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未婚流动青少年是生殖健康领域内的高风险人群。对1255名未婚流动青少年的调查发现,未婚流动青少年性与生殖健康知识贫乏、来源缺乏专业性,性观念或性行为开放,公共服务的需求与供给明显不平衡。上海流动青少年性与生殖健康服务工作任重而道远,加强部门间的协调合作、践行青少年友好服务、重视网络及同伴教育是目前促进流动青少年生殖健康工作较优的策略选择。  相似文献   

如何科学地向青少年传递性知识从而避免非意愿的或是过早的性行为是澳门当前促进青少年健康成长的重要问题,对澳门保持"健康城市"有重要的策略意义。对1338名青少年的调查发现,当性态度作为中介变量时,性知识对性相关行为的中介影响呈显著正相关;且运用"知信行"理论分析青少年性相关行为的影响因素时需考虑性别差异。澳门相对保守的性教育限制了青少年获取有利于其性及生殖健康的知识,同时受多元文化的影响,一旦有机会从学校或社会获得性知识,原本保守的性态度就会受到社会上开放的性态度所冲击,并影响其行为。澳门当局应从"积极的青年发展观"等策略角度,优化青少年性教育。  相似文献   

《中国教育改革和发展纲要》指出,“世界范围的经济竞争、综合国力的竞争,实质上是科技的竞争和民族素质的竞争。”青少年是跨世纪的建设者与接班人,其素质状况将关系到一个国家的前途和命运。在此条件下,我们必须结合对青少年素质培养有着终生性影响和重要作用的家庭教育现状,面向21世纪实行家庭教育的变革,以适应未来社会发展的需要。一、对家庭教育现状的分析目前,如何把青少年培养成才,已成为城市家庭所普遍关心的问题。由于家庭教育是以一个个家庭为单位进行的,而家庭教育的实施者——家长大多不具备科学的家教知识,在实践中…  相似文献   

在人类进人21世纪的今天,青少年正在遭遇比以往任何时候都更加严峻的性健康风险,包括性无知、性冒险、不负责任的性行为、意外怀孕堕胎、性暴力侵犯、性病艾滋病肆虐等等。为应对这种挑战,家庭、学校和社会都在为青少年的健康发展尽责。而家庭在青少年的性健康成长中起着十分重要的作用,父母以各种直接和间接的方式影响孩子的性态度、性价值观和性行为。但面对巨大的升学压力,很多父母更关心孩子的学业成绩,而忽略了孩子对性产生的兴趣,不能承担起对孩子进行性教育的责任。在一项针对大学生的调查中发现,各种书刊、杂志等媒体是他们获取有关性信息的最主要来源,而只有2.8%的人认为父母能在这方面提供有用的信息。探索家庭性教育的有效途径将有助于青少年的健康成长。本研究主要探讨城区父母对性知识掌握的程度和对性及性教育的态度,为专业工作者帮助父母有效地对青少年孩子进行性教育指导提供依据。  相似文献   

随着电脑和互联网的逐渐普及,青少年网络成瘾成为社会关注的热点话题.青少年网络成癌的原因比较复杂,从家庭环境与家庭教育角度探寻青少年网络成瘾的家庭因素,主要表现为缺乏教育,家庭关系不和谐,家庭教育方式不科学等.家长应通过营造和谐的家庭氛围、引导子女正确使用网络、积极改善教育方式、加强与子女的沟通等方法预防子女网络成瘾.  相似文献   

青少年离家出走的原因是多方面的,有社会因素也有青少年心理的内部原因,而家庭教育方式和家庭环境是主要影响因素.本文通过两个青少年离家出走现象,从家庭心理气氛、家庭角色、家庭教养方式和家庭教育观念角度透视,并对家庭怎样对待离家出走归来的青少年提出了建议.  相似文献   

选取10例典型案例对14周岁至25周岁的青少年暴力犯心理成因进行质性研究,从心理学角度探讨影响青少年暴力犯罪的原因。学校教育和家庭教育对青少年暴力犯罪具有良好的规避作用,但是青少年暴力犯家庭及学校教育影响较小;犯罪主体具有知识水平较低、情绪易怒易冲动性、认知狭隘的特性,犯罪个体受群体消极影响明显,责任分散影响下加剧青少年暴力犯罪行为表现。家庭、学校、社会及个性特征综合需互相配合发挥作用调节青少年暴力犯罪。  相似文献   

家庭教育在一定意义上承担着建设和谐社会重任,家庭也成为预防青少年犯罪的第一阵地。本文浅谈了家庭教育缺陷与青少年犯罪的预防。  相似文献   

近年来,青少年性心理健康越来越受到人们的关心和重视,对236名青少年性知识和性心理健康影响因素的调查发现,青少年总体性心理健康水平较好,但有相当部分青少年缺乏基本的性知识;性别、父亲的"情感温暖、理解"和就读学校类型会对青少年的性心理健康产生影响。因此,教育部门应该从学校和家长两个层面入手,通过加强学校基本的性生理和心理知识教育,帮助青少年建立积极健康的"身体形象",增加家长尤其是父亲的性教育参与度等不断完善对青春期青少年的性教育。  相似文献   

随着教育部门对家庭教育重视程度的日益提高,我国的家庭教育工作也迎来了新的发展阶段。由于我国很多家庭长期以 来受到自身生活条件、多元文化以及生活方式转变等因素的影响,很多家庭都出现了家庭教育缺失的问题,这些问题不仅对儿童的 健康成长和发展产生了不利影响,而且成为了我国和谐社会建设和发展过程中的不稳定因素。所以,教育部门必须深入分析当前我 国家庭教育中存在的问题,并以此为基础构建科学合理的家庭教育指导服务体系,充分发挥多元化家庭教育美术的优势,为儿童身 心的健康成长和发展提供全方位的支持。本文主要是就多元化培养模式下的家庭教育观进行了分析与探讨。  相似文献   


This study investigates the nature of college students' sexual health knowledge, prior sex education coverage, and sexual communication and confidence. We created a new, comprehensive sexual health knowledge measure to assess 347 undergraduates' knowledge of reproductive health, contraception, condom use, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and HIV/AIDS. Overall, students demonstrated a fairly poor understanding of sexual health issues. Women were more knowledgeable than men, specifically on the topics of contraception and STDs. Prior exposure to sex education covering mainstream reproductive health issues or newer contraception methods was correlated with greater knowledge across all domains, particularly for men. Greater knowledge was also correlated with greater sexual assertiveness and confidence with condoms among women.  相似文献   

Parent–child sex communication results in the transmission of family expectations, societal values, and role modeling of sexual health risk-reduction strategies. Parent–child sex communication’s potential to curb negative sexual health outcomes has sustained a multidisciplinary effort to better understand the process and its impact on the development of healthy sexual attitudes and behaviors among adolescents. This review advances what is known about the process of sex communication in the United States by reviewing studies published from 2003 to 2015. We used the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), PsycINFO, SocINDEX, and PubMed, and the key terms “parent child” AND “sex education” for the initial query; we included 116 original articles for analysis. Our review underscores long-established factors that prevent parents from effectively broaching and sustaining talks about sex with their children and has also identified emerging concerns unique to today’s parenting landscape. Parental factors salient to sex communication are established long before individuals become parents and are acted upon by influences beyond the home. Child-focused communication factors likewise describe a maturing audience that is far from captive. The identification of both enduring and emerging factors that affect how sex communication occurs will inform subsequent work that will result in more positive sexual health outcomes for adolescents.  相似文献   

20年来,我国青少年在营养、体格发育、心理健康及生殖健康等方面均有不同程度的提升。但随着现代居住条件的改善、交通的发展,高脂、高蛋白、高热量等食物的过多摄入,学习负担的加重,体育锻炼的减少及电脑、网络的依赖加剧,青少年的身体机能和身体素质正在下降,超重肥胖、视力不良、心理健康、生殖健康问题等流行日趋严重,需要家庭、学校、社会、政府等各个层面给予高度关注与系统介入。  相似文献   

We examined whether adolescent sexual abstinence predicts better adult mental health. A total of 1,917 adolescents, recruited from middle schools at age 13, were surveyed at ages 13, 18, 23, and 29. In bivariate analyses, adolescent sexual abstinence was associated with better mental health at age 29 for females, but not for males; three adolescent factors, educational prospects, family bonding, and unconventionality, were investigated as explanatory variables of this relationship. The abstinence–mental health relationship was nonsignificant when educational prospects were included in multivariate models, and was marginally significant when family bonding and unconventionality were included; all three explanatory factors accounted for significant proportions of the variance in adult mental health. Girls who are uninvolved in school, have weak family backgrounds, and exhibit unconventionality may have poor adult mental health, whether or not they abstain from sex in adolescence. Interventions that strengthen adolescents' connections to families and schools may reduce risk for long-term mental health problems.  相似文献   

We examined whether adolescent sexual abstinence predicts better adult mental health. 1,917 adolescents, recruited from middle schools at age 13, were surveyed at ages 13, 18, 23, and 29. In bivariate analyses, adolescent sexual abstinence was associated with better mental health at age 29 for females, but not males; three adolescent factors, educational prospects, family bonding, and unconventionality were investigated as explanatory variables of this relationship. The abstinence-mental health relationship was nonsignificant when educational prospects was included in multivariate models, and marginally significant when family bonding and unconventionality were included; all three explanatory factors accounted for significant proportions of the variance in adult mental health. Girls who are uninvolved in school, have weak family backgrounds, and exhibit unconventionality may have poor adult mental health, whether or not they abstain from sex in adolescence. Interventions that strengthen adolescents' connections to families and schools may reduce risk for long-term mental health problems.  相似文献   

We examine the importance of the family and friendship group as two crucial developmental contexts for adolescent relationship experiences. We focus particularly on immigrant adolescents who make up an increasing proportion of the youth population and who come from cultural contexts with stronger family traditions than native‐born adolescents.  Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, we model the characteristics associated with having romantic relationships and participating in sex‐related activities within relationships for immigrant adolescents, children of immigrants and adolescents in native‐born families.  First generation adolescents are less likely to enter romantic relationships than adolescents in native‐born families, but those who do participate engage in similar sex‐related activities as native‐born youth.  This evidence suggests that immigrant youth who enter romantic relationships are selective of the more assimilated to native adolescent norms of heterosexual behavior.  The peer group is especially important for immigrant adolescents because it provides opportunities for romantic relationship involvement.  相似文献   


Many adolescents with complex medical conditions regard their subspecialty providers as an important source of clinical information including sexual and reproductive health information related to their medical condition. Thus, training for pediatric subspecialty providers should include clinically relevant sexual and reproductive content. The purpose of this study is to understand what disease-relevant sexual and reproductive health information is currently included in content outlines for each of the available pediatric subspecialty certifying examinations. The American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) offers 17 subspecialty certifying examinations; 13 content outlines are available on the ABP website which defines the body of knowledge to be tested. Each available outline underwent content analysis for sexual and reproductive health information. A team of adolescent medicine physicians identified seven thematic areas including: 1) puberty; 2) sexual behavior and identity; 3) fertility; 4) contraception; 5) sexually transmitted infections; 6) other genital pathology; 7) pregnancy. Across disciplines, learning objectives related to sexual behavior, sexual identity, fertility, contraception and pregnancy were the most limited. However, content related to puberty, sexually transmitted infections and other genital pathology was better represented. Overall, disease-and treatment-specific sexual and reproductive health information was sparse. Most subspecialty content outlines contain very little disease-specific sexual and reproductive health information despite the growing adolescent and young adult population with complex medical conditions in the care of pediatric subspecialists. Further studies are needed to explore if lack of sexual and reproductive information on board exams relates to the knowledge base and skill set of pediatric subspecialists.  相似文献   

近年来,随着外出务工人员的日益增多,农村留守女童数量也急剧上升。由于缺乏必要的监护及性安全教育,不少留守女童成为性侵害的对象。农村留守女童性安全与性教育问题成为舆情分析的焦点。从留守女童性侵案件呈现出的三大特征,即性侵主体多元化、性侵手段多样化、性侵意识淡漠化,可以看出农村留守女童性安全问题情势不容乐观。究其原因,突出地表现在三个方面:亲子教育的缺失影响到性知识的传授、监护人缺乏性安全防范与教育的意识以及学校性安全教育的重视力度较为薄弱。因此,要整合学校、家庭和社会力量,对农村留守女童系统而科学地实施性安全教育,以期能够促进她们身心健康和谐发展。  相似文献   


A cross-sectional study was conducted to examine the psychological and sociocultural factors associated with premarital sexual behavior among a sample of 1,875 Chinese college students in Hunan Province. Chi-square tests, t-tests, and logistic regression were used to determine any variations in the variables between those who had initiated sex and those who had no sexual experience. Students who were impulsive decision makers were more likely to have had premarital sexual intercourse. Those participants who perceived that their parents/friends would approve of their having sex and those who were more exposed to sexual media programs were more likely to have premarital sexual intercourse. Male students were almost 2 times more likely than female students to have had premarital sex. The findings provide insights for developing reproductive and sexual health education programs for Chinese young adults.  相似文献   

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