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文章以深市中小板95家上市公司2011年的相关数据作为研究样本,采用描述性分析、Pearson相关分析以及多元回归的方法,主要从财务角度对于影响中小企业成长性的因素进行了实证分析。研究发现:企业总资产规模、每股收益对成长性具有显著影响,流动比率、总资产收入率等对企业成长性没有显著影响。  相似文献   

在相关文献综述基础上,结合廊坊市中小企业的特征,构建了企业成长环境的三级测量指标体系,采用省科技厅“河北省科技型中小企业成长性研究”课题的中小企业有效样本数据,运用SPSS13.0软件对成长环境与企业成长性之间的关系做了多元回归分析。结果表明:内部支持环境因素对企业的成长性有更显著的影响,其中人力资源管理、市场营销和质量管理等三个最主要影响因素;外部支持环境因素中的产业竞争环境却对企业的成长性有负相关影响,而解决企业融资难等问题是优化外部环境因素的关键。  相似文献   

内地中小企业香港创业板上市成长性影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对我国内地中小企业到香港创业板上市后的成长性进行实证研究,研究发现,在香港创业板上市的内地企业的成长性与盈利质量、风险水平之间存在着明显的相关关系,而与资产质量、现金质量之间的关系不显著,说明香港创业板上市公司成长性的影响因素与其他板块上市公司成长性影响因素有所不同,并针对香港创业板的现状发展,提出内地中小企业选择到香港上市应注意的问题.  相似文献   

王霏  纪延光  聂锐 《中国管理科学》2007,15(Z1):656-660
由于中小企业的特点,市场因素是中小企业进行技术创新所必须考虑的首要因素.市场不确定性是中小企业进行技术创新的最大风险,市场接受程度是检验企业进行技术创新成败的重要依据.而克服市场的风险就要加强企业的营销能力.本文从理论上讨论了市场以及营销因素对企业技术创新的影响程度,利用灰色关联分析方法,将市场营销因素分成若干小因子,并讨论了其对企业技术创新的影响.本文还选取了若干企业作为样本进行了实证分析,验证了模型和理论应用,为企业在技术创新的过程中,采用合理的相应的营销策略从而规避技术创新的市场风险提供了相应的指导.  相似文献   

本文根据国内外学者的相关研究结果,以在深圳证券交易所创业板上市的科技型中小企业为样本,采用2012年的年报数据,运用因子分析和曲线回归分析等研究方法,探究科技型中小企业技术创新投入能力对企业成长性的影响。  相似文献   

朱宏泉  范露萍  舒兰 《管理学报》2012,(2):303-308,314
在资本资产定价模型(CAPM)中,β(系统风险)是决定资产定价的唯一因素。以我国A股上市公司为研究样本,通过将资产风险β分解为成长性风险βG和现有资产风险βA2个部分,探讨了公司的成长性和现有资产对β的影响。研究结果表明,总体上我国证券市场中上市公司的βA显著地大于βA,但不同行业间差异显著。进一步分析显示,若公司规模越大、账面市值比越高、同所处行业的市场竞争程度越低,不仅βG对β的影响更大,而且βG与βA间的差异也越明显。这表明,在我国证券市场中,βG既是β取值大小的重要因素,同时也是风险的主要来源。  相似文献   

本文构建设计了中小企业板上市公司成长性评价指标体系,从成长速度、成长质量两个方面对内地企业在香港创业板与深圳中小企业板上市后的成长性进行分析,分析结果表明两个板块对企业成长性影响不同.本文根据两个板块不同的特点,提出企业应该根据各自的特点和需求选择不同的板块上市.  相似文献   

杨高武  杜丽 《经营管理者》2013,(30):236-237
对公司成长性的研究一直是学者们研究的热点问题,同时创业板上市公司的成长性是经营者、投资者和其它利益相关者最为关心的问题。本文以创业板上市公司的成长性为出发点,首先对国内外有关公司成长性财务评价体系研究的文献进行综述,然后选取我国2012年在创业板上市的计算机应用服务行业的40家企业,从销售毛利率、净资产收益率、销售费用比率、营营业收入增长率、业成本率、每股净现金流量、研发占销售收入比率、流动资产周转率、总资产增长率及市场占有率10个指标中,运用因子分析法提取主要影响因子,建立成长性评价模型。利用评价模型对样本进行成长性打分,并进行回归分析得出各因子与成长性之间关系。  相似文献   

债权治理处于公司治理体系的内核,债权治理评价是公司治理系列评价的重要受体。本文在对国内外文献进行评述的基础上,构建中国中小上市公司债权治理评价指数,并籍此从偿债能力、债务融资、资产期限、债务期限四个纬度对205家中小上市公司样本的治理状况进行分析评价,并从不同企业特征因素的视角,对债权治理状况进行分组研究。同时,匹配中小上市公司成长性评价体系,对两类指数进行综合相关性和回归研究。结果显示债权治理总体状况偏低,不同所有制下有较大差异,债权治理与公司成长性呈倒U型关系。高偿债、低债务融资均不利于公司成长,债务期限和资产期限结构的不平衡使其对成长性影响不显著。公司规模、公司质量和实际所得税率是影响债权治理水平和公司成长性的重要特征因素。  相似文献   

本文以中国中小上市公司2002~2005年的经验数据为样本,采用结构方程模型探讨了债权治理机制的4个主要维度:偿债能力、债务融资程度、资产期限、债务期限,并对债权治理机制、企业特征因素与企业成长性的关系进行了理论和实证分析.结果显示,中小企业债权综合治理机制对企业成长并没有产生应有的促进效用,其中偿债能力与企业成长性负相关;资产期限结构的影响作用不显著;债务融资和债务期限结构对企业成长有促进作用;企业特征的异质性显著影响债权治理水平和企业成长性.  相似文献   

Family small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) internationalize their business after consolidating their position in their domestic market. Once family SMEs have built up the necessary resources and capabilities for their growth in the domestic market, they may leverage it later on for further expansion abroad. This paper seeks to examine the determinant factors that may explain the internationalization of family SMEs. More specifically, this study will examine the relationship between ownership, governance, top management team (TMT) and internationalization in family SMEs. Family SMEs may reap the benefit of stewardship orientation. This study seeks to examine the potential moderating role of stewardship orientation and TMT behavioral integration. The main contribution of this study is in examining theoretically and conceptually the relationship between ownership, governance, TMT and internationalization in the family SME context.  相似文献   

In this conceptual paper, proactive international strategies of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the cluster context are discussed. The majority of cluster SMEs assume passive roles as network participants in the process of internationalisation. However, a smaller fraction adopts proactive strategies to foreign expansion acting as leaders of networks. SMEs as network leaders are embedded in the source clusters and dependent on local networks that provide them with complementary resources. We assert that this mutual dependence between a firm's resources and the development of industrial agglomeration should be reflected in the strategic options that SMEs adopt when going international. This paper contributes by synthesising and evaluating a comprehensive range of SME-strategic options and by proposing the proactive competitive strategies of SMEs in the international arena that are both feasible and effective. The feasibility of adopting a specific strategy means the suitability for this group of companies, considering their characteristics. The evaluation of the effectiveness of each strategy was performed according to the objectives of avoiding lock-in and of protecting and developing the core competencies embedded in cluster networks. We address the research gap in evaluating the outcomes of SME international strategies and in synthesising a comprehensive range of cluster SMEs' strategic options.  相似文献   

为研究非强制性再保情况下,中小企业信用再担保体系稳定发展应具备的条件,本文建立中小企业信用担保与再担保机构行为策略的演化博弈模型,利用微分方程稳定性原理求解演化稳定策略,并确定再担保体系稳定发展所需的条件;以此为基础,在保证再担保体系稳定发展的前提下,定量描述了担保和再担保机构之间的风险分担比例、再担保保费、最低政府风险补贴要求等再担保运营机制具有的可调节范围;最后,结合算例进行验证和应用分析。研究发现:1)若担保机构加入再担保体系后,同时满足再担保机构增加的收益为正、担保机构增加的收益大于申请成本,则可保证再担保体系稳定发展;2)代偿率对再担保运营机制的可调节范围有重要影响,代偿率越高,风险分担比例、再担保保费具有的可调节空间越小,若随代偿率上升不存在调节空间时,需要政府对担保、再担保机构进行适当的风险补贴,以保证再担保体系稳定发展。这些研究结果为我国中小企业信用再担保的实践提供了理论参考。  相似文献   


Small and medium-sized enterprises are important components of the economy worldwide, and they are considered to be responsible for a large part of carbon emissions. However, because of the limitations in resource, knowledge and technical capabilities, most SMEs are confronting environmental issues such as the negative spillovers. The policy costs of an administrative order that is effective to promote emission reductions of large enterprises in China’s current economy could be high, and therefore, it is essential and crucial to establish a market-driven mechanism to help and encourage SMEs to make environmental improvement regarding the cap-and-trade system. In this context, new patterns of emission reduction would have profound impacts on knowledge management (KM) of SMEs, especially on knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer. In this paper, we adopt a micro-model to study the behaviors and carbon emissions of SMEs under different scenarios. We find that both trading and sharing of knowledge on carbon emission reduction are conducive to reducing emissions of SMEs in the context of cap-and-trade. Besides, the more the compensation is granted, the more manufacturing firms are willing to share knowledge with partners who have complementary knowledge. Subsidies or rewards on knowledge sharing can be helpful to reduce carbon emission, which may have important implications for public policy to solve the problem of carbon emission reduction of SMEs.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the scant literature that scrutinises the decision-making process preceding foreign entries, particularly in the Middle Eastern context. While considerable research has examined the content and antecedents of the internationalisation decision of firms, far less attention has been paid to how SMEs decide on international market entry. The answer to this question is important to advance our understanding of internationalisation processes and offer essential insights for first and successive market entries, particularly post political crises. Through an embedded approach to case study, the analysis of four SMEs based in Egypt and Qatar suggests that SMEs' decision-making evolves into a rational mode as SMEs progress through successive international market entries. The study also captures the co-existence of reactive and bounded rationality modes during SMEs' unplanned internationalisation and suggests that SMEs are likely to adopt a bounded rationality mode as a response to the occurrence of a political crisis in the home country.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of geographic location on the level and structure of executive compensation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Canada, using a panel data sample between 2008 and 2011. Our results show that SMEs pay a higher price for talent by paying a large proportion (71%) of compensation as guaranteed cash pay to their executives. We also report a strong influence of location on compensation structure. Specifically, rural firms pay 13% more incentive based equity pay to their executives compared to their size matched urban counterparts. However, there is no difference between the total compensation for managers of rural and urban firms after controlling for the cost of living index. In cross-sectional tests, we observe that total compensation is positively related to CEO/Chair duality and family ownership but is not related to management quality. In addition, we find that rural firms display a higher pay-performance sensitivity.  相似文献   

Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are considered as the backbone of European economics and growth; however, their peculiar features and the limited resources drive them to adopt different tools and methods when compared to large companies. In particular, the approach adopted in SMEs for Risk Management (RM) seems not to be specifically studied and understood. To this extent, the aim of the paper is to outline the development and the state of the art of RM in SMEs, grasping new future research opportunities in this field. By conducting a systematic literature review with bibliometric tools, 61 papers published until the end of 2016 have been selected and analysed. They demonstrate that some RM streams, such as financial RM and Enterprise RM, are among the most studied in the literature. However, a holistic approach is still not diffused nor sufficiently developed in SMEs, even if the types of identified risks are increasing. There are new emerging RM streams. In particular, the relevance of Project RM, Strategic RM, and Supply Chain RM has been increasing, and it pushes researchers and practitioners to deepen the knowledge of the tools and practices that characterise them. New theoretical and practical studies on RM in SMEs will support them in protecting their business and leveraging their business value, taking advantage of the management of different types of risks.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between internationalization orientation and international performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and the mediating effect of technological innovation. Prior research suggests that internationalization is a prominent strategic choice for SMEs growth and profitability. However, there is still no explicit agreement on how internationalization affects international performance. Similarly, the role of innovation on performance has long been emphasized, but the implications of technological innovation on international performance are still eluding us. Our investigation of 116 SMEs in the United Kingdom reveals that internationalization orientation has a significant effect on their international performance, with SMEs adopting simultaneously an inward and outward international orientation achieving superior results. We further demonstrate that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between technological innovation and international firm performance among SMEs. Meanwhile, we find that technological innovation positively mediates the effect of internationalization orientation on international firm performance, particularly for the SMEs exhibiting moderate levels of technological innovation activities. The findings of this study suggest that managers can improve international performance by combining inward and outward internationalization orientation with technological innovation activities in their strategic decisions.  相似文献   

It is common that SMEs recognize low-risk technological arbitrage opportunities in mature technologies, enter the global market, and occupy significant market shares. This opportunity is characterized by imitable technology complexity, market insignificance for oligopoly companies, and technology maturity. We propose a new and systematic method to recognize the most appropriate low-risk technological arbitrage opportunities for SMEs. The four-phase opportunity recognition procedure consists of technology complexity analysis, market appropriateness analysis, technology maturity analysis, and organizational fit analysis using empirical measures and analytic tools. An illustrative example of a company searching for technological arbitrage opportunities in semiconductor equipment is provided.  相似文献   

In developing countries, farmers lack information for making informed production, manufacturing/selling decisions to improve their earnings. To alleviate poverty, various non‐governmental organizations (NGOs) and for‐profit companies have developed different ways to distribute information about market price, crop advisory and farming technique to farmers. We investigate a fundamental question: will information create economic value for farmers? We construct a stylized model in which farmers face an uncertain market price (demand) and must make production decisions before the market price is realized. Each farmer has an imprecise private signal and an imprecise public signal to estimate the actual market price. By examining the equilibrium outcomes associated with a Cournot competition game, we show that private signals do create value by improving farmers' welfare. However, this value deteriorates as the public signal becomes available (or more precise). In contrast, in the presence of private signals, the public signal does not always create value for the farmers. Nevertheless, both private and public signals will reduce price variation. We also consider two separate extensions that involve non‐identical private signal precisions and farmers' risk‐aversion, and we find that the same results continue to hold. More importantly, we find that the public signal can reduce welfare inequality when farmers have non‐identical private signal precisions. Also, risk‐aversion can dampen the value created by private or public information.  相似文献   

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