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2007年8月21日,经国务院批复的《东北地区振兴规划》(以下简称《规划》)正式公布。这份由国家发改委、国务院振兴东北办组织编制的"中国第一个由国务院正式批复"的地区性发展规划提出,未来要将东北地区建设成为中国综合经济发展水平较高的重要经济增长区域,并首次提出振兴战略的总  相似文献   

乡村振兴战略是党在新时代为解决"三农"问题而作出的重大战略部署,是全面建成小康社会的客观要求。乡村振兴战略是对新农村建设目标的继承和超越,从新农村建设到乡村振兴战略,是中国共产党"三农"战略的历史性跃升。要按照"二十字"总要求贯彻实施乡村振兴战略需从产业振兴、人才振兴、文化振兴、生态振兴、组织振兴这五个方面着手,实现乡村全面振兴。  相似文献   

新世纪之初,党中央、国务院做出了振兴东北老工业基地的战略部署,一场新的"辽沈战役"在辽沈大地全面展开。曾经是"新中国工业摇篮"、"共和国长子"的辽宁,积淀了雄厚的工业基础,同时也是国有企业较多和国有资产总量较大的省份,国  相似文献   

我国东北工业发展60年:回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东北地区工业经历了60年大规模的建设、改造和振兴,积累了许多可资借鉴的经验.从一定意义上说,没有东北老工业基地的贡献,就不会有共和国的快速发展和改革开放的成就.目前东北工业发展仍然面临着诸多的问题和困难,但总体上看,有利条件多于不利因素,特别是国家实施老工业基地振兴战略以来,东北地区经济实力和综合能力增强;国家扩大内需的政策和十大产业振兴规划,与东北工业结构吻合度高,从而必将给东北地区带来新的发展机会,并产生强劲的推动力.  相似文献   

东明 《今日辽宁》2007,(4):8-10
近日,《辽宁沿海经济带开发建设规划》经省政府研究通过,这预示着东北老工业基地振兴和辽宁进一步开发开放的新乐章已经奏响。辽宁是东北地区惟一沿海省份。从国内外经济和社会发展的规律看,沿海地区已经成为引领经济增长和社会进步的前沿地带。振兴东北老工业基地是国家的重大战略决策,进一步扩大对外开发开放是实施这一战略的重要组成部分,也是实现东北老工业基地振兴的重要途径。《规划》是统筹辽宁沿海经济带内各项开发建设的政策纲领,是区域内制定城镇体系规划、城市总体规划和相关专项规划的基本依据,共三章。本文则是从国家意义、发展条件、发展目标、政策区划方面加以解读,以便读者阅读。  相似文献   

2008年2月,绥中县在原有"万家——高岭"工业园区基础上规划成立了绥中滨海经济区;同年3月28日,辽宁省政府把绥中滨海经济区纳入辽宁沿海经济带重点支持区域,享受辽宁沿海经济带和振兴东北老工业基地的优惠政策;同年10月25日,辽宁省把绥中滨海经济区建设方向定位为"海岸中关村、生态新城区",从此,绥中滨海经济区奏响了新的乐章;2009年3月,随着"海岸中关村、生态新城区"相关规划编制完成,绥中滨海经济区基础设施建设正式全面启动。一座生态新城正拔地而起。  相似文献   

富有创新精神和创业激情的龙城人紧紧抓住振兴东北老工业基地、"突破辽西北"和建设辽宁沿海经济带等重大历史性机遇,敢于探索,勇于创新、善于实践,以特色园区为载体、以产业集群为支撑、以招商引资和项目建设为牵动,凝心聚力,真抓实干,加快实现全面振兴崛起。近日,记者就龙城  相似文献   

振兴东北老工业基地和大力发展农业,犹如车之两轮,鸟之两翼,缺一不可;振兴东北老工业基地需要三省协同合作,才能互惠共赢;需要发展第四产业(即绿色产业),才能助推、实现循环经济和可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文以中国东北与俄罗斯东部地区合作的新模式即"伞"型模式作为中国东北与俄罗斯东部地区合作战略升级的突破口,把扩大贸易合作和产业发展有机地结合起来,统筹考虑区域经济发展的整体战略.探索性地提出了以两个国家的部分地区为主体与其他国家的合作模式,形成中国东北和俄罗斯东部地区的地方国际化产业集群,推进东北老工业基地的尽快振兴和俄罗斯东部大开发的顺利实施,进而实现中俄区域合作的双赢.  相似文献   

赵晓燕 《社科纵横》2020,35(2):44-48
党的十九大重点强调了基层党组织建设的重要性,同时也将乡村振兴战略的推行视为我国实现"两个一百年"奋斗目标的关键之所在。对于基层党组织而言,它们根系于农村,提升其组织领导力对全面推进乡村振兴战略具有重要意义。本文基于问题导向的研究方法,选取农村基层党组织作为研究对象,从队伍、作风、思想和制度四个层面来对其存在的问题进行分析,同时提出了相应的解决对策,旨在通过这些对策的实施和应用,能够不断提升农村基层党组织领导力。  相似文献   

北京市家庭户的变化及外来人口影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据第五次人口普查数据 ,北京市的集体户人口比例已高达 12 % ,并且在家庭人口中外来人口比例也从 1990年的 2 %急剧提高到近 12 % ,这些重大变化在对北京市人口老龄化和家庭户变迁的学术研究和政策制定时均已不可忽视。本文计算了不同口径的北京市人口老龄化水平 ,还揭示出近年来北京市家庭户规模的大幅下降的主要原因仍是少儿比例的不断降低。本文还从年龄别、户主率和户居类型比例两个角度揭示了家庭结构变化和家庭养老功能 ,并且特别比较和分析了本市户籍人口和外来人口之间的差异  相似文献   

We examine the effects of the U.S.-Japan trade restraint on automobile prices and quality upgrading, for both Japanese imports and American small cars. From April 1981 to April 1984 the suggested retail price of all Japanese models increased by 15.8 percent, or 5.3 percent per year. We find that nearly the entire amount of this rise can be explained by the upgrading of individual models. This upgrading may benefit consumers who would purchase a luxury import in any case, but harms those who desire the basic imports. In addition to upgrading, we conclude that a second cost of the trade restraint has been to prevent the yen depreciation from being passed onto American consumers, in terms of lower imported auto prices. For U.S. small cars we find a 9.1 percent rise in the suggested retail price, or 3 percent per year, with a fraction of this amount due to model upgrading. If the yen depreciation had led to lower import prices without the trade restraint, then we expect that U.S. auto prices would have been lower, too.  相似文献   

Children of incarcerated mothers are at increased risk for psychological, social, and emotional maladaptation. This research investigates whether perceived maternal socialization of sadness and anger may moderate these outcomes in a sample of 154 children (53.9 percent boys, 61.7 percent Black, M age = 9.38, range: 6–12), their 118 mothers (64.1 percent Black), and 118 caregivers (74.8 percent female, 61.9 percent grandparents, 63.2 percent Black). Using mother, caregiver, and child report, seven maternal socialization strategies were assessed in their interaction with incarceration‐specific risk experiences predicting children's adjustment. For sadness socialization, the results indicated that among children reporting maternal emotion‐focused responses, incarceration‐specific risk predicted increases in psychological problems, depressive symptoms, increased emotional lability, and poorer emotion regulation. For children who perceived a problem‐focused response, incarceration‐specific risk did not predict outcomes. There were no significant interactions with incarceration‐specific risk and perceived maternal anger socialization strategies. These results indicate a critical need to examine how socialization processes may operate differently for children raised in atypical socializing contexts.  相似文献   

Theories of value development often identify adolescence as the period for value formation, and cultural and familial factors as the sources for value priorities. However, recent research suggests that value priorities can be observed as early as in middle childhood, and several studies, including one on preadolescents, have suggested a genetic contribution to individual differences in values. In the current study, 174 pairs of monozygotic and dizygotic seven‐year‐old Israeli twins completed the Picture‐based Value Survey for Children (PBVS–C). We replicated basic patterns of relations between value priorities and variables of socialization—gender, religiosity, and socioeconomic status—that have been found in studies with adults. Most important, values of Self‐transcendence, Self‐enhancement, and Conservation, were found to be significantly affected by genetic factors (29 percent, 47 percent, and 31 percent, respectively), as well as non‐shared environment (71 percent, 53 percent, and 69 percent, respectively). Openness to change values, in contrast, were found to be unaffected by genetic factors at this age and were influenced by shared (19 percent) and non‐shared (81 percent) environment. These findings support the recent view that values are formed at earlier ages than had been assumed previously, and they further our understanding of the genetic and environmental factors involved in value formation at young ages.  相似文献   

This study reports an attempt to measure the value of an increased survival probability at advanced ages. It turns out that the average willingness to pay for a program which would increase the expected length of life by one year, conditional on having survived to the age of 75 years, is lower than $1,500. The willingness to pay increases with a person's age, but at a low and seemingly constant rate (1–4 percent per year).  相似文献   

Statistics were assembled from countries which receive children for intercountry adoption. This data suggests that at least 170,000–180,000 children were involved in international adoption in the past decade; that international adoption has increased by 62 percent during this period; and that 90 percent of the children involved during the decade came from only ten sending countries. Sixty-eight sending countries were identified during the decade, a dramatic increase from the twenty-two sending countries identified in 1980. Although data was available from only fourteen receiving countries, at least twenty receiving countries were identified during the study. Asia has been the predominant sending region of the world, but if current patterns continue South America will soon become the major sending region. Every region of the world except Asia has increased both the number of children sent abroad and its share of world totals.  相似文献   

An enhanced two-sector economic growth model is created to project health care and Social Security expenditures as a share of GDP in the United States. Parameters used in the economic simulation model are based largely on consensus views in the literature. The main advantages of an economic model over the more commonly used actuarial models are: (1) explicit specification of underlying fundamental structures, (2) ability to investigate relationships in the entire economy, and (3) a fuller scope provided for policy analysis. Under the base model assumptions, that is, a continuation of current conditions for the production of, demand for, and financing of health care services, the economic model projects that the health care sector consumes 15.8 percent of national output by the year 2000 and 27.1 percent by the year 2040. The annual rate of increase in per capita consumption (less health spending) (“adjusted consumption”) falls from 1 percent in 2000 to 0.6 percent in 2025, and then increases to 0.8 percent in 2040, as the rate of increase in spending on health care for the elderly, and the capital investment required to support such spending, flow and ebb with the passing of the baby boom generation. Over the whole projection horizon, government spending on the health care of the elderly increases from a projected 3.8 percent of GDP in 2000 to 9.2 percent in 2040. Social Security expenditures for the elderly are projected to increase from 3.9 percent to 6.3 percent over the same period. More widespread HMO coverage is shown to lead to some small improvements in adjusted consumption. Over the long horizon, improved efficiency and productivity in the health sector and lower Social Security benefits assumed to cause an increased rate of savings and investment, however, actually cause the rate of growth in health spending to increase and adjusted consumption to decline, ceteris paribus. By contrast, an increase in sensitivity to health care prices leads to dramatically improved results, both in higher adjusted consumption and better finances for government programs of health care for the elderly.  相似文献   

We simulate a phased increase in the U.S. investment rate using a translog production function with technical progress (disembodied and/or embodied). We assume there will be an absorption lag implying that factors are underutilized during the transition to a higher investment rate. We find that the “sacrifice time” (the time that elapses until consumption surpasses the value it would have had under the initial investment rate) is roughly nine years. Across alternative specifications, phase-in periods, and absorption lags, the sacrifice time varies from seven to 13 years, and is insensitive to the percentage increase in the investment rate. With a three-year phase-in of a 20 percent increase in the investment rate with a one-year absorption lag, the average “ecade gain” in output (the percentage gain at the end of a decade) is roughly 4 percent; the decade gain in consumption, 0 percent; the five-decade gain, 10 percent in output and 6 percent in consumption; and the “investment rate return” (the internal rate of return on a permanent increase in the investment rate), 13 percent.  相似文献   

Although low participation rates have historically been considered problematic in peer nomination research, some researchers have recently argued that small proportions of participants can, in fact, provide adequate sociometric data. The current study used a classical measurement perspective to investigate the internal reliability (Cronbach's α) of peer nomination measures of acceptance, popularity, friendship, prosocial behavior, and overt aggression. Data from 642 participants attending 10 schools were resampled at different participation rates ranging from 5 percent to 100 percent of the original samples. Results indicated that (1) the association between participation rate and Cronbach's α was curvilinear across schools and variables; (2) collecting more data for a given variable (by using unlimited vs. limited nominations, or two vs. one items) was significantly related to higher internal reliability; and (3) certain variables (overt aggression, popularity) were more reliable than others (acceptance, friendship). Implications for future research were discussed.  相似文献   

Objective. This study identifies: (1) the smart growth policies adopted in a sample of U.S. cities; and (2) the relative impact of four social factors—education, local environmental activism, race, and homeownership on policy adoption. Method. A survey was sent to planning and development officials in a sample of 340 cities. Results. On average, the cities have 4.96 smart growth policies on their books. Adoption of such policies is more associated with two indicators of the new political culture (NPC)—the presence of environmental activist groups at the local level and the percent of college‐educated residents—than with the percent of residents who are white or the percent who are homeowners. Conclusion. The smart growth movement at the local level is a product of the environmental concerns associated with the NPC and is more likely to influence the adoption of land‐preserving policies than land‐use‐intensifying policies.  相似文献   

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