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随着科学技术的发展,新经济迅速崛起,新经济具有与传统经济不同的特点。在这样的背景下,企业面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战,如何把握机会、应对挑战,成了企业面临的新问题。企业的市场营销战略必须从传统思维中解脱出来,针对新经济背景下企业所处环境、消费者特征和需求的新变化,采取新的思维加以应对,才能在激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟。本文从新经济背景的特点及其对企业市场营销战略的影响入手,分析新经济背景下企业的市场营销战略。  相似文献   

新经济是一种全新的经济形态,具有知识的人力资源亦即人才资源是新经济的主体。新经济时代所需的人才,不同于工业经济时代,新经济时代对人才的要求具有创新、个性化的复合型和合作的特点,这给企业的人力资源管理也提出了新的挑战,这是企业内外环境变化的迫切要求。因此在新经济时代应从营造创新文化、企业与人才同成长创新。本文对新经济时代的企业所需人才的类型和素质进行论述,提出了在新经济时代的人力资源管理创新。  相似文献   

中国的经济从较原始的男耕女织到最现代的电脑网络并存,还不能说已进入知识经济时代,但全球化、信息化的世界潮流是无以阻挡的。中国经济的一部分已经置身于新经济的浪潮中,而利用新经济的 知识和信息优势,改 造传 统 产业,更是发展中国家所谓后发优势的体现。认清新经济形式下的资源配置方式对于现代企业采取正确的战略,获得全局性的成功具有重大意义。新经济的资源配置 新经济的资源配置与传统的农业经济、工业经济最大不同之处在于:在此经济形态下,自然资源和资本已不是决定性的生产要素,最重要的生产要素是知识。知识作为人类…  相似文献   

美国的新经济一直是热门话题,作为其象征的纳斯达克指数自然也是各方关注的焦点所在。近来,由于纳指的大起大落,给人们的思想造成极大冲击,使人们对新经济的认识产生了混乱。因此,有必要澄清新经济认识上的几个误区。 一、新经济是全新的经济形态 其实,“新经济”是一个很笼统的概念,不是一个严格定义的名词。它泛指由信息技术、生物技术等引发的新一轮经济增长,它向人们表明:知识和技术已超过自然资源、资本和劳动力,成为最重要的生产要素,企业无形资本投入的比重将越来越大。诚然,新经济正日益改变着我们对传统经济的理解和…  相似文献   

基于平衡计分卡的创意企业战略绩效评价指标体系构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创意经济作为一种新经济形态已成为学术界研究的热点,对微观层面创意企业战略绩效评价指标体系的研究更成为热点中的难点。鉴于此,本文立足于构建创意企业平衡计分卡战略绩效评价指标体系这一独特视域,在系统分析创意企业基本盈利模式(内容为王、渠道制胜和品牌乘数)和创意企业战略地图的基础上,基于对已有研究文献成果的拓展和改进,借助平衡计分卡,运用层次分析法、模糊综合评价法,从财务、客户、内部流程、学习与成长4个层面构建了创意企业战略绩效评价体系,并对评价指标体系的可行性进行了实证分析。  相似文献   

21世纪这个信息时代最为突出的特征就是以Internet为代表的新技术不仅得到了广泛的普及与应用,并引起了社会经济领域广泛的变革。在这个e时代下,我国旅游企业同样面临着深层次的战略转变与选择,通过结盟,加强合作成为增强企业实力的一个重要途径。本文借助SCP范式具体阐述了e时代下旅游企业战略联盟的形态、动机及绩效。  相似文献   

论新经济环境下企业规模经济与范围经济   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<正> 新经济是一个漫长的渐进与突变并存的过程,新经济时代现在还只是刚刚开始,谈论新经济的运行规律还为时过早,但新经济已经显露出来的本质特征,对当前社会经济活动的影响,特别是对企业和企业发展战略的  相似文献   

宋桓 《经营管理者》2011,(5X):404-404
新经济的出现,知识管理的施行,正在改变着企业的竞争环境。在新旧经济模式碰撞、融合的过程中,企业要完成一个新旧经营模式交替和转型的过程式,实现从传统经济向新经济的转化。这其中有经营战略、运行方式和管理思想的转变,企业文化的变革是其中的重要组成部分。本文主要论述了企业文化变革的必要性与企业文化变革思路以及在企业文化变革中配套实施、综合推进。  相似文献   

“新经济”概念自上个世纪末被提出以后,各种有关新经济的说法纷至沓来。网络经济、信息经济、知识经济、虚拟经济、数字经济等等,都试图与“新经济”联系在一起。笔者认为:“新经济”实际上是指以智力资源占有、配置和利用为最重要因素的经济形态。在新经济时代,由于管理资源对象的革命性变化,以整合组织资源、实现组织既定目标为主要行为特征的管理科学,也必然要发生深刻的变革。而作为智力资源载体的人也将成为影响未来企业管理变革的核心要素。人本管理的思想,更加人性化的管理方法、理念和思路将渗  相似文献   

不同的企业,由于其所处的市场地位不同,企业规模不同、面对的客户群和供应链关系不同,因而需要制定不同的电子商务发展战略。在网络时代扑面而来、新经济浪潮席卷全球之际企业必须面对网络技术带来的变革和机遇深入思考如何运用新技术更好地拓展业务、发展壮大。伴随着因特网蓬勃发展、电子商务风起云涌企业更有必要深入认识电子商务如何改变和促进企业业务、进而根据企业自身制定切实可行的电子商务发展战  相似文献   

This paper analyses Top Management Team (TMT) composition diversity as an antecedent of firm performance in accordance with a recent paradigm based on Complexity Theory. Research into TMT diversity is commonly seen as a double-edged sword because inconclusive results have been achieved in prior studies. This controversy has reinforced the call to employ a more appropriate methodology by moving beyond the reliance on multiple regression analysis and towards the use of fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. The study provides various TMT diversity configurations that lead to high performance. The study therefore contributes towards the TMT diversity literature by utilising asymmetric testing to advance in the understanding of the diversity of TMT attributes as an antecedent of high firm outcome. The paradigm currently facing TMT internal complexity is doubly relevant for managers, to ascertain the best TMT diversity compositions to achieve the best strategic goal and thereby the highest firm outcome, and for new research avenues in the demographic literature, to obtain richer insights from TMT data, which might provide additional information on the complex relations established within these TMTs.  相似文献   

转型升级阵痛中的中国制造业企业,唯有基于人力资本"视线"实施差异化战略、推进激进式创新,才能变革成功,进而在激烈市场竞争中存活下来并形成核心竞争力。以天津市各大工业园区154家中小制造业企业的问卷调查数据为样本,采用结构方程模型对制造业企业创新逆驱战略转型的人力资本"视线"进行统计检验。结果显示,战略层面的"视线"有一个:外部环境竞争性、差异化战略、激进式创新与企业绩效。资源层面"视线"有两个:差异化战略、HRM系统、人力资本、渐进式创新、激进式创新与企业绩效;差异化战略、HRM系统、知识共享与企业绩效。这三条"视线"为中国制造业企业指明了战略转型、创新变革的具体方向。  相似文献   

After more than 20 years of empirical research, the resource-based view of the multibusiness firm has emerged as a promising paradigm for explaining diversification success—one of the most investigated research questions within the field of strategic management. However, because various dimensions of resource-relatedness, synergistic effects, and moderating influences are investigated at diverse levels of analysis, the findings are very fragmented. Our review and critical assessment of the research reveals a number of conceptual issues and methodological flaws that had already constrained heavily traditional diversification research. Consequently, we suggest promising directions for future research efforts that can put this important empirical application of the resource-based view of the firm on safer ground.  相似文献   

企业员工战略共识及其影响因素的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在企业战略实践中,建立员工战略共识是填补战略执行鸿沟、提升企业战略执行力的有效手段。本文在文献回顾和质化研究基础上,利用样本数据对企业员工战略共识的维度结构及其影响因素进行了实证分析。研究结果表明:(1)员工战略共识由战略理解、战略认同和战略承诺三个维度构成,并且三个维度显著相关;(2)员工战略共识因职位类型不同而存在显著差异,但这种影响主要体现在战略理解维度。(3)员工战略共识在不同所有制企业之间存在显著差异。另外,本文还对所得的发现及其启示进行了讨论,并提出了针对管理实践和进一步研究的建议。  相似文献   

消费者策略行为视角下短生命周期产品的定价机制研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文从消费者策略行为出发,通过运用经典的Stackelberg博弈模型,讨论面对消费者策略行为时,短生命周期产品厂商如何有效进行收益管理.结论表明,在短生命周期产品收益管理过程中,忽视消费者策略行为会导致利润的严重损失,厂商应根据库存和消费者的理性预期制定相应的价格决策.当库存较少时,厂商基本可以忽略消费者策略行为而制定较高价格;当库存相对较多,厂商的最优定价决策依赖于理性预期均衡;当库存非常充裕时,最优定价决策与消费者折扣因子紧密相关.厂商可通过适当的库存数量增加产品缺货风险,而减少消费者策略行为的不利影响.这对短生命周期产品的收益管理具有一定的现实意义.  相似文献   

In this paper, we aim to bridge the micro-macro divide by addressing continued calls from strategic leadership and affect researchers to examine the black box to consider how CEO characteristics relate to top management team (TMT) affective experiences, and, in turn firm outcomes. We further consider the role of one key contextual factor in this relationship: TMT heterogeneity. We predict that CEO personality, specifically, emotional stability, is positively associated with TMT affective tone. Moreover, we posit that the relationship between TMT affective tone and firm performance depends on TMT task-related heterogeneity, such that positive affective tone benefits firm performance in heterogeneous TMTs, whereas negative affective tone benefits firm performance in homogeneous TMTs. Using a novel methodology that measures key psychological aspects of the CEO and TMT, we examined 50 TMTs from publicly-traded companies to test our predictions. Our findings offer theoretical contributions to the strategic leadership, affect and diversity literatures as well as managerial applications for CEO selection and management and managing diversity in upper echelons.  相似文献   

The theory of the firm seeks to explain the existence and boundaries of the firm in relation to the market. Since the pioneering work of Coase (The nature of the firm. Economica , 4 , 386–405, 1937), economics has developed a whole family of theories that focus on the ability of firms to economize on certain costs of using markets. More recently, researchers in strategic management have published several theories of the firm that have tended to emphasize the benefits of incorporation rather than the costs of using the market. Although researchers in the strategy profession have tentatively labeled their work as 'moving towards' a strategic theory of the firm, economists have been very critical of existing approaches. This paper seeks to begin 'arriving' at a strategic theory of the firm by addressing these criticisms and offering an integration of the strategic and economic perspectives within an institutional framework. The paper concludes with future directions for research in the theory of the firm.  相似文献   

The vast majority of research on the relationship between corporate governance and strategic management focuses on the impact of corporate governance on strategic management. In this article we propose a cyclical model, highlighting that strategic decisions can also affect corporate governance through shaping firm ownership structure. We discuss the impacts of strategic decisions on firm ownership structure and corporate governance in the contexts of publicly traded firms, private firms, and the privatization of state-owned enterprises. We hope that our cyclical model can promote researchers to develop a more complete view about the relationships between strategic management, ownership structure, and corporate governance.  相似文献   

Corporate divestitures have been identified as important strategic actions with a positive impact on firm performance. Yet, what is still missing in the strategic management literature is an integrative framework that quantitatively synthesizes the relative impact of various antecedents to divestitures, and theoretically reconciles the multitude of theories underlying divestiture research. To fill this gap, the author conducts a meta‐analysis (based on a sample of 35 studies) and develops four broad categories of determinants: corporate governance; firm strategy; performance; and industry environment. Evidence is found that divestitures are driven mainly by prior divestment experience, structural factors (firm size and firm diversification) and weak unit performance. In addition, the relative predictive validity of several theoretical perspectives on divestment decisions is assessed.  相似文献   

Some argue that a foundation for planning has been achieved when a firm can state its strategic plan in terms of products and markets. (This is referred to as the ‘business form’ in this article). If this statement is true, what factors will aid a firm in achieving the business form in its strategic plans? In this article, details of strategic planning in over 50 large firms taken from an empirical research sample are examined to illustrate which factors seem to lead to the business form of strategic plan in these firms.  相似文献   

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