾肤琳防晒隔离霜”又获“国家特殊用途化妆品卫生许可”。这使大连富饶企业在营造“豆豆豆”品牌的基础上,又上了一个新台阶,进一步扩大了企业产品品种和产品格局。  相似文献   

大连富饶企业集团“豆豆豆”系列健康食品获“辽宁省著名商标”。这事发生在2005年1月12日。稍早一天,即2005年1月11日.企业集团旗下富饶日化公司生产的化妆产品“艾肤琳美白祛斑霜”、“艾肤琳美白精华露”,“艾肤琳防晒隔离霜”又获“国家特殊用途化妆品卫生许可”。这使大连富饶企业在营造“豆豆豆”品牌的基础上,又上了一个新台阶,进一步扩大了企业产品品种和产品格局。  相似文献   

Existing research on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth homelessness identifies family rejection as a main pathway into homelessness for the youth. This finding, however, can depict people of color or poor people as more prejudiced than White, middle‐class families. In this 18‐month ethnographic study, the author complicates this rejection paradigm through documenting the narratives of 40 LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness. The author examines how poverty and family instability shaped the conditions that the youth perceived as their being rejected because of their gender and sexuality. This rejection generated strained familial ties within families wherein the ties were already fragile. Likewise, the author shows how being gender expansive marked many youth's experiences of familial abuse and strain. This study proposes the concept of conditional families to capture the social processes of how poverty and family instability shape experiences of gender, sexuality, and rejection for some LGBTQ youth.  相似文献   

A theory is proposed to explain how religion/spirituality (R/S) is related to positive youth development and thriving. The concept of telos is employed to define thriving as continued growth through strength‐based living that leads to contributing to one's communities and living out one's ethical ideals. Virtue development is proposed as a primary process by which R/S promotes thriving. Virtues are defined as hybrid personality units emerging when characteristic adaptations are given meaning by a transcendent narrative identity. R/S contributes to virtue formation through the ideological, social, and transcendent contexts embedded within religion by providing opportunities to grow both the characteristic adaptations and transcendent narrative identities necessary for virtue formation in youth and, ultimately, thriving. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Kieran Egan 《Social Studies》2013,104(5):188-191
Sixth-grade students are challenged in understanding social studies content relevant to particular contexts, then connecting the content and context to their contemporary lives while communicating new knowledge to peers and teachers. Using political cartoons published after September 11, 2001, one sixth-grade social studies teacher designed probing questions and developed meaningful learning experiences relating historical events to current concerns of the students supplementing their curriculum and textbook. Through verbal and written interactions, the students demonstrated in-depth understanding of September 11, 2001, and consequential global ramifications. Subsequently, this teacher used the same strategy to engage learners in additional historical events effectively integrating social studies and literacy to introduce conflict analysis, increase critical thinking, expand text connections, and enhance literacy skills.  相似文献   

Via four case studies we explore the extent to which digitization is transforming how people access and engage with the arts. The first case study is the online auction house eBay. We focus on a unique system whereby millions of users rate each other's integrity and reputations in a digital venue via a transparent system open to all users and visitors alike. The second case study examines the Screen Actors Guild strike against the advertising industry, which drew attention to the potential for and limitation of the replacement of human actors by digitized replicas. Third, we focus on e-books in the context of the prediction that most books, music and film entertainment will eventually be distributed electronically to the average household. The fourth case study analyzes the Napster debate over file sharing and duplication of online music. We focus on the ability of Napster to create a huge community of users sharing their own copies of digital music. From this point of view Napster represented a uniquely efficient and large-scale dream, a modern form of the cooperation and sharing of property envisaged by classical anarchist philosophers of the nineteenth century. On the other hand, and as always in anarchistic uprisings, another class claimed proprietary ownership in the material being shared and saw in Napster mostly collective theft on the part of ordinary citizens. Three of these four case studies centrally involve ordinary people using the digital media in creative and innovative ways. We conclude by arguing, against those who are skeptical about the transforming power of digitization, that even in the short time that it has been widely available digitization has so increased people's ability to interact creatively with products that this amounts to a qualitative change which, over the next few decades, is likely to develop so far as to justify the label revolution.  相似文献   

Research consistently demonstrates that family relationships are key determinants of health, but most research on health and families focuses on a heterosexual and cisgender context. Sexual and gender identities often are overlooked or erased in family and health research. We present an overview of the current state of research on LGBT families and health, using a life course approach and pointing to the ways that LGBT people's experiences of families occur within a broader social structural context, with implications for their health and the health of their family members. We focus on parenthood, parent–child ties, intimate relationships, and caregiving. We also identify two theoretical obstacles for studies of LGBT families and health as well as important research areas for moving forward, such as the inclusion of non‐binary and queer identities in our studies of family and health. Incorporation of LGBT and other queer families and family forms into our health research interrogates assumptions within family and health research and offers insight into how to move the field forward.  相似文献   

This essay is written in response to Fujimura and Holmes’s piece “Staying the Course,” published in the December 2019 special issue of Sociological Forum—Resistance in the Twenty-First Century  相似文献   

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