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许叶忠 《交通与港航》2005,19(2):29-31,44
介绍了燃气报警器的工作原理及各种应用场合,探讨了燃气报警器的选择,指出除考虑灵敏度、稳定性、使用寿命、性价比等报警器本身性能以外,还应结合生产企业的资质、售后服务等多方面综合考虑,使用合适的燃气报警器。  相似文献   

正实践中,诉讼需要讲究技巧,而诉讼技巧需要有证据的全力支持。离婚诉讼也不例外,"如何取证"便是其中的关键之处。一、证明当事人(原、被告)诉讼主体资格的证据:1.证明原被告是夫妻关系的证据,如结婚证、婚姻证明、户口簿及身份证等。2.如涉及构成事实婚姻的,应提交居委会或村委会出具的证明。3.证明被告下落不明的,应提交被告住所地、经常居住地村委会、居委会或公安机关的证明。二、证明婚姻关系破裂的证据:1.如涉及家庭暴力,应提交报警记录、法医鉴定及证人证言。2.如涉及吸毒、赌博行为的,应提交居委会、村委会或公安机关出具的证明;涉及行政处罚、刑事犯罪的,应提交有关处罚决定或判决书。  相似文献   

励军 《职业》2010,(17)
在模具制造中,数控铣削刀具的正确选择尤为重要. 一、应考虑的因素 (1)被加工工件的材料及性能,如金属、非金属等不同材料,材料的硬度、耐磨性、韧性等. (2)切削工艺的类别,包括车、钻、铣、镗或粗加工、半精加工、精加工、超精加工等.  相似文献   

借鉴国外先进经验 推动上海健康服务业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
健康服务产业是指与人类健康相关的产业的统称。由于提供卫生保健服务的成本逐年增高,发达国家信息及通讯技术(ICT)为开展个性化、以病人为中心的保健以及家庭保健提供了新途径,如电子病历、远程医疗、整合支付手段等,并出现了新的商业业态和商业模式。ICT广泛应用使医疗服务外包发展迅速,发达国家制定了与之相适应的许多政策措施,上海应充分借鉴美国等发达国家的先进经验,大力发展健康服务业。  相似文献   

(1)用蔬果专用清洗液清洗蔬果;(2)尽量选购时令蔬果;(3)不偏食某些特定的蔬果;(4)选购市面上信誉良好的蔬果加工品或冷冻蔬菜;(5)外表不平或多细毛的蔬果,农药残留较多,食用前先清洗,后去皮;(6)不偏爱外形美观蔬果;(7)选购含农药几率较少的蔬果,如具有特殊气味的洋葱、大蒜;病虫害抵抗力较强的龙须菜;需去皮才可食用的马铃薯、甘薯、冬瓜、萝卜等;(8)发现蔬果表面有药斑,或有化学药剂味道,应避免选购;(9)连续性采收的农作物,如豆角、蕹菜、黄瓜等,可能也是连续地喷洒农药,食用前应增加清洗次数及时间,以降低其农药残留量。购买果蔬要防避残…  相似文献   

老年人怎样延缓牙齿脱落老年人欲延缓牙齿脱落,首先应注意补钙。以每日服用钙剂1000~1500毫克为宜。如能坚持补钙,数年后骨质疏松以及牙齿松动都会有所改善。除了补足钙剂,老年人还应注意通过饮食补充营养,多食用含钙、含铁、多维生素的食物。维生素D可以促进人体吸收钙,使人体内合成活性维生素D3的最佳方式就是常晒太阳。此外,老年人应保持适量的运动,例如散步、慢跑等。同时配合做些口腔部位的运动,例如叩齿、徒手按摩牙龈等。注意口腔卫生,定时刷牙,定期到口腔医院检查。老年人常见的牙病如龋病(主要是根面龋)、过度磨损等应…  相似文献   

正11月20日上午,中国环境健康与卫生安全促进会的程伟丽老师来我站开展健康知识讲座。此次讲座的主题是"珍惜生命,关爱健康",主要讲解了CPR现场紧急救护知识(如人工呼吸)、雾霾(PM2.5)的危害及防护知识、办公室常见病的预防及改善(如肩周炎、颈椎病、腰肌劳损等)。程老师和职工进行现场模拟教学,使我站全体干部职工增强了健康意识,掌握了急救措施。  相似文献   

由于企业内训的内容更多地是针对企业内部人员的特点设计的,有比较强的针对性。加上成本相对较低,因此大多数企业对企业内训都具有相当高的认同感。许多接触过的企业家都认为和企业外训相比,企业在内部培训的投资性价比更高一在培训上的收益数倍地大于培训成本。在经济形势不好的情况下,缩减培训经费成为了企业压缩成本的一个重要方面,  相似文献   

近年来,随着PLC(可编程控制器)在电气自动化控制中的广泛应用,PLC在自动化发电机组控制中也开始逐步应用.利用PLC控制三台发电机组并联,安全可靠、性价比高,完全能够满足用户的要求.  相似文献   

人类的hCE1酶是一种直接参与多种毒品(包括可卡因和海洛因等娱乐性毒品)及化学战争制剂(如沙林、索曼和塔崩)分解过程的生物“清道夫”。  相似文献   

改革开放30余年的发展使广东省形成了以珠三角地区为核心、以东西两翼和北部山区为外围的核心一外围圈层格局,近年来广东省经济发展进入新的增长阶段,在核心和外围圈层表现出不同的特征。本文通过位于核心圈层的增城汽车核心产业区与位于外围圈层的河源高新区的比较,研究了两大圈层产业园区在土地集约化利用上的差别。研究表明:核心圈层产业园区在产业结构上表现出大型企业主导的专业化发展特征,外围圈层产业园区则表现出中小型企业主导的多样化发展特征;核心圈层产业园区的经济增长模式表现出重大项目带动的特征,外围圈层产业园区则表现出基础设施驱动的特征;核心圈层的产业园区土地开发效益表现出高投入高产出高回报的特点,外围圈层的产业园区则表现出低投入低产出低回报的特点;最后,文章在两者的比较研究基础上提出了广东省新兴产业园区发展的几点建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the association between poverty and food insecurity among children, using two different definitions of poverty – the official poverty measure (OPM) and the new supplemental poverty measure (SPM) of the Census Bureau, which is based on a more inclusive definition of family resources and needs. Our analysis is based on data from the 2001–2011 Current Population Survey and shows that food insecurity and very low food security among children decline as income-to-needs ratio increases. The point estimates show that the associations are stronger as measured by the new supplemental measure of income-to-needs ratio than when estimated through the official measure. Statistical tests reject the hypothesis that poor households' odds of experiencing low food security are the same whether the SPM or OPM measure is used; but the tests do not reject the hypothesis when very low food security is the outcome.  相似文献   

This paper uses Gallup poll data to assess two narratives that have crystallized around the 2011 Egyptian uprising: (1) New electronic communications media constituted an important and independent cause of the protests in so far as they enhanced the capacity of demonstrators to extend protest networks, express outrage, organize events, and warn comrades of real‐time threats. (2) Net of other factors, new electronic communications media played a relatively minor role in the uprising because they are low‐cost, low‐risk means of involvement that attract many sympathetic onlookers who are not prepared to engage in high‐risk activism. Examining the independent effects of a host of factors associated with high‐risk movement activism, the paper concludes that using some new electronic communications media was associated with being a demonstrator. However, grievances, structural availability, and network connections were more important than was the use of new electronic communications media in distinguishing demonstrators from sympathetic onlookers. Thus, although both narratives have some validity, they must both be qualified.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that management changes are important events for organizations, partly because they lead to reversals of poor prior decisions. An unanswered question is why replacing the manager seems to be necessary for reversing poor decisions. One explanation is that managers have an irrational behavioral aversion to admitting mistakes (loss aversion). We test this hypothesis with a research design that mitigates many of the measurement problems associated with investment decisions in traditional corporate settings, and that allows us to distinguish agency cost from loss aversion as explanations. Using Major League Baseball data, we find that new managers, compared to continuing managers, are more likely to divest low‐performing players. Moreover, when the manager is new and the previous manager was responsible for acquiring a player who is underperforming, the likelihood of player divestiture is significantly higher relative to low performers acquired by earlier managers. Experience of the acquiring manager does not affect the likelihood that the manager retains a low performer, suggesting that it is loss aversion, and not career concerns, that motivates acquiring managers to retain low performers. The findings suggest that loss aversion plays a significant role in managerial decisions and managerial turnover. (JEL J6, L8, D8)  相似文献   

Latinos are moving beyond traditional areas and settling in new, potentially disorganized destinations. Without an established immigrant community, new destinations appear to rely more on the local religious ecology to regulate community life and to keep crime low. We examine the link between religious ecology and Latino homicide victimization for traditional and new destination counties. We observe four findings. (1) A Catholic presence has no effect on Latino violence in the old and well-organized traditional settlement areas. But in new Latino settlement areas, a Catholic presence substantially lowers violence against Latinos. In contrast, mainline Protestantism is linked to high levels of violence against Latinos in new destinations. (2) Previous claims that Latino communities are safe do not apply to new destinations, where Latinos are murdered at a high rate. (3) Previous claims that areas with high Latino immigration are safe for Latinos are not true for new destinations. (4) New Latino destinations offer little insulation from the effects of economic deprivation on violence. We discuss the implications of the findings.  相似文献   

This article develops a new method for assessing relative direct tax burdens across all countries, treating the world as a single economic entity and assuming identical preferences across countries. Empirical results show that the new direct tax burden indices are significantly high in low‐income countries in comparison with middle‐ and high‐income countries. This article argues in favour of narrowing the base of income and capital gains tax in low‐income countries and a long‐term convergence of the tax burden levels across countries. Future research into tax reforms in low‐income countries should focus simultaneously on economic growth, quality of life and the natural environment.  相似文献   

This study seeks to evaluate the effect of regular and new nursing methods in nursing care work. Nursing care work often causes low back pain in nursing care worker. The principle of not lifting when transferring patients has been proposed as one way to prevent low back pain. This principle incorporates the use of the patient's strength and assistant aids. A sliding seats and transfer boards have been proposed as assistant aids for the transferring patients. It is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of these assistant aids in preventing low back pain. Ten subjects performed two tasks in this experiment. Five were nursing experienced persons and five were the inexperienced. EMG results indicated that the new nursing method was less stressful than the methods. A questionnaire revealed that the new method was evaluated more highly than the regular method. Based on these results, we propose that a sliding seats and transfer boards be used in nursing care work.  相似文献   

This article examines the spread of Disability Living Allowance across a group of low income households in an industrial town in North West England from the introduction of the new benefits in 1992 until the Spring of 1996. We focus on the changes over time of the incidence of Disability Living Allowance in the low income population and look at the relative spread of different elements of the benefit. We speculate on whether the new benefits have provided the most effective way of fulfilling the aims of the White Paper, The Way Ahead , and discuss the implications for social and medical models of disability.  相似文献   

新能源汽车代表未来汽车发展方向。该文介绍了各种新能源汽车的技术比较、关键部件和应用展望,以及在2010年上海世博会期间将运行展示约1000辆新能源汽车,达到“园区零排放,周围低排放”的目标。  相似文献   

In 2010 the UNDP unveiled a new methodology for the calculation of the Human Development Index (HDI). In this paper I investigate the normative and practical properties of this change vis a vis the original formulation of the HDI in 1990. The main conceptual innovation of the new index can be summarized as follows: the new HDI penalizes both low and uneven achievements across all dimensions of human development, whereas the old formulation is not sensitive to such uneven development. In practice, however, both methodologies agree considerably in terms of how they rank countries, but when they differ, the new methodology produces results more consistent with what the HDI is intended to measure: human development and capabilities, as conceptualized by Sen (Commodities and capabilities. Elsevier, Oxford 1985).  相似文献   

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