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未来十七年要全面建设小康社会难点在农村 ,重点是农民 ,而重中之重则是农民增收的问题。这是因为 ,农民占全国人口比重最大 ,农民距离全面小康社会最远 ,农民增收最难。要解决农民增收问题 ,必须从市场准入、迁徙自由、社会保障、投资税收、义务教育等制度上进行创新。  相似文献   

农村劳动力转移是一个不可忽视的战略问题。“只有减少农民 ,才能富裕农民” ,必须拓宽渠道 ,加快农村劳动力转移。农业现代化与农村城市化紧密相关 ,建设小城镇可以成为新的经济增长点。人口因素对农民增收的作用不可忽视。与人口数量相比 ,人口素质目前对农民增收的影响更为重要。  相似文献   

本文分析了湖南省农民家庭收入及人口流动现状,并利用相关数据定量分析了人口流动对农民家庭收入的影响。结果表明,单纯依靠农村人口的流动来实现农民的大幅增收是不现实的,只有建立在农村人力资本存量不断提升基础上的农村人口流动,才能从根本上解决农民增收的问题。  相似文献   

陈军 《西北人口》2013,(1):52-56
"十一五"以来,新疆农民收入快速增长,农产品价格较大幅度上涨是其主要原因,但农民从这种上涨中获利有限,大部分都被中间流通及加工环节所占据。从增收结构看,新疆农民可持续增收主要依靠家庭经营性收入的可持续增长,而家庭经营性收入的可持续增长更多要通过农民专业合作社来实现,这就要求农民专业合作社(组织)介入到农产品中间流通及加工环节。本文在分析新疆农民可持续增收面临的困境和新疆农民专业合作社组织模式的基础上,提出了适应促进农民持续增收的专业合作社可选择模式及相应对策建议。  相似文献   

“三农”问题已经成为制约我国经济增长的“瓶颈”因素和全面建设小康社会的最大难题,而解决“三农”问题的最大难题是农民的增收减负问题。改革开放初期,通过实行家庭联产承包责任制、提高农产品价格、改革农产品购销体制等一系列制度创新,中国农民收入增长较快,农民生活水平提高较快。但进入20世纪90年代以后,农民收入增幅逐年下降,这与我国经济年均8%的增长率不相称。那么到底是哪些因素制约着农民增收,又如何走出这个困境?近几年推行的税费改革,农民是否从此轻装上阵?一、农民增收减负难的基本现状1.城乡收入差距进一步拉大。从1997年开…  相似文献   

促进农民增收是全面建设小康社会的一项十分重要而又非常艰巨的工作,抓好这项工作,全党、全社会都必须积极行动,主动参与。作为同农民群众联系比较紧密的计划生育部门,促进农民增收更是责无旁贷。一、严格控制人口,减轻抚养负担一个地方经济的发展,与人口问题的妥善解决密切相关。同样,一个家庭的增收致富,与家庭抚养小孩的多少密切相关。农村计划生育工作的艰巨性主要体现在农民生育观念的难转变,一部分农村育龄群众想生男孩、生多孩除了继“香火”外,另一个重要原因就是信奉“人多力量大”,靠增加家庭的劳动力来增加收入。但人不是一出生…  相似文献   

滕馗  李红涛 《西北人口》2014,(3):108-112,117
农民增收一直是中国“三农”问题的核心。促进农民增长不仅是提高农村居民生活水平的需要,同时也是扩大内需、转变经济发展方式的内在要求。改革开放以来,随着中国的工业化、城镇化进程不断加快,农村剩余劳动力向城市及非农产业大量转移,农村居民的收入来源更加多元化,非农收入的比重持续提高,农村居民的收入结构发生了显著变化。基于以上分析,本文研究了20世纪90年代以来西部地区农村居民收入结构变动特点、内部区域差异及影响因素。并在此基础上,提出促进西部农村居民收入增长的政策建议。  相似文献   

沈苏燕  李放 《南方人口》2010,25(1):30-38
本文以国家官方网站的相关政策文件为样本,以政策支持农民养老为理念,以系统协调性为框架,实证分析了农民养老政策系统的协调性。研究结果表明:我国目前的农民养老政策系统不协调表现在主体子系统内部、客体子系统内部、主客体子系统之间、本政策系统与其他政策、本政策系统与环境等五个方面。  相似文献   

文章从农民的福利感受和政策的福利效应两个维度考察新农合的政策效果。全国10个省30个村的千户农民调查数据显示,新农合的福利性并未得到农民高度的认可,部分农民认为制度的最大受益者是医疗机构、基层政府而非农民。新农合在提高农民看病积极性、改善农村卫生条件和农民健康状况等方面已初具成效。新农合在农民的参与,制度的设计与运行、实施与监督等方面存在的突出问题,影响了农民的福利感受和政策的福利效应。  相似文献   

罗蓉  罗澍 《西北人口》2005,(4):15-18
组织农民进入市场是解决城市化进程中促进农民增收、发展农村经济的核心所在。文章通过对西部城市近郊农民进入市场的组织化情况的调查,发现农民进入市场不仅需要保障民办、民管、民受益,而且还需要提高政府的组织和引导水平,同时也需要在土地使用性质、征地安置、金融支持等方面有一定突破,提高农民经济组织抗风险能力和持续经营的水平。  相似文献   

中国老年人口收入差异研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
伍小兰 《人口学刊》2008,8(1):54-58
老年人口是一个弱势群体,但是也有很强的异质性,老年人口的收入差异是一个值得关注的问题。基于中国老龄科研中心2000年"中国城乡老年人口一次性抽样调查"的数据,采用"五分法"对中国老年人口的收入差异进行分析,发现老年人口内部的收入差异较大,总收入的一半以上集中在20%收入最高的老年人群当中。文章还分别考察了不同收入组的收入结构以及不同特征老年人口的收入差异情况,并根据这些发现提出若干政策建议,以缩小老年期的收入差异,建设一个和谐的老龄社会。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effects of income and income distribution on mortality. The likely relation between income and mortality for individuals is discussed, and implications for the determinants of mortality at the community level inferred. Measures of income inequality are likely to be related to mortality on aggregate data because of the non-linearity of income effects. An international cross-section analysis is then undertaken in which different measures of income and income distribution are investigated as determinants of mortality, with life expectancy at birth and age five, and infant mortality taken as measures of the dependent variable. It is found that income distribution is consistently and strongly related to mortality; in a relatively inegalitarian country life expectancy may be between five and ten years lower than in a more egalitarian country.  相似文献   

刘洪银 《西北人口》2011,32(1):6-10
农村劳动力非农就业对农村收入分配的影响关系到农村社会发展。借助社会调查数据,文章通过模拟参与方程和收入方程,采用直接法计算出调查地区农村劳动力非农就业的农村收入分配效应。研究表明,农村劳动力非农就业促进了农村收入分布的均等,非农就业量与农村收入均等化之间呈倒U型关系趋势。研究进一步提出了合理选择农村劳动力非农就业方式的建议。  相似文献   

文章从农村劳动力转移的角度研究了中国劳动收入份额的变动问题,认为农村劳动力转移影响收入分配格局至少有两条途径:一是农村劳动力从劳动收入份额相对较高的农业部门转移到劳动收入份额较低的非农部门,将直接导致整个经济劳动收入份额的下降;二是农村劳动力转移会通过改变非农部门中资本和劳动的相对谈判能力来影响非农部门的收入分配格局,进而间接影响整个经济的要素收入分配格局。文章的研究结果表明,尽管农村劳动力转移与劳动收入份额下降之间有一定的必然联系,但现阶段仍可以通过调整国内的产业分布格局形成劳动力需求竞争态势、增加农村居民在第一产业的收入以提升保留工资、建立劳动力市场制度以协调谈判能力来逐步改变要素收入分配格局。  相似文献   


In recent years, more and more attention has been focused on the effects of economic growth and inequality changes on income polarization, as well as on the changes in the middle income class fraction. A significant part of the literature that deals with these issues is focused on polarization indices. However, the polarization indices proposed by researchers do not allow for an assessment of impact of the income distribution changes on the disappearance of the middle income class. Moreover, the general income polarization indices do not allow for assessment of polarization within the distinguished income classes. This study proposes a class of median relative polarization partial indices, which allows for a comprehensive assessment of the median relative polarization over time, within the distinguished income classes, as well as the impact of income distribution changes (its polarization or convergence) on the change of the middle income class fraction (its disappearance or increase). Using Social Diagnosis panel data (a study carried out by the Social Monitoring Council), the proposed new tool has been used to verify the hypothesis of whether changes in the household income distribution in Poland during the years 2005–2015 have led to income polarization within the three distinguished income groups—lower, middle and upper income classes. Empirical analysis shows that despite the lack of overall polarization of incomes in the household population, there was a convergence of incomes in the upper and lower income classes and polarization of incomes within the middle income class. It implies that the income distribution has not been petrified, and as on average individuals in the lower and upper income classes tend to reduce the distance to the median income, whereas the members of the middle income class tend to be pushed out of the middle class. Moreover, the flows of households into the middle income class were higher than the outflows from this class, resulting in economic convergence, i.e. changes in income distribution leading to an increase of the middle income class fraction.


In this article, we examined what has contributed to the worsening income inequality and poverty between 1996 and 2011 in South Korea. We used a rank-preserving exchange method and a conditional reweighting method to assess the roles of family behaviors—including female labor force participation and family structure—characteristics of household heads, and men’s earnings. The results showed that the change in men’s earnings was a dominant factor in accounting for the increasing income inequality and poverty. The change in age and education among household heads also contributed significantly to the worsening income distribution. The change in family structure mainly affected the income disparity among lower-income families and increased poverty. The rise in women’s labor force participation improved the income distribution but not considerably. The distributional roles of family have not worked to prevent or reverse the worsening income distribution in the past few decades in South Korea.  相似文献   

Aggregate Gini coefficients, which are measures of the inequality of the distribution of income, can be decomposed in terms of types of income, provided the constituent coefficients are defined over family units ordered according to their total income. This decomposition provides a valuable means of examining cyclical shifts affecting income equality. However, other decompositions associated with specific socio-economic or demographic criteria are shown to yield collective expressions which contain both the distributional coefficients for the particular subgroups into which the population is classified, and significant interaction terms. These interaction terms prevent the identification of a clear relationship between the overall distribution of income and the distribution of income for each of the specified subgroups. Further research in this area should focus on distributions within structurally homogeneous groups, using informal procedures for linking these distributions to form impressions of aggregate developments.  相似文献   

There was no change in the distribution of satisfaction with the standard of living among Detroit area wives between 1955 and 1971, although current-dollar median family income more than doubled and constant-dollar income increased by forty per cent. Cross-sectional variation in satisfaction is, however, related to income and, in particular, to relative position in the income distribution. Whereas regressions of satisfaction on income in current or constant dollars, or the logarithm thereof, suggest that at the same income there was less satisfaction in 1971 than in 1955, there is no significant year effect in the equation using the income-position variable. Easterlin's thesis that rising levels of income do not produce rises in the average subjective estimate of welfare is supported. The thesis raises difficult questions for students of subjective social indicators.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of country risks, including economic, financial, and political risks, on income inequality for a broad sample of 110 countries. Our empirical results reveal that higher economic and political risks generally lead to higher inequality. Lower income country appears to have higher income inequality. Furthermore, with the consideration of the non-monotonic effect of country risk, the improvement of income distribution is only sustainable dynamically after a certain threshold level of country risk has been brought down. Policymakers should improve the level of country stability by exploring the benefits of country risk reduction in order to improve income distribution.  相似文献   

劳动力迁移对收入分配的影响研究——以重庆市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
劳动力迁移对收入分配影响的实证研究,可以度量我国劳动力迁移对收入水平提高程度和收入分配不均等程度,证实劳动力迁移可以大大提高迁移劳动力的收入水平,对于缩小地区、城乡之间以及不同人口特征的收入分配差距具有积极作用,稳定有序的劳动力迁移对于经济社会持续发展提供动力。  相似文献   

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