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引入家庭社会学视角,有利于分析家庭结构变迁对新生代农民工市民化的社会影响及其机制。城市化背景下,农村普遍形成以家庭代际分工为基础的半工半耕结构,新生代农民工是其有机构成部分。代际分工结构具有社会性的资源配置能力,在新生代农民工融入城镇的市民化过程中扮演着重要的代际支持功能,表现在进城购房、隔代抚养和自主养老三个层面。从社会影响的角度,农民家庭的代际分工塑造了"接力式进城"城镇化模式,扭转了长期失衡的城乡关系,为"人的城镇化"提供了可操作的路径,具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

吴伟东 《城市观察》2015,35(1):155-165
新生代农民工的收入影响因素,是中国城镇化进程中的一项重要的研究议题。本次研究以社会交换理论为基本的理论视角,利用上海、深圳和天津等10个城市的问卷调查数据,运用OLS回归模型探讨新生代农民工收入的影响因素,发现地区生产总值、受教育程度、职务岗位的重要程度对新生代农民工的收入存在显著的正相关,劳动合同签订和劳动力资源的供不应求均有助于提高新生代农民工的收入,而单位工龄和工作更换次数则存在"倒U型"的影响效应。劳动关系的经济社会结构、劳资双方的资源依赖以及关系的稳定性,对新生代农民工的收入具有影响作用。  相似文献   

现今,新生代农民工体面劳动问题受到越来越多人的关注,实现新生代农民工的体面劳动具有重要的意义.本文通过对新生代农民工体面劳动的研究,找出新生代农民工体面劳动存在的问题并提出相应的解决对策,希望能对实现新生代农民工体面劳动提供借鉴和指导意义.  相似文献   

对于新生代农民工而言,打工已经不再单纯是为了经济目的,开阔眼界、寻找更好的生活机会、促进个人成长等构成其打工的多重动机,对打工和工作的意义认识也随之发生了转变。运用叙事分析的质性研究方法剖析新生代女性农民工对打工和工作的差异性叙事发现,其对打工、工作的叙述和理解与社会发展变迁的轨迹相吻合,这也为我们提供了重新审视新生代农民工关于劳动及其意义的契机。从打工向工作的转型不仅意味着劳动性质、货币收入的变化,同时意味着人格尊严、职业发展和家庭完整。新生代农民工自身的素质和观念、要求转型的积极主动性成为他们实现转型的重要主观因素。  相似文献   

劳动能力差的弱势新生代农民工作为城市中的特殊群体,其社会保护现状成为影响其主观幸福感的首要因素。因此,建立弱势保护机制。在居住环境、社会保障、社会保险等方面加强对新生代农民工劳动能力的关注,从而提高其主观幸福感,促进其顺利融入城市。  相似文献   

新生代农民工绝大部分时间生活、工作在城市,城市公共事务的决策与他们的切身利益密切相关。新生代农民工参与城市公共事务是他们的一项正当性权利。然而,当前我国新生代农民工参与城市公共事务基本上处于缺位状态。协商民主作为一种公共决策模式,为破解我国新生代农民工参与城市公共事务的缺位问题提供了理论指导与实践启示。  相似文献   

关于新生代农民工城市融合的研究普遍忽视了主体的策略选择问题。新生代农民工的城市融合依循的是选择性融合模式——经济上以"同化"模式为主,文化上以"共融"模式为主,社会生活则是"分离"与"共融"兼而有之。这与第一代农民工普遍的"分离"模式存在区别,同时也是他们的结构地位、群体特征与策略选择使然。新生代农民工的城市融合是主体理性权衡与策略选择的结果,而不是一个循序递进的自然过程。  相似文献   

新生代农民工群体越来越壮大,已经成为我国当代青年的重要组成部分。城市化进程促进了新生代农民工的产生,新生代农民工的价值观念也受到了社会环境发展的影响,他们的价值观一定程度上反映了社会主流价值观取向,影响着社会的安定,因此以对新生代农民工的价值观进行关注和引导也是社会必然趋势。从新生代农民工的来源和定义入手,并针对新生代农民工的价值特点进行详细阐述,再从影响新生代民工的价值形成的原因进行着重分析,旨在为今后这方面的研究提供一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

新生代农民工就业质量分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就业质量提升是破解新生代农民工市民化困境以及推进新型城镇化发展的关键。对深圳地区新生代农民工就业质量进行实证调查发现,新生代农民工就业存在职业流动频繁、工作时间超时、收入水平偏低、上下级关系偏紧等问题。为提高新生代农民工就业质量,可采取适度放宽户籍政策、强化技能培训、提高社保水平、拓展政治参与途径、加强人文关怀等措施。  相似文献   

英国文化研究的伯明翰学派关注第二次世界大战后兴起的青年亚文化,成为影响深远的理论流派。伴随着网络社会与消费社会在中国的崛起,新生代农民工群体日益成为文化生产的主体。在当代中国新生代农民工研究中主要有两种范式:"阶级形成"范式强调这一群体的苦难、集体抗争与阶级的形成,"市民化"范式强调在城乡二元文化对立中,新生代农民工群体对城市文化的融入。这两种范式都忽略了新生代农民工作为青年的文化生产。杀马特和庞麦郎这两个个案的出现彰显了已有研究的不足和突破既定范式的需要。借鉴伯明翰学派文化研究理论,以一种"亚文化范式"切入新生代农民工考察具有可能性。  相似文献   

近年来,农民工中的新生代农民工已经成为新产业工人的主体,但他们面临着自身素质低、二元分割劳动力市场制度、城市歧视性用工政策等方面的困境,这成为制约新生代农民工职业化和市民化的瓶颈。要突破这一困境,一方面要增强新生代农民工的职业意识,建立人力资本投入机制;另一方面要大力发展职业教育,构建职业化的就业体系,在此基础上实现新生代农民工的职业化,促进城乡一体化发展。  相似文献   

谢建社  谢宇 《城市观察》2010,(3):131-139
新生代农民工的社会心理比较脆弱,他们虽然生活在城市,却无法融入城市。每年春节前后,人们都在关注农民工返乡与回厂问题,于是产生一个热门话题——“民工荒”。“民工荒”是真荒还是假荒?“民工荒”的真正原因何在?值得一辩。如今,新生代农民工已经登上了城镇化进程的舞台,并成为新产业工人阶层的主体部分。新生代农民工往往把自己看成“准城里人”,希望在公民权利、择业就业、工资待遇、生活方式、社会保障等方面,能够与城里人享有同等待遇,他们不再是廉价的劳动力。  相似文献   

农民工的职业培训,是中国在产业升级的过程中应对结构性失业问题的关键。本次研究以社会交换理论为基本的理论视角,利用上海、深圳和天津等10个城市的问卷调查数据,探讨农民工参加企业职业培训的影响因素。Logistic回归分析结果表明:农民工是否参加过企业组织的培训,与他们的受教育程度、年龄、工作更换次数、专业技术资格、劳动合同签订、月收入和行业类别存在显著相关。依据社会交换理论,利润生成机制的行业差异,劳动者忠诚的重要性程度,以及劳动者将培训技能进行转化的程度和预期时间长短,影响了企业提供职业培训的初始动机及其风险评估,可能导致了上述现象的发生。  相似文献   

International labor standards take the form of Conventions and Recommendations that embody the agreements reached by a 2/3 majority of the representatives of Governments, Employers, and Workers of International Labour Office (ILO) member states. Originally designed to guard against the danger that 1 country or other would keep down wages and working conditions to gain competitive advantage and thereby undermine advances elsewhere, international labor standards have also been inspired by humanitarian concerns--the visible plight of workers and the physical dangers of industrialization and by the notion of social justice, which embraces wellbeing and dignity, security, and equality as well as a measure of participation in economic and social matters. ILO standards apply to workers generally and therefore also to migrant workers, irrespective of the fact that the general standards are complemented by standards especially for migrant workers. The social security protection of migrant workers has been dealt with in ILO instruments primarily from the angle of equality of treatment but also from that of the maintenance of acquired rights and rights in course of acquisition, including the payment of benefits to entitled persons resident abroad. The ILO Conventions on migrant workers and the Recommendations which supplement them deal with practically all aspects of the work and life of non-nationals such as recruitment matters, information to be made available, contract conditions, medical examination and attention, customs, exemption for personal effects, assistance in settling into their new environment, vocational training, promotion at work, job security and alternative employment, liberty of movement, participation in the cultural life of the state as well as maintenance of their own culture, transfer of earnings and savings, family reunification and visits, appeal against unjustified termination of employment or expulsion, and return assistance. ILO's supervisory mechanism consists basically of a dialogue between the ILO and the Government that is responsible for a law, regulation, or practice alleged to be in contravention of principles it voluntarily accepted. The control machinery is often set in motion by workers' organizations. The UN General Assembly is currently elaborating a new instrument designed to cover both regular and irregular migrant workers and their families.  相似文献   

随着劳动密集型制造企业人工成本的不断上升,中国制造业使用工业机器人代替人力的趋势已现端倪。中国正处于产业转型升级的关键时刻,越来越多的企业在生产制造过程中引入工业机器人,其对产业转型升级必然带来积极效应,但可能附带产生的其他社会影响也需被理性对待。如果劳动密集型企业大量使用机器人,挤占的将是新生代农民工群体的就业机会,这无疑将会对就业尤其是新生代农民工就业形成巨大压力。  相似文献   

王道勇 《城市观察》2012,(5):173-180
目前,新生代农民工仍然在就业领域内面临着一系列的歧视,对于发达的珠三角和长三角地区而言,积极推进体面劳动,让新生代农民工不仅有一份工作,而且有一份满意的工作,应当是当前和未来相当长时期内改善民生的重心所在,为此必须要在思想观念和具体的体制机制等方面进行相应的调整。  相似文献   

各级政府高度重视农民工就业工作,把转移农村劳动力作为就业工作的重点之一。虽然,对农村富余劳动力进城务工拆除了门槛,取消了种种不合理的限制,但与城镇下岗失业人员相比,农村富余劳动力进城务工在享受政策待遇上仍有不少差别。把符合条件的农业人口逐步转变为城市居民,不是简单地让农民工到城市打工,而是要让农民工融入整个城市,在劳动就业、工资待遇、子女教育、社会保障等方面享受与城镇居民相同的待遇。  相似文献   

This paper examines the situation and problems of migration on family structure, with emphasis on family reunification. The study is based on conditions and practices in Western Europe and Mediterranean countries relating to temporary labor migration. Most migrant workers have no intention of settling permanently and return to their country within a few years. The International Labour Office estimated in 1974 that at least 1/2 the migrant workers in Western Europe live without their families. Generally, migrants send for their families only when they are employed, earning adequate wages, and have adequate housing. Some reasons why migrants live apart from their families include 1) the receiving country discourages family immigration because it does not coincide with the economic necessities of migration policy and 2) some sending countries discourage it to ensure that the migrant worker returns to his own country. The main danger arising from family separation is that it frequently leads to the break up of the family. The leading European authorities recognize as a fundamental right the freedom of a migrant worker and his family to lead a normal family life in the receiving country. The author outlines the conditions for admission for residence and employment of migrant spouses and children for the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Austria, Luxembourg, and the United Kingdom. All countries require that the head be in regular employment for some time and be able to provide his family with suitable housing. Other problems concerning the arrival of migrant spouses and children include 1) acquiring employment and social information and counseling, 2) education of children, 3) obtaining vocational training and adaptation and 4) achieving entitlement to social security benefits. The effects of migration in the family context in sending countries include 1) providing activities for migrants to maintain cultural links with their countries of origin and 2) acquiring the nationality of the receiving countries. Countries should facilitate the admission to employment of migrant spouses and children, by maintaining provisions for the reuniting of families and imposing no limits on admission to residence; and 2) by overcome obstacles to admission to employment, by observing existing recommendations. In conclusion, governments should give family cohesion 1st priority, regardless of regulations.  相似文献   

The full economic importance of immigration becomes clear only when one examines the concentration of immigrant workers in certain industries and occupations, and this is done in the case of Austria to show the degree of segmentation of the labor market between indigenous and foreign labor. In the course of the 1960s the employment of foreign labor gained importance in Austria. As a consequence, bilateral agreements with the major recruiting countries were made, e.g., with Spain in 1962 and 1969, with Turkey in 1964, and with Yugoslavia in 1966. The reason for the increasing demand for foreign labor was the short supply of indigenous labor due to increasing participation rates and strong economic growth. The demand-pull for foreign labor gained momentum with the onset of the economic boom in 1970, so that by the end of 1973 the number of foreign workers had doubled in comparison to 1970. The 226,800 foreign workers accounted for 8.7% of total employment. The 1974-75 recession and the weak economic development ever since resulted in a decreasing demand for labor. At the same time, the supply of indigenous labor increased as a consequence of a demographic effect and because of increasing participation rates of women. From 1981 to the present, foreign employment decreased again due to the unusually long period of economic stagnation. During 1983, 145,300 foreign workers were engaged, i.e., 5.3% of total employment. The structure for foreign employment now differs greatly from that in the 1960s. The share of women in foreign employment has increased steadily from some 20% in the early 1960s to 31% in 1973 and 40% in 1983 -- a value comparable to the Austrian female share in employment. The reduction of foreign employment since 1973 affected, above all, Yugoslav men. the share of Yugoslavs in foreign employment decreased from 196,300 or 79% in 1973 to 92,200 or 61.7% in 1983. With the duration of foreign employment rising, the disribution of foreign labor over economic branches increased. In the early 1960s the employment of foreign workers was concentrated in 3 branches -- the construction sector (32% of all foreign workers), metal industries (16%), and textile industries (10%). In 1982 only 1/3 of all foreign workers were still employed in these branches as an infiltration by foreign labor had taken place in all sectors. The services sector showed the greatest increase in foreign employment since 1975. There has never been as strong a concentration of 1 nationality in a particular economic branch as in Switzerland, Germany, or France. Case studies in Austria reveal that it was an explicit policy for firms (and also unions and entrepreneur representatives) not to depend on only 1 nationality of foreign workers. According to the case studies, about 1/3 of all foreign workers today occupy jobs which are in direct competition with indigenous labor. Another 1/3 fill jobs which are complementary to indigenous labor. For the remainder it is difficult to say to what extent they belong to one or the other segment of the labor market, because there is no information available on the occupational job structure.  相似文献   

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