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民族国家是近代西方的基本政治形式,在民族国家中,封建时代的臣民转变为民族国家的公民,国家权力取代社会权力成为控制社会的主体,国家通过“权利”渗入公民生活的所有方面,权力和权利之间的关系变为手段和目的,“公民权利—国  相似文献   

中国与日本都属于儒文化圈的国家,加上两国源远流长的频繁交往历史,两国青少年生活有诸多的共性。但是由于经济发展永平的明显不同,国家制度文化、思维方式、民族心理等方面的显著不同,两国青少年生活又存在明显的差异。因此,对中日两国育少年生活状况进行比较研究有助于两国育少年共同发展。本文的资料来源于南京师范大学和福冈县立大学1996~1999年联合组织的《现代中日社会文化变迁的调查研究》课题问卷的结果。 一、与家人的交往 卜)“与家里人妓话内容”的比较 二.日常生活中,中国家长对子女的教育和关注明显比日本的…  相似文献   

建筑是社会经济文化发展的产物,中日两国的建筑中最具代表性的是两国的传统住宅——中国的四合院还有日本的和风住宅。由于中日两国因地理环境、民族风俗、历史文化、社会发展等的要素都存在着千丝万缕的联系,从两国住宅的内部空间形式、到外部环境关系;从空间的配置到居住心理都可以反映出中日两国人民不同的民族特质,窥见中日两国人民各异的心里特征。  相似文献   

如今,在世界各国中公民道德充分体现一个国家国民素质,而公民教育是提高国民道德水平的关键,因而,近年来,世界各国都开始关注和重视公民道德教育。中国和日本毗邻而处,两国具有深厚的渊源,同样是亚洲国家,同样具有较深远的历史文化,无论在经济和文化发展上,都具有相互影响性。作为一个海岛小国,从二战后,日本能在短短的时间内迅速崛起,成为亚洲最为发达的国家,良好的公民道德教育起到了决定性的作用。因此,研究分析中日公民道德教育,对于我国公民道德教育的改革和发展,有着相当的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

路易斯亨金曾经说过"这是一个权利的时代。"从近代人类社会发展的轨迹来看,一个国家的兴旺与崛起最终取决于该国公民权利的崛起,公民基本权利的实现程度成为衡量一国文明程度的重要衡量标准。在现代这个广泛倡导法治的时代,个人自由和权利的保障不仅是人权保护的世界性潮流所必需,也是构建和谐社会必不可少的因素。  相似文献   

茶文化源于中国,传入日本后形成日本茶道,而如今茶文化却能作为日本传统文化的一种象征性文化符号而存在,并被诸多国家所认同。笔者试图围绕日本茶道特点这一核心,从"和、敬、清、寂"在日本茶道中之再现,分析日本茶道文化精神,从而更深层次地了解日本茶道文化的精华所在,以便促进中日两国茶道文化的深入交流。  相似文献   

礼仪之邦日本盛行送礼,无论是访东问友或是出席宴会,人们都要送礼品,每个家庭每月要花费7%左右的收入用于送礼.同时,日本在与外国交往中,也十分重视送礼,其国事馈赠礼品独具特色.1972年中日恢复正常邦交关系后,两国往来频繁,其间,日本政府、官方和民间组织、友好人士赠送给中国领导人、政府部门、社会团体等大量珍贵的礼品,寓意瑞祥,异彩纷呈,既从一个方面记录了现代中日两国友好交往的历程,又反映出日本风格独特的馈赠礼俗.日本人善于把送礼行为与社会学紧密联系在一起,这是世界上任何国家所无法比拟的。日本人认为,送礼…  相似文献   

自2006年以来,安倍晋三两次组阁都提出了国家战略构想,从“美丽国家”到建设“强大日本”,无不坦露出自信满满的“大国志向”.面对长期以来经济的低迷态势、政治的混乱无序,安倍试图通过重塑大国的国家认同,恢复国民自信心,增强民族凝聚力.作为一国内政,这本来无可厚非.但是面对自己的亚洲邻国中国,以安倍为首的政治家表现出极其轻慢的历史态度,通过大肆渲染“中国威胁论”的策略,进而为其“摆脱战后体制”、修改“和平宪法”,走向“正常国家”寻找托辞和依据.  相似文献   

邢帅 《现代交际》2014,(4):12-12
近代撒拉族社会与地方政府关系的研究属于政治社会史的范畴,对这一问题进行关注不仅为研究我国近代民族政策提供了独特的视角,拓宽了撒拉族社会的研究领域,并且对于我国民族政策的制定及少数民族地区的有效管理,对于我国中央与地方行政机构权力的分配具有一定的借鉴作用。本文以历史阶段为界限,分别叙述并分析晚清以前、晚清时期及民国时期撒拉族社会与地方政府的关系,并对各个阶段二者的关系进行比较,分析其异同。  相似文献   

翟成鹏  孟凡东 《现代交际》2023,(7):106-114+124
梁启超最早提出“中华民族”一词,并根据当时社会局势和国内环境的变化界定和完善了“中华民族”的基本内涵。梁启超“中华民族”概念的初步形成,经历了一个纷繁复杂的过程。从古代“夷夏观”分野到近代“种族观”再到近代“民族观”,从近代“民族观”到“近代中华”再到“中国民族”,从“天下合群”到“大民族主义”再到“中华民族”,这一过程实现了中华民族内涵的现代转型。从古代概念内涵到近代西学概念学习,再从吸收近代西方概念到近代中国概念转换,最后完全形成中国化概念内涵的自我超越。梁启超“中华民族”概念的形成启示我们,要坚决反对防范狭隘的民族主义思想,坚持正确的中华民族共同体理念,全面构建和谐的世界民族观念。  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper focuses on childlessness in Germany and Japan and its sociological meanings in family formation in postmodern societies. First, it shows the trends of fertility decline and increasing childlessness, and clarifies the similarities and differences in both countries, by comparing parity composition, educational attainment, and other socioeconomic correlates of childlessness. Second, using the data of attitudinal surveys, such as the 2003 Population Policy Acceptance Study (PPAS) in Germany and the 13th National Fertility Survey (JNFS; 2005) in Japan, the reasons for having no children are observed. Third, referring to the discussions of German scholars, it tries to explain the sociological meanings of childlessness and to describe the development toward a childless society (even if it's demographically not sustainable) as one of the possible consequences of the Second Demographic Transition. Important findings are as follows: (1) In Germany the fertility decline began early in the mid-1960s but in Japan later from mid-1970s so that the increase of childlessness has been a little delayed. The proportion of childless women in Western Germany increased to 28% for the 1967 cohort. In Japan, it has increased to 12.7% for the 1960 cohort, but is expected to reach 30% for the 1970 cohort. (2) The educational gap in childlessness is clearly observed in Germany; however, this is not so simple in Japan. Corresponding with the increase of childlessness, the desired number of children in average is declining. The emergence of a child-free culture is observed in Germany by PPAS, but not yet in Japan by JNFS. (3) Polarization may proceed further in both countries, between childless people and people with many children.  相似文献   

Abstract:  There have been fewer cross-national comparative works on social mobility in East Asian countries than in Western countries. The present study aims to explore the similarities and differences of intergenerational social mobility in three East Asian countries and to examine whether the Featherman–Jones–Hauser (FJH) hypothesis would fit well into the mobility tables for Japan, Korea, and China. Log-linear and log-multiplicative models are applied to the mobility tables of respondents' occupations according to the father's occupation in the three countries. The analysis of relative rates of mobility did not completely support the FJH hypothesis in a strict sense, even though it reasonably accounts for the total association of origin and destination in the three countries. My analysis demonstrates that a level of social fluidity has been higher in Korea and China than in Japan. Focusing on how relative mobility patterns differ between the three countries, intergenerational mobility in Korea is characterized by lower rates of class inheritance compared to Japan, while there seems to be a similarity between the patterns of social fluidity in Japan and Korea, even though they are to a certain extent deviant from Erikson and Goldthorpe's core model. In contrast to Korea, class inheritance rates in China are almost as large as in Japan. However, the mobility pattern between classes appears to differ substantially between the post-socialist and two capitalist countries. In particular, both downward and upward mobility between the white collar bloc and the unskilled manual position are more pervasive in China than in Japan and Korea. These results imply that sociologists interested in cross-national comparison of the social mobility between the East Asian countries should pay attention to both political institutions and the local labor market situatuion which can substantially affect social mobility.  相似文献   

This study examines intergenerational class mobility in Japan using cross-national comparisons with Western nations and cross-temporal comparisons of five national surveys conducted in postwar Japan. Cross-national comparisons highlight the similarity in relative mobility pattern between Japan and Western nations and at the same time the Japanese distinctiveness in absolute mobility rates especially regarding the demographic character of the Japanese manual working class. The results of cross-temporal comparisons of mobility pattern report some systematic trends in total mobility, inflow and outflow rates, reflecting the Japanese experience of late but rapid industrialization. The pattern of association between class origin and class destination, however, was stable in postwar Japan. It is therefore the combination of distinctive absolute mobility rates and similar relative mobility rates that characterizes the Japanese mobility pattern in comparison with the Western experience. Furthermore, Japan's distinctive pattern of postwar social mobility is characterized by a combination of rapidly changing absolute mobility rates and comparatively stable relative mobility rates.  相似文献   

Ninety-four (62%) survey responses in the Japanese language from 151 corporate public relations professionals in Japan were analyzed to investigate how Japanese management styles have changed since the recent economic recession, and how present management styles have impacted public relations practice in Japan. Findings suggest today’s Japanese management styles are not a static system unaffected by the economic pressures, and that current public relations practices in Japan align more closely with mixed models of public relations practiced in Western societies.  相似文献   

In this study, we compared the association of marital satisfaction with the division of household labor in China, Japan, and Korea. Results revealed that wives’ marital satisfaction was negatively associated with their burden of housework in the three Asian countries, as generally observed in Western countries. However, there were noticeable cross-country differences. Chinese couples were relatively in favor of an egalitarian division of household labor. Japanese couples were supportive of traditional specialization, with wives flexibly shifting their efforts between work outside the house and housework. Korean couples were under pressure from conflicts between the wife’s labor force participation and the traditional division of labor. These findings underscored the importance of the socio-institutional context in the study of marital satisfaction.  相似文献   

介绍日本家用燃气空调的开发背景、东京及大阪煤气公司的产品开发和对我国开发前景的几点看法。  相似文献   

This study follows the history of public relations in Japan. Meiji restoration in 1867 marked the beginning of modernization of Japan, but as democratization did not accompany modernization, the country was void of autonomous public. The birth of public relations department, though not in the mainland Japan, can be traced back to the 1920s at South Manchurian Railroad in Japan-controlled-Manchuria. After the World War II, the U.S. led Allied Occupation Army urged national and local government to adopt public relations. Shortly afterwards, ad agencies learned from the U.S. the use of public relations, but as marketing gained ground, public relations came to be used as marketing support tool. Criticism of environmental pollution in the 1970s, overseas expansion of businesses in the 1980s, collapse of bubble economy and business crises in the 1990s and onward, each drove public relations in Japan to increase its importance and expand its field.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the state of the field of racial and other minorities in Japan – a field that has developed in English mostly since the 1990s. The construction of race in Japan conflates race, ethnicity, language, culture, class, and citizenship. As a result, the majority “Japanese” are constructed against “foreigners,” both categories implying the aforementioned characteristics. Minorities in Japan lack some or all of the aforementioned traits: most are seen as racially different from Japanese but some are marginalized in other ways that support hierarchical social organization. After reviewing scholarship that analyzes the meaning of race in Japan, I briefly describe the major minority groups: Ainu, Okinawans, Burakumin, ethnic Koreans, foreign workers, Japanese Brazilians and mixed race Japanese.  相似文献   

This paper examines how Peruvian migrants fare economically in two historically and culturally distinct host countries, Japan and the US, drawing upon a survey and interviews conducted in both countries. Peruvian migrants surveyed share similar socio‐economic backgrounds and migrated to both countries for similar reasons roughly around the same time. Yet, over time, they achieved more occupational upward mobility in the US than in Japan. Japan has not done quite as well as the US in providing immigrants with occupational opportunities due to its less diversified immigrant labor market, limited entrepreneurship opportunities, and restricted modes of immigrant incorporation. Does it mean, however, that Peruvian migrants are less successful in Japan than the US? Although occupational mobility is a commonly used measure of social mobility, the definitions and meanings of “success” are context‐dependent. Peruvians in the US do experience more occupational mobility, but diverge more greatly in economic achievement amongst themselves. In Japan, on the other hand, while they experience little occupational mobility, they have had more economic equality with relatively stable and high wages. The paper examines Peruvian migrants’ distinct economic trajectories over time, focusing on their occupational mobility. We conclude that occupational mobility matters, not necessarily because it accompanies higher income, but because it shapes migrants’ aspirations. In the context where immigrants’ destinations have become more diverse in the world, the paper provides insights into how immigrants “make it” and what it means to “make it” in recent destinations, such as Japan, in comparison to more traditional immigrant countries, such as the US.  相似文献   

This article investigates regional social capital development by focusing on disparities in bonding and bridging social capital among rural and urban areas of Japan. Rural–urban differences in social capital in Western contexts have been discussed by many studies. Their main finding is that bonding social capital is richer in rural areas and bridging social capital is richer in urban areas. However, the empirical evidence presented in this article suggests that in Japan both bridging and bonding social capital are richer in rural than urban areas, diverging from traditional thinking about these two types of social capital. This finding suggests that urbanization and depopulation in rural areas of Japan have led to changes in people's behavior and their demand for social networks, promoting the development of bridging social capital in rural areas.  相似文献   

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